Chapter 13

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Everyone backed up rapidly towards the doorway as the Great Devourer writhed out of the ground, before turning its huge, pinkish-red lamplights of eyes down. It lunged down... towards...

Hikari went utterly still as the mouth of the Great Devourer closed upon Sensei Wu.

Oh, and Pythor, I guess.

"Sensei..." Kai whispered, sounding shell-shocked, and Jay reached out helplessly. "No...!"

Everyone stared up at the Great Devourer with worry and sadness as it writhed up into the air... let out an almost sickeningly triumphant roar... and then turned to look at the six ninja standing there, Hikari and Lloyd clinging to each other's hands and staring up at the gigantic snake as if they'd been turned to stone.

"Maybe if we stand... perfectly still..."

A loud HISS that almost deafened them, and Hikari screamed out what everyone was thinking: "RUN!" They all turned tail and ran out of Ouroboros, the huge snake slithering after them at a speed that seemed almost luxuriously slow. Jay tripped and fell in the sand, and Hikari skidded a bit before releasing Lloyd's hand and grabbing Jay. "Come on, come on!" she screamed in terror, glancing from Jay to the Great Devourer and back to Jay again as they tore back towards the Bounty.

They all ran onto the ship, and Nya shouted as they ran into the Bounty, "Fire up the engines!"

Hikari yanked a huge stool over to the window and peeked out of it, although she had to stand on the very tips of her toes to see out of it.

"I said, fire up the engines!" Nya yelled at Lloyd as the other ninja charged aboard, who cried back, "There's no wind, and we only have reserve fuel!"

"USE IT!" Nya commanded, desperately, as Jay approached the screen that showed the Great Devourer slithering towards them. "Uh, hate to tell you this, but objects in the mirror are closer than they appear!" he almost shrieked, voice squeaking.

"Working on it," Nya said, and then hit the gas. The ship rose into the air, the thrusters fired, and they tore off. Kai cheered, startling Hikari to the point where she nearly fell off the stool. "Take that, you stupid snake!"

The snake erupted from the ground, in FRONT of the Bounty's path. Hikari went over to the window again as Jay whimpered, "I think it heard you!"

Hikari yelled, attracting everyone's attention, "You want to consume everything?! Consume THIS!"

A huge bolt of lightning came arcing out of the sky between them. Nya sharply swerved as the Great Devourer's gaping maw clamped shut on the lightning, which exploded in a blast of light. There was a very pregnant pause.

And then it roared again, and Hikari blew a raspberry at the snake. Kai said, still looking through the window, "Nya, we gotta go faster, that thing is gaining on us!"

"We're going as fast as we can!" Nya shouted, "I'll try to get us to Scatter Canyon!"

"The probability of us making it that far is less than eight percent-" "NEVER TELL ME THE ODDS!" Nya shouted, focusing on the window as she interrupted Zane. Cole gestured as he momentarily glanced up, "It's coming in for another attack!" He checked the data again and yelled, "PORT SIDE!"

Nya steered the wheel, and Hikari couldn't help but repress a gasp as the jaws barely missed hitting the side of the ship. Lloyd yelled from where he was, "We're losing speed! We'll drop to the ground pretty soon!"

"Throw everything overboard!" Nya answered.

Every single person on the ship turned to look at her as if she were insane, "WHAT?!"

"We need to lose some weight!" This statement was interrupted by Hikari screaming suddenly. The sky was lightening, but now fire from the thrusters exploded out of the ship and hit the Great Devourer in the face as it tried to bite the ship again, momentarily turning ghostly blue and firing them out of immediate vicinity of the giant snake.

Everyone charged around the ship, throwing tables, books, shelves, even the old damaged thruster unit off the ship. The Great Devourer ate every last piece. "Man, he sure is hungry!"

Hikari squinted. "Is the Great Devourer bigger?"

Even as she asked, a huge swelling from the center of its body sent scales spraying everywhere and made the Great Devourer not only larger, but longer. It momentarily shook its head before roaring again. Cole squinted at it. "The more it consumes, the bigger it gets- DON'T THROW ANYTHING ELSE OVERBOARD!"

Too late- even as he said it, Cole tossed the teapot over the railing. A perfect landing into the Great Devourer's mouth. They made it to Scatter Canyon, but now there was another danger, at least for Hikari- she was so small that the swerves, the frantic veering, rising, plunging of the ship made her lose her footing and pretty much fly through the air.

Lloyd grabbed hold of her hand and yanked her to him. "Don't let go!"

"Not planning to!" Hikari cried out, shaking so badly you'd think she'd had a 'Vibrate' setting.

Cole pumped his right fist as he looked out the window. "We lost him!"

Not a moment later, something- with a white, pointed tip that looked sharp as a dagger (with a slight sinking in her stomach, Hikari realized that THAT was the Great Devourer's tail) smashed into the ship, and Nya screamed, "ABANDON SHIP!"

Hikari clung to Lloyd's hand as they all ran towards the deck, Hikari yanking Lloyd onto Cole's back along with her- Cole, for once, not making a joke about 'babysitting' or complaining- and they took off in his huge car as the Bounty smashed horribly into the sand, grinding to a halt. They hovered there, staring at the fallen ship that had been with them through so much. Lloyd even wiped away a tear or two.

And then the Great Devourer slithered up to it. They quickly revved away, but Hikari looked over her shoulder as they landed in a small cave what felt like a safe distance away. They all turned back to look at the ship as the Great Devourer leaned down... picked it up... tossed it into the air almost casually...

And then snapped the entire ship into two, perfect halves.

Everyone automatically- instinctively- shouted, "NO!" as this happened, and Hikari was squeezing Lloyd's hand so hard as she huddled near him that she was pretty sure she was cutting off all the feeling in his hand, but he was squeezing back, and both of them were staring in horror as the Great Devourer let out one last roar of triumph, before retreating into the ground.

Cole groaned loudly, but a slight tone of relief invaded his voice. "It's gone."

"Ah," Kai panted, pulling back his hood, "that was too intense."All that action... makes you so thirsty!"

"There's no time to rest!" Zane said urgently, getting back to his feet, "we must warn others before it becomes bigger!"

"Bigger?" Jay repeated, before the next time it rose to a hysterical shriek, "BIGGER?! That thing in one big bite just crushed our entire SHIP! We need to save as many as we can," he said, pacing rapidly, "We'll find a- we'll find a refuge, somewhere safe to hide, OOH! The Serpentine tombs! Yeah, they're underground. Sure, we'll be without sunlight for months, but they'll be perfect-"

He was cut off by a little purple bundle hitting him square in the stomach and hugging him tightly. Hikari had this mixed fiercely-determined-yet-scared-to-little-pieces look on her face, but she still hugged him a little. "Calm down, Jay! Don't panic! We can't give up!" she said, fiercely- but with the slightest quiver in her voice.

"Exactly, Hikari's right!" Cole argued back, and Jay glared at Cole. "You know as well as I do that we have no chance of stopping that thing-!"

"Listen to yourselves!" Kai pushed them apart, and Hikari let go of Jay, not noticing this funny look on Lloyd's face, "Is this what Sensei Wu would've wanted? Us fighting? Running and hiding? Giving up?!"

"But he's not here anymore," Lloyd spoke softly, the funny look fading.

Everyone paused for a moment, before Hikari frowned. "Well, we can't just let that can't stop us!"

Everyone looked at her. Hikari froze a moment as if caught in a spotlight before Kai put a hand on her shoulder. "Hikari's right. Sensei Wu might not be here, but his teachings live on. Sensei once told me it's not the size of the ninja in a fight- it's about the size of the fight in the ninja. All this training... all of these battles ... we've battled skeletons and the Serpentine. We persevered through so much, we can't just- give up now! A ninja never admits defeat. A ninja always picks himself up if down."

"I think that's what Sensei would want us to do in this situation," Hikari agreed with Kai, smiling nervously.

Zane frowned. "But how do we defeat a snake of that magnitude?" he questioned.

"Yeah, it's not like we have another Sacred Flute around to charm it! Or, wait, what about our trusty dragons? Oh, I forgot, they flew off and left us high and dry, or wait, haha, what about our GOLDEN WEAPONS? which would do NOTHING against a snake that size? Haha... oh, we are so hooped," Jay panicked again. Hikari crossed her arms. "Well, I once read a story about how someone defeated the snake from the inside- they let themselves get swallowed, and then cut their way out again," she commented, making everyone make a slight face at the mental image of that. "But, that's disgusting and insanely dangerous and even if you sent me in there, I wouldn't have enough strength to actually kill the snake, so... no, I don't really think that would work," she mumbled thoughtfully. "What we really need would be some sort of gigantic weapon..."

"Or an idea that's even BIGGER!" Kai exclaimed suddenly, making everyone look at him, "HA! Jay, you're a genius! You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Probably not," Jay said, from where he was lying sprawled on the ground, "but, go ahead..."

Kai was already charging out of the cave, "There's no time... I'll fill you guys in on the way!"

"Where are we going?"

Kai grinned at them and raised one fist. "We're gonna destroy that snake once and for all!" he crowed.

Everyone looked at one another, and then Hikari let out a mild giggle. "Hmm, sounds good to me! Lead the way!

And everyone followed.


"Good idea, Kai," Cole said, as they landed in the junkyard, "If the Devourer wants to consume, then this place is a full on buffet."

Jay sighed. "Looks like my parents are gone."

"Good, better for us." He opened up a blueprint, and Hikari's eyes went wide at the blueprint. Nya went off on her own a little at this point, saying something about a 'Tornado of Creation can do all the work...'

She was working on her own little project in the corner, but when Hikari tried to take a look Nya absentmindedly shooed her away, so Hikari came back over to the ninja, where Kai was saying, "This is gonna be dangerous, so we can't have anyone around."

A little bell rang, and everyone looked up to see the mailman coming in on his bike. Hikari's big, silvery-gray eyes got even bigger. If they got any bigger, she'd probably be able to pass as an anime character.

They ran over to him as Cole mumbled, "What's HE doing here?"

"GAH! You ninja are always sneaking around, giving me heart attacks. You're too quiet," the mailman said as they rushed in around the corner. "Sorry," Kai said urgently, "we didn't mean to scare you, but you need to get out of here NOW."

"W-well now," the mailman said, but Hikari ran over. "Please Mister? Could you delay delivering the mail for today, just until tomorrow? We promise we won't tell anyone, and no one's home right now anyway!" she said, earnestly.

The mailman paused, next to his bike. "... well... okay... one day shouldn't hurt," he said, and the ninja beamed at Hikari. "Are the owners at the 'Take Back Ninjago' rally too?"

"What 'Take-Back-Ninjago' rally?" Hikari asked, and he answered, "You haven't heard? Everyone's getting together in Ninjago City for a rally. They're nervous about all the Serpentine problems that have been going on lately."

"Whoa! Look at that! You guys are inspirational," Lloyd said, sitting on the hood of a car.

"Well, the little kid's right- wherever you are, trouble is always around," he said, but Hikari, who was facing the mailman and right next to him, let out a horrified cry as a huge, snake's head came slithering into view. The ninja tensed as Nya continued furiously muttering and working on her side project.

"AHHH!" the mailman screamed when he turned around, as the Great Devourer started looming over him, "SNAKE!"

He jumped into a garbage can as the snake looked around at the piles of stuff in the junkyard. Hikari gasped, and then screamed, more petulantly than in fear. The scream was loud enough that the Great Devourer looked right at her. "It's now or never guys, do it, do it!" she screamed, in fear this time.

Those pinkish eyes fixed on her as the snake hissed, and Kai spun into a fiery, sparking tornado of heat. "FIRE!" he yelled, closely followed by Cole, who spun in a circle around Hikari, as if protecting her, dirt and rocks spiraling around him. "EARTH!"

Now Jay went, his tornado lightning-blue and sparking with electricity, "LIGHTNING!" And finally Zane went, a tornado of white energy that send cold and snowflakes spitting out of it. Hikari backed out of the way as Nya kept muttering, glancing over her shoulder over and over again as all four Spinjitzu tornadoes whirled into each other.

The tornados combined into a huge one, spitting with dirt and sparks and lightning and snowflakes, and Hikari winced and backed away a step as the objects spiraled. Soon, metal, cars, other stuff from the junkyard came whirling together into the tornado, being picked up from the ground in the strong winds. Hikari yelped as SHE was very nearly carried away, but Lloyd thankfully jumped in at the last moment and seized her, dragging her into a little niche. Hikari couldn't stop staring as all the random pieces of junk came together, and then suddenly, the thing on the blueprint- the one Kai had drawn out very nicely, I might add- appeared in the place of the tornado.

"Cool!" she and Lloyd chorused.

"Zane, now!" Kai bellowed.

A jet of clear, beautiful flute music sent out sound waves, which barely missed the Great Devourer's scaly head. "Zane!" Cole complained, "what was that?! You could use some target practice! You're supposed to hit him, not- give him a haircut!"

"May I remind you," Zane said, sounding a tad annoyed, for the first time EVER, "that we just magically whipped up this heap of junk!"

The snake hissed again, and Kai shouted, nervously, "I hope one of us created a reverse feature!"

Nya shoved whatever she'd been working on into her bag, and came back over to where Lloyd and Hikari were crouching, staring in awe at the vehicle.

"Because- REVERSE!" Kai screamed desperately as the Great Devourer came lunging at them, and they backed away rapidly with a squealing of tires as the Great Devourer's head slammed into the ground. The ninja peeled out of the area and tried to retaliate by hitting him with the flute music, which shot over his head and missed by a wide shot.

"We need to hold him in place," Hikari mumbled furiously, "otherwise the dumb thing's just gonna DODGE!" she yanked Nya and Lloyd away as the Great Devourer plowed through their hiding spot.

"STOP IT!" Hikari cried out, and suddenly the ground started rumbling.

Kai squinted from where he was sitting in the vehicle. "What is that?"

"Hikari, I think," Zane responded. If possible, his already pale skin had gone a shade whiter. Everyone peeked out at Hikari- and then realized why he'd gone paler.

"Leave my friends ALONE!" Hikari screamed out, and skeletons shot out of the sand. Well, I say skeletons. What I mean by that were skeleton BONES.

Skeleton bones rose up suddenly, rapidly, condensing into a wall that captured the Great Devourer and held it in place. Well, its head at least. It must have been surprised, because it didn't immediately crush every single bone into a fine white dust.

"Now Zane! Before it gets away!" Cole yelled, recovering from his startled surprise, as Lloyd and Nya gaped at the five of them working together, Hikari surrounded in a purple aura with her hair floating in the air. "Take the shot!" Kai shouted to Zane, and the blast of flute music, this time, converged on the Great Devourer directly- direct hit!

"It's working!" Cole yelled happily as the sweet flute music blasted everywhere, and Kai spotted something as it writhed on the ground. "It's got a weak spot!" he shouted, seeing one tiny, glowing pinprick on the serpent's head.

Hikari was distracted. It was easy to tell, because the wall of bones collapsed, but still made it a pain to walk or do anything, since they were sharp. She glanced at Kai and the strange vehicle as Cole yelled back, over the music, "WHAT?!"

"On it's forehead!" Kai shouted back, "It's got a-"

Hikari let out a scream. "GUYS, LOOK OUT!"

Lloyd also cried out, as the serpent's tail whipped down on the vehicle, separating the back part from the front and making the music cut off abruptly and the vehicle rock crazily. "ZANE!" they all screamed, and Hikari ran over to the smoking, sparking mess. "Zane? Zane?!" she cried. All she knew was that he hadn't 'died'. But she had no idea where he was in the mess of smoke, and in the whole confusion the Great Devourer retreated.

"Is everybody... okay?" Cole asked, shakily, and Lloyd and Nya charged over to where Hikari was already looking through the smoke, "Where's Zane?"

Hikari pulled out a few cans, and Zane stepped out from where he'd been momentarily squashed when the Great Devourer had crushed the vehicle. "Right here." He shook his head, and then looked up, his entire left side of his face having torn clean away to reveal the robotic structures underneath.

Hikari gasped a little in surprise as he said, seemingly unaware of it, "That was close."

"Too close," Kai agreed, as Jay and Cole jumped out.

"Perfect," Jay said, sarcastically, "now THAT was a total failure."

"Not really- I think Kai found something out!" Hikari said, running over to Lloyd. Lloyd looked happy. "I'm glad you're okay!"

"I'm glad you're okay too."

Jay coughed vaguely- something that sounded vaguely like 'Ishipit' before Kai said, excitedly, "Yeah! Did you guys notice on its forehead? It has a weak spot!"

Jay went back to being upset. "Oh, great, let me make a note of that- 'giant snake, with wee itty-bitty weak spot' that'll be TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO GET AT BECAUSE THE THING IS TOO RIDICULOUSLY HUGE TO DO ANYTHING TO STOP IT!"

"Are you done?" Nya asked, gently, and Jay took a deep, deep breath. "Yesss."

"Because things just got worse," Nya said, sounding very annoyed now, "look!"

The Great Devourer was slithering in the direction of... of...

Hikari felt as if someone had just held an ice cube to her stomach. "It's headed towards Ninjago City," she whispered, fearfully.

"That's where my parents are!" Jay said, his annoyed face turning worried, and Cole added, "So's everybody else!"

Kai looked as though someone had just full out slapped him across the face. "If it consumes the biggest city in all of Ninjago... there will be no stopping it."


"Mom? DAD?!" Jay cried out as they pulled out in the 'Ultra Sonic Raider' ("it sounds cool!" Lloyd insisted), to see the old car being threatened by the huge snake. The size difference was so ridiculous, that had Hikari been in a different circumstance, she would've laughed. Unfortunately, they were NOT in a different circumstance, and that was Jay's parents that were in danger!

"LEAVE MY PARENTS ALONE!" Jay yelled, jumping out of the Ultra Sonic Raider and onto his parents car. He raised his nunchucks, and waved it- "LIGHTNING!"- sending tongues of lightning arcing across the serpent's scaly skin.

Kai intercepted it as it ran away and thrust his sword out with a shout of "FIRE!" The serpent shied away, trying to avoid the hot flames.

Cole ran over to a news truck (where the news crew was filming) and lifted it up. "Mind if I borrow this?" he asked, grunting a little bit. Cole then launched it at the huge snake. Rather than crushing its skull in, it just bounced off, making the snake even angrier than before. Hikari and Lloyd were sticking together, and they ran over as the huge snake started plunging its tail at the ninja. "ICE!" And Zane froze its tail literally feet from them in midair. It shifted the tail, before the ice cracked right off.

It smashed the news truck, and Jay chuckled nervously. "Um... I think we only made it mad."

Hikari bit her lip, and then she glared at the snake, her nervous face changing to one of pure anger.

This snake had almost killed Zane. It ate Sensei Wu. It destroyed their home in one big, neat, humongous bite. The Serpentine had nearly killed her and her friends multiple times just getting this thing awake, and then didn't even bother to stand and face it once it WAS awake.

That snake represented every obstacle that stood in their way. At least, for right now.

It had to go.

"Fire!" Ghostly flames shot up around Hikari, making the others scramble back a bit as a news camera trained on her. Right now, though, she was filled with so much anger she didn't even care. "Lightning!" Tongues of electricity began to spark off of her, arcing across the ground a little as well.

Lloyd stared. "Hikari's always been scary when she's really mad," he said faintly to nobody in particular, "this just makes her even scarier."

"Earth!" Chunks of the ground started to break away from the ground and spiral around her, becoming a maelstrom of dangerous flying objects. "Ice!" The ice chunks from Zane's stunt just now sharpened to razor sharp icicles and joined the deadly spiral.

"Leave..." Hikari's eyes glowed violet. "my friends..." Every icicle, rock, lightning bolt, and flame did a quick spin and faced in the Great Devourer's direction. "ALONE!" she howled the last word, and every single weapon went shooting at the snake, a few of the makeshift weapons very nearly hitting the weak spot, but ultimately all of them missing.

Hikari's eyes went back to normal, and she put her hands on her hips in a very feminine and almost mature move. "You'd think with everything I just threw at him that at least ONE would've hit it, but nooooo," she mumbled, glaring at it and then blowing it another raspberry.

The Great Devourer lunged and tried to eat them, and they all dodged back, but the force of the head hitting the ground made them stagger and fall to the ground- twice. Nya flew in in her Samurai X suit, grabbed a lamppost, and then forced the giant snake's mouth open.

"It's breath smells worth than Cole's chili," Lloyd commented from where he was standing, and Cole straightened up. "Hey!" he said, indignantly, but the snake started slamming itself against a building. Nya didn't fly out of the mouth as the snake tried to snap the lamppost.

Kai looked panicked and angry. "Get outta there, sis!"

"I can't!" Nya cried out, her voice very distant but still audible over the Great Devourer's roars, "the suit broke! I'm stuck!"

Something suddenly smacked into the back of the snake's head, sending green venom (or possibly the snake's saliva) flying out of its mouth. Everyone looked- it was a white dragon with four heads.

"Rocky!" Cole exclaimed, sounding happier than a clam, "our dragons are back!"

Hikari gaped at the four-headed dragon as it swooped through the air. "That looks more like one dragon with four heads," she commented, but she was still smiling ridiculously widely because she was so relieved that there was some form of backup coming.

"It appears dragons go through a metamorphosis when they reach adulthood. They too have found their true potential," Zane said, sounding wondering and a little cheerful.

Cole laughed as the dragon now lunged at the serpent's middle, "Well they couldn't have come at a better time! Go get 'em, Rocky!"

One of the heads spat ice, making the Great Devourer unable to undulate as it usually did. "Ice!" shouted Zane, who still had not put on the other half of his face yet- probably it had been scraped off when the Great Devourer had attacked.

A blast of flames smashed into its eyes from above, and Kai shouted, "Fire!"

The dragon swooped down and sent arcs of lightning into the snake's side, and Jay called out, "Lightning!"

And the dragon came back to hit the Great Devourer so harshly that the momentary stone armor it had formed shattered on impact. Cole grinned. "Earth!"

The Great Devourer let out another roar and smashed its head into the side of the building, knocking the Samurai X suit free. The dragon caught it and set it down (none too gently) on the ground, but nobody was injured. Nya grunted as Hikari ran over and helped her undo clasps, buckles, things like that. "How many clasps does this suit have?!" Hikari exclaimed, her fingers fumbling yet another one.

The Great Devourer wound its way up a building, and the dragon kept hurling attacks as Cole yelled, "HA! Could our dragons get any cooler? Seriously!"

"Yes! It's running away!" Kai cheered as the dragon came back down. Hikari frowned. Why would the Great Devourer back down so easily? Cole had thrown a TRUCK at it's head and it'd just angered it...

Her eyes widened. Unless...

"TELL THE DRAGONS TO PULL BACK UP!" she yelled, as a huge, serpent tail blasted out of the ground and hit the dragon as it flew in for a landing. "NO!" the ninja all yelled, as the tail came in again and smacked the dragon to the ground, sending dirt, grass, and trees flying. Hikari ran over to the dragon, but she was at a loss as to what to do. "What now?" Nya asked, as everyone went to touch the dragons and comfort them.

Hikari petted one head, before feeling as if someone was watching her. She turned- and was shocked. "L-Lloyd...!"

Lloyd turned at the exclamation, and shouted, "You came back!"

Everyone looked up to see Lord Garmadon standing there, regarding them as the Great Devourer continued on its little rampage.

"Give me the weapons," Lord Garmadon said, extending one hand, "I am the only one who can handle the power of all four weapons at once. It's the only thing that can defeat the Devourer!"

The ninja all exchanged a look. "Uh, I thought we were supposed to do everything in our power NOT to let him possess the weapons," Jay snarked to them.

Hikari made a slight face. "Well, I don't know anything about that. But, Jay, there is literally no other way."

"I've run every other scenario through my servers- it does appear to be the only way," Zane said, sounding worried. The ninja all balked for a moment, and Hikari hit them.

They all stared at her. It didn't hurt, of course. But the shock of Hikari actually hitting them was enough to make them all look at her. Hikari had that fiercely determined look on her face again, and she looked up at them. "Guys, even if this sounds like a bad option, there is literally no other option right now! We can't afford to just stand here while the Great Devourer tries to destroy everything!"

"Only I can-"

"Quit your yammering and just do it!" Kai snapped, heaving the golden sword he always carried over to Lord Garmadon, who caught it. "When you have a chance to make the blow, it has a weak spot near his forehead."

The others handed their weapons over. "I-I don't think this needs to be said, but we're gonna need these back," Jay told Lord Garmadon, who let out a soft, wicked cackle. "I'll do my part. You just make sure he stays in one spot!"

He was about to start laughing again, but Hikari glared at him. "Well then GO! You're wasting time just standing there laughing! Go and let us get that stupid snake in one spot!" she yelled, and he blinked before taking off.

Kai exchanged a look with the others as Lloyd grinned, which couldn't be seen beneath his ninja mask. "Hikari just lectured Lord Garmadon," Kai said finally, sounding as if he were about to burst out laughing.

"Stays in one spot, stays in one spot HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO THAT!?" Jay shrieked. Hikari frowned for a moment, before looking up at Jay with a small smile. "Well, don't forget, Jay- we're ninja, aren't we?"


Hikari waited patiently. Kai had probably led it onto the bridge and to the right now. Most likely that was the case.

Cole had led it into that alley, Jay was- yep, he was up there, on the roof, she could see him if she squinted- now he was jumping... oh, there was the Great Devourer... now over to the next roof over, and now... wait, his true potential again... now she could see Zane's ice slide. That looked a little like fun, but at the same time, utterly terrifying. She watched as they careened around corners, over roofs- and now the dragon caught them as Hikari waved.

The snake looked at her with those huge pink eyes. For once, Hikari was far too determined and angry to be scared. "Come and GET ME!" she shouted, before running. It followed her as she came face to face with the giant tail. She got as close as she dared and waved as it turned the corner, the head bigger than her old house.

"Are you too scared? C'mon, you big worm!" she taunted, and it snapped. She jumped straight up, using fire to boost her jump so that the dragon swooped down and caught her, just as the Great Devourer's head closed on its tail. It was wrapped around, and they swooped back down to where Lloyd and Nya were waving. The Great Devourer was wriggling in place, momentarily confused.

"THAT WAS AWESOME!" Lloyd yelled, and pretty much tackled Hikari to the ground as she got off, knocking all the wind out of her. She blinked before beaming at him and embracing him back for a moment, before they let go and Hikari looked up to the building where Garmadon was standing. Storm clouds seemed to start bearing down.

"You are the reason evil runs through my blood," Lord Garmadon snarled, in a voice that made Hikari quake in her shoes a bit. The weapons started glowing, sparking with power, and sent a shock wave out- knocking everyone back a few paces, forcing Hikari to tighten her grip on Lloyd's sleeve. "You bit me once," Lord Garmadon growled, "Now, feel what it's like to be bitten back!" And he jumped.

"Go get him, dad," Lloyd said softly, watching his father determinedly.

"VENGEANCE WILL BE MINE!" Lord Garmadon shouted, as the weapons glowed so furiously hot as they plummeted, that Hikari found herself biting her lip and clutching at Lloyd's sleeve so tightly that it was beginning to tear a little.

He made contact with the green spot. The Great Devourer let out one last roar, and blood- sickly green blood that looked like some sort of strange goo exploded from the body of the Great Devourer, Hikari crying out in shock. Everyone let out an exclamation as the goo crashed over everything, leaving everything smelling rather sickly sweet but unharmed.

Everyone cheered, and Jay said, wonderingly, "He did it!"

"No- WE did it," Cole responded, grinning at the team.

Hikari grinned. And then she let out a little shriek, everyone looking at her in surprise, as she tackled Lloyd in a hug. "We did it, we did it!" she screamed happily, and Lloyd was hugging her back with his usual, mischievous grin. "I know!" he yelled back, and the two of them did a little impromptu dance right there on the roof, squealing in joy.

All the ninja smiled at this as civilians ran out to cheer in the street, and they joined them as Jay ran over to his parents. "Ohh... our little ninja," Edna said happily, and they all hugged. Cole ran back to the dragon, who'd recovered and looked very happy indeed to see Cole. "Rocky! There y'are, ya big lug! It's good to have you back!"

Lloyd was frowning now, still holding Hikari's hand. "I don't... see my dad," he said, finally, looking around.

Everyone looked around now, Kai's mouth twisting into its usual twisty expression. "He should be around here somewhere..."

"Your analysis is incorrect," Zane spoke, scanning the street, "He is not here."

Cole looked alarmed, "Then our Golden Weapons are gone, too! Well, isn't THAT convenient!" They approached the side of the bridge, looking around in case he was, in fact, there.

"Look! Footsteps!" Nya exclaimed, and everyone's face went a little solemn, Kai remarking to Lloyd with a grim look, "I have a feeling that you'll see your father again soon."

Lloyd's head lowered, and Hikari looked over at him. "I know, but... that's, what I'm afraid of," he said slowly, and Hikari fiercely hugged him, as if that would make up for it. Unbeknownst to her, his lips twitched upwards happily.

Cole gasped suddenly, sounding happy, "Sensei Wu!"

Sensei, was, indeed, getting up from the middle of the goo, and everyone let out a happy exclamation. Everyone literally JUMPED DOWN from the bridge and ran over to him, Sensei Wu sounding relieved when they reached him, "I can't tell you how glad I am to see you!" He walked over a bit and picked up his teapot from the goo. "The Great Devourer left a bad taste in my mouth!" He sipped from the teacup, before sighing, once again relieved. Hikari couldn't stop smiling and jumping up and down excitedly, dragging Lloyd along with her a little. But he didn't really mind.

"Much better," he said, after taking a few more sips, "and still hot!" He laughed a little bit, and Lloyd came forward, still clinging to Hikari's hand, reflexively. "It's good to have you back, Uncle!" Then the smile left his face, "But my father left! And he took all the Golden Weapons!"

Sensei Wu sighed, "Ah, very true. But the ability to better oneself makes your abilities limitless."

Jay was grinning as he said, "I couldn't have said it any better myself."

"Besides," Kai said, coming over to Hikari and Lloyd, "we have what is MOST important." And then he placed a hand on both their shoulders. "You two."

"My pupils have become the masters," Sensei Wu said, a hint of pride in his voice. Lloyd looked worried as he said, "Am I really going to have to fight my father one day?"

"One day," Sensei Wu conceded, "but today, we can feel good that Ninjago is saved. Good will finally face evil, and a final outcome will be decided."

Lloyd and Hikari looked worried, but Kai quickly patted them both again. "But don't worry! We're going to teach you everything we know!"

Jay came over and said, proudly, "And make sure you're PREPARED for that fight."

"As we all know," Cole agreed, approaching, "Good will always stand up to evil."

"And ninja always stand up for what is right," Zane added.

"Go, ninja, GO!" they all yelled, jumping into the air heroically. Then, when they landed, Hikari tackled them all in a hug, feeling her smile spread even bigger than before.

Tomorrow was another day. But today they'd won, and for now, in this one moment in the sunlight, that was really all that mattered.

A/N: And (finally!) the first season is officially FINISHED! This chapter is easily among one of my longest. Thank you for the 20 favorites and 16 follows on this story on Fanfiction and the SEVENTY FOUR hearts and over 6,000 reads on Quotev! I can't have gotten this far without you guys!

Responses to commenters:


MMM: No problem (typo-wise), I'm adding the same seasons in this story because otherwise it's too much trouble, and (SPOILER FOR NEXT CHAPTER, DO NOT READ REST OF THIS RESPONSE IF YOU DON'T WANT SPOILER) while I considered that for Hikari, I decided it was too much trouble because then Skales gets arrested so I don't know what would happen to Hikari, so no. :/ Sorry!


cookiecat567: Aha, is that so? That wasn't entirely on purpose, but yeah, Hikari's powers really are scary, so... :/

lloydninjago: Well she does control the dark side of the four elements :) So it makes sense that her powers are like that.

Please review/comment, and I'll see you all next time! Byyeee!

Hikari: Tune in next time to see the first episode of the next season!

Lloyd: Pretty obvious Hikari.

Hikari: Nyeh! (sticks tongue out at Lloyd)

Jay: Ishipit (cough).

Yes, I consider Jay a Llokari shipper xD

Well, bye!

x.X. A.L. X.x

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