C5/Straw Hat, Cow Hat, and Chopper!

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"Get up boy! And mop the deck!"

I groaned as I pushed the soft covers off of me and stood up. Exhausted eyes ready to close once more.

'Stupid Old fart! Ever since he brought me along with him and his crew, he's been treating me like a servant boy.' I sighed, 'It didn't help any when he found out that I didn't have any so-called 'power'' I rolled my eyes and snatched the mop and bucket from in the corner of my room.

The room I stayed in was small, just enough room to move around without hitting anything. It had a small bed and a dresser, but that was about it.

"Hurry up boy!"

I huffed in irritation and muttered a few choice words under my breath before leaving my room, mop and bucket in hand.

After filling the bucket with water, I dipped the mop in it then dragged it across the deck a couple times repeating the process across the wide area.

This is what my life was reduced to.

Once I was done with the deck I poured the rest of the water overboard and rung out the mop as well. After that, I put the cleaning tools away in my room then went to go find the Old fart, otherwise known as Captain Breed, as I had recently found out.

I sighed feeling my neck itch. I reached up to scratch it to the best of my ability seeing as the Old fart put some kind of glowing green rubbery thing on it. I was glad I wasn't that strong, I've seen what the Old fart could do with his power. He doesn't really use it on me because I already follow his orders, I mean, they were just "Mop this" and "Clean that" nothing crazy.

I stopped at the door of the Old farts room. I hesitated before knocking. After a couple minutes of silence I was about to knock again before the door sprung open revealing the Old farts face. He sneered at me, "What do you want? I'm busy!" He yelled.

I flinched. I hated when people yelled at me, "I-I just came to report that I've finished mopping the deck..." I stuttered out, looking Everywhere else but at him.

He grunted, "Then clean the lower decks, were about to have company." He slamming the door shut before I could ask him any questions. I frowned, 'Company? Who? And he's never let me anywhere near the lower decks. Especially after I tried to talk with the captured animals resulting in a riot.'

I may, or may not have tried to free them...

I groaned when I realized I had a lot of work to do. 'This freakin ship is too big for its own good'

~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~

Up, down

Up, down

Up, down

I wiped my forehead for the millionth time. I was mopping one of the lower floors, probably the bottom one. Every-so-often I'd see a sea lapin; big, white, carnivorous and intelligent snow rabbits. Which was weird for me, they normally were more then one or two walking around but, I paid it no mind.

I stopped mopping and decided to take a break and enjoy the scenery. The bottom of the ship was my favorite, I haven't been here since the riot but, it hasn't changed since I last saw it. I chuckled, 'It feels like a giant fish tank.'

"Wow, how awesome!" Someone said, "Its a big fish tank!"

I gasped and rushed to hide behind one of the trees, hoping the intruders didn't spot me. I sighed in relief when I saw they didn't.

"Look chopper it's a fish tank all the way to the ceiling."

I peaked from behind the tree to see what the intruders looked like. There were two guys and one reindeer. One of the guys looked a bit familiar but I couldn't remember where I saw him...

"Hey. Straw Hat-ya! We're not here for fun." The guy said, I'm going to call him cow hat.

The other guy, who I'm calling Straw hat since that's what Cow hat called him, ignored him, " --Look Chopper! A sparking shrimp!"

The reindeer, Chooper, replied to straw hat in matched excitement.

"That aside..." Cow hat started, narrowing his eyes at his surroundings. I panicked, 'Oh no. Maybe he did see me after all?'

Or not...

I jumped in shock as 20 - 30 sea lapins and two other animals I didn't recognize, popped out from the trees.

After a minute they all started fighting. I frowned at the scene, 'There not in control. They don't know what there doing. Please don't hurt them.' I found myself thinking, 'I wish there was something I could do.'

I was slightly impressed that the intruders and how well they could fight. In just a few minutes all the animals were wiped out. I was worried for them but I knew there was nothing I could do.


My eyes widened as I saw fufu-Kun try to attack Straw hat. Well, he was known as 'The Kung Fu Dugong' back when they picked him and the others up, but I call him Fufu for short.

The fight was short but, to my surprise, Fufu lost. I was shocked, 'Just how strong is this guy?'

The scene that occurred after was even more surprising. Fufu started hugging Straw hat! Saying "Master, long time no see."

Wait...!? Is this his Master he kept telling me about!? I didn't imagine him to be so much like... well, me I guess...

I frowned realizing what this means. 'I'm happy he found his master but... they shouldn't have snuck aboard the ship! The Old fart will make them fight each other...' I looked at Fufu... seeing how happy he is. I felt determined to keep my friend happy...

Looking at them, I smiled seeing Straw hat teach Fufu how to punch. 'I'll try to help you, you and your Master.'

~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~

"Kill Straw Hat!"

"Straw Hat, I want you to Kill Trafalgar!"

'Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit'

I stumbled into the circus room that currently held Fufu's friends, Straw Hat, Cow Hat, and Chopper, oh... and the Old fart...

I wished I had been able to stop this before but the Old fart wouldn't listen to reason! Instead he said I was being disobedient and punished me.

"Keep fighting!" I heard the Old fart say.

I couldn't bare to watch. The two of them were friends, I could tell. They didn't want to fight each other, just like the rest of Fufu's crew. Speaking of...

I looked at Fufu and my frown deepened, he looked on the verge of tears. I couldn't watch this. Gosh! Why am I so weak!?


I looked up just in time to see Fufu jump straight in the middle of Straw Hat and Cow Hat's fist, making them miss each other before he fell the the ground.

"Hey, you, stay out of it!" The Old fart yelled taunting him with his whip, "Do you wanna get whipped?!"

I flinched, having been just whipped before I got here.

"Qwaaja." Fufu said.

"Huh?" The Old fart questioned, confused.

"Qwaahaa qwwwha!" Fufu spread his arms out, as if he was trying to block the Old fart from getting to his Master and friends.

"What? Stop barking!" He said hitting him with the whip.

I flinched.

But Fufu continued, "qwaa qwahaja qwa waa aahaw."

I frowned, 'I know you want to help them, but I don't think he's going to make that deal...' I thought, fully understanding him.

"Don't tell me your speaking against me!" The Old fart said, "Damn you!"

"Qwawa qwhhh!" Fufu pleaded bowing repeatedly.

I gasped when I saw the Old fart raise his whip and bringing it down if Fufu multiple times.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!" He said, swinging wildly.

Fufu latched onto his leg regardless and still begged to save his Masters life.

"You idiot!" He said kicking Fufu off of his leg but he just latched on again. This continued for a good while.

I was shaking. On one hand, I wanted to go to Fufu and shield him from the Old fart, but in the other, I knew that I wouldn't be able to make it half way there without fainting...

I reached behind me to feel my back, then looked at my hand with a grimace. It was coated in blood. I was in bad shape from the whippings he gave me earlier. Not to mention he beat me afterwards because I may or may not have called him an old fart... to his face...

"Do you want to help them that bad?"

I looked back up at the scene as the Old fart started talking to Fufu.

Fufu nodded.

"Alright, if you insist, I'll stop them."

I frowned. 'But what's the catch?'

"Straw Hat, Trafalgar, wait!" He commanded.

They both stopped.

Fufu rejoiced, but my stomach still had that painful twist in it. 'He's not just going to let them go. What is he planning?'

"Instead... you do it."

My eyes widened, 'No.'

Fufu stoped and turned to him in shock.

Old fart laughed. "Since you like them so much, It'll be far more interesting to see you beating them up!"

I clenched my fist, 'No. no,no,no. How could someone be this cruel?'

"Kill those two, Dugo-"


Everyone looked confused as someone interrupted the Old fart. Suddenly, all eyes were on me...

I swetdropped, 'I said that... didn't I?'

The Old fart glared, "Silver."

I rolled my eyes, 'My names Jayden you dumb fûck.'

"Silver. Come here." He commanded.

It's never worked in me. Mainly because he refuses to say my real name and I've never been called 'Silver'. But I knew what he'd do to me if I didn't comply so I walked forwards.


I looked at Fufu and guilt flooded me. He looked awful, not that I looked any better but... I should've helped him before...

"Look at me."

I looked away from Fufu and to the Old fart. His cold eyes glaring into mine.

"Repeat what you said."

I took a deep breath. "I-I said to... to S-stop."

"Stop what?" He asked. Knowing full well what I wanted him to stop doing.

"I want you to stop hurting my friends..."

Big mistake.


I gulped, 'You just had to say friend's didn't you? You could've said Nakama, or team, or buddies, or fudging playmates! Anything but 'Friends'.'

I yelped as he hit my chest with his whip. I lost my balance and fell to the ground, landing on my back. I felt Fufu at my shoulder as I groaned.

"Step away from him Dugong!"

Fufu jumped away from me on command.

The Old fart walked towards me pressing him boot to my chest. I screamed.

"Pitiful boy. You will do well not to interrupt me. Don't forget I saved you. I saved you from that lonesome cave you were trapped in! You belong to me brat!"

I whimpered.

The Old fart kept his foot on me. "Now, Dugong, kill them."

I tore my eyes away, I couldn't watch. I'm weak and stupid. I couldn't help Fufu, I couldn't help Straw Hat or Cow Hat or Chopper. Maybe the Old fart is right, maybe I am pitiful.

When I heard the first hit I was confused. I looked up at the fight and my eyes widened. 'T-they aren't fighting back?'

Tears gathered in my eyes, 'I wonder if it was Straw Hat who found me instead of the Old fart, would I still be this pitiful and weak?'

I grabbed the Old farts leg, "s-stop."

He looked down at me, "Excuse me?"

I shuddered at the look that he gave me, "P-please. Please s-s-stop."

He growled, digging his heal in my stomach. I cried out in pain gripping his leg tighter, tears spilled from my eyes. "PLEASE! T-THEY'RE IN PAIN!"

"I don't give a shît what the FÛCK they're in." He yelled kicking my side. I coughed out blood on the floor.

"Now stay there and shut up."

While the Old farts attention was on the others, I felt a hand on my shoulder pulling me on my back. I opened my eyes to see chopper looking at me worriedly. "Your loosing a lot of blood." I heard him say.

Or at least, I think he said that, maybe it was his twin... were there always two choppers?

I heard a noise but I couldn't comprehend what it was.

"LUFFY!" I heard chipper yell.

'What happened?'

The Old fart said something but I could only hear bits and pieces.

"Quite a punch..."

"...feel now?"

"...shitty humans... own hands."

Then I heard him laughing,

My head hurts.

"Stop!" Chopper said.

I hazily saw chopper get picked up by the Old fart, saying that he's going to make him his Loyal pet.

'Straw Hat wouldn't let that happen...' I hazily looked around, 'Where are they anyways...?'

"I'm a pirate!"

I flinched at the loud yell.

"Pirates should be free!"

I frowned, 'Free huh? Was Ace free? Even when he died... was he free? I bet he was... Ace was always cool like that. I wonder... will I ever be free?'

" Are you going to betray me?!"

I internally chuckled, 'Betray? That's funny.'

"Betray you?! Luffy is my only captain!"

I smiled at choppers words, 'They act like a real family. I wonder what it's like to be wanted.'

"Are you stupid? Straw Hat has been swallowed by the sea along with Trafalgar! You know what happens to devil fruit eaters when they fall into water."

'What!? When did that happen? Are they seriously devil fruit eaters? Are they going to be okay?!'

"He'll never be defeated by a guy like you!"

Well, I guess that settled that...

"He's going to become king of the pirates!"

I flinched. 'King of the... pirates...?'

Hey, I'm going on an adventure to become the pirate king, are you going to be sailing with me?

Only if you'll let me...

I wouldn't want anyone else to be my first mate.

'Breathe. Breathe. Calm down. Get it together.'

"The king of the pirates? Are you out of your mind?!" The Old fart shouted.

I heard chopper tell him that he couldn't create a kingdom of submissive animals because he doesn't try to understand others around him. No one would follow someone like him.

I almost laughed at how true that was. Except my ribs are starting to hurt.

"Shut up!" He yelled hitting chopper with his whip.

I sighed, 'someone needs to take that thing away from him.'

"I'll leave the rest up to you guys." He said to the Lapins that surrounded us.

They didn't seem to hear him so he repeated, "Hey didn't you hear me? You all have to finish them off!" He ordered.

I flinched as they all jumped in the air for an attack. I was a sitting duck, an easy target, there was no way I could fight back in my state.


Just as the lapins were about to attack me, they were thrown back.

"What's going on?!" The Old fart yelled in panic.

After the dust settled, I could make out the outline of two figures, I smiled, 'There're okay...'

"What?!" Old fart said, seeing Luffy and Trafalgar, alive.

"I'm here to get chopper back! And give you a good solid punch!"

I smiled at Luffy's words. 'They're going to be okay...'

Everything was a blur after that. I heard someone else fighting but couldn't tell who it was. The world around me got darker and colder. I barely registered the controlling collar that was on my neck, shatter, before I was pulled into darkness.

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