Is This Love Real?

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A whole lot of things happened after Ash's little encounter with Dagur. And by a lot, that meant ones that literally changed almost everyone.

They discovered a new species of dragon that they called the Rumblehorn, discovered that the little purple dragon Ash had named Sweet Song for her sweet little singing voice was actually a young Deathsong but she didn't seem so interested in eating dragons and claimed Elin, Stornand Ash as her foster family, they crossed paths with Heather and her new dragon Windshear and discovered that she was actually Dagur's younger sister- a shock to just about everyone, Heather gave Ash an egg that belonged to Windshear that needed caring for, there were people called dragon hunters who Dagur had teamed up with along with -huge surprise- Heather.

And between all that Ash had found herself being drawn to Dagur. As much as she disliked him, she couldn't help but get this strange fluttery feeling in her chest and stomach whenever she saw him and when their eyes met. She found herself disliking that feeling, a sure sign that she was possibly in love with him but she hoped it was just her nerves reacting to fighting a more dangerous foe.

But then that had all changed when Astrid finally told them that Heather was still on their side and acting as a spy to gain information on the dragon hunters to deliver them to the riders. After that had happened Windshear's egg had hatched and Elin had busied herself in taking care of the new baby dragon- much to Sweet Song's annoyance. Ash had named her after the strongest steel known in her home country.

Today Ash was sitting in the stables with the newborn dragon draped around her neck like that necklace Hiccup saw years ago in a market that he thought looked perfect on her, Sweet Song asleep on her lap and resting her back against Storm who was snoring away. They deserved it, all of them.

'I should rest as well.' Ash thought as she gave a yawn. 'I spent hours training the baby dragons, put away Snotlout's weapons from his training session, helped Fishlegs, I think I deserve a little nap before I groom my dragons...'

And with that, she fell asleep.


When Ash opened her eyes she found herself in a dimly lit hallway, leaning against a cold stone wall. Neither of her two baby dragons were on her and she wore a sort of dress that her mother would wear if she was still queen.

'Where am I?' She wondered as she got to her feet and looked down each side of the long hallway. She heard a small cry coming from the right, a cry that sounds like... a baby? Down that part of the hallway was an opened door that Ash hadn't noticed before and she could hear others talking.

As she walked in that direction, she could hear her mother, her father, that little baby and... Dagur? What was he doing here? Ash hurried to the door to find her parents standing on either side of Dagur, who was holding a small blue bundle that was crying and wiggling every few seconds.

"She's so tiny! And so perfect!" Dagur said in a cheerful tone as he held the little baby. "I wish I came here sooner to have seen my little princess and her mother!"

"If you drop her Dagur I swear I'm going to drop you into the ocean using Elin. Don't want her to get as brainless as you." Her father warned before noticing Ash standing awkwardly in the doorway. His frown turned into a brightened smile before he gestured for her to enter.

"Look at her Ash, could you believe we did this?" Dagur asked as she approached. "A fine little princess!"

The baby had soft red hair that was the same shade as Dagur's with Ash's nose and chin and she was squirming in the soft blue blanket she was wrapped in. Ash carefully took her from Dagur and felt the baby stop moving.

"We'll give you some privacy." Daenerys whispered and ushered her husband out of the room, leaving the three of them.

"We made....this?" She asked as the baby opened her tiny eyes to reveal a pair of violet eyes looking right at her.

"Of course! Almost ten months ago you found out you were pregnant, and I was so happy that we were going to have a little prince or princess." Dagur replied and gave the yawning baby his finger, which she gladly took. "Everyone told me to pray for a son so that he could take my place as chief when the time came, but I prayed for a daughter who would be like her mother. And here she is, little lady Brooke of the house Berserk who was born in the Targaryen stronghold Dragonstone."

"No this...this is not real, we're not in Westeros." Ash said, shoving the baby into his arms and walking to the window. "It's not even real, why am I even dreaming this? I'm not even supposed to love you! You hate dragons, you try hurting my friends, you want my father dead so you could take me as your wife and I know that if you ever found out that I was a princess you'd do everything in your power to make me yours to be king!"

When she turned around Dagur and the little baby he said was theirs were gone, leaving her alone in the empty room.

'I said was not supposed to love him, am I really in love with a madman?' Ash thought and felt a flutter of panic in her chest. 'I am aren't I? Oh gods if he knew...what would he do?'

It was plain and clear that Dagur was in love with her, but did he love for who she was on the inside or did he just love her for her beauty?

"Robert Baratheon loved my lady mother very much, but he never saw the iron under her." Her father said, referring to her late grandmother and the man she was supposed to marry until she died in childbirth. Now she knew how her grandmother felt.

"Ash! Ash!"


"Ash!" Ash was jolted awake to find her friends surrounding her with concerned looks on their faces. Sweet Song and Val were in the corner looking quite upset and Storm was just scowling at them in distaste.

"Sorry I just fell asleep and-"

"You were muttering in your sleep." Fishlegs said nervously.

"Yeah you were like 'I don't love you Dagur! Is your love even true?!' when we found you!" Snotlout added.

"What's that?" Ash asked, hoping to change the subject as she got to her feet and took the roll of paper Hiccup was holding.

"A map to an island where we're going to find a Flightmare at." Astrid explained. "Heather told us that Viggo will be there by nightfall. So if all goes well, we'll have the leader of the dragon hunters taken down and won't have to deal with him or that brother of his."

"Oh I am down to crush this Viggo and definitely down to get back at Ryker for almost killing Elin!" Ash said, curling her hands into fists. "There is no way in the hell that I am letting those people kill the last living dragon of my parent's house! I lost my brothers to a man who was worst than those tow brothers but I'm not losing my dragon to them! I need Elin to help me take back our kingdom!"

"Then let's kick some dragon hunter ass!" Ruffnut cheered and the others gave a cry of agreement.

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