12 - Counting Stars

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Please listen to Counting Stars - OneRepublic for this entire chapter

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This isn't the first time I have done this.

For over eight years, every time I ran into a guy whose name was either Andrew, Andy or Drew, I'd go into panic overdrive.

My whole life, my dad and my brother have always been at the back my mind, constantly wondering where they were.

"Avery, you ok?" Jaxon asks, obviously noticing my state of mind.

I instantly shook my head "Sorry, you just look like someone I used to know" I forced a smile at the guys.

Drew's cheeks flushed, "It's OK. I get that a lot to be honest."

Drew proceeded to work on my car but I couldn't find the energy to move, I just stood there dumb founded, staring at him work. I wanted to ask him so many questions, interrogate him about his life. I needed to know if he was my Andrew or not.

"How's your mum" Jaxon's voice echoed through me. Who was he referring to? When I looked at him I realised he was facing Drew.

"Yeah man, she's much better now. She was really sick last week" Drew answered almost immediately.

Just like that my heart sank, knowing I wasn't a step closer to finding Andrew or my dad. I didn't have the strength to move or respond to either one of them.

I just stood there feeling deflated while I watched Drew's movements, until I felt someone snake an arm around my waist which brought me back to reality. I looked up to see Jaxon pulling me towards the waiting room, "Are you sure you're okay?" he whispered.

I just nodded at him "I'm fine. I promise."

He just sat directly across from me as he looked me over with concern written on his face "If you say so."

We sat there in silence staring at each other until a smile creeped its way to my face when I couldn't hold on any longer, a giggle escaped my lips "What?"

Jaxon's eyes widened a fraction before recovering himself "Nothing. Just trying to figure you out."

"There's nothing to figure out."

"You and I both know there's a lot more to you."

"Let's agree to disagree."

Our conversation slowly died at that point. He didn't push further and I didn't give in and tell him anything. After what felt like ages, Drew finally came in to sit down with us to explain what was wrong with my car.

* * *

"$300!!" My voice roared through the shop. After Drew had examined my car to find the cause of it, he decided it would be great to enlighten me with how much it was going to cost to repair.

"What the hell? What am I buying that it's $300?!" I lifted my hands in the air out of anger.

Drew began to answer but I interrupted him "I'm sorry, ignore my outburst. You already explained the repair to me. I just wasn't prepared for the amount."

Drew's eyebrows creased up as he smiled sweetly at me "It's alright. I wish I could make it cheaper but standard price is $500, dropping it to $300 was the best I could do."

I shook my head "No it's fine, thank you so much for the help."

Drew gave me a sympathetic smile "No problem. The car will be ready to be picked up on Sunday at 10am."

After saying our goodbyes, we headed back to Jaxon's car "I can pick you up from yours and drop you off on Sunday?" Jaxon had offered when he began to drive me home after telling him my address. I didn't argue with him when he offered to take me home, but I didn't need him doing me any more favours. I never liked the idea of owing something to someone because they will always use it against you, especially in your time of need.

"No, it's fine. It's not that far for me to walk it."

"It's not a big deal Avery" he sighed out of frustration. I studied him closely. This was the first-time Jaxon seemed slightly annoyed. Normally he's always the friendly, bubbly and never the annoying one.

"Okay?" I said slowly, unsure of how to react.

"I'm sorry but, you act like I'm going to hold it against you and blackmail you or something?"

"That's all I've ever known for people to do."


"I said that out loud didn't I?" I sighed and looked down at my fingers.

"Yea you did" the softness in his voice almost relaxes me instantly, he doesn't seem annoyed or irritated like he was a few seconds ago.

We drove in dead silence after that, nothing else was said. I didn't know what to say, I was feeling conflicted. After a few minutes, he pulled up at the front of my house and turned to look at me "I'm not like the other guys you've dated Avery" he whispered. I looked away from my hands to make direct eye contact with him.

'That's exactly what Noah had said to me.'


I had my back against the wall in anticipation as Noah placed a hand on it just above my head, leaning in with a seductive smirk he whispered in my ear, "I'm not like other guys Ava."

E N D   F L A S H B A C K

They all say that at first to lure you in before their violent and obsessive behaviour comes out. By then you're either stuck and too scared to leave or it's too late for you. Just look at what happened with Henry and my mum. He started off nice and turned out to be the biggest scumbag on earth.

I was in the same relationship with Noah, being with Noah proved that all guys are dominant creatures and can't help but control everything about you. They become obsessed and their jealousy is beyond out of control. I can't risk going through that again.

I let out a loud sigh "Thanks for the help tonight."

Without waiting for him to respond, I got out of the car and walked towards the house, not looking back.

* * *

"I want burgers!" Alena squealed while she jumped up and down in pure joy.

Last night, Lisa was sweet enough not to charge me the extra 2 hours but I felt so bad, I know I needed to repay her somehow. When I got home, Lisa explained to me that Alena had refused to go to sleep when Lisa had asked her, because she wanted to wait until I got home.

Alena gave me the biggest guilt trip and instantly made me feel guilty because I was not home when I had promised to be there. It killed me when she said she thought I left without her. It broke my heart, I had to reassure her that I would never leave her and that she and I were a packaged deal.

So, as a "please forgive me" gesture I agreed to take her out to burgers tonight. At first, she didn't want to walk and didn't understand what happened to my car but then she started to play a game with herself, where she pretended the ground was lava and under no circumstances was she allowed to touch the floor. It entertained her and made her laugh, so that's all I cared about.

We walked from café to café, burger place to burger place. After finally making a decision, we decided to eat at Royal Fries. Currently we were looking over the menu deciding on what we were going to eat, well, what she was going to eat. I had to be extra careful with our money, especially since I have to go pick up my car, $300 later.

Watching her intently study the menu, creasing her nose when she came across something she didn't want or when her mouth shaped into an 'O' when she saw something she liked was quite amusing to the eye.

My mind slowly began to cross over to my conversation with Jaxon. I just left him hanging there, I didn't even acknowledge what he said, I felt like shit because of the way I disregarded him. It was all just hitting too close to home. I was tempted to message him straight after and apologise but something had stopped me.

Besides, it's better that we go our separate ways anyway, maybe now he would leave me alone and not bother me anymore. It is better this way. Isn't it?

So why did the idea of that crush me so much?

"Jonathan!" I snapped out of my thoughts and saw Alena waving with so much excitement, when I turned around to face the door of the restaurant, there stood Jonathan waving back at Alena and Jaxon regarding me closely.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear, right?

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Should she invite Jaxon to her table or ignore him?

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