A Visit To Remember

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"We have the job of hiding the dragons from the Berserkers, so every dragon on this island has to be moved to a safe place." Hiccup announced to the gang the morning before the Berserker-Berk peace treaty.

"Why do we need to be hiding dragons from Oswald the Agreeable?" Fishlegs asked raising his hand.

"Well just a precaution, the Berserkers may take it the wrong way and assume that we will be using them against anyone." Hiccup explained. "I know Oswald probably wouldn't make a huge deal out of it once we shown it to him, but some others won't take it so well.

"Please tell me that loon of a human is not coming." Ash groaned. "I've already used the excuse that I was on my blood week and had to stay inside because of bad cramps too much and up to a point where he offered to bring me soup."

"Unfortunately he is coming." Hiccup responded with a shake of his head, and earned a groan from the group except for Snotlout.

"But since you have a baby dragon Ash, you can stay inside and hide her from him." Snotlout suggested. "And the kissing bet is still on, only this time I am betting that you kick him in a more sensitive place." He added in a whisper.

"You might just win it." Ash whispered back. "Knowing my father I will have to be around him."

"And what for?" Astrid asked. "To keep him from breaking anything?"

"Yeah something like that, and I'm still hoping that the weird crush he has on me fades away soon."

"Not gonna happen if you keep getting prettier." Snotlout muttered.

"Shut up."


"Just kill me..." Ash muttered to herself as she dragged her feet behind Dagur as he was boasting something ridiculous to the group, which consisted of her, her father, Gobber and Stoick. "No one cares if you decapitated someone with one swing."

"....and so you see Stoick since I am the chief now and still a bachelor, a pretty handsome one if I say so myself, I've been told that I need to look for a wife soon to continue my lineage with a son."

"And you haven't found one yet?" Jon asked and gave his daughter a worried look.

"Nope! I was of course hoping to marry someone close to my age, already flowered, and knows me quite well." Dagur said turning his head and gave Ash a "handsome smile" and she inwardly groaned. "Been getting plenty of marriage offers but I haven't accepted them yet. Some of the girls don't really suit my taste."

"Alliances by marriage should always be done carefully. And you best hope whoever you marry is of a strong and good family." Jon said and carefully pulled Ash to his side. "Duty over desire is how it should be done for someone of your status." Ash pressed herself to her father's side and glanced at him nervously. He gently gave her a pat in assurance and kissed her forehead before giving Dagur a warning look.

"Jon has a point Dagur, you have to be smart about who you marry." Gobber said and ruffled the top of Ash's head. "And you have to ask the father's permission to marry as well."

"I'll think on that then." Dagur said rolling his eyes at the two older men and glanced back at Ash.

"I have to go, I just remembered that Gothi needed help with something." Ash said slipping away from her father.

"Oh, well take care now. Say hi to her for us." Jon said knowing her real reason for wanting to get away.

Ash hurried away, glancing over her shoulder to make sure no one was following her before coming to a stop behind one of the houses. As she was catching her breath, she heard a growling noise and uttered a gasp.

"Barf?! Belch?! Seven hells what are you two doing here?" She hissed when the two headed dragon dropped it's heads down to nuzzle her. "And I thought you two were safely hidden- no the twins! Crap!"

Ash looked around frantically from the side of the house for any sign of the Berserkers. When she found none, she grabbed Barf by the horn and tried pulling him and his other head. A hard thing to do if he was resisting.

"Come on! Come on!" Ash urged angrily. Barf trusted his head out of her grip as Ash was trying to pull him in the other direction. She gave a yelp and fell back on her rear. "Stupid dragon!" She cursed as she got off the floor.

The Zippleback frowned at her and looked at each other in confusion before deciding to walk away. Ash bolted after them, attempting to lure them out of the way that the tour was going. A few times they almost got caught and at one point she lost the dragon.

"And how the heck do you loose a dragon that big?" Ash asked herself as she was searching for the said dragon. "Gods and where is Hiccup? He needs to know about this!"

"Ash!" Ash heard Hiccup approaching her and saw him rushing in her direction.

"Hiccup! Barf and Belch-"

"Are missing, I know." Hiccup panted and looked at her worried. "Astrid and I have been looking for them!"

"Well when I left the tour group I ran into them, tried taking them to a safe place but they just ran!" Ash explained and frowned. "Was it because I accidentally called them a mean name? Because you know how sensitive most dragons are to insults."

"I need you to distract Dagur, if you see Barf and Belch, turn him in some other direction or distract him in any way!" Hiccup said and glanced around. "Please don't argue with me on this Ash, if Dagur sees that dragon he'll set his armada on us!"

"I really hate the fact that I have to do this." Ash groaned. "Dagur is so...so...creepy! And crazy!"

"Please just go with my father, Gobber and your father and distract Dagur!" Hiccup begged.

"Fine! But you owe me!"

Ash hurried off in search of the men and found them heading into the weapons storage room. She hurried after them and quickly slipped inside and tapped her father on the shoulder. Before Jon could say anything, Ash pulled him down to her level and whispered in his ear.

"We have a dragon loose in the village, Hiccup sent me to distract Dagur while he and Astrid went searching for it." Jon nodded quickly and turned his attention back to Dagur as he was testing a sword.

"I see your daughter has joined us Snow, I was just starting to miss her." Dagur said dropping the sword into it's bin and gave Ash a grin and picked up a crossbow. "Couldn't stay away from me beautiful?"

"As if." Ash replied and rolled her eyes. "And drop the crossbow, you're going to hit someone with that."

"What weapon do you prefer?" Dagur asked examining the weapon.

"The bow and arrows, she's a skilled archer." Gobber answered. "She once shot an a deer in the head and killed it instantly!"

"And the sword as well." Jon added proudly. "My little girl is going to be a swordsman just like her old man. She gets all this skill from me, her aunt, grandfather, grandmother and great uncles."

"I'm not that good." Ash murmured, blushing a bit at the compliments.

"Sure you are! You even tried training Hiccup when he couldn't even walk yet!" Stoick scoffed and laughed.

"Oh Ash, you are too modest." Dagur laughed. "And what's with the leather braces and full sleeve glove?"

"Just felt like wearing a bit of armor today." Ash said clasping her hands behind her back and gave him a nervous smile. "You never know when those pesky and annoying dragons are going to come back and you'll need protection." She noticed the chief frown as Dagur turned around to look at something else and turned a bit to see a streak of red and green run by.

"Zippleback!" Stoick muttered. Unfortunately, Dagur heard him.

"Oh where is it?! Let me kill it!" He shrieked excitedly.

"Ah Stoick! Being just a prankster!" Gobber laughed and gently pushed Dagur towards the door. "Uh so what did you think of our weapons supply so far?"

"Well everything seemed to be in order, weapons nice and sharp, lack of blood was a disappointment." Dagur replied as they were walking out. As they walked out, they found Hiccup outside with his head ducked down and his arms held up in the air as if he were bracing against an invisible wall. "Ah Hiccup, there you are."

Hiccup looked up to see the Berserker with his friend behind him looking a little flustered. "Dagur! Boy am I glad to see you!" He said quickly and laughed nervously. "Hey remember that one time we went swimming and you tried to drown me?"

"And that day I had to scale up a tree to hide from him." Ash added, giving the older teen a frown.

"Oh the good times we had!" Dagur laughed and looked at Ash. "You still owe me beautiful, just for catching you when you fell out of that tree after that Terror attacked you."

"You are getting no favors." Ash snapped and pushed past Dagur. "I'm going to be in the kitchens if anyone needs me."


"And that should be enough for the Berserkers and for Stoick, Hiccup, Gobber and your father." Dany said placing the last steaming plate of food down on the table as Ash was placing down the last knife down next to the plate. "Am I missing anything?"

"Just the ones who are going to eat all this." Ash answered and looked at their work. "I think we did a fine job here mysa."

"I certainly think so as well." Dany said beaming proudly. "Now let's head back to the kitchens to start washing up."

As they were walking back, Ash heard the doors opened was was greeted by the sound of numerous men chatting away happily and making their way to the meal laid out for them.

"Dany! Come join us!" Gobber called as the men were seating themselves at the table.

"Can't Gobber, we must go get the drinks and wash up what we used to make this meal!" Daenerys called back.

"Plates can wait dear, come join us!" Jon called. "And you too Ash!" Ash glanced over at the table to see two spots available, one between her father and Stoick and another one right between Hiccup and Dagur.

"Must I?" She whispered to her mother.

"Yes, go sit next to your friend." Dany whispered back.

Ash muttered a curse and walked over to Hiccup and Dagur. Dagur shoved one of his men to the side as she approached them and patted the space next to him. Hiccup, who had some room, scooted to the side and Ash took the space next to him.

"Any luck?" She asked her friend in a hushed tone as he was digging into his meal.

"Nope, it's like Barf and Belch disappeared into thin air!" Hiccup whispered in reply.

As they were eating, Dagur started off the toast and everyone began following in suit. Stoick, Gobber and Jon had thrown in a toast to Oswald, much to Dagur's annoyance.

"Sure, to Oswald! To Oswald! Blah blah blah!" Dagur mocked and stabbed one of his own knives into a pastry, spraying Ash with some of its contents.

"Why don't we get this treaty signed?" Gobber suggested, holding up the papers.

"Of course, of course." Dagur said rising from his seat. "Bring forth the dragons blood!"

"D-dragons blood?" Hiccup asked and Ash gagged as she wiped the spilled food off herself.

"Berkians and Berserkers used to slay a dragon every peace treaty in the killing arena and use the blood to sign the papers." Jon explained. "But in all my years of being on Berk, I've never seen Oswald demand the blood for the signing. Never found it necessary."

"My father was a coward and I intend to return our tribe to it's former glory! If you don't have any dragons blood, I suppose you don't kill dragons anymore?" Dagur asked.

"We kill dragons!" Ash scoffed. "And storing blood in a bottle for months at at time is really disgusting, what makes you think we'd have a bottle of it anyways?"

"Plus we've killed so many dragons, there isn't one within ten miles of this island!" Gobber added.

As soon as the words left the old smith's lips, Barf and Belch burst into the room. Ash ducked under the table to avoid being seen, knowing as soon as they saw her she'd be tackled to the floor and cuddled. The two heads scanned the room and bolted out after not seeing the human they were looking for.

"A Zippleback! Do you know what this means?" Dagur asked as Ash crawled out from under the table. "One head for each chief! Let's hunt it down!" The Berserkers cheered at the top of their lungs as Dagur helped Ash to her feet.

"Can't you just leave that poor thing alone?" She asked. "Like what has it done to you?"

"We need that blood to sign the treaty! And once we kill it, I'll use it's skin to make you a lovely new cloak." Dagur replied and smirked at her. "You do like to wear dragon stuff don't you?"

"I wear the teeth and claws, some metal jewelry that belonged to my mother and clothes that look like dragon scales." Ash retorted. "Not actual dragon skin! That is disgusting!"

"Well then I'll save the teeth and claws for you to make something nice out of them." Dagur said and shrugged. "Care to join us in the hunt?"

"I have chores." Ash said gesturing to the abandoned plates and mugs. "So that's a big fat no from me."

"Shame, I was hoping to see your hunting skills." Dagur said with a tone of disappointment before he grinned. "But I'll join them later, I wanted to talk to you about something. And we're alone so it's perfect."

Ash glanced around to see that everyone had already left for the hunt, leaving her and Dagur alone.

"I have plates to wash." Ash said grabbing some plates and began stacking them up when Dagur stopped her. "Dagur if I don't do this it'll be harder to wash the plates later."

"Just hear me out, you know from earlier I said I was looking for a wife?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Well, I've found one. It's you."

Ash nearly dropped the plates to the floor at that. "M-me?!"

"Yes, it's you." Dagur said taking the plates from her and placing them on the table. "The perfect girl to be my Berserker queen."

"And what good would that be?" Ash asked backing away slowly, trying to hide the nervousness in her voice. "I'm not even a princess or daughter of a chief's second in command- you're supposed to marry someone of that status!"

"I'm a chief, I do what I wish. If I wanted to marry a daughter of a tanner or a butcher, I would if she attracted my attention." Dagur said following her forward till her back touched a wall. "And you of course have caught my attention."

"My father is a swordsman not some butcher." Ash said feeling a bit angered. "And you will have to get his permission to marry me, that's how things are done on Berk."

"And may I ask, how many men asked his permission?"

"None because they're scared to death of my father." And that was the truth, well partially. "And you'd be quaking in your boots when you see him yourself. And even if you asked me to marry you, I'd say no and give you a good slap across the face and kick you so hard between the legs that you wouldn't be able to have any children in the future."

"Yak shit." Dagur said pinning his arms on either side of her and smirked. "And I know you can't resist me so you wouldn't even carry out that threat."

"Want to bet? My father once saw a man get kicked there repeatedly till his balls turned black and fell off." Ash said feeling her cheeks grow hot. "And if you even dare to kiss me, I'll-"

"Ash have you seen- what the seven hells are you doing?!" Ash felt her whole face burn and turned to see her father staring at them in horror. She felt her face grow even hotter when she realized what position she and Dagur were in.

"Papa this isn't what it looks like!" She said pushing Dagur away. "I-I was just-"

"Just what, Ash?" Jon asked, his eyes narrowing and frowned. "Because it looks to me as if you were getting a bit intimate."

Ash glared at Dagur who just shrugged before she shoved him away and hurried to her father. "If you think I was planning on getting myself into that you are dead wrong." She snapped before walking off to the kitchens.

Jon turned to the young chief who leaned himself against the wall and was smirking to himself. As badly as he wanted to pull out his sword and cut the boy's head off, he made a promise to Stoick that he wouldn't attack any visiting chiefs unless they attacked first.

"I've seen the way you look at my daughter." Jon said through gritted teeth. "And believe me I've been around men at your age with that same look in their eyes whenever a woman crossed paths with them. I've had a friend who defended one woman, who later became his wife, almost die defending her because two men wanted her in a lustful way. If you so much as touch my daughter again like that, I won't hesitate to cut your hands off. I've killed men for doing worst to the women in my family."

"I simply told her that I was considering marrying her when we were older." Dagur said in a bored tone and smirked. "Of course she said I needed your permission, but I am a chief so any girl that I see is mine for the taking."

"You are dead wrong boy, where we came from that's not how alliances are made. You marry for duty not desire." Jon snapped and gripped Longclaw. "And from where we come you ask the father."

"I don't know and I don't care where you and your family came from, but we do things differently here in our territory." Dagur snapped. "And so if you excuse me, I have a dragon to hunt down."

"All men must die, then let him be the first." Jon muttered as the young chief left the hall.


"Are you sure this would work?" Astrid asked Hiccup.

"When have any of my plans went wrong?" Hiccup asked and turned to Ash. "Are you and Elin ready?"

"Way ahead of you." Ash said giving him a thumbs up before running into the arena and shrieking about dragons. The gang ran in and as their dragons swarmed the arena and acting like wild dragons, including Elin who was flapping around and belching smoke at the Berserkers.

"Back you fiery beast of hell!" Ash yelled waving her sword at Elin and shielding herself from the smoke she was coughing up. "Dracarys!" She whisper-yelled at the small dragon. Elin screeched and blew a small plume of fire at Ash. "Back!"

"Retreat!" She heard Dagur yell.

"What about the treaty?" Gobber asked and help up the papers.

"Consider it signed!" Dagur yelled before bolting away.

Elin flew to the entrance, nipping at the Berserkers who were still running before standing at the front of the gate and screeched angrily before walking back to Ash.

"Well this certainly is a visit from the Berserkers to remember." Jon chuckled as his daughter walked back to the group with her dragon.

"So what happened between you and Dagur?" Tuffnut asked Ash eagerly.

"He pushed me against the wall and was this close to kissing me." Ash answered, showing just half of an inch between her thumb and forefinger and laughed. "But then my father walked in on us. Can you believe he wanted to marry me? He wouldn't be able to handle all this...Snow for barely a month!"

"I can barely stand him for two days, but married to him forever will drive me mad." Ruffnut said sticking her tongue out in disgust.

"Well I'm not getting married anytime soon, at least not till my family and I move back home." Ash said and smiled at her father.

"Marriage can wait, you still have a lot to learn before you can take back what was rightfully yours. And Elin needs to grow a little more as well." Jon said returning the smile. "And soon, you and your dragon will take back what was yours with fire and blood."

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