Don't Wake The Dragon

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"He's gone too far Hiccup, too damn far!" Ash yelled angrily after another battle against a Berserker fleet. "What makes you think he'll ever stop?"

"Gee I don't know, maybe if you go over to Dagur and bat your eyelashes at him he'll surrender himself!" Snotlout snapped sarcastically.

"And what makes you think he'll listen to me? He'll be trying to flirt with me the moment I try opening my mouth!" Ash retorted and looked at the rest of the group. "There is no way that I am going to Outcast island to negotiate with that asshole."

"Ash please, he'll listen to you if you go! He hates my guts enough already." Hiccup pleaded. "Besides you can take him on in a fight, I've seen you do it numerous times growing up and I know you can do it!"

"Again, what makes you think he'll ever listen to me?" Ash asked.

"Well he did have a crush on you for like five years, he'd probably fall over on his sword if you-"

"He's not blindly in love with me Tuff."

"Worth a shot to say." Tuff said with a shrug. "But he does like you, it's been so obvious for the past five years."

"Sometimes I wonder if the gods are messing with me." Ash said pointing at the sky and glaring at it. "Not funny! You gods are not being funny doing this to me!"

"So are you doing this, or not?" Astrid asked and Ash groaned.

"Fine! I'll do this diplomatic solution your way Hiccup." Ash said and glared at the teen. "But if something goes horribly wrong or if he does something that violates my privacy and personal space, I'm cutting both his hands off and feeding them to my dragons."


"Mhysa and father would try handling this in the least violent way possible; meaning words first, threats second and weapons last." Ash said aloud to herself and looked down at Aemon. "And I suppose you act as a weapon but you'll also act like a shield as well."

The Nadder growled as the air turned slightly colder than usual and fog began to come in. Ash glanced down to see jagged rocks poking out of the ground and gave a small shudder knowing how painful it would be to fall off her dragon and get impaled by the rocks. Soon Outcast island came into view and she quickly pulled out the white 'surrender' flag Hiccup had given to her. She wound part of it tightly around one fist and waved it in the air while holding onto the saddle to keep herself from falling off.

"Fire!" She heard someone from below yell.

"Dive!" Ash yelled grabbing onto the saddle horn with both hands as Aemon took a dive to avoid the nets and bolas flung at them. The Nadder swooped and dove to avoid everything thrown at him while Ash held on tightly.

"Fire again!" Another voice yelled. Another net flew right at them but Aemon was too distracted by the other nets to notice it.

"Aemon!" Ash yelled frantically. The net wrapped itself around them and the startled frantically twisted and turned himself to get Ash on his stomach and twisted around to have only his back hit the ground. They hit it hard and the dragon roared out in pain as he tried to get to keep his rider safe when the Berserker and Outcast guards ran up to them with their weapons ready.

"Haha! One of the dragon riders from Berk! Finally some leverage!" Savage yelled and the men cheered as the flung off the net to muzzle the Nadder who was hissing and thrashing his tail while trying to keep them away.

"Aemon stop!" Ash yelled crawling out from under him and held her hands up. "Please I come in peace and I wish to talk to Dagur- man I never would have thought I'd say that someday."

"Chief's busy." Savage said stepping forward.

"This is important, I have to talk to him. And he will make time for me." Ash replied, lowering her hands. Aemon gave a little whimper and Ash turned her head to see him looking at one of his wings and looked at her nervously. "Oh gods you broke your wing?" The Nadder nodded unhappily and walked to her.

"Take her to the prison, I'll alert Dagur of her presence when he's not busy." Savage said and several guards darted forward, four to grab Ash and six to grab Aemon.

"Please don't hurt him! Don't hurt my father's dragon, please!" Ash yelled as the men dragged her away. "He's hurt! Please don't make this anymore painful for him!"

The guards dragged her through a set of paths till they reached a large cave with huge bolted doors and pushed her in. Ash could hear the groans and cries of imprisoned men and saw several hands and arms reaching out through the bars of their cells demanding to be released, begging to go home to their families or to have more food.

"Oi look boys! We've got ourselves a pretty prisoner!" One man yelled and several other prisoners laughed and some started cat calling out to Ash.

"Shut your filthy trap!" Ash yelled, kicking at one of the cell bars with her foot. "Next time I come back in here will be with a few dragons and I'll let them roast you nasty lot for being so inappropriate towards me!"

"Oh this one has a bit of a temper!" One man laughed.

"And what's a pretty looking thing like her doing here?" Another asked.

"Oh I bet she displeased the new chief in some way."

"None of your business, now shut your traps before you loose your dinner for a month!" A guard barked and slammed his sword against the bars of the cage.

"Our chief will be seeing you when he's not busy." One Berserker guard said as one of his companions opened the door to a cell and shoved her in roughly. "Now try not to make him mad, otherwise your parents will be getting you back in pieces."

"I hope a Whispering Death eats you!" Ash shrieked as the guards walked away.

They burst out laughing but didn't even look back. Ash gave a angry shriek and started grabbing rocks from the floor and flinging them at the walls of the cell and at the door as well before falling to the floor exhausted. She began to worry about Aemon and wondered if he was alright.

"Please, please let him be okay, dad will kill me if something happened to his dragon!" She pleaded under her breath. "Please any god who is listening to me, don't let him be harmed in any way!"

"So now there are dragon riders out there huh?" Ash heard someone to her left say. "Thought it was impossible for anyone to do something like that!"

"Any dragon can be trained properly when using the correct tactics that aren't brute force." Ash said, not even bothering to see who had spoken. "And it was all because of my friend and a dragon that everyone thought had disappeared for good some time ago."

"Is that what got you in here? Are they making it illegal?" The person asked. "Such a shame, I always thought it'd be nice to have one to ride."

"No it's not illegal, I'm in here because I flew in with a flag of surrender and I'm waiting to see the new chief Dagur." Ash replied. "I'm going to ask him to put an end to the war he has waged on my tribe because we lied to him about dragons."

"Nasty little bugger ain't he?"

"Believe me, he's much worst now than he was when he was six."

"Well if it isn't my favorite Berkian?" Ash sat up to see Dagur walking up to her cell with Savage and some man she'd never seen before standing on either side of him with about three guards as well. "Comfortable? Good, you might be in there for a while."

"I don't think this is how peace making is supposed to be done." Ash retorted and raised an eyebrow at the chief. "I suppose the guards who captured me told you I was probably a spy, hence why they shot down me and my father's dragon and captured me?"

"Yes, yet you claim you are here for peace. And I can guess you are here on Hiccup's orders, what does he want?" Dagur asked.

"Oh that you'll put an end to this stupid war." Ash replied. "And in return, my dragon Elin won't roast and eat your flesh. She's never eaten human before so if you do not do as I say, you'll get to be her next meal."

"Brother Hiccup started this whole thing. He made me look like a fool more times than Alvin!" Dagur sneered and spat at the floor. "I would have expected him declaring surrender but he's too much of a coward to even do that and sends me his... well... whatever you are to him!"

"More like you started it despite Hiccup's explanations for hiding the dragons. You declared war on us." Ash retorted. "Just call off the war Dagur, bad things are going to happen to you if you don't stop this."

"Like I'd be stupid to even do that!" Dagur laughed, shoving a key into the lock and threw the door open. "Besides, even if I did agree to peace what makes you think I'm letting you go? You're my prisoner after all and I decide what to do with you."

Ash swallowed the bile that rose in her throat, terrified of knowing what sort of plans he had for her that possibly involved locking himself with her in his sleeping quarters.

"You know how many men I've heard about from my country that were just like you? Their downfall was their stupid arrogance and cruelty towards others that got them killed." Ash said getting off the floor. "Joffery Lannister, poisoned at his own wedding and everyone blamed his poor uncle the Imp for doing it. Ramsey Bolton, eaten by his own dogs for whipping every person in Winterfell and whoever displeased himtill they were raw and bloody, also raped and tortured his own wife on their wedding night. She ran away to her brother and he took back their home and she was the one to have his dogs eat him."

"Never heard of any of them." Dagur snorted.

"These men were from Westeros, my country. These events happened when my parents were young and growing up before the fall of their king and queen." Ash said. "And one of these men was an exiled prince of a house everyone thought had been extinct, he was cruel and ruthless to his baby sister, sold her to a man just to have an army to use to take back his throne. His name was Viserys Targaryen, when he threatened the life of his sister's unborn child his brother-in-law melted the gold he was promised and had it dumped on his head, a crown for a beggar king my mother told me.

"And one final man was a khal, a chief who once rode along with the beggar king's brother in law and who had broken away from him when he was dying. The young girl who became queen of Westeros, known to the world as the mother of dragons, killed him and several other khals who were not fit to lead their tribes and those people accepted her as their khal." Ash finished. "Every cruel leader has their downfall by someone who has had enough of their shit, so I suggest you watch your back Dagur."

"Are you threatening me? Because if you are, I'll have you executed for that." Dagur asked, gritting his teeth.

"Just giving you a little warning, that's all." Ash said calmly and shrugged. "My mother and father always told me to carry threats out after you tried reasoning with someone."

"Your father is nothing, what does he know of these sort of things?" Dagur asked. "He's just a swordsman for crying out loud! And your mother is nothing but a dishwasher and cook, what does she know about any of that either?"

Ash felt her hands curl into fists. Nothing? Her parents risked everything just to bring her here and thew their own crowns away to be what they were now. Her mother's title as the dragon queen and the mother of dragons died along with her older brothers, her father's title of the white wolf of the North was taken away when he was forced to abandon his own direwolf. And this boy chief calls them nothing?

"My parents are not nothing, and neither am I." She said gritting her teeth.

"You are nothing." Dagur sneered. "I could have made you my queen and made something out of you, but you refused!"

"I don't need to be queen of your stupid tribe to be someone!" Ash yelled, slapping her hand across Dagur's cheek and started yelling in Valyrian. "I would have been queen in my own country if it wasn't taken from me! My parents were king and queen and I was a princess! I am Ashaeya of the house Targaryen, daughter of the last true dragons and future queen of Westreros! I am the sister of dragons and I will take back what belonged to my family with fire and blood and kill anyone who has spoken ill of my parents before they knew what they had suffered!"

"I have no idea what you just yelled, but...HOW DARE YOU SLAP ME!" Dagur said grabbing Ash by her hair and slammed her into the cell wall. "HOW. DARE. YOU?!" Ash gasped for air as he slowly squeezed her throat but she somehow managed to remain calm.

"And how dare you insult my family before even knowing of what they had suffered long before either of us were born." Ash said in an eerily calm tone. "Because of your cruel remarks Dagur, the dragon is now and forever. So take mind not to anger me again, otherwise I'll do more than just slap you."

Dagur made a growling noise before releasing her and stormed out of the cell. "Lock her up and don't even give her any food for three days." The door shut behind him and Ash sunk to the floor with a shaky sigh. She looked down at her hands to see them trembling a bit and shoved them under her armpits to stop them. She never felt herself get that mad before and never used her mother's mother tongue in front of others like that either.

You may look like a Targaryen and have the heart of a Stark, but a dragon lies within you and one day it will unleash itself. Her mother warned her once. Was this what she meant?

"The dragon in me has awaken...good gods and I thought Dagur had nasty outbursts." Ash sighed as she leaned back against the wall. "Please don't let me go as mad as my grandfather or uncle..."


"Don't wake the dragon, don't wake the dragon!" A prisoner from another cell laughed as the group was leaving the prison. Dagur peered into the cell to see an old man wearing tattered red robes. "The dragon in the girl has awaken! The young she-dragon will take back what was rightfully hers and her family's with a vengeance so strong yours could never compare! She will lead an army of dragons and take back the throne with fire and blood! I have seen it in the fires! The Lord of light has never lied to me!"

"Savage how long has this man been in here?" Dagur asked in annoyance at the man's laughing fit.

"Ah...a few years. Apparently he's some sort of magician." The man said with a frown. "Always looking into the torches and spewing nonsense."

"I am a fire priest! I've seen the girl with hair as white as snow riding a dragon as blue as the sea, looking strong and beautiful as her mother with you, a dark haired man and an auburn haired man at her side!" The red man yelled as he scrambled to the bars and pointed a bony finger at Dagur with a serious expression. "The fires have never lied to me before! I saw the girl coming here and escaping with two- no three dragons and a boy! Then I had seen you flying into smoke and being captured-"

"Gag him." Dagur snapped. "This man is talking nonsense."

"As you wish." Savage said as one of the men ran off to get a gag.

"Is that wise sir?" One Outcast asked. "I've heard of men like this who see into the fires for glimpses of the future."

"You won't succeed with your vengeance! If you continue this path, it will drive you more apart from the girl!" The red man yelled, his eyes narrowed and a serious expression crossed his face again. "She needs you! Without you, her quest to save her kingdom will fail!"

"Silence him, for good." Dagur said to one of his guards. "But keep him alive, make an example to the men of what I do to people who don't shut up."

"And the girl?" Savage asked as the guards entered the cell with their swords drawn.

"Keep her alive. I shall be in need of her soon."

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