Little Friends

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"Thank you so much for allowing us to stay here chief Stoick. I hope it wouldn't be too much trouble." Daenerys said to the Berkian chief and shifted the bundle of blankets she held in her arms into a more comfortable position.

"It is an honor to host you and your family my queen. I do hope you enjoy your stay on Berk till you, your husband and child could return home safely." Stoick replied and gave the queen a smile. "Is the child a boy or a girl, if you don't mind me asking."

"Girl, and a lovely one as well." Jon said looking down at the bundle in pride. "Our little princess born in a howling snowstorm. The moment she was born our wolves and dragons began to sing into the harsh winds to announce her arrival."

Stoick nodded and glanced over at Valka, who was busy sewing something. How he longed for her to be with child, a little one they could both raise together to be a great chief. He heard a little noise come from the bundle in the queen's arms and a little pale arm rose out of it and began to wave around as the cries got louder.

"Shhh, it's alright my little princess. Mum is here, no need to cry." Daenerys cooed as she bouced the baby gently.

"Here allow me." Jon said gently taking the crying baby into his arms and began to hum and rock her gently. The little princess stopped crying and looked up at her father with wide violet eyes. Jon smiled at her and kissed the top of her little head. "See little wolf? No need to cry with your father around."

"You seem quite well with children." Valka said looking up from her sewing.

"I seem to have a magic touch with babies, according to some people." Jon said to her and looked down at his daughter. "Isn't that right Ashaeya?"

"Perhaps when we have our own child they could be her friend." Valka suggested. "Would you consider her ever marrying her to the son of a chief to have an alliance?"

"Well if your child was a boy maybe, but I don't think Ashaeya would like to marry someone she'd be friends with for years." Dany answered and shook her head.

"How about Oswald the Agreeable? He's had a son born just a few days ago." Stoick suggested.

"Perhaps we should wait until we meet the boy ourselves." Jon said holding his daughter close to his chest. "Or wait till we return to Westeros to marry her, she has to marry for alliances."

"She'll meet someone she'll like to marry, just you wait." Valka assured him. "And hopefully my child will come soon to form an alliance with her so that you three can return home to your as the king and queen."

"And our little princess shall return home to her rightful place as queen of the North." Dany said taking her daughter from her husband. "Hopefully soon this little she-wolf shall return to her true home and rule it was well as her father has."

"Oh she will, and hopefully we can have a few alliances here when it's time for us to go and take back our kingdom." Jon said with a nod. "But for now we are Daenerys and Jon Snow with their daughter Ash. I'm a swordsman and you are..."

"I don't even know what I can do around here when I'm not taking care of the baby." Dany said shaking her head and looked to Valka. "Is there anything I can do?"

"You can help in the kitchens, they always need extra hands to cook something up and be able to feed the village if they aren't eating at home." Valka suggested and walked over to the queen. "Here, it's ways tradition to give the newborn son or daughter of a chief, or in this case a prince or princess a gift."

She placed the small toy she had been sewing into Ash's little hands. It was a little blue dragon that looked much like one of Dany's dragons. Ash gurgled enthusiastically and clutched the little toy in her tiny hands.

"A perfect gift to remind her of what she also is." Dany said with a smile. "Perhaps someday when we go home you'll find a way to bring back the dragons and avenge your brothers."


*Two Years Later*

"Freckles!" Ash squealed, pointing to the newborn baby's cheeks. "Freckles!"

"Yes he has freckles." Valka chuckled as she cradled the newborn to her chest. "Isn't he cute Ashaeya?"

"No! I cuter!" The two year old protested. "I cuter!"

"Yes you are cute, for a two year old." Daenerys laughed, scooping her daughter up into her arms and kissed her cheek. "But little Hiccup is cute because he's a baby."

"And he's going to be your best friend and be like a little brother to you as well." Valka added and kissed her son's head. "Will you be like a good big to him Ash?"

The little blonde nodded her head happily and both mothers smiled. The little auburn baby cooed and reached out to the older girl. She looked up to her mother and got a nod from her before she was lifted onto the bed and shown how to hold Hiccup properly. Hiccup was quite fascinated by her pale hair and kept trying to grab it with his little fingers.

"He really likes her doesn't he?" Dany chuckled as her daughter kept yanking her hair from Hiccup's grasp.

"Indeed he does, and I think they are going to be the best of friends as they grow up." Valka chuckled. "I can hardly wait to see what it'll become."

"An unbreakable friendship no doubt."

And little did they know, that that would be true.

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