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"Well that solves the rat problem completely." Jon said as Elin dragged away the body of the latest rat out of the kitchen and out of the house. "I hope."

"She's become so helpful hasn't she?" Dany chuckled as the sounds of the little dragon tearing into her new meal and the sound of some of the little ones gagging or screaming sounded from outside. "Think Ash will train one of the Viking dragons at some point? Elin will still be too small to ride until she's older."

"She still doesn't think any of these dragons are right for her, only one she rides is mine or one of her friend's dragons." Jon pointed out. "But what dragon would suit our daughter?"

"Let her figure that one out." Daenerys answered softly as their five youngest children ran into the house giggling. "She'll find it soon."


"Last herb!" Ash sang happily as she stuffed it into her satchel and got up to brush the dirt off her knees. "Now let us get back to Gothi, shall we Aemon?"

The enthusiastic Nadder bobbed his head happily and squated down to let her jump onto his back when his pupils went into slits and began squawking in an agitated way.

"Whoa boy, what's wrong?" Ash asked grabbing Aemon by the horn and jerking him down to her level. "What's bugging you?"

The dragon pointed in the direction of the woods and looked at her with frightened eyes. Ash quickly climbed onto his back and let him lead her into the woods. After a while, Aemon stopped near a clearing and gave a growl and refused to go forward. Ash had to climb off and walk to the clearing to see what the heck the dragon was so agitated about when she saw it.

Laying several yards from where they stood was a Skrill. It laid there on the ground with flys already buzzing around its body and giving off a nasty stench. Ash covered her mouth and tried not to gag and Aemon squawked uneasily. She then noticed several footprints, along with a few arrows scattered around the dead beast.

"Who killed this dragon?" Ash muttered angrily as she stepped out of the bushes and began picking up the arrows to examine them. Most of the tips were an acid green color while the other tips were an ugly purple and black color. She sniffed the tip of the purple and black one and grimaced. "Nightlock poison, not sure about the green ones but whoever was here must have been hunting this dragon, but why leave the body?"

There was a small screech that came from the dead Skrill. Aemon perked up as bit and carefully walked to the front of dragon and nudged it gently. Ash walked over to where he was, bent down and lifted one of the wings up to see a pair of bright amber eyes staring right at her in fear.

"'s a baby! Oh you poor thing!" Ash said bending down to look at the frightened dragon.

The baby Skrill was a simple grey color with blue stripes going along it's body, looking exactly like the dead mother. The baby gave a little screech and burrowed itself into it's mother's belly, as if expecting her to rise and protect him.

"Hey, it's okay I won't hurt you. I'm a friend to dragons." Ash cooed and lifted the wing up to have better access to the baby. The little Skrill lifted it's head up, and cooed at Ash before crawling away a bit from it's mother. Ash laid herself down on her stomach, trying not to inhale the foul smell of the carcass as the little dragon inched closer to her and held still.

"Well aren't you a cutie and a curious one." She giggled as the small dragon started to sniff her hair. "Never seen hair this light have you?" The small Sktill screeched in response and grabbed a strand of it in it's little jaws and gave it a tug. "Soft isn't it?"

The little Skrill cooed and buried it's head into her hair. Ash smiled softly, remembering how Elin loved to cuddle with her hair as well. Perhaps she should take the baby with her to make sure it was properly taken care of by her and her friends.

"It's not right to abandon you like this, no little baby should go through this sort of thing." Ash said letting the Skrill fall into her hands and placed it in the bag with the herbs. "I think I'll call you Storm. And let's hope we do not repeat the missing baby dragon thing with you the way we did with a baby Typhoomerang."


"We already had bad luck with one Skrill, and now you brought another one here?!" Snotlout yelled and was immediately shut up with a punch to the gut by Astrid.

"I think he's kinda cute!" Ruffnut said (they managed to find out he was a boy thanks to Fishlegs) and tickled the baby dragon under his chin.

"So much better than the other one we found!" Tuffnut added happily. "And he's so friendly!"

"Also the one you two and Snotlout released when we specifically told you not to." Hiccup said and looked at Ash. "Are you sure there were no other Skrills? Like maybe a father or something?"

"That whole island was bare of any dragons except for this one and it's mother." Ash replied and looked down at Storm sadly. "I even buried his mom as well. Someone was hunting them Hiccup, they were using poisonous arrows for this."

"I seriously hate any sort of hunters who use poison to hunt or in a fight, that's practically cheating!" Astrid muttered angrily. "Did you see anyone on the island?"

"Nope, just Storm and his mom. I looked everywhere with Aemon sniffing everything for the scent of the people who must have been there but they were nowhere to be seen." Ash said and hugged Storm to her chest and he cooed. "I wanted you guys to help me raise him, and maybe we could study him as well since he still has plenty of time to grow. And I do hope we can keep him away from Dagur, I don't want any Skrills to suffer under his wraith ever again."

"And we won't let him." Hiccup assured her. "You'll be there to protect him, you're now practically his and Elin's mom anyways."

"Me, the mother of dragons, how amusing." Ash chuckled to herself.

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