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You checked your grades in each of your classes and felt proud of yourself after seeing the improvement. You didn't even need Satan to tutor you! As soon as you'd get home, you knew you had to share that with Lucifer! Not only would it get him off your ass, but you hoped it would mean he'd be proud of you.

As you say in the middle of your class, your mind drifted off to imagining what Lucifer might say once he saw your grades. You imagined him patting your head and praising you. You felt a pang of strange warmth in your chest as you also felt your cheeks flush at the thought of such praise. Even though you knew it was incredibly unrealistic, you couldn't help dreaming about it and wanting him to praise you and tell you that he's proud of you. Thinking about it only made that weird feeling inside grow. It felt so uncomfortable yet at the same time, you didn't want it to stop. It felt safe and warm. So weird... You thought just as the bell rang. Gathering up your stuff, you left class and started heading towards the exit.

Until a certain demon got in your way.

"Hey! (Y/N)! You have to come with me now that school is over!" Mammon intruded. You gave him a look. Unless it was important, there was no way you'd find yourself following him. Over the past few weeks, you've learned it's better to just...not follow Mammon. "Pleaaaaaaase, I need youuuuu! It's for this really important thing!"

"Important? Oh really?" You replied with a raised eyebrow. "Then tell me just what this important thing is."

Mammon stumbled around with his words as he worked hard to come up with some excuse. You shook your head and told him you were busy, pushing past him and going to head home.

"Did you really think that'd work?" Asmodeus sauntered up to Mammon with a mocking smirk.

"Shut it! Usually they just go with me." Mammon pouted and shook his head.

"What did you even want them to do?" Asmo asked.

"It's none of your business!"

"Well either way, that's no way to ask them. Tsk, tsk. My dear brother, you live with me!!! I thought for sure you'd know how to ask someone out~"

"I-what?! I'm not doing that!!!"

Asmo laughed and sashayed away, whisking his hips flirtatiously. "Oh please darling, don't even try to act like you don't want to ask that cutie out~ anyone can see you love them~ but it'll be me that they will love back."

Mammon glared at his younger brother and grumbled as they walked home. You weren't too far ahead of them. It wasn't long before you returned home, running instantly to Lucifer's office. You looked around but couldn't find him. Next you went to his room and saw nothing. Room after room, you checked from the most obvious spots Lucifer might be to the very last few places left in the house. It wasn't as if the House of Lamentation was small either.

You wandered into the kitchen as your final destination and sighed. You grabbed a quick snack and just ate it alone. Beel wandered in and surprisingly looked at you.

"Hey (Y/N)! Come to have some food? Wanna make something together?"

"Hey Beel. Do you know where Lucifer is?"

"He's not in his office?" You shook your head. "No idea then. Probably still at RAD then. Sometimes he stays after." He dug through the fridge as he replied.

You sighed and texted Lucifer, asking him about his whereabouts. You groaned like a child as you waited for his response. Beel offered you a snack and you gladly took it. Then you heard your DDD tone go off and you quickly went to check it. A text notification shown! You got excited as you checked only to see it was a text from Levi sharing a meme. You were disappointed, but you still replied cheerfully and laughed about it with him. You whined even more after putting your phone down.

"Lucifeeeeeeeeeeer, hurry up and replyyyyyyyy." You whined aloud. Time ticked away, Beel cooking and eating pretty much everything. You didn't care to stop him. The only interaction you had was receiving snacks from Beel occasionally. Then your DDD text tone went off again! You quickly checked it, shaking your leg wildly as you checked the notification and saw a reply from Lucifer!!!

I'm over at the Demon Lord's Castle. Diavolo and I are discussing something important. I'll see you at RAD tomorrow.

Your eye twitched slightly as you just stared at the message. Your mind instantly filled with unholy thoughts of stuff that certainly was far more than "discussing." You felt sick especially after eating so much food and sulked back to your room. You knew it was dumb to be jealous, but you still felt disappointed. You waited all day to share your grades only to be forgotten because of Diavolo.

You tried to suppress the jealous feelings as you laid on your bed, staring at your ceiling that had small glowing lights up there. Yet it didn't work. You couldn't stop thinking about the YEARS of history that Lucifer and Diavolo might have. It wasn't just that. But it was also the fact that Lucifer wasn't even much to you. You lived together, you had some sweet moments, but it still felt like you were nothing more than a duty to him. No wonder everyone talks about him and Diavolo dating... You rolled onto your side and curled up, yawning softly. Your mind groggily drifted through emotional imaginings as you drifted off to sleep.



Your room's door gently creaked open and heavy footsteps slowly moved inward. A looming figure stood over your bed. Their hands gently lifted you and moved you underneath your blankets, tucking you in. They brushed your hair gently out of your eyes. Leaning down, the figure planted a soft kiss upon your forehead, lingering for a moment too long. Their hand gently moved over your body outside the blanket, feeling your form as reassurance.

"I'm proud of you." They whispered in your ear then turned and left, closing the creaky door as quietly as they could.

You felt warm as you slept. Sweet dreams danced in your mind. Your breath was steady and easy as you remained curled up beneath the soft sheets, head resting on the pillow. For the rest of the night, you had pleasant dreams.


Art Credit: Solmare

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