Only One Shall Win My Heart

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You sat in Mammon's room as you scrolled through your phone. He sat in front of his TV playing video games alone.

"Truth or dare Mammon?"

"What? I dunno!"

You rolled your eyes. "Pick one, I'm bored."

"Fine, truth. I'm busy." His eyes never left the screen.

You realized you had no ideas for any questions so you quickly to tried to google some.

"Oh! Here's one! 'If you could be invisible, what is the first thing you would do?'" you asked.

"Well duh, obviously I'd-"

"Go around and try to make everyone love me by listening in on their opinions of me!"

You both looked to the door and saw Asmo standing there as he walked over and plopped down next to you.

"Though, I think you're the only one I need to love me, (Y/N)~" He slightly stroked your chin and looked into your eyes.

"Hey!" Mammon abandoned his game and pulled Asmo away from you, yelling all kinds of things.

You ignored them and asked Mammon a different question to get his attention away.

"What is an instant deal breaker in a love interest, Mammon?"

He stopped harassing his brother then thought for a moment, making the cutest face ever. Rubbing the back of his head, he thought and thought.

"We don't have all day." Asmo complained.

"To be honest, if they were super obnoxious like Asmo." Mammon made a face then began mocking him. "'Oh everyone loves me! I'm the most beautiful in the world!'" you and Mammon both laughed.

"Hey! That's not funny!" Pouted Asmo.

"For real though, I'd hate someone who was too stuck up or full of themselves."

"Oh please, Mammon. As if you don't constantly go 'I'm the Great Mammon!' and act super entitled and full of yourself."

"Hey! Grrrrrrr."

"Ooh, scary! I'm absolutely shaking in my expensive faux leather boots from Majolish."

You looked between them. Realizing you had only made things worse, you quickly switched and looked at Asmo. "Truth or dare?"

"My game!"

"Hmmmm." Ignoring Mammon as he cried over the Game Over screen, Asmo thought for a moment then chose truth.

"If you have a crush, what is it that makes you feel most attracted to them?" You looked up at Asmo as he just stared at you silently. Assuming he was thinking it over, you looked away, hoping he'd stop staring at you.

"I like how they're different from everyone I've been with." Asmodeus answered. "They don't care about hook ups, they don't care about my lust, they don't look at me like I'm some doll to play around with. I never thought anyone would ever treat me like that. I...I didn't think I deserved that."

You and Mammon both stared at Asmo. You didn't know what to say or think. Was it really so rare for Asmo to be treated like a person? Did no one really love him? You didn't know what to think.

"Or maybe it's just because they know how to adore me~ I do love the attention~" Asmo switched back to his narcissistic self in a matter of seconds, as quickly as a button being pushed.

"Yo, do you...really feel like that?" Mammon asked.

"Like what? Like the most beautiful person in this room~? Because that's certainly true!" Asmodeus posed and smiled adorably before taking a selfie of himself. Mammon stared at him for a moment, saying nothing and leaving him be.

"Okaaaaay. Truth or dare Mammon?"


"How do you really feel about Lucifer and the way he treats you?"

Mammon made a face then looked away. "Ugh, couldn't you have gone with somethin' else? Come on, (Y/N)!" Mammon then sat quietly for a bit before finally answering, "I know I deserve to be punished sometimes. It's not like I'm a total saint. I mess up a lot, I know I do. But I also know he wants the best for me. Lucifer would do anything for us. I hate that he always punishes me so harshly, but I also know that we're the most important things to him. But I wish he'd stop taking away my precious Goldie! She's the love of my life, I hate being separated from her!"

You pretended to wipe a tear from your eye and gave a fake sniffle. "Oh Mammon! That was truly beautiful!"

"Hey!" Mammon pointed at you and Asmo, giving you both a look then said, "Don't ya dare go blabbin' about what I said, got it?! What we say in here stays in here! You two try to tell anyone and I'll spill everything I know about the two of ya!"

"Ugh, we know Mammon. Please, I'm not that desperate for gossip. I wouldn't waste it on someone like you anyway." Asmo smirked at Mammon then looked to you like an excited puppy. "My turn, my turn!"

As the game continued, the two boys shared many secrets and stories with you. It ended up being a more entertaining afternoon than it was before.


Lucifer paced through the halls, reading through a book that Diavolo had shared with him. Satan had originally shared the novel with Diavolo then Diavolo had told Lucifer to read it next. So there he was, actively moving through the hallways of the house as he read. His study was a horrible place to read as the paperwork and other tasks on his desk only pressured him into working instead of reading. The library was often occupied by Satan or Belphie or anyone else and on this day, it had been occupied by Solomon and Satan practicing magic with each other. The kitchen would be no good as Beel or some other resident of the home would find their way in there. And his room felt too suffocating on that day to even think about relaxing in there. Then Levi had stolen the music room to practice some dances in one of his many video games. Belphie was fast asleep in the common room. While it didn't seem to be a bother at first, Beel was enjoying snacks in there whenever he wasn't visiting the kitchen for more. The chewing and occasional snoring would drive Lucifer insane if he attempted to read in there.

So without a choice of a quiet place, Lucifer found it was best to just wander through the halls reading. As he turned a corner, he accidentally bumped into Asmo who had just returned from a morning at the spa.

"Oh Asmodeus, I'm sorry for that. Are you alright?" Lucifer asked as he slipped the bookmark between the pages and shut the book.

"I'm alright, don't worry." Asmo smiled and fixed his hair and outfit to perfection once more. "What are you reading?"

"Oh it's a book Lord Diavolo recommended I read." Lucifer sighed. "He even ordered me to focus on it instead of the work I have to do."

"Ooh~ your boyfriend wants to share something he loves with you! How romantic!" Asmodeus sighed dramatically. "If only I had a lover who would tell me to read something they love like that! It's so romantic, don't you think? Being so excited about something that your first thought is sharing it with the one you hold dearest to your heart."

"-_-" Lucifer just stared at Asmo with an annoyed face. "We aren't dating, Asmodeus."

"Oh you keep saying that, but I'm sure Diavolo feels very different."

"Lord Diavolo."

"Right, right, Lord Diavolo. Mmmm," Asmodeus thought then smiled, "where's (Y/N), Lucy? Have you seen them by any chance?"

"I believe they're in Mammon's room. I think he wanted to play games with them."

"Ugh! He's so greedy! Taking up all of their time." Asmo pouted then huffed and moved by Lucifer. "Well I want some (Y/N) time too! I'll see you later, Lucifer~!" Asmodeus waved elegantly as he walked off fabulously.

Lucifer sighed then went back to reading the book and traversing the halls. After a while, he found himself walking by Mammon's room where the three of you were.

"Hey! Grrrrrrr."

"Ooh, scary! I'm absolutely shaking in my expensive faux leather boots from Majolish."

Lucifer sighed and gently closed his hook before pressing his ear to the door, listening in. He heard the two bicker slightly before he heard you butt in and ask "truth or dare?"

"My game!"

Asmodeus picked truth then the question was asked. With great curiosity, Lucifer continued to listen in, waiting for Asmodeus' reply.

"I like how they're different from everyone I've been with." Asmodeus had answered. "They don't care about hook ups, they don't care about my lust, they don't look at me like I'm some doll to play around with. I never thought anyone would ever treat me like that. I...I didn't think I deserved that."

Lucifer's expression changed to a sympathetic one. He gently pressed his hand to the door and quietly whispered, "Oh Asmo, you deserve the world." Memories flooded Lucifer's mind of one Asmo's many exes. The way Asmo had come home crying, looking like a wreck after spending the night with that guy. Lucifer had questioned him, but Asmo insisted everything was okay. Then one night, Asmo had come home shaking. He barely walked in the door when Lucifer began questioning him and why he was so late. But it was different that night. Asmodeus broke down crying and told him what had happened with his at-the-time boyfriend Axel. Lucifer had nearly lost it. If it wasn't for the fact that Asmo had needed comfort then, Lucifer would have gone straight to Axel's house and made him regret ever being born. Yet Lucifer controlled himself and comforted Asmo before helping to fix him up. He even allowed Asmo to sleep in his bed with him. It was rare he did that. It wasn't something he had done since his brothers were quite young. But occasionally, he'd allow it if he knew that they couldn't stand sleeping alone.

"I know you'll find someone to love you." Lucifer quietly whispered. "And if it's them, then, I'd be happy for you. Even if it killed me inside." Lucifer turned and walked off, his book remaining closed and tucked beneath his arm.

~★~ End ~★~

Chapter Art: Solmare, the Obey Me game, card is called "Asmo Night"

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