June / Rondeau: Leaving for War

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A Poet's Journey
(How Far Can You Go?)
By Fox-Trot-9

June / Rondeau: Dreams

Dream on, my love, and let me go
Into the fading sunset glow
   That heralds night and future rest;
   I've faith in you to keep the nest
A happy place to live and grow.

Ah, was it not two months ago
You welcomed me out of the snow
   And cared for me, a lowly guest?
      Dream on, my love.

Think not on fears that cause you woe
But think of me and always know
   I'll think of you throughout my quest;
   When all my toils have me oppressed
And worn, I'll have your gorgeous face to
      Dream on, my love.

(To be continued...)

A/N: A rondeau is a French fixed poetic form consisting of 15 lines, with one repeated half-line of refrain throughout the poem, usually with a consistent syllable count, but syllable count can vary depending on the poet's needs. For example, the 2nd-to-last line has 9 syllables instead of 8 and uses sight rhyme instead of the usual full rhyme, because there aren't enough full rhymes in the English language! ( >_< )

Meter: Iambic tetrameter
Rhyme: (Ca)abba aabC aabbaC

Note: The 1st line of a rondeau contains the half-line of refrain repeated in the 9th and 15th lines.

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