13 - Company

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OMG!!! 1.5k READS!!!! THANK YOU!

Let's hope we reach the millions one day! Haha

This chapter is dedicated to every single dedicated reader who hasn't left my side and who stayed waiting for an update. Thank you to all of you who read, vote and comment on my story!

Your support is amazing! Xx

P.S If you have a friend who you think will enjoy this story please spread the word!

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Please listen to Company - Justin Bieber for this entire chapter

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I kept telling myself to stay away from Jaxon and to go our separate ways but that idea wasn't sticking. He always seemed to be around, it was impossible to avoid him. So, to call a truce I gave him a small smile and waved him over to join us. He gave me a small smirk in return which instantly made my heart flutter.

Jonathan had already come running to our booth and was standing on the end of it. I had to smile at how adorable he was. He was too cute for his own good "Hi Jonathan. How are you?"

He was too busy smiling at Alena when he realised I was talking to him "Good."

I let out a suppressed giggle when I saw that Jonathan had helped himself to a seat next to Alena and both started talking to each other.

"By all means kid, help yourself" Jaxon let out a sigh.

I started laughing as I playfully dragged his arm down so he could sit next to me, thankfully he does it while chuckling which hopefully indicates that maybe he wasn't mad at me for last night.

I certainly hope so.

"Are you stalking me Jaxon?" I turned my body around and crossed my legs underneath me to face him.

He tilted his head back and just laughed "No. Unless you want me to, then Yes?" he looked at me with a playful twinkle in his eye.

"Did you end up going to the party after the mechanics last night. Or was it for tonight?" I asked.

"I didn't end up going actually. Tonight, I did have plans with a friend-"

'Girlfriend probably.'

"but he cancelled on me. So, I decided I'd take my brother out for a guys night, 'cause we haven't had one in ages. As you can see my plan worked out perfectly."

"You know, they say that everything happens for a reason" I smiled at him as I looked back down at the menu.

"So I've heard."

From the corner of my eye I saw him smirk at his menu. After a few minutes of silence, the waiter had appeared, ready to take our order.

"Can I get a chicken burger meal with French fries please."

"Can I get the same please."

"Avery, what did you want to get?" Jaxon asked.

I shook my head "No, I'm fine honestly."

I couldn't afford to buy my own meal but I wasn't going to admit that to him.

"She'll have a regular beef burger meal with curly fries, make that two please" Jaxon smiled at the waiter who nodded in agreement before walking off after taking everyone's orders down.

"What if I've never eaten meat?" My eyebrows creased together in frustration.

"Then there's always a first for everything" he justified with a smug look on his face.

"What if I'm vegetarian?"

"Pray you don't go to hell?"

I laughed out loud at his response. He had a remark for everything, "You are something else Jaxon."

He let out a chuckle "That's what they all say."

I smiled and nudged his shoulder with my hand playfully "Thanks again for last night by the way."

He leaned back in the booth to raise his left arm against the top of the seat behind my head "Anytime Avery."

* * *

"Can we go to the arcade center next door! Please Jaxon!" Jonathan squealed in excitement after they had just finished their food.

I instantly looked at Alena and slowly shook my head left to right because I knew she was about to ask me too. I did not have money to spend on the arcade center.

"Fine. Here, take this and share it between you and Alena" Jaxon reaches in his wallet and pulls out a $50.

Alena looks at me with wide eyes for approval and I let out a sigh "Fine, go. Don't talk to anyone!" I yell out as they both start running together holding hands.

Now it was just Jaxon and I.

There was that awkward silence where you want to ask a person something but don't know how to say it. You can both hear the wheels turning and just waiting for the other person to speak first.

I turn to face him again crossing my legs underneath each other "You didn't have to do that, but thank you" I said softly.

"It was my pleasure. They seem to enjoy each other's company" he smiled at me and then resumes twiddling his fingers.

"Who was that girl from the other week."

"There's a party next weekend, did you want to come with me?"

We both spilled our words out at once. My mouth fell to the floor when I registered what he had said.

"Why are you jealous?"

"A Party?"

He turned slightly in his chair to face me "I'll be honest, it was a date but ended terribly and we can just go to the party as friends."

"Why did it end terribly?"

His jaw clenched while contemplating whether to tell me or not "Because I was distracted."

I raised an eyebrow in confusion "Distracted by what?"

He looked at me directly in the eyes "You."

My breathing quickened as I thought about what he just said. I barely even knew him at that time, how or why was he distracted by me? I opened my mouth to say something but quickly closed it when nothing came out.

Obviously sensing all my questions, he continued "There was.... is something about you Avery. I want to get to know you. I don't know what your ex did but I want to show you that we're all not like him" he softly says as he places his hand over mine resting on the seat in between us.

My cheeks involuntarily flush red and I turn my head to avoid being noticed but it's too late because Jaxon smiles at me making it obvious that he has noticed my blush.

"So how about that party?" He asked, evidently changing the topic for me.


"On what?"

I looked into his eyes as I contemplate whether I should go into detail. There have been a few times where I've felt the urge to open up to him, he always has that look on his face where it appears as though he wants to know about me and genuinely cares. It was a gamble because it could also scare him away.

"I don't have anyone to look after Alena. I knew that from the moment I chose to escape with her, I was ultimately putting my life on hold. I don't regret leaving though because I didn't want her growing up in that environment."

'Talk about word vomit. Way to go.'

"And what environment was that" Jaxon asked with a soft tone.

"The type that makes her believe that all women should be treated less than what they deserve, that it's ok to hit a woman, cheat on her and treat her with absolutely no respect. An environment where she may grow up and believe that alcohol and drugs are the only answers when the going gets tough. I don't want that life for her" It felt good being able to finally talk to someone about all my concerns when it comes to Alena. As soon as I finished explaining it I could see on his features that there was no judgement about me.

After a minute of silence, I could see his fist clinched and his jawline hard, he looked like he was going to crack and I was beginning to worry that maybe opening up to him as a bad idea.

"Did he ever......hurt you" his said as he forced them through clenched teeth.

"He tried. Succeeded a few times too"

"If I ever meet him, I'm gonna make him a part of a human centipede so that he can reingest all the shit he did"

I lifted my head as I realised what he said and I couldn't prevent the laugh that escaped my lips. I realised how inappropriate my timing was and quickly placed my palm over my mouth, trying to stop my giggles.

I could see Jaxon clenching his jawline, trying to prevent himself from laughing but slowly his dimples were evident as his slow grin turned into a chuckle. Before we knew it, we were both full blown laughing like a bunch of kids.

After a few minutes of us looking like we had lost our minds, the waiter had come with the cheque. I was about to grab my wallet when I heard him tsk at me before grabbing his wallet to fix the bill. With that done, he smiles sweetly at me "Let's go get the little minions and go home shall we? You guys are on our way home."

As we were walking I couldn't resist, I playfully nudged his shoulder with mine as we walked towards the arcade center.

"Thanks for tonight" I said to him.

He placed his arm around my shoulders and smiled at me "You're welcome."

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A/N: You got what you wanted! She invited him to join her for dinner (sort of lol). What did you guys think? What do you want to see more of?

Next Chapter: You'll experience Avery and Jaxon's first fight.... But about what?

Stay tuned!

Don't forget to vote xx

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