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*Four Years Later*

"He's brought his son?" Jon asked Gobber in surprise.

"Says the boy needs to make friends with children of the chief, and some of the upperclass children as well." The blacksmith explained.

"What's The boy I mean." Jon asked, remembering the conversation he and his wife had with the chief the first night they came to Berk.

"He's uh..." Gobber rubbed the back of his head nervously with his hook. "A wee bit...strange. He chases chickens and refuses to let them go, scares the Hel out of livestock, has this weird little laugh-"


"And they say he's....deranged. For a child that is." The blacksmith finished and frowned. "I don't think that's your idea of a husband for your daughter right?"

"Well I'll have to see the boy for myself." Jon replied with a shrug.

The two walked to the docks where Stoick was waiting. Dany was there as well holding baby Rickion to her chest while Hiccup and Ash stood on either side of her. Coming their way was a large ship with the insignia of the Berserker tribe, a Skrill, with a large and muscular man with flaming red hair and a small dark haired woman at his side. Once the boat had reached the dock, some men aboard the boat tossed a plank over the side.

"Stoick! It's good to see you old friend!" The red haired man called to the Berkian chief as he walked down the plank.

"And you as well Oswald." Stoick greeted. "I see you brought Helga and Dagur along."

"Figured it was about time my son met his future ally, Helga came along to keep an eye on him and to give your guest some company." Oswald said gesturing to the dark haired woman as she bent down to pick something up.

"I want off! I want off!" A child shrieked. The Berserker queen rose and was holding a squirming red haired boy in her arms yelling and kicking violently. "I want off the boat!"

"You're getting off Dagur, be patient." She scolded as she stepped off the boat and onto the dock. "And you're making a scene in front of the children!"

The young boy spotted the two children and as soon as his mother put him down, he bolted over to them. As soon as he was close, he gave a wild shriek that sent Hiccup screaming and hiding behind Dany's skirts and causing Rickion to cry.

"You're being mean!" Ash yelled angrily, stepping forward and shoving the boy back roughly. "You make my brothers cry!"

"He's a wuss!" The young Berserker laughed, pointing to Hiccup who had poked his head out from behind the queen's leg.

"Dagur! That is rude!" Helga scolded.

"Very rude." Gobber muttered and whispered to Jon. "Yeah he's definitely not going to be Ash's husband anytime soon."

"I'm going to take Hiccup to the grazing fields." Ash announced, giving the young Berserker a disgusted look before taking Hiccup's hand and walking off with him.

"Be careful dear!" Dany called as the two children sprinted away.

"I don't like him!" Hiccup squeaked as he and Ash were far from the docks. "He looks...crazy!"

"Exactly my point!" Ash snapped as they reached the village. "Don't play with him Hiccup, he seems mean."

"Hey!" Both children turned to see the young Berserker heir running towards them. Hiccup ducked behind Ash who planted her little hands on her hips and put on her most stoic expression on her little face.

"We don't want to play, you scared my brothers." Ash said when Dagur approached them.

"Well he's a wuss, the other one was just a baby." Dagur said with a shrug.

"No one calls my friend a wuss!" Ash snapped and shoved Dagur backwards. He staggered back a few steps before falling onto the grass.

Dagur's green eyes narrowed before he jumped to his feet and charged at Ash. She braced herself as Dagur rammed into her and started kicking and yanking at his hair and clothes.

"No stop! Stop!" Hiccup yelled trying to get close to the fighting children but kept jumping back to avoid getting hit. "Ash stop it! You get in trouble!"

"Ashaeya Lyanna Stark!"

"Dagur Oswaldson!"

Both children stopped fighting to see their parents and Stoick and Gobber hurrying towards them. Both the father's were looking quite infuriated, but not as infuriated as the mothers.

"What did I say about being nice to the other children!" Helga scolded yanking her son off Ash. "Especially the girls! This is why you'll probably end up alone with no wife and children!"

"You are better than this Ashaeya, fighting with other children is below you!" Daenerys scolded as she helped her daughter off the floor and wiped the stain of mud off her little cheek. Then she added in a softer voice. "You're a princess, and princesses do not fight with lords children especially the boys. Please be nicer to the boy will you?"

"He called Hiccup a wuss!" Ash protested angrily, pointing an accusing finger at Dagur who was rubbing his cheek that was turning red.

"Say you are sorry." Helga said shoving her son forward. "To both Hiccup and Ashaeya."

Dagur clamped his mouth shut and folded his little arms over his chest. Ash did likewise but stuck her tongue out at him.

"I won't apologize to him." Ash announced. "And I will never ever play with him again or even marry him!"


*Five Years Later*

"Mother! Mother!" Ash yelled rushing over to her mother.

"Yes dear?" Daenerys asked as she stopped hanging some clothes.

"That horrid boy tried to kiss me!" Ash shrieked when she reached her mother. "On the cheek! The nerve he has to do that sickens me!"

"What did your father do when that happened?" Dany asked, trying to hide her amusement from her tone.

"He laughed mother! Laughed! I smacked Dagur in the face with my hand and ran from the feast!" Ash answered and stomped her boot angrily. "I hate that boy!"

"Ash he no longer calls Hiccup a wuss, and he's trying to be nice to you." Dany said picking up one of her husband's shirts and began to hang it up. "At least try to be nice to him, that's how I dealt with rude men when I was older than you."

Ever since Ash found out that her family was actually royalty, her parents would always tell her of their lives before their marriage and her birth and before they were forced to leave their homeland. She always had to keep quiet about her family's true identities and never spoke of them to anyone. The only ones who knew were Stoick, Gobber, Valka and Gothi.

"But mysa!"

"Just tolerate him Ash, if he tries touching you in an inappropriate way you can cut his hand off."

Ash glanced down at the weapon she had, a throwing knife she kept well oiled and sharpened, and gripped it's leather handle.

"Fine, I'll handle him." She said through gritted teeth.

"Besides, he must have began to fancy you since his last visit. You might fancy him at some point in a few years." Dany said and hung up the final shirt.

"No way." Ash said sticking her tongue out in disgust. "He's not attractive to me, I don't care what the other girls of the village say."

"You'll be taking those words back when he gets older, his father was quite handsome when he was younger."



"If he tries proposing to me at the end of this peace treaty I will run away." Ash said to Ruffnut as the younger girl was braiding her hair.

"He's a weirdo." Ruffnut agreed as she finished the braid and started to tie it off. "And a little too crazy for my taste."

"I haven't even flowered yet and our father's are discussing marriage in front of us." Ash added in disgust. "And he kissed me on the cheek! I slapped him in the face and ran!"

"I knew at some point you'd do that! I totally knew it!" Ruff laughed. "Tuffnut now has to eat a beetle!"

"Why do I have a feeling you two are gonna be betting when he kisses me on the lips." Ash muttered.

"Oh I bet that if he kissed you on the lips and you slapped him, Tuff has to wear my clothes for a week! Tuff bet that if he kissed you on the lips but you ended up kissing back, I have to wear his clothes for a week!" Ruffnut said happily. "So please slap him in the face when he does that."

"I'll kick him in the groin if he does that." Ash retorted. "Once my father said he heard that someone did to a boy and his balls turned black and fell off!"

Ruffnut's jaw dropped open in shock and Ash burst out laughing.

"Is that possible?" Ruff asked in a low voice and Ash nodded. Then the younger girl grinned wickedly. "Then by all means do that!"

"Ash! Ash! Dagur is looking for you hide!" Hiccup yelled running up to them and almost falling on his face. "Just hide!"

Ash leapt to her feet and bolted towards the woods. As soon as she reached them, she quickly scaled up a tree and made her way onto one of the thicker branches. As soon as she was safely nestled in the branches, she heard Dagur yelling her name. Ash stifled a giggle as the red head was scrambling around and shouting her name.

"Aww come on Ash! Come out! I promise I won't try dragging Hiccup into the river to swim again!" Dagur called.

Spotting an apple, Ash carefully plucked it and took aim before throwing it at Dagur's head. The red fruit smacked him on the top of his head with a satisfying clonk. Dagur howled and started spewing curses Ash was sure he made up on his own and kicked her tree. She covered her mouth and bit her knuckle to keep herself from laughing as Dagur stopped his cursing fit.

"Stupid dragons!" He yelled at the tree.

"Guess he thought it was a Terror." Ash giggled to herself. She heard a squawk and gave a small gasp and turned her head. Sitting on the branch next to her was a light blue Terrible Terror and it was giving her the meanest look she had ever seen on a dragon's face. "Uh...hi?" She whispered and gave it a small wave. The Terror screeched and leapt right Ash's face. She gave a scream and shoved herself back and threw her arms up in defense. Then she tumbled out of the tree with a yelp.

"I got ya!" Ash felt herself land on something and realized Dagur caught her (a surprising thing really). "Saved ya princess." He said giving her a grin, showing off two of his missing teeth that apparently got knocked out in a fight.

Ash gave a disgusted grunt and climbed out of his arms and quickly dusted off her tunic. "Don't call me princess." She snapped and checked herself for any bruises.

"Well I saved you, didn't I? Don't I deserve a little reward?" Dagur asked and gave her a smirk.

"Like I'd give you one." Ash huffed and started to walk away and Dagur followed. "And quit following me around like some lost puppy, it doesn't suit you. And you are very bad at flirting."

"I'm not that bad at flirting." Dagur said with a shrug as they reached the outskirts of the village.

"Yes you are, now go away." Ash retorted as she reached her home and walked inside her home.

"Well then, I'll be looking forward to catching you again and again every time you fall." Dagur chuckled before walking away from the house.

Ash stuck her finger in her mouth and made a gagging noise and shuddered. "I just hope this ridiculous crush he has on me goes away soon."

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