The BIG Question.

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As the days turned into months, the Champions got used to their new positions in the castle. Before, they were so focused on repairs and how they were going to build the new Hyrule. Now, things seemed to actually go back to how they should be.

The Champions found their place in the castle and settled into their life in the new Hyrule. Robbie, Purah, the Zora army and the Sheikah warriors returned home, with the exceptions of those who wished to remain. Purah and Robbie had their ancient tech labs to get to.

As for Zelda and Link, they became more and more comfortable with all the eyes that ere upon them. Now that the rumours of them had spread and many had gotten used to the idea, the two had settled down.

Zelda had finally convinced the nobles in her council that Link should have as much power as she has. The Lords had given up their fight for Zelda's hand, knowing that she dearly cared for Link.

And they weren't the only couple that had flourished...

Sidon and Paya had spent quite a lot of time with each other. In fact, being around the Champions had actually helped Paya with her fears. She could now be around Sidon without her constant stammering.

One couple that had taken everybody by surprise was Riju and Kayga.

It was a real eyebrow raiser that Riju, the same Riju that had nearly throttled the poor man, would warm to Kayga. It was very unexpected that the two would actually hit it off. The two would bicker and argue but ultimately, they ended up agreeing.

Link was busy as Head of the Royal Guard, training all sorts of people with all sorts of weapons. He gained a lot of respect throughout the land of Hyrule. In fact, when Link and Zelda went traveling to Hateno Village, a small child thought he was a Prince!

Time seemed to fly by and before they knew it, Zelda was turning twenty one! When she did, her title would change from Princess to Queen!

Zelda and Link walked hand in hand through the gardens, the moon high in the sky and the stars shimmering. The night breeze was warm and comforting and the only thing that could be heard was the soft song of far away birds.

Link had been so secretive lately. He had been going into Castle Town everyday. When Zelda asked him what he was doing, he would go deep red and stutter out an excuse before disappearing into the Castle. Zelda didn't like it when Link kept secrets from her. It had pained her to know that he had kept his nightmares a secret when they had first marched to Hyrule Castle, all those years ago.

Zelda's voice hitched in her throat as they went through an archway of flowers. The fountain in the courtyard was lit up spectacularly with luminous stone that had been tossed into the pool at the bottom. All the bushes were adorned with Silent Princess flowers.

Link took Zelda's hand and led her over to the fountain's edge where they sat down together.

"What's all this for?" She breathed, still astounded by the beauty.

"For us..." Link smirked as he took her hand in his.

Zelda looked into his eyes and saw a hint of fear, "What's wrong? What's happened?" Zelda put her other hand on Link's shoulder.

"Nothing's wrong" a thought came to mind and he smirked back at her, "Well, maybe there is one thing I need to ask you..."

Zelda couldn't speak. She was frozen to the spot when Link got up and stood in front of her. She felt like her heart was about to burst from her chest when Link knelt down on one knee.

"Will you marry me?" Link looked into her eyes as he brought out a beautiful diamond ring from his pocket.

Zelda tried to speak but her voice was hitched in her throat again so she instead nodded frantically. She threw herself on Link, wrapping her arms around him untill she could finally speak again.

"Yes! Yes! By the Goddesses, Yes!" Link held her close before they pulled apart.

Link slipped the beautiful diamond ring onto her finger. Zelda grabbed Link's shirt and pulled him into her, their lips crashing together in a passionate kiss.

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