subway incident

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You set your backpack down in Tony's lab and walked over to where Tony was working on a project. "How's it coming?"

Tony stood over a computer and a small little device that he had been working on with Bruce (now by himself) since the week after you entered this world. It was a device that could bring you back home to your family

"It's coming," He replied while wiping the sweat off of his forehead

"Sir," FRIDAY's voice said overhead, "Pepper Potts wanted me to remind you that your plane to Bali is leaving in the next 2 hours. She said that would give you enough time to get your hair perfect."

"Oh, haha. Very funny." Tony spoke to himself as he grabbed a dirty towel to wipe off his hands covered in grease. "(Y/N), I'm gonna be gone for a week for another stupid meeting about that stupid Sakovia papers again. Pepper's in charge, Happy's helping packing up the tower for moving day, but I think the TV's still set up in the lounge and we got Disney+ so yeah." He told you while closing up shop around the lab, "Did I miss something?"

"I think you forgot you were about to allow me to go to a party tonight?" You asked him

"A party?" He looked back at you, "Who's?"

"A kid named Liz is throwing it at her house." You informed him a stole a pack of blueberries from behind a shelf

"Hey, those are mine - " He held out his hands for you to pour some in, "I've heard a lot about Liz from Peter's voiceboxes, but who else is going?"

"Um... MJ, Ned, Peter, oh and Flash too-" You counted on your fingers and glared at your middle finger while saying Flash's name

"Hold up, Flash?" Tony stopped you, "I don't like that kid, I've heard enough about him from you and Peter."

You popped a blueberry in your mouth, "Don't worry about it I'm responsible."He gave you a look and put his hand on his hip, not buying it. "Oh come on didn't you go to parties as a kid? and anyway I'm at least asking and not sneaking out!" You tried to reason

"If I say no though your still gonna sneak out isn't you,"


"Fine, whatever, go," He then added, "But if there is any sign of danger or HYDRA I want you to immediately call Happy and come straight to the tower, you understand?"

"Sure thing dad." You froze as you were walking out the door and turned around to see Tony had too froze

"Did you just?" He managed to ask

"No! I didn't! You're hearing things!" You stammered trying to make up for the fact that you had called Tony 'dad', "I've gotta go!"

You ran straight to your room and crashed on your bed

"FRIDAY?" You asked the AI overhead

"Yes, Miss Lee?"

"Can you please delete the footage of me calling Tony 'dad'!" You smushed a pillow in your face to hide your embarrassment

"Sorry, but I can't do that." She responded


"Mr. Stark has already saved the moment to his files, 'Put it on the Fridge' he calls it"

You were astounded, "FRIDAY open the 'Put it on the fridge' file." You asked curious as to what Tony had exactly put in there

You watched various videos and photos of the moments you spent living in the tower with the Avengers

when you first met Tony on that balcony

when you met the rest of the Avengers

going out to get ice cream with thor

Splashing Bruce with water

movie nights

and the airport battle

by the end, you almost were in tears and quickly wiped them away remembering that you still had a party to get to. You changed your clothes and secured your bracelet on your wrist, just in case. As you left to get to Peters so May could drive you, and looked into the lab to see that Tony wasn't there, you sighed and headed for the closest subway

You absent-mindedly walked onto your train and sat on an opened seat not aware of anything around you as you thought about all of that fun memories

After the first stop, you looked up to make sure how many stops until you get off when you noticed something, there was a business lady watching you. She was staring directly at you and not looking away even once

you looked the other way and noticed another pair of eyes, he was standing at the other end of the cart while another man on another section stared through the window at you

Now you were fully aware of everyone and everything on your cart., you didn't make eye contact and praised the lord this was your stop. You knew exactly who these people were, it was so obvious and you cursed yourself that you hadn't noticed as soon as you got on the train, these people were HYDRA.

As soon as the door slid open you bolted out and jumped over the security bars and raced for the stairs. You could see in the corner of your eye that three people were following you and gaining. fast.

you can as far as you could up the stairs and spotted a fire hydrant

focusing on it, you managed to open a nosel and create a barricade of water making sure no one got out of the subways. You made a silent apology to the locals trapped and sprinted for Peters apartment

Before opening the door you gained your composure, fixed your hair and clothes and knocked on the door as if nothing had happened

Aunt May opened the door, "Oh hi sweety you must be (Y/N)! I've heard a lot about you, come in, come in! Peters just in the room at the end of the hall"

You thanked her and entered Peters room, closing the door behind you, you took a shaky breath in and as exhaling you slide onto the floor

"Oh (Y/N)!" Peter said coming out of the bathroom with a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth and immediately stopped and noticed that you were holding back a panic attack

he rushed to the ground in front of you and put a hand on his chest, "It's okay (Y/N) everything is fine just copy me," He took long breaths in and long breaths out very exaggeratedly, 'in and out' he kept repeating as you struggled at first to copy him till you were finally back in control and your breathing was easy

"What happened?" He asked after a while of letting you recover

"I guess its time for my backstory huh?" you laughed nervously

"Peter, I'm not from here, and I don't mean I'm from New Jersey either." You took in a deep breath and started to explain about the multiverse, how you are from another dimension, one with no Avengers. How you were kidnapped by HYDRA and given powers and your encounter with them just moments before.

You finished and looked up at his puzzled face, "So that's how everyone knew you at the fight?" You nodded

"(Y/N) You should go home, I mean if they were following you we should contact Tony or Happy-" Peter started to say, pulling out his phone but you grabbed onto his arm

"No. Peter listen to me I need to be here tonight to try and help you!" You tried to explain and suddenly he froze again

"Wait you know what's going to happen?" He looked at you, "So that means that I have my own movie?!" He fangirled a little and paced around his room mumbling about a lot of things that cheered up your mood, "Does this mean I'm an avenger now? Or am I just a side character like they did with the Shazam guy? Oh, I get a villain! Oh god, I get a villain...."

"Peter," You stood up and stopped him by grabbing his shoulders, "Listen, you can't tell anyone else this, I don't want people to know, not even Ned, this is very dangerous." Peter nodded and was about to say something when Ned walked through the door

"Hey man! What's up..." He froze as he saw you and Peter jump away from each other, "What's going on here?"

"Nothing! nothing Ned." Peter replied and decided to change the subject, "Is that a new hat?"

You mindlessly listened to their conversation about Ned's confidence booster hat pondering if you were doing the right thing by going to this party. 'Peter's gonna need you' you convinced yourself, 'and anyways MJ's waiting for you there'

"Kids!" May called to the three of you, "Time to head on out! Don't want to miss your party do you?"

"Coming!" Peter called to her as the three of you raced to the front door


oh my I thought that I could get the whole party scene but so much was happening in this chapter and then so much was going to happen in the next I just decided to end here and start a new one

But hey here was a friendly reminder that HYDRA is still around and is always watching


oh well that's it I'm just really bored and I don't even know what I'm typing at this point I'm sorry!

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