The Hotel

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(Okay so I said I was delaying this for personal reasons but then I realized that this was a short one and I felt guilty for making you wait cause I make you guys wait a lot... sorry about that but here it is!)

"No one has actually told us why we are in Berlin."

You looked over at Peter as the three of you (Peter, Happy and you) walked out of the airport and around the streets to the hotel when T'chall, Tony and Natasha went a separate way

He then pointed the camera at you, who started making faces at the phone as Peter continued to talk, also laugh

"Actually she does. Tell me (Y/N), why exactly are we here?"

You kept a smile on but deep down it pained you a little, "To get Captain America."

"That's not much of an answer," He pouted

The three of you made it to the hotel and you almost lost Happy in the crowd, okay so you did actually lose him

"Oh, my gosh Peter," You pointed out as you walked around the lobby, "We're following the wrong man!" Indeed you were, cause in front of you was just some guy who looked like Happy

"Shit your right," He started looking around the lobby, as you kind of jumped trying to see over peoples heads, Peter was standing on his tippy toes. Man, Berlin people were tall

"I can't see a thing!" You complained as you finally stopped jumping

You suddenly felt something grab your legs and something getting underneath you before you could do anything you realized that Peter had just put you on his shoulders

"Can you see him?" He wasn't fazed at all, but you were a stunned blushing mess

"Give me a s-sec," You looked around, clutching onto peters hands for dear life while trying to make sure he didn't see you blushing. But finally, you saw Happy still weaving through the crowd to the elevators, not aware that you were gone yet

"there!" You pointed and Peter walked towards the direction, you still on his shoulders in case Happy changed directions

You caught up to him when the elevator doors opened and Peter let you down

"Took you long enough," Happy said as he wheeled in the suitcases to the small room, "Wait you knew we were gone and didn't do anything??" You asked him

"I knew that you would find me... eventually." Filing onto the elevator, the three of you were squished by other passengers and you couldn't help but look up to Peter who stood facing you and smile.

Gosh this is like something I've seen in a Hallmark movie

You all had separate rooms, Happy room was closest to the elevator so he would be the first to know who entered the floor, Peter's was next, and then finally yours and some empty rooms beside it.

for two whole days, Happy had the two of you cooped up in the hotel so you were ready once Tony got Steve's exact location. Of course, that didn't stop the two of you to sightsee at night. Peter was convinced that Happy didn't know about it, but you knew because, of course, Happy is the all-knowing (A New Home flashbacks)

But you mostly hung out in your room.

"Wow your room is big," Peter said the first time walking into yours, "Mines tiny compared to this!" He went on and explained that there was a closet instead of a little hallway in his, but you just smiled and nodded, Peter and you had the same layout of rooms but you knew the suit was already in the extra room of his hotel room and wanted to wait for him to find out later.

The two days were spent playing apples to apples, sorry, tag, watching Netflix, and playing around with super abilities

You were in the middle of seeing if Peter could stick to wet surfaces when Happy entered, "Suit up, we found him."

Playtime was over. The two of you silently went over to your suits (you going over to your own room and Peter unpacking his homemade suit form his bag)

Getting into your room, you quickly double tapped the bracelet and tried out the water pouches to see about how much they held, and it held almost more than what is in the tank at the tower

You heard Happy and Peter's conversation from the room over and laughed at it a little as Happy exited Peters room and walked over to yours

"That kid is a mess," He sighed and sat down on a chair.

"Don't we have to leave?" You asked Happy

"Oh it's gonna take a bit, I didn't tell the kid exactly how the suit works and how to put it on.

"Oh..." you looked over to the wall and heard Peter

"How the?! What?! Happy? How do I do this???"

you sat down on the chair next to Happy and turned on the TV, "you think we can finish an episode of friends before he's ready?"

"Most definitely."

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