April / Minute: Conflict

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A Poet's Journey
(How Far Can You Go?)
By Fox-Trot-9

April / Minute: Conflict

"Get off me, man!"—"What did you say?"—
"You're in my way!"—
   "So what?"—"Get off!"—
   "Make me!"—"Fine!" (cough)

"Dude, what the hell! Don't cough on me!"—
"Then leave me be!"—
   "You started it!"—
   "That's just bullshit!"

And then the two men came to blows.
A broken nose,
   A blackened eye:
   Make war and die.

(To be continued...)

A/N: 10% percent of conflicts are due to difference of opinion, 90% are due to the wrong tone of voice.

—Vea Mariz

Yep. It's sad but true. The Minute is a fixed poetic form consisting of 12 lines of 60 syllables separated into three stanzas written in strict iambic meter.

Meter: Iambic & syllabic (8-4-4-4 8-4-4-4 8-4-4-4)
Rhyme Scheme: aabb ccdd eeff

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