King and Queen.

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The kingdom of Hyrule had been in a frenzy ever since Princess Zelda and The Hero of Hyrule, Link, had announced their engagement. With Zelda's twenty first birthday come and gone, she was awaiting her title as Queen. Link, being older than Zelda, would take the title of King upon their wedding day, no matter if he is of no less blood. If Link had been younger than her, and of lesser blood like he already is, he would have inherited the title of Lesser Prince, and nothing more. Hyrulian laws were complicated but honoured.

When Link had been explained this, the fact that he would be King, he had nearly fainted. Granted he was now used to the castle life and Zelda gave him the power of a king but the title did carry a lot of weight. Before, when he was just a knight, he had one duty, and that was to the princess. If he took the title of king, he would have to follow in the footsteps of every other king that had come before him. The downside? The others were born into their roles, Link just happened to be in the right place at the right time. But Link also knew that Zelda would be with him, and together they were strong.

Zelda wasn't the only one who had her doubts. Technically she was betraying her entire family, not that it had stopped her before, but it had only just dawned on her. Thousands of years ago, the royal family, her family, had forbidden the use of Sheikah technology. They deemed it unsafe and too powerful. And yet her she was, the entire kingdom adorned with Sheikah technology. Granted her father had instructed the use of the Divine Beasts and the Guardians, but look where that left them. Her father had explicitly instructed her to marry a nobleman. And yet here she was, about to marry a mere knight. She went against everything a person who called themselves royal stood for.

Zelda smiled as her position dawned on her. It would be better to go down as the Princess of the People than the Queen of Quarrels.

She was marrying Link, and nothing anything could say would stop her. Together they would sit upon the throne of Hyrule and stand strong. Together they could do anything. So far they had rebuilt Hyrule together. So far they had integrated the best protection system into the kingdom together. So far they had brought all their people together in peace. Who says they should stop at that?


Zelda, Paya and Riju had traveled to Gerudo Town in that week as a bachelorette party. Usually princesses and princes didn't get these sorts of things but Zelda had insisted that both she and Link be able to have one.

The girls went to Gerudo Town that week. They admired the markets and bathed in the heat. Riju let them leasure in her palace. But let's face it, they really went there for the men-free drinks bar.

Link, Sidon, Kayga, Teba and Yunobo had traveled back to Zora's Domain. King Dorephan welcomed the company. There, they all enjoyed the famous Zora waterfalls.

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