Chapter 12

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A/N: My apologies, folks! 'Fire' Mountain is actually TORCHfire Mountain. I didn't actually hear Sensei Wu properly when I was watching that episode.

"Why is is that TORCHFIRE MOUNTAIN is the only place we can destroy the Fangblades?" Nya asked, the Fangblades gently rolling along the table as the Bounty weathered the storm.

Kai, who was sitting next to his sister, explained, "'Cause the Fangblades are made from the original teeth of the Devourer. They're so strong they can only break down in extraordinary heat."

Besides those two, Hikari was the only other person sitting in the dining room. Oh, and Jay, too.

"Um, could someone pass the salt?" Jay asked, and then a roar of thunder made him and Hikari gasp as the entire ship tilted, making the salt shaker slide over to where Jay was sitting. He caught it easily. "Hey, thanks!" he said to no one in particular, and started to use it to season his sandwich as the ship evened out once again.

Cole suddenly opened the door, his face a distinct shade of green. "Please... no one talk about food." He let out a moan as a bolt of lightning struck with thunder roaring, staggering out and then back into sight. "How much longer 'till we get there?"

"Not long," Jay responded, before looking concerned as Hikari turned to face him. "Hey, Cole, you're looking a little green over there. How'd you like a mucus-salt sandwich?"

Hikari made a face at that as Cole's cheeks bulged and then he ran. The sound of him retching over the side reached their ears, and Jay cackled a bit immaturely. "Hehehe!" Calming down, he turned back to them and said, "Speaking of green, who would've guessed that little Lloyd Garmadon and Hikari... uh, what's your last name again?"


"Hikari Tsukino turned out to be the Green and Purple Ninja?" Jay finished, still having not taken a bite out of his sandwich. Nya's lips twisted slightly. "I know- Lloyd was such a brat at first. Hard to believe that he's gonna become the one of the two greatest ninja that ever lived!" She then smiled at Hikari, even as Kai cleared his throat. "The other one being you, of course."

Hikari smiled back, her face becoming cuter when she smiled brightly like that. It was actually adorable. "Thanks, Nya."

"Where is the little runt, anyway?" Kai asked, looking around. Even though he insulted Lloyd all the time, Hikari was pretty sure Kai had a soft spot for the kid. She smiled as she turned to Jay and asked, "Can I have some of your sandwich, Jay?"


"And if you look to your left, you'll see Ninjago's own Torchfire Mountain, where the core can reach up to three bajillion degrees!" the tour guide announced.

"Will everyone please place their seat backs and tray tables in the full upright and locked position. We have reached our destination, Torchfire Mountain," Nya announced over the loudspeaker. The storm had passed, and Hikari had been looking for Lloyd. She hadn't gotten down to the training room yet, but she was now quickly approaching it as the others went onto the deck to throw the Fangblades in.

She glanced at the window momentarily- not only had the temperature risen so that she felt outright hot, but plumes of completely jet-black smoke obscured any of the outside view.

Suddenly, she saw Pythor coming out of the room, and she gasped and ducked behind a barrel. What was he up to...? For that matter, how did he even get on the ship?!

He threw a hammer at the things that controlled the thrusters. The machine sparked and smoked as the ship tilted, Pythor slithered past, and Hikari huddled behind the barrel with her hands clenching on her purple gi. The moment he passed, she was running into the training room, and gasping at the sight of Lloyd tied to the training punching bag. "Lloyd!" she cried out as she ran over to help him. She carefully pulled the duct tape off his mouth, and the first thing that was coming out of it was 'PYTHOR'S ON BOARD!'

"I know, I saw him, he just damaged the thrusters..." Hikari said, her brows knitting together in worry as she looked around frantically. She found the loudspeaker system, ran to it, and whacked the button, before both Lloyd and her screamed (or, as Lloyd said later, shouted) "PYTHOR'S ON BOARD!"

Usually Hikari would've cringed from the sheer volume of their combined, panicked voices, but now was not the time to do so. Hikari quickly unbound Lloyd and the two of them ran for the deck.

"Got this whole Devourer thing going on," Pythor cackled, and then Lloyd and Hikari stepped out. "Where do you think YOU'RE going?" Lloyd asked, glaring at the large, purple snake.

Pythor sighed, sounding bored, "Little cliched, don't you think?"

Lloyd blinked. He looked rather confused. "C-cliched?"

"Overused," Hikari clarified the use of the literary term, and she glanced at Lloyd. "You keep him distracted, I'll help the others?"

"Hand," Lloyd answered, and he held up his hand in a high-five. Hikari gave him a fist bump, and the two of them smiled slightly before Hikari glared at Pythor and charged past him, blowing him a raspberry.

Lloyd tried to hit him with the staff they'd found as Hikari bit her lip and tried to figure out how to help the ninja and Sensei Wu up.

Then her eyes lit up. "Oh, of course," she mumbled, and then clenched her fists and bit her lip in concentration.

Slowly, one of the jutting stone lips that hung over the lava slowly eked out, growing and rumbling slightly as it made a slight shelf under Sensei Wu's feet. Then a small ladder, with very thin, earthy rungs formed, but it was enough for Sensei Wu to at least drop a few feet to safety.

She was concentrating so hard, she almost didn't notice Lloyd saying, "I'm not trying to defeat you. I'm just keeping you busy until the cavalry arrives!" And she had to smile at the fact that he knew what 'cavalry' was but not a 'cliche'. She also almost didn't notice Nya landing in her Samurai X form, and Pythor whimpering. The ninja were slowly climbing back on the ship, even as Lloyd did a ninja kick and actually managed to hit Pythor in the face.

Hikari cheered as the ninja started back onto the ship, "Good job, Lloyd!"

Unfortunately, Pythor managed to get away with the Fangblades. Hikari bit her lip again- and then yelped. She'd been biting it so much that it was feeling rather raw, and judging by the slightly metallic taste in her mouth she'd just bit her lip to the point where it was starting to bleed.

"Come on, he's getting away!" Nya exclaimed as they all managed to get back on the ship properly.


Lloyd threw a large, black, suitcase-like thing onto the deck, as Sensei Wu stated, gravely, "If Pythor manages to return the four Fangblades to the city of Ouroboros, he'll awaken the Great Devourer!"

"Well, we're not going to let that happen!" Nya responded sharply.

"What about me?" Lloyd asked, dragging it a little closer. "Did you see how I kicked him in the face? I'm an asset! I kicked butt! And face." He added the last part on.

Kai smiled slightly. "Patience, kid. You're too important now that you're the chosen ones." He addressed Hikari for the last part, and Hikari crossed her arms. "Well, I'd still like to kick him in someplace more sensitive for kidnapping Lloyd," she said, grumpily for once.

Lloyd looked at Hikari, who noticed him looking at her and smiled slightly at him.

"Patience? Hmmm... the student has become the teacher," Wu said from his high perch, as Jay flipped open the case for the Golden Weapons, "What do you say we play a little catch-up?"

"It's my favorite game!" Cole exclaimed, and they all converged and grabbed their Golden Weapons. Hikari started forward as they were about to leave. "But please...? Let me come! I can help!"

All of them were about to protest when Hikari used her biggest weapon.

Puppy-dog eyes.

If possible, NEVER let Hikari give you her puppy-dog eyes. They get as big as they can while still being cute, her bottom lip sticks out slightly, and she looks cute as a button. Not to mention, she looks as though if you don't do what she asks she's going to start crying- and Hikari crying is even MORE adorable than the puppy-dog eyes.

Kai opened his mouth to protest... and then groaned. "Fine. Lloyd, you're still staying behind. Hikari, you're sticking with me."

"Okie," Hikari said happily, and then jumped onto his back riding piggyback. Lloyd groaned. "Aw, man..."

"Don't worry Lloyd, I'll punch his teeth out for you," Hikari told Lloyd. He smiled slightly at her sparkling eyes and excited expression. "And don't forget to stomp on him!"

"How could I?"

That being said, the four of them spun into their Spinjitzu tornados off the deck, and Kai summoned his bike as they rode down the mountain, Hikari clinging onto him tightly with her hair streaming out behind her.

They reached the ground and rode at a speed that if they'd been in Ninjago City Hikari was pretty sure they would've been arrested for speeding. Jay's voice crackled over the walkie-talkies: "I've got him in my sights!" They swerved behind the train, and then the train transformed into a large sort of serpent. It started smacking the ground next to Cole with a tail.

And then cannons appeared and started firing at Jay and Nya and Sensei Wu.

Hikari glared as two Serpentine motorcycles landed behind them, and then she extended her hand, eyes glowing. The ground beneath them suddenly opened up, opening up a chasm as the two Serpentine plummeted, screaming, into the abyss- and then the chasm closed. There was no sign of the two motorcycles.

"Hey, I didn't pass out or get exhausted that time! Maybe I'm getting used to it," Hikari squeaked in Kai's ear cheerfully.

Behind them, the Destiny's Bounty swerved like crazy. Probably because Lloyd could barely see over the wheel and therefore had no idea how it was going.

The walkie-talkies crackled. Cole's voice came out. "If we're going to have any chance of getting close, we're going to have to work together."

"I have an idea!" Nya called, "Jay, follow me. Hikari, Zane, try to get in close and see if you can cool things off."

Zane and Kai got dangerously close, and then Hikari jumped onto Zane's bike.

She almost slipped, but managed to cling onto the ninja tightly as they zoomed towards the car. "We're going in!" he called. "Hold on, Hikari. NINJA-GO!" he spun into a Spinjitzu tornado and attacked the snakes atop the last car. Hikari dropped to the roof, shaking her head. "Woahhh," she said, a bit loopily, before noticing that the last two cars were held together by a thin metal wire.

She jumped down and touched it. Ice clouded over it, and Zane hopped down to join her. He waved at the car. "Good bye," and then the car was completely released from the train altogether.

"Nice job, Zane! Hikari!" Jay called over the walkie-talkie, and Hikari beamed. "Thanks!"

The other ninja hopped onto the car. "Let's head to the front!"

"Last one there is a rotten ninja!" Cole exclaimed, and they continued towards the train. Hikari rejoined Kai. Which was not the best decision, because one snake that came to attack them flew off altogether, and the other punched Kai. Kai staggered and nearly fell off the train, having to grab the edge of the roof. Hikari looked up at the snake, and then her eyes glowed. "LEAVE MY FRIENDS ALONE!"

Icicles and ghostly fire- presumably because Zane was right beneath them- went shooting at the Constrictai, who was pretty much obliterated by the time her short 'angry spell' was over.

"What?!" Kai yelled as Hikari went back to help him, "You try fighting up here!"

She repressed a giggle and helped him back onto the roof, before squinting into the wind. Three more snakes joined them, and Hikari turned to Kai. "Kai, can you put me on your shoulders?"

He did so. Hikari raised her hands and opened her eyes wide. Purple flared out from the center of her eye.

Fire began to swirl around her, in a maelstrom of ghostly blue flames that danced along her arms. She pointed at the snakes, and all three screamed as they were consumed by the ghostly flames. Their bodies aged, shriveled, until they were nothing but dust and they flew off the roof as if they'd never been there.

"I was going to come down and help, but it seems as if you've got it under control," Nya said, and Hikari saluted. "Aye-aye, cap'n!" she joked.

"DUCK!" yelled Kai and Sensei Wu as a street sign came up. "I'm trying... I can't-!" Nya was cut off by getting hit in the face with the large sheet of metal. Hikari winced. "Ouch."

Kai Spinjitzued the remaining snakes off the train, panting. "Sheesh... hard to catch your breath up here."

"Well, we are getting blown at by very strong winds..."

Large crashing, crushing noises sounded as they reached the front and Nya and Sensei Wu rejoined them. Skales went flying out the window and Nya lifted the roof of that car clear off. "Good to see you," Sensei Wu said, hopping down from Nya's shoulder. Cole grinned at them. "It's good to see you!"

Jay and Zane joined them as the train kept running along, except now the train was shaking. Kai staggered too much and fell off, Hikari letting out a slight cry, before Zane caught Kai bridal-style. Hikari slid off of Kai's back as Jay said, "Ha, nice catch, Zane!"

"Last one's a rotten ninja," Cole reminded Kai, who sighed in an annoyed fashion. "So be it. Just one more car to go... Pythor's in there with the four Fangblades! Who's first?"

Someone darted in front of them- that someone being Sensei Wu. Hikari caught up to Kai, barely reaching his waist. "Sensei?"

He used his staff to hit the part that was holding the train together, and Jay yelled, "Sensei!"

"What are you doing?!" Cole shouted as the space between them grew further and further.

"My destiny is to face Pythor alone," Sensei Wu shouted over the loud wind, "your destiny is to look after Lloyd and Hikari!"

"This is turning into a habit, with him!" Kai shouted, sounding annoyed. Hikari wasn't sure if he meant Sensei, or Lloyd. "How do we get off this thing?"

There was no response, and Hikari instinctively waved. "Bye Sensei! See you soon!"

As she did so, she realized how silly that was- she wasn't sure if she would see him soon at all. Why had she said that? Probably because her parents always told her to say that rather than 'good-bye'.

A lump grew in her throat. Good-bye sounded almost permanent. She wasn't going to use it unless it was absolutely necessary.

Hopefully, it wouldn't be.


They were just sitting atop the train (or in it) out of boredom. "This is boring," Hikari sighed, plopping her head in her hands, until suddenly she heard something. Getting up, she peeped around the edge of the train, and was delighted to see the Destiny's Bounty approaching. The anchor slammed into the side of the train, and the train started moving along with the Bounty, which had now regained enough control.

"To Ouroboros as fast as you can!" Kai shouted up to Lloyd, who yelled back (it could be heard faintly) "Aye aye, captain!"

Then the train lifted into the air, and the others had to scramble back inside to avoid falling out of the train as they soared towards the City of Ouroboros as fast as they could.

Even at the speed they were going, the skies were going dark. Lloyd was trying not to show it, but the ship couldn't keep the train in the air without having to set down a few times, and they set down in the city.

Everyone charged out, Lloyd having to run to keep up with the rest of them. "Wait up, guys!"

Hikari was pretty much sprinting, but when Lloyd tried to catch up and drew even with her, she reached out her hand and extended it. He took it, and the two of them jogged to the center of Ouroboros hand-in-hand.

"What's going on?" Kai asked as they reached it. The ground was glowing a sickly green, and falling inwards. "What's that creature in the ground?"

Hikari gasped as she saw a pair of glowing, red eyes moving beneath the ground. "... I think that's the Great Devourer," she said, faintly, stepping back in fear.

"You must do everything in your power to stop the Great Devourer!" Sensei yelled to them, "Go ninja. Go."

"No... Sensei!" Kai shouted, starting forward and reaching out, but Hikari's grip stopped him. He looked down.

Hikari's eyes were glowing violet, and her hand was still entwined in Lloyd's, but now was clutching onto Kai's shirt. "Some things cannot be prevented," she uttered, her voice sounding like a mix of a thousand people, before she looked into Sensei Wu's eyes. "Some things SHOULD not be prevented."

Sensei Wu nodded.

And then all hell broke loose as a huge mouth, a huge HEAD the size of a delivery truck- no, TWO delivery trucks- exploded out of the ground, writhing up as the huge, muscular, serpentine body that belonged to the head followed it, with teeth the size and at least five times the thickness of a streetlight, with pink eyes, and it let out a loud, earth-shattering hiss as lightning struck behind it.

Hikari's violet eyes faded, and she stared up at the giant snake and knew.

The Great Devourer had been awakened.

A/N: Drama!

Hey, two updates in one day! :) Who knew?

Responses to commenters:


dream lighting: I'll try.


TeenCrafter601: It's easier since on Fanfiction some people are guests and can't be PMed.

cookiecat567: LLOKARI! (s/he made a shipping that ships Lloyd x Hikari.)

LovelyLife: (thumbs up) Thanks!

Thanks for all the likes/favorites/follows! See y'all next time!

x.X. A.L. X.x

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