C6/Cry Baby

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I hate you Jayden.

I never even wanted you on my crew.

I'm glad you were trapped in that cave.

That way I had an excuse to leave you behind.

Your dead weight anyways.

I never even loved you.

First mate?

Ha! Don't make me laugh!

I regretted ever meeting you!

Just do everyone a favor,

And die.

I gasped for air as I stared up at the ceiling. Tears repeatedly fell from my eyes. "A-ace. Ace, I'm sorry. I... I'm useless. I'm so sorry. Ace. Don't leave me. Please. I don't want to be alone." I cried. I took deep breaths trying to calm myself down, repeating my daily mantra.

'It's just a dream. It's just a dream. It's just a dream. It's just a dream. It's just a dream." I repeated.

After awhile, my breathing steadied. I sighed, 'I hate waking up like this...'

I sat up on the bed just now noticing I was in an unfamiliar place. I hesitantly stood up and groaned as I felt my stomach protest. I'd have to take small steps.

Once I finally got to the door I opened it, looking down a hallway.

'Where am I?'

After an internal debate, I decided it wouldn't hurt to look around. Wherever I am I'm sure they're not going to hurt me. The bandages on my chest said as much.

Opening the first door I found, I was greeted by a big deck. Now, it wasn't as big as The Old farts, but I preferred it that way. Not to mention it was way more beautiful than his; soft green lush grass covered it, and when I turned around, I could see an orange tree. It was breathtaking, honestly. It made me want to lay on it all day.

I looked up at the tall column of wood that stood in the middle of the ship, the Crows nest. I used to love to sneak up in there, the Old fart never could find me.

I made up my mind and entered it by climbing up the ropes surrounding the mast and then climbing a ladder up through a hole in the nest's metal floor. Once I got to the top I pulled myself up and sat crisscross in the middle, staring at the sea. I smiled resting my head on the wood, 'I wonder what it's like to fly...'

"Oi. You're awake."

I jumped in shock at the sudden voice, not realizing I was zoned out. I swerved my head in their direction and stared at a muscular man with lightly tanned skin, wondering if he was really born with moss-colored hair...

"Oi! Chopper! I found him!" The guy yelled at someone down on the deck.

I scooted over to the moss-headed guy and looked over the edge. I saw chopper looking back up at me.

"Oh, so that's where I am... I thought you guys would just leave me there. Hey, what happened to the Old fart? and Straw hat, and Cow Hat, and Fufu, and all the Lapins?"

"I'll answer all of your questions while I check your wounds!" Chopper yelled from down below.

"Oh right, " I looked down at my bandages seeing a big red circle, "I'm bleeding," I said, my voice monotone.


Zoro grumbled under his breath before grabbing me and slinging me over his shoulder.

"ZORO BE GENTLE!" I heard chopper yell. I didn't really care that much about it. I don't know why, but I've never been one to care about my own injuries. Living on Sliver Kiss probably brought on that way of thinking. Constantly telling me to 'Die'.

"Your names Zoro right?" I asked, letting my arms drop lazily.

He nodded.

"Is your hair naturally green?" I asked.

He raised an eyebrow, "Is your hair naturally white?" He replied.

That made me pause... "I don't know... the villagers said I used to have red hair like a demon, but for some reason now it's white... it's weird because, based on my mood, it changes. Like, one time, the Old hag told me to f**k off and she kicked me. I got angry because I was hungry and my hair started to slowly turn red. So, is my hair naturally red, or white? Hmmm."

I noticed Zoro stopped moving in the middle of my drabble. I looked at him, "You look angry. Are you angry? Did I say something wrong?" I asked, looking at his face. He looked pissed.

"The Old Hag, did she kick you a lot?" He asked.

I frowned, "uhh, yeah, I guess. When she saw me. The other villagers hit me too though. They didn't really like me all that much. Why do you ask?"

He seemed taken back by my lack of emotion.

He stayed quiet for awhile before he started to walk. We got back to the room I was in and Zoro put me down on the bed. I looked at his shirt and frowned. "Sorry."

He made a noise of confusion.

I pointed to his shirt, "I got blood on you. Sorry."

He looked at his shirt then looked at me, an unreadable look in his eyes.

Chopper walked towards me with a bunch of supplies. "Lay down. I need to restitch your wounds. You probably opened them up."

I did as I was told and watched as he cut off the bandages revealing my cuts that had indeed reopened.

I looked at Zoro as chopper tended to my chest. He was frowning.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

His eyes met mine and his frown deepened. "You're a strange kid."

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Ace said something like that too."

They both froze but I didn't pay attention, I was suddenly distracted by a delicious smell. I quickly sat up making chopper yelp in surprise.

"What's that smell?" I asked.

"Lay back down! I'm only halfway done!" Chopper scolded.

My stomach growled, "Maybe in a little bit, I'm hungry."

Despite Chopper's protests, I stood up and walked in the direction of the smell.

Down the hall, out the door, up the stairs, through the first door.

A kitchen.

There was some guy currently making something. He didn't look even remotely familiar so I kept my guard up.

I walked over to him as he stirred a pot. I don't think he noticed me. I sniffed its contents and my stomach growled in protest.

The cook sighed, "Luffy, you just ate-... your not Luffy." He said, finally noticing me.

"No, I don't think I am. Hey, did you make this? Can I have some? Please? Just a little? I promise I'll eat it all. I haven't eaten in a while."

The guy chuckled, "Okay, okay. Slow down! You can have as much as you like."

I grinned wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling him into a hug, "Thank you."

He coughed awkwardly, "Yeah, sure kid. No problem. Just go sit at the table and I'll be right there in a minute."

I nodded letting him go so I could sit at the table. As I was waiting for him Chopper, Zoro, and a long nosed guy walked in.

"T-t-that's him! That's the ghost!" Long-nose yelled.

Zoro rolled his eyes, "That's not a ghost."

"There you are! You need to lay back down! I didn't finish your stitches!" Chopper yelled.

"Here." The cook said sitting a bowl in front of me. He gave me a spoon then sat beside me. "Dig in."

My eyes widened, "You're giving me all of this?" I asked.

He raised an eyebrow, "It's really not that much. I was going to say if you want more than that just ask."

I looked down at the bowl, 'Not that much? At Silver kiss, this much food would've been a blessing.'

I grinned as I took the first bite. "This is delicious!" I said, my mouth full of food.

The guy chuckled, "Thanks."

Chopper sighed giving in. He sat at the table and looked at me as I ate. "Fine, you can eat, but straight after you'll come back to the room!" He commanded.

I nodded, stuffing my mouth.

"Sanji, can you make something else tomorrow? I need something with a lot of nutrition." Chopper asked.

'So his name is Sanji...'

"Ya know, Ace told me that blueberries are pretty nutritional, why don't you make something with that?"

"A-ace?" Long-nose asked, shocked.


Someone said barreling through the door. I looked up and saw Straw hat run in. Coming after him was Cow hat, two women, and another guy.

"I came to see what all the ruckus was about." The Orange haired lady said.

"Nami-San! Robin-Chan!" Sanji swooned.

"I see our guest has awoken?" Her name was Robin I think.

Everyone's attention was on me.

Embarrassed by all the attention, my hair slowly turned a light red, pinkish color. "Hi."

"Wow. Cool! Your hair changed colors!" Straw Hat said getting close to my face. "Do it again."

"Luffy, back up! His wounds haven't healed yet. Don't stress him out!" Chopper scolded.

Luffy pouted, "Okay..."

'Wait a minute... isn't Luffy the name of Ace's brother...?




...Nah, it's probably just a Coincidence.'

"I was looking at the morning paper a little more, and I found something... interesting," Robin said tossing an open newspaper in the middle of the table. Everyone's eyes were glued to the paper it was turned to.

Wanted. Alive. Silver Rose. 250,000,000 Belly

I frowned, 'I knew it. They couldn't be trusted... They're going to turn me into the slave system and I'll be tossed onto another cruel ship and treated less than human.'

"I'm not going back. You can't take me back. I'll run! I'll... I'll..." I panicked. There's no way I'd be able to escape when were in the middle of the ocean. I'm at the mercy of these pirates. If they bring me to a slave trader, I'll be right back to square one. Alone and shackled.

"We're not going to take you back kid," Sanji said ruffling my hair.

"Y-Your not? But... my bounty... it's a lot of money..." I trailed off.

"Oh yeah?" Nami said flipping to a different page in the newspaper. "Look at this..."

I looked at the paper and my eyes widened.

Wanted. Dead or Alive. Monkey D. Luffy. 400,000,000 Belly

"Woah! ...wait..." I read it again.

And again, and again.

Monkey D. Luffy

"Oh my gosh. I thought your name sounded familiar... but I didn't think... it's really you!? your Luffy? THE Luffy!?" I asked staring in excitement at Luffy. THE Luffy. Ace's Luffy!

"Uhhhh... yes?" Luffy asked unsure of how to respond to my overexcitement.

"Have you two met before?" Robin asked, curious.

I shook my head, my smile never leaving my face, "No, but he's my boyfriends brother!" I yelled. I was so happy, 'Ace, are you watching!? I'm meeting Luffy! Your brother! I finally meet him. Gosh I wish you were here to see this. What am I supposed to say? Or do? Gaaaaah! Aaaaaace. I'm so nervous!'

"I'm sorry, what?" Long-nose asked.

I looked around to see nothing but confused faces. My smile fell.

'Uhh... Ace? Please don't tell me your bother and his crew are homophobic... did you even tell them about me?' I paled, 'What if he didn't want to tell them... what if Ace really did hate me and only pretended he liked me so he wasn't alone on the island? Did I make a mistake by calling him my boyfriend? Can I even claim that title? I mean, he said I was but... that could've been at the moment... Ace probably met a lot of more pretty girls while he sailed on the sea. Any of them could've replaced me at any moment...'

"Wait a minute, Your Jayden? I thought your name was Silver?" Nami asked.

'She knows me?'

I nodded, "Yeah, my real names Jayden."

'That's right, my names Jayden. Ace gave me that name. He did like me. I need to calm down...

...wait, did? As in past-tense? As in he used to like me before but, after he left he found someone better and INeedToCalmDown!'

"Seriously? Your Jayden?" Sanji asked.

"I imagined someone taller..." Zoro muttered.


"Stronger." Long-nose stated.


"Hotter..." Nami said.


As I was wallowing in sadness, I felt someone wrap there arms around me. I tensed then looked up to see Luffy hugging me. He let go and have me a grin.

"I imagined you just the way you are. Ace really went into detail when he talked about you, it would've been hard not to. Shishishi" He laughed.

I was shocked, "H-He talked about me?"

Chopper chuckled, "All the time."

"He even drew a picture of you." I didn't know the person who said this. He looked robotic but... not, at the same time. Is there a name for that? Eh, whatever, I'll just call him Robot-Man for now. "He nailed it to the wall in the men's quarters so we wouldn't forget your face."

Nami chuckled, "It was a horrible drawing so none of us could accurately see what you even looked like."

"But for some reason..." Sanji started.

"Even though we could barely tell your eyes from your mouth...." Zoro continued.

Luffy smiled looking directly at me, "Whenever he looked at it, he'd smile, and he'd say."

"Listen here guys, if something happens to me and I'm not able to keep my promise... I leave him in your care. Promise me you'll look after him. I know I'm asking a lot of you guys, but I trust you to take care of him. If you can handle my little brother, then surely you can handle my boyfriend."

I couldn't stand anymore. My legs have out from under me. Tears threatened to spill over, I hiccuped every so often.

'Are they serious? Is this true? Ace... ace did you really talk about me that much?'

Tears spilled over as a deep sob escaped my lungs. "A-A-A-AAAACE." I cried. Fudge. I can't breathe.

I started hyperventilating, 'All that time... all that time you were thinking of someone like me? Ace, I didn't deserve you.'


I winced as I felt someone hit my head.


I looked up at Luffy when he kneeled down in front of me. Tears still streamed from my eyes but I was no longer freaking out.

"Baka." Luffy said as he plucked my head, "Stop crying. Ace really loved you ya know..."

That just made me cry even more as I pulled Luffy in for a hug.

Luffy huffed, clearly annoyed, "Cry baby..."

Your such a cry baby you know that...?

I'm not a cry baby!

Yeah you are... but that's okay, it's one of the things I like most about you.

I cried

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