the party (oh boy)

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"I I remember these, party in the suburbs. Kind of jealous." May said as she pulled up to Liz's house where it looked like half of the school was

"This is a mistake." Peter turned to his aunt silently begging her to drive him back to the apartment

"Oh Peter," She placed a hand on his shoulder, "I know its really hard, trying to fit in with all of the changes your bodies going through. It's flowering now" Peter was clearly flustered by her statement as she turned around to you and Ned, "he's so stressed out lately."

"What helps with stress is a party" Ned added on to which Peter agreed to and tried his best to get out of the car as fast as he could before May stopped him

"Peter, have fun okay?"

"I will"

you were the last to slide out of the car and as you turned to thank May-"He's cute don't you think?" She smiled at you

"What?" you asked her but she just shoed you out of the car and sent you a wink and drove off home

"What was that?" You asked yourself while catching up with the boys as they entered the house

tons of kids were walking around the room with drinks or snacks in their hands dancing to the music that DJ Flash was playing? The three of you continued to go through the main entrance as Ned talked to Peter about the plan that you knew wasn't going to happen

"Can't believe you guys are at this lame party," MJ said appearing out of nowhere

"MJ!" you ran up to greet her and snagged a chip from the table beside her

"But aren't you here too?" Ned asked confused

"Am I?" She started to walk away with you beside her. You let Peter and Ned be distracted by Liz welcoming them while the two of you went to watch a couple of people play pool

"I'm gonna go get a drink!" You yelled over the music to MJ

"Make sure you get the one on the right the left one is spiked!" She replied and turned her focus to the amusing game

You made your way through the maze of dancing teen back to the snack table and saw the two punch bowls. "Okay, she said the one on the left is spiked right? Or is it the one on the right?" You asked yourself while you contemplated on which one to drink from

"Hey!" You called to a person who was nearby, "Which one is the spiked punch?" The lazily pointed to the one right and you thought it was best to trust them cause they looked like they had enough of it

"Okay, here it goes" You poured your drink and walked away after taking a big sip, nothing tasted off so you guessed your choice was right

You joined MJ again to see that she had joined in the game and was killing it, apparently, she had joined it cause some dude bet her if she beat him he would give her his copy of Percy Jackson the Lightning thief signed by Uncle Rick himself. It was a no brainer

So after that, you had a couple more drinks and a few more after that. You lost count after a while you soon felt a little bit dizzy

"MJ" You grabbed on your friend's shoulder as she was getting high fived for winning the game of pool, "I think I got the wrong punch"

"What!" She quickly grabbed the drink in your hand and passed it onto someone else, "Look at me," You grabbed your face and looked at your eyes, "Your eyes are a bit bloodshot and their watering. breath" She ordered and you did so, "Your breath doesn't smell like alcohol so that's good

MJ started to go off on how she could do something to cover this up for when you got home so your parents wouldn't notice, you knew you could trust her with that but then you saw Ned trying to call Peter with no avail

"MJ I'm gonna get asprin and go home okay." You told her "I'll take your advice and go straight to bed don't worry" you felt bad for lying but Peter was going to need you any second

"You sure?" she questioned you, "cause you know I've got your back, okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine don't worry I'll be perfectly fine by Monday and nobody will be the wiser" You assured her and rushed out of the party and onto the street trying to figure out where Peter went

You climbed up a tree a few houses down to get a better view and activated your suit making sure no one had seen you. You scanned the streets and the sky hoping to see something to tell you where Peter was when suddenly you heard crashing, car alarms going off and screaming from a few blocked over and immediately started running over there across the roofs trying to use the water in your suit pouches to make it a bit easier

You finally caught up with him, but as soon as you tried getting his attention the Vulture dove from his cover in the clouds and grabbed Peter in mid-air

"Sh*t" You muttered and ran to the river that you knew Peter was about to be dropped in, luckily there was a body of water in the way that you used to fling yourself to the other side

But while the water carried you across the small pond you started to feel dizzy again and felt as if your head was filled with static. You lost focus and fell into the water near the edge and managed to pull yourself up. You lay on the grass by a jungle gym struggling to fight through the fuzz in your head and catch your breath

You gained enough composure to see Peter's parachute come hurdling towards the water, just enough time for you to gain the strength to create a bubble for him in the water as he crashed into the water, cushioning his fall

You fought hard trying to keep your focus on the air bubble around Peter as he struggled to escape the parachute. But you couldn't hold it for long and collapsed on the ground throwing up a little. Thankfully you heard the sound of engines coming towards the water and thanked god Tony was here

Sitting up you cleaned off the side of your mouth as Iron Man set Peter down next to you

"You okay?" He nodded at you and the bit of throwup next to you

"Just pushed myself a bit too far." You covered up for yourself as Tony turned back to Peter as he took his mask off

"What happened?"

You didn't catch the first part of Peters story as you tried to focus on your hand to try and refocus your eyesight instead of everything being blurry

"And then he just- he just swooped down like a monster! And he picked me up! And -i-ah- he took me up like a thousand feet and just-just dropped me!" he paused and looked up at Tony"How'd you find me - er - us?"

"He has trackers in our suits." You answered Peter as you started to shiver from the ice-cold water

"Correct, I put everything in your suits including a heater." Tony offered and immediately steam rose from the two of your suits as you started to finally feel warm. Tony gave the two of a minute after thanking him to warm up before he gripped at ya'll

"What were you two thinking?!"

"The guy with the wings is obviously the source of the weapons, we've gotta take him down!" Peter defended

"Take him down now huh?" Tony talked down to the two of you, "Steady now Crockett, there are people who handle this sort of thing."

"The Avengers?"

"No-no-no. Just a little below their paygrade."

"Anyway, Mr. Stark you didn't have to come all the way out here-"

"Save it, Peter," You cut him off as he tried to apologize, "He's not here."

"Way to steal my reveal, huh?" Tony joked as the facemask of the helmet popped off, "But she's right I'm not. Thank god this place has wifi else the two of you would be toast right now."

"But look, forget the flying vulture guy please," He tried to reason as Peter complained 'why', "Why? Because I said so! (Sorry I'm talking to my- teenagers)" He paused talking to somebody on his side of the call. "Stay close to the ground, build up your game, helping the little people! Like that lady that bought you two the churro!"

Peter and you sighed at the comment

"Can't you just be some... friendly neighborhood superheroes?" He asked

"But we're ready for more than that now!" You argued at him

Tony's facemask closed, "No your not."

"That is not what you thought when we took on Captain America!" Peter complained

"Trust me kids, If Cap wanted to lay you out he would have." you scoffed at Tony's remark at how you almost died by being crushed by an entry ramp. "Listen to me, if you come across these weapons again call Happy." a car revved in the background

"Are you driving?" Peter asked

"You know it's never too late to think about college. I've got some pull at MIT." He changed the subject, "End call."

"Wait for Mr. Stark!" The two of you were cut off by the suit announcing that Mr. Stark was no longer connected and flew off

"Well, that's awesome." You complained getting off of the jungle gym, landing a bit awkward and falling into Peter who caught you

"Whoa, you okay? Did you really push yourself that far earlier?" Peter helped you stand up and swinging your arm around his shoulder

"Kind of? Also, somebody spiked the punch at Liz's party." You confessed

"What?!" Peter started to examine your face like MJ had done before but you swatted him away

"Don't worry I'm gonna be fine," You were mostly flustered by how close Peter was to your face, "Anyways MJ already talked me through how to hide the fact that I'm a bit tipsy."

"Oh, okay" The two of you trudged along in silence trying to make your way back to the party, "Thanks for saving me over there," Peter spoke up

"Oh, it's nothing." You dragged your feet

"Let me help you," Peter offered and before you could respond he started to carry you on his back.

"Hey! You don't have to do this, you can put me down! I can walk fine!" If you weren't flustered earlier you were definitely now

"Hey it's fine, you were gonna collapse and anyways Super Strenght remember?" He laughed and you rested your head on his shoulder accepting defeat

after walking for a while Peter noticed something on the ground, "What the heck?" He whispered as he slid you off of his back to take a better look "Whoa". It was the power source for the bad guys weapons, chatari tech that could explode the elevator in the Washington monument.

"Any idea what this thing is?" Peter asked you

You felt as if you were in a video game: 'press 'x' to select option one: Tell Peter and warn him and risk Liz's dad killing him later. or press 'y' for option two: don't tell him and possibly save his life.'

you went with option two

"No, I can't remember every detail from the movie, it's not like I have a movie marathon once a month Peter." you lied, you totally did that

to save you from any more questions, Peter answered a call from Ned and put him on speaker. "Hey man, what's up I'm on my way back."

"Actually... I was calling to say maybe you shouldn't come. Listen to this," Ned warned Pete and held his phone up to make sure the two of you heard Flash chanting, "When I saw Penis you say, Parker! PENIS! PARKER!"

"I'm sorry Peter I guess we're still losers, I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow at school" Peter ended the call and sighed

"Sorry about that, I guess I should have warned you." You apologized to him as Peter picked up the alien tech

"It's not your fault, I don't expect you to take care of everything." He reassured you

You climbed back onto Peter's back, securing the tech in a backpack you made appear with your nanotech and headed home. Peter swung back to pick up Ned while you chatted with May claiming you had left the party early for it was just too much for you and decided to spend the night After Happy told you he wasn't going to be at the tower tonight

"Yeah it was a lot for my first party" You tried to fib as May started to order takeout for you Ned and Peter

"Oh Honey don't worry about it, we have all come back from a party or two a bit tipsy." May winked and left you confused in the living room when Peter and Ned walked in

"May we're back!" Peter called out to his aunt

"Pete I ordered takeout for you and your friends, I'll be in my room if you need me!" And with that Aunt May closed the door to her room

"So..." Ned said collapsing onto the couch with Peter, the two of them landing on either side of you, "Who's up for a Star Wars marathon?"

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