Husband and Wife.

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Link's heart skipped a beat as the beautiful bride came forward. The entire room seemed not to breathe as she entered the ceremony hall. All stood in awe of her magnificence.

Her dress was of the purest white and seemed to flow right off her curves into it's bushy skirt. It was sleeveless and strapless, her perfect skin on display. Her veil was hung in front of her face, though Link could tell she was absolutely beautiful. Her hair was up in soft curls and she held a bouquet of Silent Princess flowers.

Zelda could barely breathe as she neared Link. He wasn't in his usual blue Champions tunic. In stead, he donned a white gown. The sleeves her pleated at the ends and frilly. The gown was open, revealing his chest slightly. It was belt together by a jeweled belt and the white gown then dropped to his knees. His boots were polished and shining. His wheat coloured hair was brushed back but put of its ponytail. Zelda held back a snicker at how different Link looked when his hair was down and how awkward he looked in these expensive clothes.

When Zelda finally reached Link, he lifted the veil and looked into Zelda's luxurious green eyes as she stared back into his gorgeous blue ones. Zelda blushed at him as they turned, hand in hand, and faced the Zora who was performing the wedding.

"We are gathered here today to join Princess Zelda and Link, the Hero of Hyrule in matrimony..." Kapson, the Zora announced to the ceremony hall and everyone there.

"Link..." He started, "Before the eyes of these witnesses and before those of Goddess Hylia... Do you take Zelda, the Princess of Hyrule, to be your wife, to have and to hold, in good times and in bad?"

"We defeated the Calamity together, I'm pretty sure that is as bad the 'bad times' can get." Link chuckled, bringing others to chuckle at his statement before he continued, "I do."

"And Zelda..." Kapson continued undisturbed, "Before the eyes of these witnesses and those of Goddess Hylia... Or yourself?" He added quietly before he went on, "Do you take Link, the Hero of Hyrule, as your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health?"

"Well Link did die for me, so what's the worst that could happen?" Zelda chuckled, the gathering once again following suit as they chuckled at her jokes, "I do."

"And so, dearly beloved, please help me in greeting this newly married couple," with that, the bells ring out and the crowd started to cheer, "I wish this new couple nothing but the utmost happiness as they set out on this journey of marital bliss!" He paused as everyone's claps died down before he spoke again, "You may kiss the bride."

"Finally!" Zelda exclaimed playfully as he thrust the bouquet into the surprised Zora's arms and threw her arms around Link, kissing him.

The crowd broke into cheers, clapped and laughter as they saw the happy couple kiss. The bells had finally stopped and silenced. It took the crowd ages to finally come back to their senses as they knew that it had not finished.

"Now, if you please, kneel..." The Zora smiled at the two.

Zelda and Link both got on their knees and looked up to him. Paya and Sidon came towards them holding pillows. On each pillow sat the crown jewels of Hyrule. They bowed their heads before the Zora picked up Zelda's crown first. Usually a king would be crowed first but because of the unusual circumstances, she would be crowed first.

"I present to you all, Queen Zelda of Hyrule!" He placed the crown on her head and she got up and turned to face the rest of the room.

Everyone bowed to her as Kapson took the other crown and placed in down on Link's head, "I present to you all, King Link of Hyrule!" With that, Link got up and turned to the rest of the room.

With both their rulers crown, everyone in the room got on their knees and bowed to the two. The crowd eruptted into more cheers as the bells rang out again.

Link and Zelda intertwined their fingers and bounded, hand in hand, out of the ceremony hall, waving to their friends. They made their way out onto the castle steps where the rest of their subjects were waiting. People filed out of the hall and followed them. Zelda threw her bouquet over her shoulder which Paya caught.

The people started to throw Silent Princess petals in the air as confetti. They drifted up into the sky and rained back down again. The happy couple made their way down to Castle Town Plaza where their celebration was to take place.

The entirety of Castle Town was adorned with lanterns and bunting in honour of the royal wedding. All night long, people danced around the shimmering light of the central fountain. Music was being played and people came and offered gifts to Zelda and Link.

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