Chapter 2

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(3rd person pov)

Adam woke up and stretched his arms, he looked around and saw the other beds were empty, he sighed and got up and did the usual morning routine, he then put on the uniform and headed out, he was met by team rwb running past him confusing him.

Adam: what the hell is going on?

Then their neighbour the one man team opened the door letting yang leave before heading out, Adam then looked at Bruce with a raised eyebrow.

Bruce: what?

Adam: first day and you get the chicks...

Bruce: hey they can't resist the rizz, anyway we're late for *gags* class...

Adam: ugh...

They then began heading to class.

(A few classes later)

The boys were at the cafeteria having lunch while chatting with team rwby.

Ruby: and then I said NOW THAT'S A KATANA!!

Adam and yang were laughing hysterically by that while Rudolph, Edward, Sam and Bruce let out a small chuckle while Weiss groaned while rolling her eyes, Blake didn't pay attention to them whatsoever as she was focusing on her book, a few moments later team JNPR joined them as ruby introduced them to each other, Pyrrha sat in between Bruce and Rudolph and began chatting while Nora sat next to ren, jaune sat next to Weiss and was trying a little bit too hard to impress her which made her groan more.

?: please stop!

?: look at this freak.

?: I know right! And those ears! They're disturbing!

Bruce looked behind him and saw four guys bullying a girl with bunny ears, he sighed and got up which made RWBY and JNPR look at him.

Bruce: I'll be right back guys.

Bruce then headed towards the bullies with a sinister look on his face.

Jaune: what's he doing?

Sam, with a smile on his face looked at jaune.

Sam: you'll see...and I can tell he'll give us a show.

Bruce approached the group and put his left hand on an orange haired kid' shoulder

Bruce: hey fellas, whatca doin'?

?: you see this thing? She don't deserve to-

Bruce then squeezed his shoulder and stared at him as if he was staring at his soul.

Bruce: what's your name boy...?

Cardin: C-cardin!

Bruce: alright here's the thing're a bitch...change my mind...I dare you.

Bruce then pushed him away and looked at his goons as he pulled rouge and insane at the two leaving the last one out of range, Bruce then looked at him with a dark smirk.

Bruce: you know I could kill you before the bullets reach their targets right?

All three of Cardin's group gulped and ran away, Bruce then looked at the scared girl.

?: thank you.

Bruce: don't thank me...I did what had to be done.

Velvet: I'm velvet scarlatina.

Bruce: Bruce blackheart, I'll see you around vel.

Bruce then turned around and walked back to the group, as he sat down he noticed that the same black haired girl from yesterday staring at him, along with a red eyed white haired guy.

Bruce: 'something is definitely off with them.'


Pyrrha: that was heroic.

Bruce then chuckled as he finished his lunch and got up.

Bruce: sorry to disappoint you...but I'm no hero...I'll go for a walk.

He then left the cafeteria confusing them.

Weiss: what was that about?

Sam: eh...don't mind him...he hates it when people call him a hero.

Blake: but why?

Sam: let's just his case...there's more than meets the eye.


Bruce was walking around the academy while smoking a cigarette.

Bruce: a hero...don't make me laugh.

He then remembered the times of his old life, from his battles with the bloodhound, to the pile of bodies that he burned down to his last mission, all that was cut short when he saw the same black haired woman and the white haired guy approaching him which made him sigh.

?: quite the show you've put out.

Bruce: hey they were looking at me funny.

?2: so you're the one man team eh? That's new.

Bruce then glared at them having enough of them.

Bruce: spare me the dick riding! What the hell do you two want?!

?: getting hostile are we? Anyway the name's cinder and that's razor.

Razor: a pleasure.

Cinder: you've caught my interest, not many people have that powerful presence like you have.

Razor: yeah...after all that's the type of people I like.

Bruce: alright you've annoyed me enough...

He then walked away leaving the two, he kept walking as he took small glances behind him.

Bruce: 'what the hell are they planning?'

Cinder watched the man walking away as an evil smirk was plastered on her face, razor began smirking as he turned to cinder.

Razor: oh mother will surely be happy with this catch.

Cinder: let's keep a closer eye on him for now.


In the combat class, the teams of RWBY, ARES and BLAK were watching Cardin beating the shit out of a poor student, the said student was struggling to get up as he was met by cardin's mace, with a shit eating grin Cardin was the winner of the match.

Goodwitch: and the winner is Cardin Winchester.

Cardin: barely broke a sweat.

Goodwitch: now you may go back now mr Winchester.

Cardin: but I'm not done yet...I want HIM!!

He pointed at Bruce as Sam smirked.

Goodwitch: do you accept mr blackheart?

Bruce: yeah...I've got sometime to kill...OH and to make things interesting...I'll whoop your ass with my hand tied behind my back.

That was enough to confuse most of the students, with an evil smirk on his face, Bruce tied his RIGHT hand behind his back as yang loosened his tie and headed to the arena.

Goodwitch: aren't you going to get your weapons?

Bruce: everything around us is a weapon of used right...and besides...I always keep the strap on me.

He jumped into arena and stared into Cardin and as he pulled out rouge (the colt python) and pointed it at him which made Cardin smirk.

Cardin: ready for the embarrassment of your life?

Bruce: you'll be my son in this bitch BOY!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Cardin pulled out his mace and charged at Bruce while Bruce still pointing his python at him, as Cardin got close Bruce began shooting him at while dodging cardin's attacks, Cardin swung his mace downward as Bruce did a front flip and stood on his head.

Bruce: c'mon I thought you were going to embarrass me.

Cardin: shut up and fight me!

Bruce then sighed and kicked the back of cardin's head and did a backflip as cardin's face was met with Bruce's knee, Bruce then put his gun back into its holster and grabbed Cardin by the collar of his shirt and stared at him with a disturbing smile.

Bruce: ready for the beating of your life?

Cardin then spat at him which pissed Bruce off, Bruce then head butted her hard busting his forehead open and delivered multiple knees into Cardin' stomach making him cough up blood, Bruce then threw him away and wiped the spit off his face, Cardin was struggling to get back up as he was met by a punt to the face, Bruce then looked at the crowd with a sadistic smile on his face.


Cardin then looked at Bruce with a weak smile on his face.

Cardin: t-that's w-what y-your parents said.

The crowed then gasped at what Cardin said.

Sam: ohhh shiiit...he's dead.

Wiess looked at Samson with a confused look on her face.

Wiess: what's that supposed to mean?

Sam: that idiot just crossed the line and Bruce is gonna kill him unless something is to be done.

Bruce then kicked Cardin in the temple and began assaulting his face with his left fist, each punch gets more aggressive then the one before it, with each punch the blood comes out like a fountain, Bruce then grabbed Cardin's right arm and kicked his elbow making Cardin let out an ear shattering scream but Bruce wasn't done, he grabbed the other arm and did the same, after that he pulled out his desert eagle and pointed it at his head, before he could deliver the kill shot he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Sam: alright Bruce calm down...a bullet to his head would be an insult to the bullet.

He kept staring at Cardin as a bubble engulfed his body as the bubble was floating taking him out of the arena.

Goodwitch: that's enough mr blackheart! You were about to kill him.

Bruce then put his gun back into its holster and looked at the crowd.


He then gently brushed sam's hand off and left the arena as Sam gave an awkward laugh.

Sam: alright everyone! One less bully to worry about! Give it up to BRUCE BLACKHEART!!!

Nothing...the crowd was disturbed by that act of violence Bruce just showed, with another awkward laugh Sam walked away from the arena.

(Five minutes later)

The teams of RWBY, JNPR, Adam, Rudolph and Edward looked at Bruce and sam sitting in silence as they approached them.

Adam: hey Bruce...

Bruce: hey yourself.

Adam: quick question...what the hell was that all about.

Bruce sighed and get up.

Bruce: ask Sam...he'll tell you.

He then walked away leaving them confused.

Black: that was rude.

Yang: i know right!

Sam: well there's a good reason why...

Wiess: and what that reason?

Sam: well...let's just say that he's had rough...and when I say rough...i mean ROUGH.

Blake: care to elaborate?

Sam: well...his mother died while giving birth to him...when he was a baby no older than a week he got kidnapped, as he was 7 years old he was doing all kinds of heinous things from blackmailing people, selling drugs and theft...back then he was knows as the heartless cat.

Blake then looked down as Edward then took a small glance at Blake.

Sam: as the time passed he became 12 years day he went back to his "family" and gave them the day's income...a ton of cash, on the same day a girl no older than 15 barged in and killed his "family"...and that was the first time he got face to face with death, he was riddled with bullets but his will power to was enough for him to survive, ten years of nothing but hell...just to get revenge on that woman...he traveled the world and went through some of the most intense training ever thus earned him three titles...the first was "первобытный зверь."

Adam: what?

Sam: the primal beast...he earned that title because of his brutal and the over exaggerated methods of dealing with his targets, the second was the super soldier...he earned that because he volunteered in a successful experiment, the third was the black bullet for two reasons...the first is he used black bullets...the second is his unreal accuracy...anyway he left to a place called roanapur and his reputation was spread like wildfire, anyway he encountered the bloodhound three times.

Edward: bloodhound?

Sam: the woman who killed his "family", the first time they encountered each other...Bruce had a child trafficking much as he hated it but the job must be focus on this child because he has an important role in this story...anyway they met and let's just say that it wasn't pretty, the second time was when the child's father was killed so she was hunting those who killed him down...again wasn't pretty, now the third time...I was there...and she was there to hunt him down, that time they were half dead or more but they had plenty of juice in the tank...Bruce was about to deliver the kill shot but he was stopped by his old of them revealed that the child was Bruce's younger half brother, oh and he lost his liver.

Adam: talk about plot twist.

Rudolph: hm...

Ruby: but how did you two become friends?

Sam: well...the one one whom I thought was my lover killed me...and when Bruce heard that...he did not rest until he killed her and my "father"...again he lost another body part...but I won't say which, and that's how he cemented his place in the most wanted criminal in the world.

Yang/ Pyrrha : Bruce...

Adam: wait wait were killed?

Sam: yeah... but I was revived by satan himself...

Wiess: who's that?

Sam: evil in itself.

Sam: anyway that's all you need to know about tread carefully, I'll go for a drink.


Bruce was standing alone smoking to calm his nerves, he then heard footsteps behind him but couldn't care less about who the person is.

Yang: didn't take you for a smoker...well I guess it's safe to say that you're "smoking hot!" Eh? EH?!

Bruce: what do you want yang...?

Yang: look...I've heard what Sam said...and I-

Bruce then raised his hand cutting her off.

Bruce: I don't need sympathy's a sign of weakness...something that I'm not known for.

Yang: I get that...but just know this... we're here for you if you need anything.

Bruce then gave her a warm smile and nodded.

Bruce: I appreciate that...thanks.

Yang: there's that sexy smile I've been wanting to see!

She then kissed his cheek which made him chuckle.

Bruce: you sure know how to bring my positive side.

Yang: you see! It's a big plus!

Bruce: oh my lord...

Bruce then facepalmed as yang was laughing hysterically, unknown to them Pyrrha was watching them with a warm smile on her face.


In a certain castle, razor was walking through the halls towards the throne room as he was met by a set of large doors, he knocked on the door and waited for the response.

?: enter.

He then walked in and immediately kneeled.

Razor: mother...

His mother then got up from her throne and walked toward him, as she was approaching him razor could feel his skin turning as pale as her skin, he kept staring at the ground as she stood in front of him.

?: so razor...what did you and cinder find?

Razor: well mother I have some bad news and some interesting news...bad news...we found nothing about the relics so far...

?: and the interesting news?

Razor: we have found the perfect vessel for the dark king.

?: is that so?

Razor: yes...i felt the unnecessary amount of rage within him, I just know it...he's the perfect vessel.

He then pulled out a photo of Bruce.

?: may proceed, but I need him alive.

Razor: of course mother.

He then got up and walked away, as he was walking he saw a man wearing a black trench coat, under the coat was a black combat suit and a bulletproof vest with a SKULL logo on it.

Razor: y/n! Back from atlas?

Y/n: piss off.

Razor then sighed and opened a portal to his dorm room and walked through it.

To be continued


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