Starting School

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The Civil War was over

Tony met up with Steve and Bucky in Russia and Steve destroyed the video before Tony had a chance to look at it, in the end, they defeated Zemo, letting T'challa end him to avenge his father. Tony and Steve left on not as bad terms and Tony didn't come back half-dead

Bucky was in Wakanda safe in a healing pod, Steve and the rest of Team Cap was on the run with the exception of Wanda, Scott, and Clint, Tony was still emotionally hurt from the fight and you don't think he'll be making a phone call anytime soon. The event still ended rocky but you prevented it from being as worse as it was

and now you were starting school, a month later than everyone

how fuuuuuuun.

Happy drove you from the compound and you walked into the building avoiding drones the mechanics' team were trying out in the hallway as the principal confiscated one

dodged the jocks wrestling each other in the hallway

stayed far away from the vsco girls (sksksksksksksksksksk)

and finally made it to you locker while the whole time listening to Kahlid in your earbuds

You sighed in relief and started to look in your locker that already had everything you needed in it thanks to Tony

after filling your bag with the right books for your classes you stared into the mirror in the back of the locker

oh god oh god I don't belong here!

"Hey, loser. You're blocking my locker." A voice said from behind you scaring the shit out of you

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" You turned around with an apologizing smile while rubbing the back of your neck and realized who the person was, "Oh my gosh MJ!"

"hm?" MJ asked, her hair was a bit of a mess and a book was in her hand, "how do you know my name?" 

You freaked out a little, you drew a blank and couldn't come up with an excuse for that, you were still in fangirl shock

"Kidding, I don't really care." She laughed and bent down to put in the combination code in the locker below you

you stood there awkwardly with no idea what to do, looking down at your schedule to figure out what class you had first, you realized that you had no idea how to navigate the school

"Hey, um..." You tried to ask MJ as she leaned against her locker reading a book, "Do you mind showing me where Chemistry is?"

She looked up at you and nodded, grabbed the schedule right out of your hands and lead you to your class. "I see you're taking all AP classes hm?" she asked you

"Oh yeah, Mr.-" You caught yourself before you could say Stark, "I mean my dad wanted me to take them." dad? you just replaced Tony Starks name with dad? oh my gosh

She ignored your stumble and continued, "Your smart, you should check out the Decathalon team, we could use a member like you instead of jerks like Flash." 

"oh- yeah I'll check that out." You recovered and started to follow MJ down the hall

you listened quietly as she explained to you the flaws of the public school system as you walked down the hallways, observing everyone until you made it to your class

"And there you are, Chemistry class," MJ said as you turned into the classroom

"Thanks!" You called out to her as she walked away

"No problem!" she responded

You sat close to the back of the room not to cause attention to yourself and pretended to read a book while you mentally freaked out (but man it was also a great book)

You happened to glance up when a familiar face entered the room and the two of you made eye contact.

Peter Parker stood at the doorway, shocked at seeing your face, only started moving when Flash shoved him a little to get into the classroom and Peter rushed to sit next to you

"I can't believe that you're here right now!" he exclaimed while throwing his backpack to the ground and sitting in the chair next to you, "I thought you lived in some other country or something, never thought you might be in Queens!"

You laughed a little at his enthusiasm, "I kind of moved here the last year, Mr. Stark helped me get into the school," You explained to him

"Whoa, that nice of him," Peter said

The conversation might have continued but  then the bell rang and the teacher entered the room

"Welcome class, hope you had a pleasant evening," She greeted as she set her stuff on the desk, "I believe we have a new student today, Miss Lee?" You shyly waved your hand and stayed seated

"What's the new girl doing sitting with Parker?" Flash asked from the side of the room, "I'm sure there are plenty of other seats besides sitting by him in the classroom."

Flash may have continued but the teacher cut him off reminding him how she didn't like people blurting out in class or saying rude comments.

"Typical flash," Peter sighed and opened his book to page 284, "Don't mind him he's just a douche bag looking for attention."

You wanted to say that you knew but it may have been a little suspicious if you did, you weren't supposed to know anyone here but technically you already did and it was hard enough to keep your mouth shut when the people in this school looked just like famous people 

You helped hide the fact that Peter was secretly making his web fluid in a class by telling the teacher that he had dropped something of his, You also got a glimpse of the formula and may be able to recreate it when you got back to the tower

the rest of the day was ... interesting you had maths and English with MJ and History with Peter and then PE with the whole gang. You nervously met Ned. Someone asked how you and Peter knew each other and you answered with "oh, we're both doing the Stark Internship" and apparently Flash had overheard and decided to make fun of you for 'making it up'

By the end of the day, you were dead tired and started to walk out the door until-

"Loser where you going?" Someone pulled you back by the collar of the shirt, causing you to stumble and fall

You looked up to see MJ smirking down at you

"You forgot about Decathalon already didn't you?"

"Oh right!" You replied grabbing her hand to help you stand back up, "Thought the day was over."

She laughed and dragged you down the halls to the cafeteria where the meeting was held

"I've got a new recruit!" MJ said as she entered the room dragging you over to Liz

"Oh hi!" She waved at you with a welcoming smile

you a nervous mess couldn't get any words out of your dang mouth

She must have noticed because she just smiled and pretended not to notice, "Well hi there..."

"(Y/N)" You answered for her

"(Y/N). You've started pretty late into the school year so you might have to be an alternate with Flash over there..." She thought allowed while rummaging through a binder filled with papers, "But you will have to take this small exam before anythings set in stone!" She smiled and handed the paper over to you. You walked away over to a table near the front close to where the teacher was

"...But Peter its nationals! Is there no way you can take one weekend off?" You overheard a conversation... that you knew!

Yep, Peter was talking with his teacher about having to miss out on the nationals.

"You've never even been in the same room as Tony Stark!" Flash yelled from across the cafeteria, "Doubt new girl has either!" Oh boy could you prove him wrong

But his extra comment had some heads turned towards you, MJ looked to see what was going on, the teacher looked confused and started staring at his attendance and Peter smiled at your appearance

"Wait what's happening?" a girl who you believe was Cindy asked

"Peter's not going to Washington." You jumped at the sound of a girl laying behind you

"nonononono no no no" Cindy continued

Abe rang the bell and started to speak, "Why not?"

"Really?" You heard Liz ask, "Right before nationals?"

"He already quit the marching band and robotics club," MJ added, "I'm not obsessed with him I'm just very observant"

"Flash..." Liz turned around, "You're in for Peter" You could tell by the little look in her eyes and something in her smile that she too, didn't like Flash that much

"Oh I don't know, I've got to check my calendar first. I've got a hot date with Black Widow coming up."

You snorted a little, "Ha, you wish." Flash shot you a look, MJ beat you at flipping him off

"That is false," Abe said unamused after ringing the bell once again

"What did I say about using the bell for comedic purposes?" Mr. Warrington sighed

You looked over at Peter who had also dissociated from the conversation, turning around to look at the clock behind him.

almost till the end of the day

You continued with the quiz answering all of the questions that were supposedly last years decathlon state questions. As soon as you handed the packet to the teacher the bell rang.

Saying a quick goodbye to MJ, you raced to catch up with Peter as he sped through the halls that were surprisingly crowded from all of the kids leaving from their after school activity

(of course, the smart school has a lot of kids in clubs and stuff) 

"Hey, Pete!" You called to him before he jumped over the fence, "You mind giving me a lift?"

He looked up at the fence and back at you, laughing to himself, and gesturing for you to get on his back

As Peter launched the two of you into the air for the split second, it felt like forever when you made it right above the fence, the wind rushing through your hair, being able to see over the bleachers on the field and see the building beyond them, made you giggle like a little kid

You and Peter held a steady conversation talking about how everyone was handling everything after the airport battle, and him recalling how he took down the giant-sized ant-man until you two made it to the sandwich shop.

"Sup Mr. Delmar!" Peter entered the building immediately reaching for a bag of gummy worms and setting it on the counter

"Hey, Mr. Parker! Number 5 right?" Mr. Delmar asked as you started to walk into the store

"Yeah, with pickles and could you smush it down real flat, thanks." Peter smiled as you reached over to pet the cat on the counter. Peter looked at you for a second and added another pack of gummy worms to the counter

"Who's the girl?" Mr. Delmar asked as you pretended not to notice as you continued to pamper the cat

"What the?! No-no she's just a friend!" Peter defended himself

 Mr. Delmar turned to one of his employee's and spoke to him in Spanish"Se está sonrojando por todas partes, Parece un tomate" (He's blushing all over, looks like a tomato)

hopefully, I got that right cause I just used google translate I know instead of him it says it but I'm just going to leave it at that

Peter laughed a little, "Okay, how about we change the subject?"

You tuned out the rest of the conversation since you already knew it and payed more attention to the cat. You turned around to look at the ATM across the street and thought of ways to approach the situation coming up

1. stand by and let it happen

2. try and intervene and cause less/more damage to come to the deli

3. phone the police giving them a tip that there was going to be a break in tonight

number one was a definite no go; like you could just sit by while action was going on

number three, you couldn't do either, cause then Peter won't have a lead on the weapons Toomes was dealing around

So you had to go with two, and hope you create less damage to come to the store

Peter nudged your shoulder and pulled you out of your thoughts, "I've retrieved you some food!" He told you as he walked you out of the deli handing you your sandwich and gummy worms

"I hadn't asked for any..." You told him as you inspected the inside of the sandwich

"I know, just thought you needed some food after a long first day." He shrugged and lead you around Queens to a little bench where the two of you could eat

"Oh," you sighed and looked at Peter pointing at the cheese, "I'm lactose intolerant, can't have cheese," You lied to him

"Oh bs!" He laughed at you

"Oh, how do you know Mr. Smarty Pants?" You questioned

"Did you see how much ice cream you ate at the hotel in Berlin! I doubt that was dairy-free ice cream!" You laughed with him and held your hands up in defeat and ate into the sandwich

(now if you are lactose intolerant I'm sorry about that I kind of just wanted to use a scene similar to the one in Big Hero Six when Hiro lies about his allergies) 

You finished your sandwiches and gummy's and continued down Queens when Peter stopped in front of two alleyways

"So, you wanna go on Patrol?"


So very sorry that this has come out so late 

I got settled in School finally and had to catch up with homework 

i've got theatre coming back up again in my schedule to there will be more long waits I'm really sorry

but I'm not going to abandon this story I promise

I really enjoy your comments and tend to laugh out loud at some of them

big plans are coming up for your character after homecoming so I'm hoping i can get through this quick so we can focus on your own little 'movie' part where its all about your growth and deeper into your powers and HYDRA

I just love you all and how supportive you are about these stories!!

-Your Destruction

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