Chapter 4

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(Narrator pov)

It had been a few weeks since the dance and there it is...the vital festival week, where all four kingdoms in remnant make a tournament to celebrate the end of the Great War, but before that let's take a stap back and see what the boys have accomplished, Adam and ruby's relationship is stronger than ever, the same case with Rudolph and Pyrrha, Sam and Weiss is just royal love, Bruce and Edward however...they began noticing the cracks but Caesar was just too stubborn to notice how distant yang is becoming, bruce was trying his best to convince Caesar but he was just too stubborn, cinder and her gang were plotting something...something big, and Adam took notice of that but the thing is...he has no proof of it, not to mention the white fang being quiet...too quiet for liking, anyway the girls were in their dorm chilling, Blake was reading her FILTH!!-ahem- book, Weiss was going through her homework while ruby and yang were playing, let's just say that yang was kicking ruby's ass.


Yang: you need to step up your game sis!


Blake: yeah're being too loud...

Ruby: *sigh* anyway I'll go and see Adam...

Yang: yeah I'll tag along.

(At the training arena)

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Rudolph, donned in the Spartan attire of war, swung Blades with calculated ferocity. The fiery chains extended from his wrists, each swing producing arcs of blazing crimson energy. Adam, with his silver-white hair and a flowing red coat, exuded an aura of confidence as he effortlessly evaded the relentless onslaught.

Adam: c'mon Rudolph you're gonna have to try harder!

The arena trembled with every collision of the Blades of Chaos against Adam's twin ebony and ivory pistols. As Rudolph lunged forward with a flurry of strikes, Adam countered with an acrobatic leap, gracefully somersaulting through the air. He fired a barrage of bullets, each round expertly aimed to disrupt Rudolph's attacks, Their battle intensified, reaching a crescendo of swirling chaos, fiery explosions, and lightning-fast swordplay. Rudolph's Blades of Chaos clashed with Adam's mighty Rebellion sword in a clash that could shatter worlds.

Adam: NOT BAD!

Each warrior displayed astonishing agility and resilience, refusing to yield to the other, As the dust settled and their powers waned, the two combatants stood, battered and bruised but unbroken. The sparring session between Rudolph Kratos and Adam Strong had pushed the boundaries of their strength and skill, leaving them with a newfound respect for each other's prowess in combat, Ruby couldn't contain her excitement as she approached Adam with a fangirlish attitude. She couldn't help but gush.

Ruby: Wow, you were so cool out there! I've never seen anyone fight like that before!

Adam, amused by Ruby's enthusiasm, chuckled heartily.

Adam: Thanks, babe. You're not too bad yourself. But I think it's time to call it a day. That was quite the battle, and I don't want to wreck this place any further.

Rudolph: agreed.

Rudolph put the blades away and approached Adam, they stared at each for what seems to be a minute, with a smile on adam's face they shook hands which made ruby smile as well, yang looked around the arena and noticed that Bruce was nowhere to be seen.

Yang: hey where's Bruce.

Adam, in response to Yang's inquiry, grinned and answered her question.

Adam: well Yang, you'll find Bruce going absolutely wild in the gym. He's in there, giving it his all as usual.

Yang nodded appreciatively, knowing Bruce's dedication to his training.

Yang: Thanks, Adam! I'll go join him and see if I can keep up with his energy.

With that, she made her way to the gym, ready to join Bruce in his intense workout session, Rudolph, after a respectful nod to Adam, excused himself and made his exit, leaving Adam and Ruby to chat and catch up. As he walked away, Rudolph couldn't help but reflect on the intense sparring session and the camaraderie he had found in this unique encounter with warriors from different worlds, Ruby, always up for an adventure, asked Adam with enthusiasm:

Ruby: Hey, Adam, how about we go to the fairgrounds for some fun?

Adam, with a smile, agreed.

Adam: Sure, Ruby, that sounds like a great idea! I'll just go get cleaned up, and then we can head over.

With their plans set, Ruby and Adam were ready to enjoy some downtime together at the fairgrounds, leaving behind the arena's chaos and battles for a day of amusement and relaxation.


Yang arrived at the gym, expecting to find Bruce deep in his intense workout. However, what she encountered left her in awe and disbelief. The gym was a scene of total chaos, with equipment scattered and broken everywhere. In the midst of the wreckage stood Bruce, drenched in sweat, panting heavily, and wearing an exhilarated grin, Yang couldn't help but laugh at the sight.

Yang: Bruce, you really went all out, didn't you?

Bruce, catching his breath, grinned back at her.

Bruce: You know me, Yang. I can't resist a good challenge, even if it means turning the gym into a battlefield.

Yang rolled up her sleeves, ready to join the mayhem.

Yang: Well, if it's a challenge you want, it's a challenge you'll get! Let's clean this place up together.

With that, the two of them set to work, turning the gym into a battleground of a different kind—this time, a friendly competition to see who could fix the most equipment.


In the fairgrounds, Edward and Samson were having a conversation, eagerly discussing the upcoming Vital Festival and the excitement it promised.

Edward: I've heard rumors that some of the most formidable fighters from different continents will be participating. It's bound to be a spectacle.

With his golden eyes gleaming with anticipation, Sam nodded in agreement, his crimson eyes reflecting a similar enthusiasm.

Sam: Yes, and the diversity of talents and abilities on display is sure to make it an unforgettable experience. I'm looking forward to witnessing the clashes of power and skill.

As they chatted about the upcoming event, both Edward and Samson couldn't help but feel the thrill of the unknown and the anticipation of the extraordinary battles and challenges that awaited them at the Vital Festival, unknown to them, razor along with two more figures next to him, the first is a grey haired with matching eye colour male wearing a sleek, form-fitting black bodysuit that covers his entire body from neck to toe. It is sleeveless, allowing for maximum freedom of movement in combat. The bodysuit is made of a flexible and durable material that provides protection without hindering his agility, the other is a female with light green hair and red eyes, she wear a sleeveless olive-green vest, The vest features intricate lacing and straps, offering both style and functionality, A slim-fitting dark brown trousers, A black belt with a silver buckle remains around her waist and fingerless brown leather gloves.

Female: why are observing those two...?

Male: yeah...they don't look like much...

Razor: well...those two...are completely different from everyone around see...those two are-

?: a demon and a vampire...two of the most dangerous entities there is...

Razor then was interrupted by tall and imposing figure, standing with a confident and unwavering posture wearing a black bulletproof vest with a skull symbol on it, Combat trousers, Combat boots and fingerless gloves, that figure is none other than y/n l/n, he looked at the male with fierce eyes.

Y/n: Mercury, since you're participating in the tournament, you'll want to keep a few things in mind.

Mercury: and what're those things?

Y/n, staring at the ground with a cigarette in his mouth, crossed his arms.

Y/n: you should be aware of a few formidable teams and individuals. Team A.R.E.S consists of Adam strong, Rudolph Kratos , Edward teach, and Samson satan. They are extremely dangerous and should not be underestimated when you face them.

Mercury: danger is my middle name.

Y/n: And keep an eye out for a one-man team called Team BLAK, represented by Bruce Blackheart. He's known for his tenacity and combat skills. Facing him in the tournament will be a formidable challenge, he maybe a human with no semblance but he is not to be taken lightly.

Mercury: well that makes it easy.

Y/n was getting irritated by Mercury's cockiness, having enough of that he threw his cigarette away and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

Y/n: you should know that Bruce Blackheart has a unique and animalistic approach to dealing with his opposition. He's known for his ferocity and unorthodox combat style. Expect the unexpected when you face him, one slip and you die, so enough with the cocky attitude and try to survive!

With Y/N's guidance and the knowledge he had gained, Mercury was better prepared not only for Team A.R.E.S but also for the brutal challenge posed by Bruce in the Vital Tournament.

To be continued


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