:A Proscriptive Relationship: 23

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"Mr. Heywood? I'm coming in," I called through the closed biology room door.

I opened it slowly, peering in. Mr. Heywood was nowhere to be seen. I frowned slightly, walking further into the room.

"Mr. Heywood?"

No response.

I walked towards the supply room. I reached out and grabbed the door handle slowly, pulling the door open. Suddenly a hand shot out grabbing my arm and pulling me into the supply room. The door was shut behind me quickly, and I felt myself being pushed against it.

I looked at Mr. Heywood in surprise, my heart pounding heavily. "Y-you scared the crap out of me!"

He chuckled smoothly, his hands on either side of me. "Sorry to surprise you."

I nodded, and blushed, now realizing how close to me he was. He was barely a foot away. He smirked when he noticed my blush. He leaned in closer to me.

"I love it when you blush," he whispered, his lips at my ear. "It's very cute."

I caught my breath, my eyes widening. "Mr. Heywood, are you feeling okay?"

He chuckled, pulling his head away slightly. His eyes smoldered.

"I don't know," he admitted. "Lately I've been getting these urges..."

"What kind of urges?" I asked him quietly, my mouth dry.

"It'd be easier to show you than tell you," he responded, a smirk playing at his lips.

"How can you show me?" I asked; my eyes glued to his.

"Like this," he responded, leaning closer.

He gently pressed his lips against my neck, making me freeze. My eyes widened. What was he doing?

He slowly kissed up my neck, to my jaw line. He followed that along to the base of my ear and placed a kiss in the hollow beneath it. I shuddered, breathing out in a rush, and turning my head.

"Look at me, Holly," he ordered.

I turned my head back again, staring into his eyes once more. He smirked as he leaned closer once more. His face was only inches away, a few more inches and-

"Ms. Evers... Ms. Evers, are you paying attention? Ms. Evers, wake up!"

I quickly sat up, looking around the room alertly. Mr. Heywood was standing in front of my desk, an amused smirk on his face.

"Is my class so boring you feel the need to sleep in it, Ms. Evers?"

A few girls in the class giggled, and I blushed.

"S-sorry," I muttered, looking down at the floor.

Mr. Heywood laughed and I felt him put a hand on my shoulder. "It's fine, just don't do it again."

My face grew hotter as I remembered what I had been dreaming about. I stared at the floor, shaking my head in disbelief. This had been the first dream I had of Mr. Heywood. It was so embarrassing.

"We're on page 234, Ms. Evers," Mr. Heywood told me, before going back to the front of the classroom.

I quickly flipped my book a few pages, still blushing slightly. It was weird hearing Mr. Heywood call me by Ms. Evers. I remembered he used to do that, but he had suddenly switched to calling me Holly... I frowned slightly. When had he started calling me by my first name? I couldn't remember.

Class passed by quickly, and Mr. Heywood let us pack up ten minutes before the bell. I watched him curiously, wondering why he let the class off so early.

"Remember," Mr. Heywood started, gathering the class's attention, "the field trip forms are due this Thursday if you want to go on the over night beach trip Saturday. Make sure you get your parent or guardian to sign it for you. You don't want to miss out."

"Beach trip?" I repeated, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"I don't know what he's talking about either," a voice commented from beside me, sounding confused.

I jumped slightly and turned around to see Lance towering over me. He grinned.

"Have a nice nap?"

"Shut up," I muttered.

"Are you going to be going?" a girl named Vanessa suddenly spoke up, directing her question towards Mr. Heywood.

Mr. Heywood smiled at her and shook his head. "No, only a limited amount of chaperones could go, and other teachers wanted to go more than me, so I let them."

My heart sank slightly. Mr. Heywood wouldn't be going to the beach? It wouldn't be as fun without him...

I mentally slapped myself. What was I thinking? It didn't matter if Mr. Heywood went to the beach or not. If I went on the trip, it'd be to have fun with my friends, not about hanging out Mr. Heywood.

"It won't be as fun without you," Vanessa complained.

Mr. Heywood smiled slightly. "I'm sure it will be the same even if I don't go."

"No!" Vanessa responded, pouting.

I grimaced in annoyance. If Mr. Heywood did go, girls would surround him anyway.

The bell rang and I quickly closed my biology book, stuffing it into my backpack.

"I'm not waiting," Lance informed me, and started walking away.

"You never do," I responded, rolling my eyes.

I hitched my backpack over my shoulder, making for the exit. I was the last one to leave, but before I reached the door, Mr. Heywood stopped me.

"Holly," he started, making me freeze.

Images of my dream came bursting into my head and I had to quickly shake them away, my cheeks faintly heating up.

I turned slowly, offering him a smile. "Yes, Chris?"

He raised an eyebrow. "We're in school, Holly. Don't call me Chris."

I blushed when I realized my mistake. "I'm sorry, I-"

Mr. Heywood chuckled. "No harm done. No one is around."

"What do you want?"

"To remind you to come to my room after school today... and while you're at it, bring me a snack from the school store."

"Can't you get one yourself?"

"I could," Mr. Heywood responded, a smirk slipping onto his face, "but I don't want to."

I scowled. "I'm not getting you a snack."

"Really now?"

Mr. Heywood moved away from his desk, walking over to me slowly. I stood my ground, staring at him determinedly. He stopped about a foot away from me.


I watched cautiously as Mr. Heywood studied my face. He frowned slightly, raising his hand. I resisted the urge to take a step back. I shut my eyes quickly when he touched my face.

"This looks really bad," he commented quietly.

My eyes shot open and I stared at him. Where did that come from? Wasn't he going to black mail me into getting him a snack? I watched him warily.

"It's not as bad as it looks," I told him, attempting to turn my head.

He held it in place, frowning at the bruise. "Have you iced it?"

I nodded. "For about two hours last night. What about yours?"

Mr. Heywood smirked slightly. "Someone like me doesn't need to ice his wounds. I can suck it up."

I scowled at him. "You're such a-"

Suddenly, a loud noise filled the air. I was confused for a moment until I realized it was the bell. Mr. Heywood dropped his hand and his smirk grew wider.

"You're late."

I glared at him. "Like I don't know that! Where's your class?"

"I don't have one this period," he told me, shrugging. "Now I suggest you get going..."

"Can't I have a late pass?" I begged.

"Are you going to get me a snack after school?" he responded, his eyes lighting up with amusement.

I scowled at him for a moment before sighing in defeat. "Fine."

He chuckled, walking back over to his desk. He grabbed one of the yellow slips of paper and began to write on it. When he finished, he gave me the piece of paper.

"You'd better hurry. I put the time that you left two minutes ago... you should almost be to you class by now..."

My eyes widened and I quickly turned and dashed out of his room and into the empty hallway. I sprinted down the hallway, hoping to reach my next class quickly.

I scowled to myself. Mr. Heywood was such a jerk.

When the last bell sounded signaling the end of the day, I slowly trudged my way to the school store. I didn't even know what Mr. Heywood wanted! I stood in the line for the store, frowning to myself.

Suddenly there was a pair of arms around me, and a wait on my back. I staggered forwards a few steps, looking behind me to see Casey. She grinned, still clinging onto me.

"What are you doing?" I asked, peeling her arms off me.

"I was going to ask you the same thing," she responded, laughing.

"Buying food from the school store?" I responded, smiling slightly.

"I knew that," Casey said. "But you never buy food from the school store, so it's weird."

"It's not for me," I responded with a sigh.

"Who is it for then?"

I opened my mouth to reply, but cut myself short. I couldn't tell Casey whom I was buying the food for. With that stupid forbidden love idea of hers, she'd tease me about it for who knows how long. I grimaced slightly.

"Um, myself," I told her.

"Okay..." she responded, sounding confused. "Anyway! What are you doing right now? Do you want to go downtown?"

I shook my head. "I have to stay after school."


I hesitated for a moment. "Detention..."

It wasn't a complete lie. What I was doing was basically detention. Well no, it was black mail, but I would never tell anyone that. And if I did, Mr. Heywood would surely beat me up.

"For who?" Casey asked, continuing her mini interrogation.

"Mr. Heywood," I said with a sigh.

Casey blanked for a moment, and then a huge smirk spread across her face. "Oh, is that so?"


"What did you do this time?"

"I, er... fell asleep in class," I told her.

Again, it wasn't exactly a lie. That could have gotten me a detention in another class, so why not Mr. Heywood's?

"How could you fall asleep in that class?" Casey gasped. "Surely even if the class was boring, just looking at Mr. Heywood should keep you awake."

I snorted. "You sound like a fan girl."

"He's cute," Casey responded with another smirk. "I can't help it."

"And what does Willis say about this?"

Casey shrugged. "Willis doesn't care because he knows Mr. Heywood is too old for me."

"There you go."

"But he's not too old for you," Casey continued, nudging me in the ribs with her elbow.

I rolled my eyes at her, entering the mini store. I searched the items quickly, deciding on a bag of salt and vinegar chips. I smirked slightly to myself. Hardly anyone I knew besides myself liked this flavor of chips, and I hoped Mr. Heywood didn't either. He never told me specifically what to get, so it couldn't be helped if he got something he didn't like.

"Well you have fun with your detention," Casey said, exiting the store with me. "And I want to hear about it tonight."

I rolled my eyes. "There will be nothing to hear about."

Casey smirked. "You never know."

I sighed, shaking my head. Casey laughed, giving me a quick hug.

"See you tomorrow."

"Adios," I responded, waving once.

With the bag of salt and vinegar chips in my hand, I started down the first floor highway towards the science wing. When I reached Mr. Heywood's hall I felt my heartbeat began to increase.

This was the first time I'd be completely alone with him with no one to interrupt us since Lance made me confirm my feelings. I swallowed nervously.

Here I go.

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