:A Proscriptive Relationship: 24

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"How did you know salt and vinegar were my favorite flavor of chips?"

I stared blankly at Mr. Heywood. He couldn't be serious. He smirked back at me, opening the bag of chips and eating one. So much for that idea.

I glanced around the room and my attention was drawn to the homework section on the bored. Getting the permission slip for the field trip signed was under my grade's homework.

"What's the field trip?" I asked, turning back to Mr. Heywood.

He stared at me curiously for a moment, and then realization swept across his face. "Oh, that's right. You were out yesterday."

"How do you know ? You were out too."

"Attendance form," he informed me, an amused smirk on his face.

"Oh," I responded simply.

"There's a class trip to the beach on Saturday," Mr. Heywood started, going over to his desk. "I have a form somewhere if you want one... They are staying over night at a hotel by the beach."

"I want one," I told him quickly.

He frowned at me. "Are you sure?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

Mr. Heywood shrugged. "Never mind."


Mr. Heywood pulled out a sheet of paper, and handed it to me. I scanned it quickly, and put it into my backpack.


"No problem."

A thought suddenly popped into my head and I frowned slightly.

"Say, Mr. Heywood..."

"Chris," he corrected me, raising an eyebrow.

"Chris," I said and rolled my eyes. "Why don't you ever have a detention list on the board?"

Mr. Heywood eyed me for a moment before shrugging. "I didn't realize I had to have one."

"You don't, but most teachers do to remember who had a detention," I told him, looking at his desk. "And I've also noticed that you don't have any detention slips either."

"They're just in my drawer."

I frowned deeper. "Come to think of it... I've never heard anyone say they've got a detention from you, either." I looked at him curiously. "Why is that?"

Mr. Heywood cleared his throat. "I don't know what you're talking about. I give detentions."

"Yeah, to me," I snorted. "But how come I've never heard anyone else say they have?"

"I don't know," he responded casually.

"The girls would surely gloat about it, and the guys would complain... but ever since you started working here, no one has said anything about a detention with you."

Mr. Heywood sighed and looked at me. "Why are you so interested?"

I shrugged. "No reason really, the thought just suddenly popped into my head."

Mr. Heywood stayed quiet for a moment, and I went over to the white board, debating on asking whether I should clean it for him or not. It wasn't like he seemed to have anything else planned for me to do.

"I'm not allowed to have students serve detention with me," Mr. Heywood said, breaking the silence.

I turned to look at him in surprise. "What? Why?"

Mr. Heywood looked over at me with a smirk. "Can't you figure it out? A young, exteremly handsome, kind, man like myself being alone in a room with a high schooler?"

I rolled my eyes. "You're a teacher. Nothing could happen since it's illegal."

"Mmm," Mr. Heywood responded, frowning at me.

For some reason, I felt like what I had said had dampened his mood slightly, but before I could comment on it, another thought popped into my head. I glared at him. "If you weren't allowed to give out detentions, how come I got one the first week!" I demanded, crossing my arms.

Mr. Heywood smirked, shrugging slightly. "I had a feeling you'd be a fun person to tease... and boy was I right."

"You're a jerk, you know that?"

Mr. Heywood laughed. "And I take pleasure in the fact."

I scowled at him. "Well now I know that if you ever give me a detention again, I don't have to go."

"You'll go anyway, though."

I stared at him, my mouth drying slightly. Had he figured something out? Why would he make that comment? He must have mistaken my look for a confused one.

"Because it'll be blackmail, of course," he continued simply.

I gave him a flat look. "Don't say such things so lightly."

Mr. Heywood laughed, his unruly hair falling into his face. I was taken aback by his looks for a moment, and forced myself to look away as a warm blush spread onto my face. I needed to learn how to control my horrible blushing habits.

A silence settled in and I awkwardly played with my fingers while Mr. Heywood stared at me. I finally snapped my attention to him. He raised an eyebrow.

"What do you want me to do?" I demanded, the silence getting to me.

Mr. Heywood looked at me curiously. "What do you mean?"

"Obviously you need me to do manual labor," I responded. "Otherwise you wouldn't have blackmailed me into coming."

Mr. Heywood laughed. "I wouldn't really call it blackmailing..."

I stared flatly at him. He grinned back.

"Whatever," I responded, sighing deeply.

"Follow me," Mr. Heywood said suddenly, beckoning me towards the supply room. "While we're waiting for him, you can help me store today's materials from the labs."

"Him?" I echoed, following Mr. Heywood into the supply room.

I blushed faintly, remembering my dream, but quickly shook it out of my head. There was no way that would ever happen.

"Wash out those test tubes,"Mr. Heywood ordered, ignoring me completely.

I sighed, walking over to the sink where the test tubes were. Something hit me in the back of my head and I turned around to see Mr. Heywood nodding to the ground where the thing that hit me lay. I looked down to see a pair of gloves.

"Wear those just in case," he suggested, before turning his back to me.

I looked at the test tubes warily before picking up the gloves and putting them on. "What chemicals were you using exactly today?"

Mr. Heywood looked over at me with a smirk. "Nothing too bad."

I rolled my eyes, picking up one of the test tubes. If anything happened, at least I could sue him. The thought brought a smile to my face.

I turned on the sink and began washing the test tube out, filling it with water, shaking it, and pouring the water out. When I was done, I put it upside down on a paper towel and started on the next one. About halfway through them, I felt a presence next to me.

"You're slow," Mr. Heywood commented, looking over my shoulder.

"Look, I'm going as fast as I can!" I snapped, raising the hand with the test tube in annoyance.

Water from the test tube sloshed out, going over my shoulder and into Mr. Heywood's face. I quickly turned around in shock to see Mr. Heywood frowning at me, water dripping down his face.

"Sorry," I apologized, trying not to laugh.

Mr. Heywood rolled his eyes, wiping his face off with the back of his sleeve. "I need to go to the conference room for a minute. Stay here."

"Okay," I responded, turning back to the sink.

Mr. Heywood ruffled my hair and chuckled to himself before exiting the. I looked after him for a minute, trying to fix my hair with my forearm. Why did he do that? As if my hair didn't look bad as it was without him having to mess it up. I sighed to myself, picking up the next test tube.

Hair mussing... that was like a brotherly gesture. Or a fatherly one... I froze, my mouth falling open slightly. Did Mr. Heywood think of me as a dad would his daughter? The thought made me sick, but it was possible. I shook my head violently. That wasn't it. It couldn't possibly be it, and if it was, then I would change that.

Suddenly I felt a pair of arms encircle my waist. I screamed and jumped violently in surprise, dropping the test tube in my hand. It fell to the ground and smashed. I struggled for a moment, trying to release myself from the mystery person's arms. The person holding me chuckled, not letting go of me.

"Did I surprise you?" a familiar voice asked.

"Jeremy?" I asked, turning my head and coming face-to-face with the blonde man.

"Hi there," he responded with a grin.

"Holly? What's wrong?" a new voice called in a worried voice.

Jeremy turned me around, his strong arms still around my waist. I struggled for a moment until I realized I had no chance of escaping his grasp. Mr. Heywood appeared, his eyes flashing around the room before landing on Jeremy.

"Oh, it's just you," Mr. Heywood said, a frown on his face, but looking relieved. His eyes moved to Jeremy's arms around my waist. "What are you doing?"

"Showing the love," Jeremy responded, squeezing me.

"Hey," I said, trying to get out of his grasp. "What love?"

"That's cold," Jeremy stated. "I thought last night meant something..."

"Let her go," Mr. Heywood ordered, rolling his eyes. "I thought you 'aren't interested in high school girls'?"

Jeremy chuckled and released me. "Feelings change, you know."

"In two days?"


Mr. Heywood rolled his eyes again. "Whatever. Holly, let's go."

"Let's go?" I repeated, giving him a questioning look.

Mr. Heywood nodded. "Now that Jeremy's here, we can get started."

"With what?"

"Teaching you how to fight, obviously," Jeremy responded for him, looking at me like I was the densest person on earth.

I stared back at him.



If you guys can't guess, I'm having major writer's block on this story. So sorry about that =/

Anyways... join my FB page if you haven't... you can also add me as a friend, the links there. Open external link at the right... and, of course, VOTE! :D Vote for my horrible week to become better! lol

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