C4/The present

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It's been months.

I guess...

I couldn't tell

Everything was a blur

I couldn't tell night from day or vice versa

I was going to sleep in the daytime and staying awake during the night

...or maybe I wasn't going to sleep at all?

I never remembered closing my eyes, nor opening them again.

But If I wasn't sleeping then why don't I feel the least bit tired? I just feel...






Oh so quiet...

Driving me insane!

I wanted someone to talk to

I wanted to someone to laugh with

I wanted someone who could smile at me and I'd grin back with the most insane look in my eye.

I wanted someone like...

... s-someone like...

But he's gone remember?

How could I forget?

The newspaper is still right there... still perfectly angled to where I could see it. Constantly reminding me of his death.

And I couldn't even move it.

~~~ Time Skip 2 months ~~~

I quickly sat up, startled.

'What was that?'

It sounded again, but closer.

I stood up and walked as close to the shield as I could get. My eyes widened at the sight of fire and smoke coming from the village.

'What the heck is going on!?'

I sighed, knowing that there was no way I could find out. 'Why do I care anyways? They can die for all I care...'

I frowned knowing that that wasn't the case. If I could save them I probably would, even after all they've done to me.

"Hey! There's something in here!"

I froze. 'Dangit! what am I going to do!? I'm a sitting duck here!' I panicked, looking for a way out, '...Oh, wait...' I started at the shield and rolled my eyes, 'Duh...'

Clank! Clank! Clank!

I stared at the entrance to the cave with a blank expression, but on the inside, I was smirking so hard, 'Ha! Whoever it is might as well just run along. There's no way they'll be able to hurt me, let alone get past the shield. Ha! Dumb-butts'

The first one to appear was the village mayor, then following behind was a giant old fart. Well, he wasn't that old... but I'm still calling him an old fart...

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here." The Old fart said staring at me, a wide grin adorning his face, "I didn't think the rumors were true, but here you are. Silver Rose."

'...My names Jayden...'

"Rumors have it that if I free you, you will do whatever I say."

I snorted, 'Yeah, right...'

"With your power and my crew, I could tame the sea's and make every pirate bow before me."

I blinked, then blinked again, 'I'm sorry... am I missing something? Power? What power? I can barely lift a sword!'

The Old fart turned to the mayor, "Give me the release spell."

My breath hitched, "...What?"

They, of course, couldn't hear me and just continued on with what they were doing. I saw the mayor pull out a wrinkled piece of paper.


The Old fart snatched it from him and started to recite the words.

'You've got to be kidding me...' I shook my head, unable to believe my eyes, ears and everything in between, 'No it... it couldn't have been that... easy.'

I didn't believe it.

I refused to believe it.

Even after the shield started glowing.

Even after little cracks started to form in the shield.

Even after the old fart walked through it, with no resistance what-so-ever.

E-Even after he grabbed my arm and dragged me away.

Past the line where the shield one was.

Past the multiple weapons that each had their own set of cracks and chips.

Past the fallen newspaper that, just a couple weeks ago, had shattered my world.

I didn't believe... didn't want to believe, that all this time, sitting in this cave, alone. Without food, without water, without Ace.

I didn't want to believe that all this suffering and pain, could've been avoided with just a few simple words.

"I hereby release you from your immortal imprisonment."

I refused to believe it...

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