Let's Talk

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You looked into the music room and saw it was empty. The glossy piano sat in it as well as several other instruments the brothers had attempted to take up. Flute, guitar, violin, electric guitar, bass, microphones for singing practice, and so on. You went over to the piano and imagined Lucifer sitting there, playing a lullaby to a small sleeping Belphie sitting next to him on the piano bench. You uncovered the keys and sat down, starting to play random notes that sounded nice to your ears. You started with the black notes, playing them in a random order. You had learned that no matter what you play on the black keys, it always sounds good. So you played as you pretended you were some talented and famous pianist, playing an original song that people just adored. You lost yourself to the simple song you played.

You finished and pressing down on the keys to create a final chord to end on. You breathed slightly heavily as you felt yourself return to reality. The music had truly swept you up in that moment although you knew it was nothing like the greats would have played.

You were startled by the sound of clapping behind you. Turning, you saw Lucifer walking towards you as he clapped.

"That was beautiful. It sounded sad yet so full of passion and life at the same time. It was as if you were saying this wouldn't be the end." Lucifer commented as he joined you on the piano bench, causing you to scoot over.

"It just felt right to play." You shyly replied, feeling humiliated that he had seen you play.

"You haven't been taught the piano, correct? You were playing simple, recognizable cords and you weren't moving your hands like an experienced pianist might." Lucifer then demonstrated as he played a quick melody for you.

"My hands just don't work like that." You sheepishly added. "But I still love the piano so I do what I can. I know some from when I was in chorus. My teacher often showed us the piano to help us learn pitches and chords and harmonies and so on." You smiled as you fondly remembered it. You found it boring at the time, but you still loved that you had learned something so cool.

"Well you did well. I could tell you had some musical background." Lucifer continued to play a beautiful melody. "(Y/N), I was actually looking for you."

"Huh? Why?" You looked up at Lucifer as he continued to play, not even looking back at you.

"Remember the night I took you home from a party?"

You remembered the party Asmo had invited you to and how dramatic it was when Lucifer came in. You remember feeling all eyes on you as he dragged you and Mammon out. Then you recalled the phone call that took place before Lucifer arrived. You felt your cheeks grow warm and you now wished you didn't remember.

"Ugh, yes. Why do you bring it up?"

"I'm not upset at you for it." Lucifer's fingers glided over the keys, pressing them down perfectly. As precise as he was, his movements remained fluid rather than robotic, giving the melody true life and emotion. "I was upset that Asmodeus had brought you there. Those parties are known for getting out of hand. I already hate that he goes to them, but I was worried when you had called. Especially since you sounded a bit drunk." The tone of the melody turned a bit anxious and sad, with staccato notes that gave in to some legato notes creating a perfect mix that left you feeling everything Lucifer was feeling.

"I should have been smarter about it..." You watched his fingers, feeling horrible about yourself. "I was a dumbass."

"I wouldn't go so far to say that. But please do be wiser in the future. Asmodeus doesn't mean harm, but he can be reckless, especially with parties. He doesn't always care if something is unsafe. It's always worried me, but especially when he drags someone like you into it, well, my whole head of hair might turn gray within a month." Lucifer continued to play, the melody fluid and ever-changing as his emotions continue to shift during the discussion. "I can't keep Asmodeus safe forever, especially since he and the rest of my brothers see me as controlling enough as is. I've punished him plenty of times, but he continues to sneak out and go to parties anyway. However, with you, (Y/N), I can keep safe. You listen to me fairly often and you're aware you're far more fragile physically than Asmodeus is."

"I wouldn't say fragile." You retorted. "But I know I'm in over my head here."


For a moment, a silence void of words filled the air between you. The melody being played took a sour turn. The tune began to sound twisted and pained.

"My brothers, I'm sure, have told you to be careful of me. That I'm sadistic and punish mercilessly." Lucifer finally cut down the silence between you two. "I know I'm strict and controlling, but I," for a moment he pondered his words before continuing, "I simply want to keep them safe."

You thought back to when you first joined the academy. When Lucifer threatened to hurt you if you tried to hurt his brothers, how he had squeezed your hand a bit too tightly during the dance at the castle. You remembered how he always seemed to keep a close eye on you, as if he suspected you of being pure evil and plotting against them.

"I can tell."

Hitting the last few notes, pressing down on their corresponding keys, Lucifer finished playing then turned to look at you.

"It is because of this that I want you to know I feel the same about you. I wish to keep you safe and that isn't just because of the exchange." He looked directly into your eyes. "I've come to care for you as part of this family. And so I wish to protect you as if you were one of my brothers or even as if you were Lord Diavolo. So I must...apologize...if I come off as strict or harsh. I feel even more inclined to protect you as you aren't a powerful demon like the rest of us. We're some of the most powerful demons. You aren't even a weaker one. You're a human. And so if I come off as smothering, that is why."

You just listened while locking eyes with him. You didn't know what to even say to that.

"And now I have a question for you."

"Go on...?"

"Is there a brother of mine that you like?" Lucifer asked.

You felt your cheeks grow warm and you laughed awkwardly. "Haha, what...? I mean, I don't know. I haven't uh, I haven't really thought about it. You know, romance, I mean. I don't know..."

"I see. I'm sorry to cause you to become flustered." Lucifer rose from the piano bench. "But if you do grow to love one of my brothers, I want you to know that you have my blessing and I know you'll be happy with them." Lucifer smiled at you, a rare occurrence with a smile of that degree, then he left you alone in the music room.

You turned back to the piano and pressed a lower c note on it.

"One of his brothers I love...? Does that even include him?" You thought quietly to yourself, staring at the glimmering black and white keys. "Somehow, I don't think it does."

~★~ End ~★~

Chapter Art: the card "Popular with the Ladies" from Obey Me, Solmare

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