Chapter 3

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A couple of months have passed since the arrival of team ARES and team BLAK and ever since then they have become massively popular in beacon, Adam (wraith) managed to hit the jackpot by dating ruby, Sam worked his demonic magic with Weiss, Edward used his vampiric charm on Blake, Rudolph and Pyrrha are falling for each other, and last but not least, Bruce rizzed yang up, but unknown to Bruce and Edward, Blake and yang have a thing for each other, but that must be kept under wraps, they have gone through missions involving the white fang, Roman torchwick, Adam Taurus and many other missions,cinder and razor along with their new addition y/n l/n were watching both teams, how they operate, their training sessions, their skills, their strongest points and their greatest weaknesses, and so far team ARES is a bulletproof team however, team BLAK on the other hand has one weakness...he's a normal human being with no aura meaning he's more vulnerable(or so they think), aside from that nothing, speaking of y/n, how did he join Salem you ask? Well it all began weeks ago...


In an unknown location, we see a man sharping his shooting skills, all of a sudden a black portal appeared behind him as he quickly pointed his machine gun at it, a few seconds have passed by and a woman with a skin as pale as the moon with matching hair color, black and red menacing eyes, veins as black as darkness itself, y/n looked at her with dead expression while still pointing his weapon at her.

Y/n: who are you and what the hell do you want?

?: y/n l/n...answer me this...what would you do to get what was once lost...?

Y/n: I'm listening...

She then showed him a picture of none other then Bruce.

?: end his existence and I shall bring them back.

(End of flashback, meanwhile)

Edward was chilling with the boys, Rudolph was nowhere to be seen , Adam was cleaning rebellion while Sam was playing a card game with ruby, yang and Weiss, Bruce was reading Blake's favourite book "ninjas of love", soon blake walked in the room and sat on her bunk bed

Bruce: shit now that's a katana.

Blake saw Bruce reading her book , usually that would make her panic but she didn't care which was more than enough to confirm his suspicions, he took a glance at her and spoke up.

Bruce: Blake can I talk to you outside?

Blake was hesitant a little bit but she saw his warm smile and decided to humour him, she went outside as he followed her, once they were outside that warm smile turned into a death glare.

Bruce: you've been distant in the lately, your grades are dropping rapidly, you don't eat, you don't sleep...wanna tell me why?

Blake: Bruce...I appreciate your concern but I'm f-

Bruce: if you're planning on lying to's not gonna better tell me...

Blake: you don't understand-

Bruce: then make me understand! You have heavy bags under your've lost weight...and I'm not a dermatologist but you're getting dangerously pale...and you've been killing yourself with an investigation that we know nothing tell me what's wrong?

Blake: they've been quiet...too quiet.

Bruce: it's the white fang isn't it?

Blake: that's alarming in itself! Don't you see?! While we're here doing nothing they could be planning something that would destroy the world!

Bruce then smirked which confused her.

Blake: what's so funny?! People's lives are at stake here and you're laughing about it?! What is wrong with you?!!

Bruce: oh blake you poor thing...let me show you something, follow me.

Bruce went to his dorm room with Blake behind him, he opened the door allowing her to go in first, he walked inside and closed the door and locked it behind him and looked at her.

Bruce: First I want you to lay down in bed...

Blake: why?

Bruce: just do it...

Blake: I'm not-

Bruce: Blake...I'm not gonna repeat myself.

Blake sighed and laid on the bed as Bruce gave her a small smile and went to his desk, he opened the desk drawer and took a file and gave it to Blake, she opened the file and began reading its content which shocked her, Bruce managed to do what she couldn't, the location of the white fang, the amount of dust that have been stolen and their new objective, the destruction of vale.

Blake: h-how did you get all of this?!

Bruce: late at night...I've been sneaking out of beacon to begin my own only took me a couple of days, I know people's live is at stake...but you don't see me having a mental breakdown like you...they used to call me the superior solicitor for a reason, now please do me this one favour.

Blake: and what's that?

Bruce: for god' sake get some sleep!

He then snatched the file from her and put it in his drawer.

Blake: hey! I wasn't done reading that.

Bruce: now you're done.

He then turned the lights off and unlocked the door.

Bruce: sleep tight now...

He then left the room leaving her alone, he then went back to the other group and began polishing rogue and insane, Edward then turned to Bruce with a smile on his face.

Edward: how's the kitty cat?

Bruce: sleeping...

Adam/wiess: about time.

Yang: so what did you show her?

Bruce: what she needed to see, anyway I'll have a smoke...the headache is killing me.

He then left the room which confused the group.

Yang: what's that about.

Sam: well let's just say he's having a mental war...let's just leave it at that.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Rudolph and Pyrrha were training, pyrrha threw her spear at Rudolph as he grabbed said spear and threw it right back at her, she caught her spear but didn't notice Rudolph charging at her, he then smacked her so hard she got glued into the wall behind her, she then fell down and tried to get up, Rudolph then put his blades away.

Rudolph: we're done here.

Pyrrha: I-i can s-still fight!

Rudolph then pulled the blade of Olympus and stood there menacingly waiting for her to get up, she tried to get up again but failed as rudolph approached her and put the blade away.

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Pyrrha: I-I'm sorry...I've f-failed...

Rudolph: (softly) do not be better...say it.

Pyrrha: I will be better.

Rudolph then helped her up as she wrapped her arm around his shoulder.

Pyrrha: Rudolph can I ask you something?

Rudolph: what is it?

Pyrrha: ever since you came here...I've had my doubts about who you are...are you really related to the god of war Kratos?

Rudolph: the truth...the truth...I am a god...from a land far far away from here...we began from Kratos and it ends with me, it began when he killed ares, now answer me this...why do you keep pushing yourself ?

Pyrrha: ozpin...chose me to become the next maiden...

Rudolph: hmm...alright...just know this...I'm on your side...till the end.

Pyrrha then smiled and put her hand on his cheek and turned his face towards her.

Pyrrha: till the end.

She then kissed him shocking him a little bit then he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her back.


Adam,Edward and Sam were chilling with team RWBY, Weiss was sitting next to Sam while ruby was next to Adam, yang was staring at the window which was weird knowing yang, she then turned around and looked at sam.

Yang: sam?

Sam: yeah?

Yang: could you tell us more about Bruce?

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Sam knew that was coming so he decided to spill some of the beans while hiding one very important piece of info from the group.

Sam: well...Bruce had a very rough childhood...his mother died while giving birth to him, he got kidnapped the very next day after his birth...spent 6 years of his as a drug dealer and at the age of 9 he had his first near death experience, he was half dead or more until he reached a camp where he turned into a child soldier, he was tortured, raped and more unhinged things...after 7 years of bent up rage...he snapped and killed everyone from that camp which earned him the title of "the primal beast", he left the country in search of the one who killed whom he though were his family, during his search he was found by people who had this biological experiment which he volunteered, the experiment was successful which earned him his second title " the super soldier", his body was biologically enhanced giving him an unreal power and a matching speed but that wasn't enough to satisfy his lust for blood, he went out on some impossible missions and he always comes out smelling like roses...and blood...and gunpowder, every bullet meets its target which earned him his third. Title... "the black bullet".

Adam/ Edward: damn...

Sam: he then decided to retire to keep his search on his own, so he headed to the gangster's paradise, the city of roanapur, he joined a crew there called the lagoon company, one year later he received a job which he hated, he was forced into this child trafficking job, now remember this child because he has a very important role in this story, anyway he eventually met the one who killed his "parents", they fought until they were half dead...or more.

Ruby: so who won?

Sam: all three fights ended in a draw...I met him during this mission where the organisation I used to be in, you see this organisation was in a war with that another organisation...and she was in there, the third fight was where he lost his liver, and it's not the only part he lost, anyway that kid and I along with old friends saw both of them beaten to a bloody pulp, one of his friends stopped the fight and revealed the truth to him...that kid is his younger brother and that woman is the head maid...the kids mother figure so to speak, they eventually squashed that beef and became lovers...later on he had to leave for the sake of his brother...and here we are.

Weiss: my god...

Yang/ ruby: Bruce...

Sam: he was lonely his entire life so yang...I expect you to be the fire in his darkness.

Yang: I will...

Ruby: me too.

Then they heard the intercom speaking.

Ozpin: would the teams of ARES and RWBY present to the office?

Adam: well...let's go to work guys.

They left the room and headed to ozpin's office, once they were there they saw ozpin, glynda ,Bruce and Blake, once rwy saw bruce they had a pained look in their eyes which didn't go unnoticed by bruce.

Ozpin: glad you could make on time...

Adam: so what's the mission?

Ozpin took a glance at Bruce which immediately got what he was trying to say.

Bruce: we're going after the white fang...tonight they're heading towards vale...what they know is we're coming what they don't know is when are we this gives us the advantage, so the formation is as follows, the fast ones go with the powerhouses, the stealthy ones go with the most accurate, meaning ruby will go with Adam, Blake you go with Edward, Weiss you go with Samson and yang comes with me.

Blake: and rudolph?

Rudolph: I can go on my own.

Sam: well edward I hope you're hungry because you're going to have a feast.

Edward: if there's anything more dangerous than an angry's a hungry vampire.

Adam: anyway we have their location...let's roll.


The teams of RWBY, ARES and BLAK have reached the location and saw the white fang logo on multiple train cars.

Bruce: *whispers* alright we proceed as planned, that train must not reach vale.

The group then headed towards train cars.

(With Adam and ruby)

Adam and ruby were hiding behind some crates as they were watching and saw two white fang soldiers doing patrol, Adam put his index finger on his lips and sneaked behind them and knocked them out, he then ushered ruby to follow him which she did, ruby then noticed an opened crate and looked behind her and saw two more soldiers.

Ruby: *whisper* Adam in here!

He then nodded and ran towards her and picked her up and jumped into the crate, they waited until they got past as ruby jumped and knocked them out.

Adam: nice job rubes!

Ruby: oh stop!

Then a bunch of soldiers appeared in front of them as ruby pulled her scythe while Adam pulled rebellion

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Adam and ruby charged at the soldiers and began hacking and slashing them one by one, ruby then used her semblance and gained more ground as she slashed more soldiers while adam used TRICKSTER and teleported in front of one of them and did a stinger followed by a million stabs technique, he then threw rebellion at one of them and switched to gunslinger and began shooting at them while ruby switched her scythe into rifle mode also shooting, after they were done they gave each other a high five.

Ruby: we're unstoppable!

Adam: got that right! I wonder how the others are holding up?

(With Weiss and Sam)

Weiss: it's quiet...too quiet.

Sam: then my lovely snowflake...I suggest you be on your guard.

Weiss: quiet least I'm not a showoff.

Sam: oh shut up...

W.F solider: INTRUDERS!!!

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Sam summoned his demonic scythe as Weiss pulled Myrtenaster and charged at them, Sam was having the time of his life as he was chopping their heads while Weiss was using her dust to her advantage, she loaded an explosive dust and pulled a stinger which impressed Sam, Weiss then summoned a black glyph and jumped on it and stabbed one of the soldiers as Sam sliced his head off, more soldiers appeared as they made quick work of them, once they were done Sam looked at Weiss with a toothy grin.

Sam: you're getting better...color me impressed.

Weiss: you're not so bad yourself but I wonder what the others are holing up.

(With edward and Blake)

Edward and Blake were walking towards the first car as they were ambushed by more white fang soldiers as edward gave them an evil toothy smile and did a power release level 2.

Edward: get's feeding time!

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Blake: don't kill them!

He then charged at one of them with blinding speed as he grabbed one of them and bit him in the neck and drank his blood while using him as a Faunus shield, Blake then pulled gambol shroud and knocked them out, one by one they were either dead or unconscious as the front door opened revealing the white fang leader: Adam Taurus, an opponent edward was dying to fight.

Edward: well well well...if it isn't the white fang leader...y'know I've been dying to sink my teeth into your ass.

(A/n: pause)

Blake: Adam!

AdamT: fancy meeting you here...traitor!

Blake: why are you doing this?! There are a lot of innocent people!


Edward: well you see...I'm not actually a human...not anymore at least, go on ahead blake...I got this.

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Blake headed toward the control car as edward and Adamcharged at each other as they began exchanging slashes as Edward was slashing with his razor sharp nails while Adam was slashing using wilt, Edward landed a hit on Adam as he used his semblance and retaliated by sending a more powerful attack at Edward which was powerful enough to send him back, Edward then smiled at him.

Edward: ruby said that you're good...I'm impressed.


Edward then laughed as his eyes began glowing gold.

Edward: then come, END ME IF YOU CAN!!

They charged at each other and exchanged slashes again, Adam then stabbed Edward as he began laughing!

AdamT: any last words?!

Edward: two actually...I'm immortal!

Edward then punched him so hard he went through the car, Edward then looked at his wound as it began healing and sighed.

Edward: better catch up to Blake.

(With Bruce and yang)

Bruce was walking alongside yang quietly as she kept giving him small glances which he noticed.

Bruce: got something you want to say?

Yang: Sam told us your story-

Bruce: of course he did...dude's can't keep his mouth shut...

Yang: but-

Bruce: I don't need sympathy yang...needing sympathy is for the weak...for the powerless...

Yang: he made me promise to become the fire in your darkness...

Then a voice in Bruce's head spoke.

Voice: that won't age well trust me Caesar, anyway I'll be taking the wheel now.

Bruce: let's just focus on the mission.

Then you guessed it! More soldiers appeared as Bruce pulled rouge and insane while yang readied her gauntlets (Ember Celica) and charged at them, yang was punching her way through the soldiers while Bruce was shooting them one by one enjoying every moment of it, yang noticed the mad look on his face which disturbed her, one solider was about to strike her from behind as Bruce shot the soldier, the bullet was so close to penetrating yang as the bullet found its target which was the soldier's head ,Bruce kept his insane smile on his face.



?: ahh if it isn't the black bullet!, fancy meeting you here

Bruce then looked behind him and saw none other than remnant's punisher: y/n l/n, alongside remnant's second notorious criminal: Roman torchwich.

Bruce received some hostile vibes, unnatural hostile vibes from him, yang noticed the look on Bruce's face.

Y/n: you go after Roman...I got this.

Roman turned his head towards y/n as y/n kept staring at Bruce.

Roman: well...what do you say my dear friend?

Y/n said nothing which made Roman understand.

Roman: well I guess I'm not needed here...

He then walked towards the next car as yang immediately chased behind him leaving y/n and Bruce alone.

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They began firing at each other as every bullet clashed with one another, deciding that it was pointless they charged at each other and began exchanging heavy blows, every punch and/or kick was met by a punch and/or kick, Bruce then sent a right hook but
Y/n grabbed his fist with his left hand, at the same time y/n sent a right hook but Bruce grabbed it with his left hand as they began head butting each other, y/n delivered a brutal left kick to Bruce's ribs as Bruce kicked y/n in his stomach pushing him away a couple of steps, not wasting any time delivered a superman punch with his left hand as y/n delivered a high knee at Bruce's chin knocking each other to the ground.

Y/n/ Bruce: 'he's good'

Both of them sat on their knees and glared at each other, they got up as they charged at each other again, both y/n and Bruce pulled out their knives and began slashing at each other, y/n was the first to deliver a clean stab but the thing is the stab was in Bruce's left shoulder, Bruce stabbed y/n in his right shoulder followed by an rage filled left hook knocking y/n out, Bruce took a breath and inspected his stab wound.

Bruce: shit...YANG!!!

He then ran towards the next car and saw yang knocked out cold as a woman with black hair wearing a Grimm mask was standing over her, Bruce then pulled rogue out and pointed it at her.

Bruce(venomous tone): what did you do to her?!

Woman: saved her life...

She then turned around and opened a portal and walked through it, Bruce then crouched next to yang to check on her.

Bruce: There's a pulse...good.

(With Rudolph)

Rudolph was heading towards the main car until he got surrounded by white fang soldiers, he then looked around as he pulled the blades of chaos.

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Without hesitation whatsoever, Rudolph charged at them and began hacking and slashing at them, either charring or ripping them to pieces the soldiers fell one by one never standing a chance against the god of war, then a Grimm Minotaur appeared behind him.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Rudolph charged at the Grimm with rather heavy attacks as the Grimm tried its best to stab Rudolph with its horns but with no luck, Rudolph then head butted the Grimm and jumped over its chest and tried to stab it but the Grimm tried to get Rudolph off it as Rudolph pushed the Grimm's arms away and stabbed it in the face killing it, he then kept going to the main car which he did, as he arrived he got confused by the amount of controls in front of him, luck was on his side as the others walked in, Edward then reached over to the control panel and tried to stop the train.

Edward: shit! The controls are out...any ideas?

Bruce: I've got one...but first you three get the girls out, Rudolph and I will handle the rest.

Adam: that I can get behind!

Ruby: what're you going to do?

Bruce: you'll see, Sam take yang out of the train, as you can see she's out cold.

Sam: got it, c'mon y'all let's get out of here.

Sam opened a portal which led out of the train as he carried yang and walked out as the rest follows suit shutting the portal leaving Rudolph and bruce alone.

Rudolph: this idea of yours...what is it?

Bruce: if we can't stop the train the easy way...we stop it the hard to simplify things...I saw we derail it.

Rudolph: hmm...

Bruce: I'll take it as you like this idea...alright let's get to work.

Rudolph stood next to Bruce as he put his blades away.

Bruce: ready?

Rudolph only nodded which made Bruce smile.

Bruce: Alright on, two, THREE!

They charged at the left side of the train which did nothing earning a small groan from Bruce.

Bruce: damn it! alright one more time.

Rudolph noticed how Bruce's body began growing in muscle mass making him as big as Rudolph himself, Bruce grew a smile on his face while looking at Rudolph.

Bruce: one more time...on three, one, two, THREE!!!

Both of them charged at the left side of the train as they managed to derail the train making it flip multiple times launching Bruce out said train as Rudolph used one of his blades and threw it at a post and pulled himself out of the train and landed gracefully, Bruce struggled to get up and saw his left arm bent the wrong way, the group then caught up to them as Weiss helped Bruce up.

Weiss: your arm!

Bruce: I've been through worse, I'll live.

He then grabbed his left arm and fixed his arm with a "grunt", he then looked at the train and noticed that y/n was gone.

Bruce: 'he's gone...'

Caesar: 'anyway you've done your part...step aside.'

Bruce: 'shit...alright fine...but NO FUNNY BUSINESS!'

Bruce then got a head a headache as Caesar took control again.

Caesar: alright let's go...we have a dance to prepare for tomorrow.

And with that the group went back to the academy.

(The next day)

At the dance team RWBY were there waiting for both ARES and BLAK, eventually team ARES have arrived, Adam was wearing a pinkish red coat, underneath the coat was a a tight black turtle neck shirt and a red vest with a matching coloured pants, black gloves and boots (dmc1 Dante outfit).

Rudolph was wearing an Olympian armour (gow2).

Edward was wearing a dark blue coat and a black suit.

Sam was wearing a black suit with gold accents along with a white tie (I don't know what it's called, also ignore the wings or don't...)

Team rwby and Pyrrha were stunned by the almost regal appearance, then yang noticed the absence of Bruce (Caesar).

Yang: hey where's Bruce?

Adam: the guy said he has something to take care of, he shouldn't take long.

Yang: he better be here! He promised me a dance.

Blake: me too...

Edward: don't worry my lovely kitty cat...he's a man of his word.

?: he's right you know...

Edward grew a smile as team RWBY looked past edward and saw Bruce (Caesar), he was wearing an all white suit and a white/ blue floral tie and black shoes.

Sam: fashionably late as usual. 

Caesar: better late then never.

Yang: looking good Bruce!

Caesar: thanks, the white dress suits you- oh my god WE'RE MATCHING!!! AWESOME!!!


Then they headed to the dance floor, yang and rudolf found two empty chairs and took a seat as Sam began dancing with Weiss, Edward with yang, Adam with ruby and Caesar with Blake.

Caesar: as promised...a lovely dance with you.

Blake: thank you Bruce...for everything.

Caesar: for now just call me Caesar...

Blake: alright...caesar. *giggle*

Caesar chuckled as the song ended, they went towards the punch table as they saw team JNPR go to the dance floor and began their signature dance.

The Teams of RWBY,ARES and BLAK were flabbergasted especially Rudolph by what jaune was wearing.

AES: what the hell?

Rudolph: what treachery is this?!

Caesar: what in god's name...?

As they finished their dance Caesar stood up and walked towards the dance floor as the lights turned off leaving the spotlight on him as he pointed his hand towards yang.

Caesar: may I have this dance my fiery dragon?

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With a face as red as Sam's eyes she approached him and held his right hand as he wrapped his left arm around her waist and began dancing, they kept staring into each other's eyes as got closer to each other until their lips connected with each other, everyone cheered for them as Sam began whistling as loud as possible.



Cinder was standing on one of the rooftops as she made her way towards a certain building only to find out that this building is filled to the brim with motion sensors which thwarted her plan.

Cinder: damn it! I can't go in there without being detected...that Bruce though about it haven't he? Well played.

She then switched to a rather fancy dress and headed to the dance room and was met by razor.

Razor: looks like y/n failed to kill him...we should be careful.

Cinder: there will be another encounter but for now...let's enjoy this dance.

(To be continued)


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(A/n: 4k words! Holy shit this is by far the longest chapter I've ever written! I hope you enjoy it!)

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