Patrol Night

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"Oh hell yeah I do"


You and Peter went in separate alleys to get into your hero gear. You tried just wearing your suit over your school clothes but found it very uncomfortable and decided to just wear a pair of Nike shorts and a sports bra underneath

You climbed up the fire escape to the roof just as Peter made it up there too.

"Jesus, we need to find a better changing spot," You told him, "This old lady looked out her window and at me! Though I think she was kind of blind, thought I was a cat..." Peter chuckled at your old lady story and let you climb on his back so the two of you could swing around Queens

The two of you merely just had fun swinging about the city, stopping the evil bike thief and doing some flips for a fan on the street. Peter made the two of you web hammocks between a water tower and a tall building so the two of you could take a small break

You dared Peter that he couldn't make it across three smaller building with just one web, knowing that he would fail and land on his face in the end (you may have tugged the string out from under him to make this happen)

You decided to conduct an experiment with your powers to see if you could use the water to help you get around easier

You tried water stepping stones in mid-air

- lost concentration and balance

tried to hover around on a ball of water between two buildings

-fell right through

made a water bubble around you

-worked perfectly

-you couldn't breath

You gave up after a while and turned to see Peter just hang up with Happy

"Why did I bring up the churro!" she sighed and started to change out his web fluid. You watched as the little vile slipped out of his hands and almost crashed on the pavement until you caught it in mid-air with a water bubble

"Nice catch!" Peter complimented you and continued to put the fluid into his suit

"Did Happy not answer?" You asked sitting by the brunette

"No," he sadly replied, "but I left yet another long voice mail telling him about patrol today." He shrugged and handed you your half of the churro

You shrugged and hummed as the two of you silently ate your halves of the churro and watched the city as everyone went on with their daily routine

You brushed off the cinnamon crumbs and stood on top of the metal railing, hands-on-hips taking in the scene before turning towards Peter and holding out your hand, "We gonna do this or what bug boy?" 

"Bug-boy?" He asked grabbing your hand to help him stand up now, "That's my name now?" you hummed a 'yes' and climbed onto his back

"I almost forgot! You still don't know what your hero name is yet!!" He reminded you

"Oh my gosh, I'm just a nameless superhero!" You realised, "I'll be lava girl." 

"That has nothing to do with your powers (Y/N)," Peter tossed the idea into a trash bin

"Sharkboy." You decided

"You're just naming the kids from that one movie aren't you?"

"Okay, Okay. I'll be serious." You playfully scrunched up your nose in deep thought

"I've got it!" You exclaimed after a long period of silence, "I'll now be called Riptide!!"

"Wow," he said, "I'm surprised that that was an actually good name. I'm impressed." 

"I feel as if that wasn't as much of a compliment as it was an insult." He just laughed at you and landed on a short building

"HEY!" You heard a guy scream down below that caught both of your attention

"YOU'RE THAT SPIDER-GUY FROM YOUTUBE RIGHT?" He only saw Peter as he was standing on the ledge of the building and you ducked further down not to be seen

"CALL ME SPIDER-MAN!!" Peter yelled down to him


Pete looked at you and shrugged and did a backflip as the man asked, earning a "YEAH!" and a "not bad" from the man's buddy

Peter then got down from the ledge and sat down with you, "This your usual day?" You asked him, "Doing flips for some fans, stopping bike theft, and just messing around?"

"Not much happens really," He told you relaxing against the bricks and laying down 

"Sounds amazing." You joined him and the two of you relaxed for a bit before deciding to get back up and swinging towards an apartment complex

"Hey look down there!" He pointed at some kid with a crowbar trying to force a car door open. he then swung down there leaving you on one of the roofs to 'take care' of the guy

yes, you could have told him that it was actually the kids' car but hey, wheres the fun in that?

You watched the funny encounter but froze when you saw that Stan Lee was looking straight at you from the window

it freaked you out, he just stared at you and then suddenly looked away and smiled saying his lines from the movie. You ducked down behind the roof, wanting to get out of there quick

Peter swung up a few minutes later, looking defeated and humiliated

"Well how was I supposed to know that it was his-, " He noticed your shaken expression, "Hey, are you okay?" He squatted next to you to check how you were doing

"Oh," You gained your composure, "It's nothing, lost in thought is all. Let's get out of here." You quickly got on his back and as you swing away, saw Stan looking at you through his shut window

More fooling around and whatnot across Queens till finally the sun started to set and the ATM robber came out to play

"Finally," Peter whispered as the two of you swung down to meet your robbers

Peter held the door open for you, quietly shut it, and tried to choose a cool posture but instead looked very awkward till you finally stepped forward

"You fellows forget your pin number?"

the four men turned to face you showing their avengers masks they most likely bought from a Party City

"Oh whoa, you guys are the Avengers!" Peter said poking his head above your shoulder, "What are you guys doing here?"

A man cocked his gun, you ducked down to the ground as Peter shot a web and punched them all in the face with it

Getting back up, Peter pulled a man closer to him as you took on two more, using multiple moves Nat had taught you and rarely used your water ability to cause a guy to slip

"Thor, Hulk pleasure to meet you guys," Peter said as he used one man's elbow and slammed it into his buddies face, "Thought you would be more handsome in person?"

"Pickers can't be choosers!" You yelled over your shoulder, sliding on your knees avoiding a punch and taking him out from under him

"where's the guy with the tech?" You asked yourself and turned to see him about to use his anti-gravity ray on Peter

"Peter stick!" You yelled to him as you punched one guy in the face

Peter didn't ask questions luckily and stuck himself to the ceiling, causing the man with the tech in hand to miss him and accidentally grab his buddy with an iron man mask. But the villain decided to be smart and slam fake iron man into Peter. Pete lost grip and fell into the techs range and was held in mid-air, being slammed into the walls of the bank

"I'm! Starting! - oof- To think! That you! - aurgh - Aren't the avengers!"  Peter tried to say

You came to his rescue and locked the guy in a chokehold and kicked the alien tech out of his hands, "Let's wrap this up, shall we? It's a school night."

You slammed him into the closest window and let Spidey web him up. You walked up to the Thor masked man and started to look to see who was under it, "Now where did you guys get the tech?" 

"How about we- (Y/N)!!!" Peter turned around to you but his spidey senses must have gone off cause he jumped towards you and tackled you to the ground, barely missing a shot from the weapon they used to cut through solid metal 

"Thanks for the save." You told him as you rolled out from under him, hiding a blush. But then you remembered

"Mr. Delmar's!" You told Peter and the two of you ran across the street to save the deli mans cat and himself

"You okay? Any injuries?" You asked the older man as he stared at his shop in shock, silently shaking his head for an answer

"Authorities are on their way to take care of you," You reassured him, "We've got to go get the guys..." You turned around to see the robbers gone. of course

Peter came out of the destroyed building with Mr. Delmar's cat in hand, who was perfectly fine except for the ash coloring its fur

a little later you two left the scene and stood on top of a random building, "So that was... exciting." You told Peter who had taken his mask off to breath

"Yeah," He seemed far off in thought, "Where did they get that tech you think?"

oh no you knew the answer to that one

"I don't know. Maybe from some local dealer?" you 'guessed' ;)

"Well, I guess we're done for the night," Peter said

"Yeah, see you at school?" you asked him

"See you at school." He confirmed for you, and he swung into the alley right by the building where he changed and a 'shit!' followed afterward when you knew someone had stolen his bag

You laughed to yourself and headed home to the tower, where Happy had just finished packing up another floor of the tower...

moving day was coming


A special shoutout to @ScarletAvenger24 for the hero name "Riptide"! 

(I too am a Percy Jackson fan)

Okay so this chapter took a while cause I needed a good name and Grammarly was having some troubles and I desperately need that so you guys could actually read my work (even though it's still kind of bad)

More stuff is coming up and I'm so behind cause we aren't even close to being done with Homecoming cause then we have your solo movie/book and then Infinity War, Endgame and then finally Far From Home

anyways it's all coming along and Grammarly is working again so its all good

love you all and your support and the crazy group chats no madder how much notification I get for them

~Your Destruction

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