What Connects Us

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Sitting at your desk, laptop in front of you with a blank page on it. Your DDD lit up with a message notification, the clock appearing as well and flashing 23:07. You could have been doing this the past few days, you knew you should have been doing it, but you were too busy enjoying your time with Lucifer and the others. However, now that you didn't want to see Lucifer's face, you were left staring at this blank page for your essay, the deadline seeming to quickly approach every minute though it was still a few days off.

The essay prompt seemed so simple, and yet actually trying to type it felt like scaling a mountain. All you had to do was write an essay about an experience that changed you. Several ideas popped into your head, but none of them felt good enough. After a minute of trying that idea, you trashed it, assuming it'd be too embarrassing to write. What could you write? Everything was either far too personal, far too short and without any impact on you, or was just too difficult to write. You stared straight at you screen, running your hands through your hair and clutching your head as tears formed in your eyes. You had lived so much yet you knew you couldn't share any of it. If you ever admitted it, so much could go wrong yet you couldn't just write something pointless and accept a mediocre grade. Your grades were already suffering and it was crushing you mentally and now this task was pushing you over the edge.

Slamming your laptop screen shut, you left out a heavy sigh then plugged your earbuds in and found your favorite playlist to listen to when you felt low. You rose from your chair and left the room, just wanting to get away from the thought of that paper for as long as you could. Although the thought of the essay persisted, seeming to haunt your mind, you still gave your best attempts at shaking it as you made your way out of the House of Lamentation. Lucifer didn't allow you out at night. In his words, it was "far too dangerous," but right now, you couldn't care any less.

However, you hadn't escaped freely. Not long after you left did you hear footsteps running after you before Mammon appeared next to you, walking alongside you. You tried to ignore him, but you could hear his muffled voice through your earbuds. Begrudgingly, you took your earbuds out and asked,

"What do you want now and why couldn't you just text me it?"

"Well I heard you leaving and wanted to know where you were going." Mammon said. "Not cause I care that much. It's just Lucifer hasn't let me outta the house all day cause he found out about my grades. So if you're going out late then so am I! Partners in crime!"

You groaned and rubbed your head. "If you're going to follow me then please try to be quiet. I just want a relaxing evening for once."

Mammon was taken aback by your obvious bad mood, but he didn't pester you like some other demons might have. You put your earbud back in and continued to walk alongside Mammon underneath the moonlit streets of the Devildom. The music playing in your ears began to sooth your worries. The tension in your body mitigated as you took a deep breath, taking in the night's cool air and letting the moonlight shine down upon your body. A deep bliss seemed to be brought out. It was a relaxation you had never felt before. Although that didn't say much since you couldn't recall ever being truly relaxed. It was a reality you never knew and yet here it was. You finally felt free. At least for a moment before you were grabbed by Mammon and pulled aside roughly. You took an earbud out and went to yell at him before he covered your mouth and motioned to the middle of the street where Lucifer was walking by. You stayed silent, huddled against Mammon in the shadows of a plant as Lucifer passed by, unaware of your guys' presence.

Once Lucifer was no longer in sight, Mammon let go of you and you both continued on your walk.

"Hey, uh, (Y/N)." You looked at Mammon. "Not that it really matters, but what's got you going out so late anyway?"

Hesitating, you turned to look away from him, focusing on anything besides his face as you spoke, "I have this essay that I haven't done yet and it's kinda getting to me a bit."

"Ah, same here! I have this dumb essay in my Demon Lit class and it's driving me nuts. I just made a bunch of stuff up and it should be good enough!" Mammon laughed heartily and carefree. You tried to laugh along, not letting anything slip through the cracks of your facade. "I can do the same for yours if ya can't think of anything!" As difficult as this essay was, you already knew the answer,

"No way in hell."

"Awwww, come on (Y/N)! I've got a talent for this!!!"

"Not happening. I'll just figure something out."

"Fine, fine, if you're sure then."


Returning home, everything was still left unsolved. Mammon helped you sneak back in. As he shut the front door silently, you tried to sneak off to the kitchen to play off everything as just a midnight snack craving. Mammon made his way back to his room. Either way, it didn't seem Lucifer noticed you had returned or that you both were even gone in the first place. After leaving the kitchen with a few snacks in hand, you heard something echoing from around the corner. A soft, somber tune played on the piano. The lights were dimmed since it was so late, but the golden glow of bright light came through the cracked door of the music room. You followed the sound and stuck your head in through the crack. There a tall man in dark clothes sat playing at the piano, gloves off for once and jacket on the floor. You pulled your head back out and looked around. Not another soul in sight. Makes sense, you thought. It is pretty late. If anyone's up, they're not going to be down here except maybe Beel coming for the poor food. You smiled at your own playful thought then pushed the door open gently and walked in.

"Lucifer?" It was sight to see for sure. The usually composed demon startled and looked back at you.

"Ah, (Y/N). What are you doing up at this hour?" Asked the prideful demon, pretending he hadn't just been scared by your arrival. "You really should be asleep. We have school tomorrow after all." Already getting a lecture for even being up.

"I came down for snacks. I'm having trouble falling asleep." You held up one of the snack packages as proof. "You were playing. I didn't know you could."

Clearing his throat, Lucifer looked back at the piano and replied, "Yes, well, I haven't played in such a long time."

"What made you want to play again then?" You made your way over to him and made him scoot over on the piano bench to make room for you.

"I couldn't sleep either and I had the sudden urge to. It really put my mind at ease." His thumb gently stroked the glossy piano, his eyes focused on it as if he was studying it, and yet in his eyes, there was a faraway, lost look. Blinking and clearing his throat, Lucifer's mind seemed to have come back to reality. He grabbed his gloves and slid them back onto his hands.

"Can you play a song for me?" You looked him straight in the eyes as you slowly stuffed a snack in your mouth. "Please?"

Lucifer studied your expression for a moment before nodding and taking his gloves off once again and began playing a song you had never heard. A sweet tune that sounded so hollow yet so full of emotions you couldn't even begin to describe. You closed your eyes and took in the song, letting every last note ring in your mind and tell its own story as it also made up the overarching story of the song. It was like nothing you ever heard; not even the most brilliant songs in the human world could ever compare to this especially with the way he played it.

It felt like it lasted for an eternity, but also felt so short at the same time. It was over before you knew it. You opened your eyes and smiled at Lucifer.

"That was amazing, Lucifer." You complimented. "I've never heard anything like it."

"It's a song I've known for thousands of years. It's called The Demon's Night. It's actually from an old popular movie." A soft smile was planted upon the lips of the proud demon as he recalled the song. "The song has lyrics. They tell the story of a young boy with a teddy bear that's possessed by a demon. The teddy bear sings this lullaby and that's what I played here. I..." his voice trailed off as he clearly contemplated if he should continue.

"You what?" Your brows furrowed as you wondered what he could have been about to say.

"When Belphie was younger, he used to sulk when he couldn't fall asleep sometimes. That's when I would play this song and he'd fall right asleep." Lucifer looked at the piano intently, getting lost in another memory. "I used to play for all of them when they couldn't fall asleep. It certainly has been a while since I last did that."

"I..did something give you the urge to play the piano again?" You inquired, watching his face. It was stone cold yet his eyes were so soft as they watched the still piano. He didn't say a word. "Lucifer?"

"Nothing in particular. I just thought it would be nice to play once again." His fingers grazed over the piano keys, not pressing down and yet they seemed to take in the sensation of the cold, smooth keys. "Would you like to hear another song?" You nodded. "Alright then. I used to play this one for Satan when he was still very young. It was difficult to get him to calm down sometimes, but this song always did the trick."

The melody started, each key ringing out as his fingers flew over them. You laid your head down on his shoulder, feeling the movements on his muscles as he played. Closing your eyes, you listened close to the song. This was so different from The Demon's Night. This one was so full of life yet so controlled and yet, as Lucifer played it, it sounded so free of control at the same time. You could imagine a smaller Satan sitting at the piano calmly as Lucifer sat there playing. It felt as if you had been taken back in time. The story in your mind danced around as it followed the nights, never leaving you bored throughout it. It's no wonder this could calm the young demon of wrath. You felt like you were one of them, as if you were part of the family for thousands of years. You could feel the love and devotion put into Lucifer's care and suddenly everything made sense to you. Opening your eyes, you sat up and gazed at the proud demon. He had his own eyes closed as the music took him back to those memories.

Lucifer always seemed so harsh and demanding, but he didn't just act that way to others. You could see it clearly now. Lucifer held himself to the highest standard of all and yet here he was. Here, he was free of those standards and those demands to be perfect and strong. Here, he could play to his heart's content and be free of the chains that held back the truth. That's what you felt. That's what you could tell as you watched him play.

The song ended and Lucifer instantly put on his gloves. He slipped the cover over the keys and grabbed his coat.

"I hope you enjoyed it (Y/N), but I think it's time that we get to bed." Lucifer smiled softly at you, the emotions still deep in his eyes even if his face attempted to conceal them.

You nodded then took a deep breath and decided to be honest. "Lucifer, I'm sorry for getting upset last time we hung out. I just...I don't want to be just a human you have to protect." You looked at him. "Ah, that was random...I'm sorry. I just thought you should know." You rose from the bench and went to leave.

"(Y/N)." You turned back to look at him. "You'll always be more than just any human to me. I only want to protect you because of that." You smiled back at him.

"Then thank you, Lucifer. I can protect myself, but thank you." You left the music room and went back upstairs to your room. Not even giving a small glance to your laptop, you climbed into bed and plugged your DDD up. Thoughts swirled in your head of the moment you just shared with Lucifer as it had no become a memory. Then you drifted off to sleep, the songs still dancing through your mind.


Breakfast began with just you since it was your turn to make it. You set the table for the seven demons then yourself and took your seat, eating heartily the delicious breakfast you had made. Lucifer was the first to join you. Although things were mended, it still felt a bit tense being around him.

"Good morning, (Y/N)." Lucifer took his seat and began eating. "Thank you for making breakfast."

You nodded and responded, "Of course. It's only fair I do it once in a while." You continued to eat in silence as the others slowly trickled in, Levi and Belphie being the last two to arrive and barely before Beel ate their helpings of the meal. You all conversed as normal, but the image of the night with Lucifer refused to leave your mind. There was something more to it than just what you knew, what you experienced. Although you could feel the passion of the memories, there was something more to the music. You found yourself staring at Lucifer, lost in contemplation and not even realizing you were doing it. There was something else, but you couldn't figure out what it was. A hand waved in front of you and you came back to reality, your mind forgetting the thought it had worked so hard to figure out.

"Eh, what is it?" You asked.

"I can understand why you'd stare at Lucifer, darling~ but he's not the only perfect looking one here~" Asmo cooed. "I wanted you to try this, come on, say 'ahhhh~.'"

You opened your mouth and ate the food off his fork without any complaint and went back to interacting with the brothers, the thoughts almost leaving your mind for just a moment.

And still, the feeling pestered you throughout the remaining week. You attempted to sort it out, writing it all out in your notebook during your classes instead of doing your work or paying attention. You wrote paragraphs, describing the experience and not caring if it was perfect nor if it was correct grammatically. You just wanted to write and share it and understand it. The final bell of the day rung and what you had before you was at least two pages long.

"What's that you've written, (Y/N)?" Belphie took the notebook from you before you could even reply and started to read through it.

"You can't know!" You took the notebook back from him and gave him a look.

"Is that for the essay we have to do?"

Your eyes widened. "Belphie you genius! I should use this for the essay!" You gave him a quick hug then rushed out before a reply could be given. Asmo was standing outside your classroom, waiting for you, but you rushed by him. "Sorry, Asmo! Work to do! See you later!" You didn't waste any time before you got back to your room. You started typing it up instantly, fixing any mistakes and writing it with a much better flow than before. Your fingers flew across the keys, typing as fast as you could and filling the two page requirement easily. You finished it off with an outstanding final paragraph,

It was in that moment that I had seen what Lucifer truly was like. What I thought was strict and controlling was a fear I could never understand. Pain flowed through his fingers as he hit each key causing every note to be wrung with fear and sadness that was often locked away. I didn't know what it was at the time, but then I realized exactly what he was saying as he played. He was giving me his vow to protect me and to love me, a passion that was always apart of him flowed out from his very core and surrounded me through the music. I took the moment for granted and yet it still taught me a powerful lesson that no one is ever what they seem at first glance. This stoic, sadistic man was a softer, loving soul just trying his best for the ones he held dear. The music wrapped around my mind like a blanket, connecting me to his past and bringing me close to him. The power someone can put into the music they play is immense and that is what it means to be a musician, professional or not. It was recent yet it was one of the most significant events in my life. It opened my eyes to the power of music, to the power of one's heart and soul, and the truth behind even the most hardened faces. We all have secrets even if we appear fine. I don't think he intended to teach me, but I have a feeling something more powerful brought us there that night to share in that unforgettable moment. That is what it means to grow as a person and I can fully say that it has caused me to grow.

You proudly read through your paper with a smile plastered on your face, fixing any slight mistakes you made from typing before printing it out and stapling it. You put the paper away before having the idea to show Lucifer. You stared at the folder holding your essay then took it out and rushed to Lucifer's study. You knocked before bursting in and saw Lucifer was at his desk working.

"Lucifer, I-"

"Not now, (Y/N). I have a lot of work to do. Can you come back later?"

It was such a normal thing yet this time it stung your heart. You felt your eyes water a bit, feeling the familiar feeling of being brushed off before trying again. "It's important, I promise it won't be a waste of your time! Just look, please!" You begged. You didn't want to show it to him later when the feeling wore off, you wanted it now. You didn't want it to go unforgotten until it was too late. You wanted him to see and share in the joy of your hard work that would surely pay off. Lucifer sighed heavily and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Are you sure it can't wait till later?"

You looked down at the essay in your hands then back up at Lucifer. "Nevermind, it isn't as important as I thought. I'm sorry for bothering you." You smiled as wide as you could, squinting your eyes a bit to even give off the look of a real smile then went to leave.

"I guess I could spare a few moments. Please, (Y/N), bring it here for me to see what it is you want to see." Lucifer requested. You stood still for a moment, not sure what to feel. This was the part where you'd walk off ignored, forgetting everything joyful you felt and wanting to destroy what you worked so hard on. However, this was different. You slowly turned and walked over to him, handing him the essay with shaking hands and a suddenly racing heart.

"I finished my essay assignment. Can you um check it for me?" You attempted to lie. The room was quiet except for the breathing of you and Lucifer, your racing heart, and the occasional shifting of the paper as he read through it. He finished and sat for a moment, silent as a statue.

"You wrote about the night we had together not long ago?"

"Y-Yeah. Is that a problem...?" Your nerves were shot, your heart racing so fast you thought you'd might die. Your hands felt so sweaty and you couldn't make them stop.

"Not at all, I think you definitely have a knack for writing." Lucifer's face softened into a smile. "I love it, (Y/N). I'm honored that you wrote about me. Thank you. Truly."

You couldn't resist and you found yourself giving a warm hug to Lucifer as you took your paper back from him. He corrected a few things in your paper as you had asked and then you went off to revise it. Once perfected, you printed the new issue and stuck it in your school folder, ready to be turned in. You didn't know what to do. All you knew was that you felt proud. You did it and you made Lucifer happy because of it. That was all you needed.

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