Dark Service

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Miyoko could hardly notice her surroundings as she stepped out of the Dimensional Shuttle into the Atlas Dimension Port. 

If she had to make a judgement of her surroundings in spite of her emotions distracting her, it was that there was a lot of white and black.. Apparently Atlas had the notion that white and sleek was how technology was supposed to look, and boy did they have a lot of it.

However, unlike New Guild City.. or even Academy City back before it's reform, the technology was obviously solely based for military purposes. 

Robotic gunmen, large airships stocked with weapons, men in white battle armor that made the late Hound Dog organization look like a bunch of toy soldiers.. not to mention the very militaristic attitude of the place.

Uniformed soldiers marching, and saluting Ironwood. 

Miyoko didn't know why she was even surprised by this.. When you had a country run by a guy named General Ironwood..well.. yeah. 

"Miyoko.. maybe I should help carry some of those.."

"O.. oh.." Miyoko blinked back to reality as the blue haired maid Rem, took both of her suitcases. It felt strange to see her in her maid's uniform, as Miyoko usually saw the girl in her Fairy Academy Uniform.

"Miyoko.. you seem nervous.." said Rem quietly. 

"Yeah.. I am.. shouldn't you be too?" Miyoko asked.

"Well, I would be lying if I said I wasn't.. I have always preferred to serve my master Roswaal.. and to work and care for my Subaru.. but.. you are also my friend, I cannot allow you to take this burden alone.. we are both in Fairy Tail are we not?"

"Is Sans here?" Miyoko asked. 

"Well of course.. I hear we have a bone to pick right?" Sans seemed to appear out of thin air, grinning as he usually did, causing Miyoko to suddenly jump. 

"J.. Jeez Sans.. you know I hate it when you do that.."

"Please.. they say Appearance matters right? And I appeared in the end." said Sans with a chuckle.

"You and your puns.." Miyoko muttered. 

"No worries Miyoko.. we'll be with you every step of the way." said Sans. 

"I'm just wondering how I'll be able to-.."

Miyoko caught a warning glance from Winter and Yang and immediately changed what she was about to say.

"To.. er.. adjust to life with a weird undead boney guy.. I mean.. what does he even eat?" Miyoko said. 

That was careless of her. She should have remembered that Ainz would be the type to have spies lurking all over the place. 

Sans nodded, obviously pleased Miyoko kept her cool. "Pizza? Extra bones on top? Eheheheh.."

"Hey..." Yang patted Miyoko on the shoulder. "Okay.. when you're in there..just know you might run into my sister in there. Just tell her you know me.. and your name. She knows who you are, I've written to her about you. She'll do whatever she can to help you. Okay?"

"Right.. "Miyoko said. 

For some reason she was finding it very hard to breathe.. Was that normal? That was normal right? Totally normal.. to be starting to hyperventilate and burrow into the ground like a mole and pretend to be crab grass. 

'Breathe'. Miyoko thought. 'It can't be that bad'.

The door to the Dimension Port opened and Miyoko found herself staring at a royal procession of skeletal soldiers, four  of them carrying what appeared to be a large litter shaped like a blackened pyramid, alongside which Albedo walked, holding her axe

"Okay can I start panicking now?" Miyoko squeaked. 

"No." said Rem. 

"Come on.. not even a little?!" said Miyoko. 

"Think about it.. you have to set a good example for the people here." said Yang. "There are Atlas soldiers looking at you as the view of Fairy Tail.. "

"Okay.." Miyoko squeaked. 

"I present to you.." Albedo said, bowing low, her wings spreading out. "The Sorcerer King, Lord Ainz!"

Ainz Ooal Gown himself stepped out of the litter.. his large golden staff in one hand.. his bones making creaking joint noises.. making him feel massive as he walked.. his large robe further enhancing his presence. 

It was an effective look, as many of the Atlas Soldiers, hardened and forged by their training, still backed away slightly, looking apprehensive. 

"Miyoko Misaka.." said Ainz. "Greetings.. I trust you are ready to leave.."

"Whatever.. " Miyoko muttered. 

"How dare you!" growled Albedo. "You are now the property of his Lordship.. bow before him like you mean it!"

"At ease.. Albedo." said Ainz, holding up a hand. "She is not used to the ways and rules of Nazarick. However she will learn..  and.. you two.. I believe you are classmates of her's ."

"Yes." said Rem with a slight bow. 

"Pretty much." said Sans. 

Ainz nodded "Very well.. let us go.. our celebration awaits.."

"Celebration?" said Miyoko tentatively.

"Of course.. would there be anything less upon gaining a new citizen to the Great Tomb of Nazarick?" sad Ainz.  "Albedo.. ready my personal Airship.."

"As you wish my lord.."

Immediately a set of Death Knights took the suitcases from Rem as well as the suitcases that Rem had apparently packed herself from several of the Atlas Guards.  

Ainz put a boney hand on Miyoko's shoulder and guided her to an Airship similar to the ones that Atlas used. However this ship had been repainted red and gold to suit the colors of the Sorcerer Kingdom.

As Miyoko walked with Ainz, she could feel Albedo's wrathful gaze on her.. as if there some burning jealous fury slowing boring two eye shaped holes into the back of her neck..

Miyoko tried to look over her shoulder at Albedo.. feeling absolutely disturbed by the anger.. was she still mad about what happened in the Hero World?

Miyoko boarded the airship and went for one of the farthest seats from the cockpit, thinking that Ainz would probably want to stick near the cockpit.. and that maybe Sans and Rem could keep her company. 

But immediately.. A Death Knight blocked Sans and Rem from boarding.. as Ainz himself stepped onto the airship, as did Albedo. 

"My apologies.. this ship is for VIPs.. " said Albedo, hiding her recent sneer behind a pleasant face. "You two will take the other ship with normal troops.."

"We have to ride with undead soldiers...?" muttered Rem. 

"Problem?" Sans said. 

"Oh..  s..sorry Sans.. y.. you're different you're.. " Rem said frantically. 

"Ah think nothing about it.. I'm not gonna make any ribs about this one.." said Sans. "We'll see you soon Miyo.."

"R.. right.." Miyoko said as the Death Knight holding her suitcases placed them in the ship and the door to the airship closed. 

Miyoko twiddled her thumbs awkwardly as Ainz sat in the seat across from her, and Albedo stood nearby. 

"So... er.. " Miyoko said, before going silent. 

What the HECK was she supposed to say?!

Hell.. why should she make small talk with THIS jerk of all people? This asshole who wanted her as his personal slave to brag that he had Frieza's most coveted Ordained. Was that the reason why Ainz wanted her.. well it had to be.. she had long suspected it. 

"I have been waiting for this moment for quite a while.. Miyoko Misaka.." said Ainz. "Though I wish this could have been our first meeting.. I'm afraid our fight in the past might have left the wrong impression. Rest assured.. I only wish the best for you.."

"Really? Is that why you took me from my home? Made it so I'd never see my mom again? And enslaved the home country of my teacher?" Miyoko growled fiercely.  "Don't think you can sweet talk me Ainz.. pulling wool over my eyes only results in plenty of burned up sheep."

"Sweet talk..? oho.. do not be mistaken Miyoko.. I will not hide the fact that having you as my subordinate will greatly help the Great Tomb of Nazarick.  As soon as we reach Beacon, I will put you to work.. Albedo shall oversee-.."

Ainz stopped right there as he looked up at Albedo, who seemed to puffing up her cheeks in barely contained rage.

"O.. on second thought.. maybe Shalltear would.. no.. that would be worse.. ehem.. I shall personally observe and oversee your integration and training as you work here. From now on, you and your actions reflect not on Fairy Tail, but on Nazarick. That guild mark will be removed, and you shall follow my every command.. "

Suddenly Miyoko's face became that of insulted horror and rage. "If.. any of you DARE touch my guild mark I will rip your faces off and feed them to my Grandma Thundaarix!! Then I'll use your spinal fluids to make ink for my next painting!!"

Ainz stared, his jaw dropping slightly. "Hmph.. very well.. you can keep the mark.. if you feel that strongly." 'HOLY CRAP SHE'S ACTUALLY SCARIER THAN ALBEDO WHEN SHE'S MAD.. hold on.. you need to appear strong here.. don't let her get under your skin.. she's your subordinate..'

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Ainz laughed. "Good.. good.. that feisty attitude will serve you well here.. Miyoko Misaka.. I hope this is a sign that I have done well to make an investment in you.. Now.. you can consider your lessons to be beginning this very moment.. your first lesson.. and assignment..  service me.."

Miyoko felt herself go cold inside. She had suspected something like this might happen.. but.. no.. she must be strong.. for her friends.

Miyoko gulped and her hands shook. "So.. you want my clothes off while I-.."

"EH!?" Ainz blinked. "Uh.."

"EEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHH!!?" Albedo looked like she was on fire as her jaw dropped viciously. 

"N.. no.. nothing like that.." Ainz said weakly. "What do you take me for?"

Miyoko breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly berated herself mentally. Her fear was blowing everything she heard out of proportion. 

"I meant, I would like some tea." said Ainz. "There is everything you need on the in flight kitchen up front. Go.. make me a glorious drink.. "

Miyoko stood up, trying to resist the temptation to punch Ainz on her way to the small kitchen that lurked on the side of the fancy airship.  As she began to make tea, her enhanced dragon's hearing allowed her to pick up the conversation on the other side.

"My Lord.. why such a menial task?" Albedo was asking. "If anything, I could've brought you some tea.. "

"This is a test Albedo.. to see how far we must break her before her loyalty is fully mine." said Ainz. "Here.. she has an ample opportunity to attempt to poison me.. I have already left several bottles of Rat Poison on the counter.. even mages don't tend to be immune to a bit of stomach ache after all.."

"Tch.. I bet he's immune to poison anyways.." Miyoko muttered to herself as she made some perfectly normal tea. "He's going to be testing me at every turn.. I have to let him think he's broken me.."

At that moment, Miyoko remembered what Rem had told her about Maid duties, and what usually exemplified a dutiful maid.. 

"A Maid always assumes a presence similar to an assassin guard." said Rem. "While her presence is known by the work she does.. she keeps her presence silent and unnoticeable so as not to trouble the master.  Do this and your master will come to appreciate you and leave you with harder tasks, and greater authority.."

Miyoko gulped again and took a deep breath. Would this work?

Miyoko did her best to assume a silent demeanor as she took the tea pot tray and cups to the table before Ainz's seat. "Your tea sir.." 

Ainz took a teacup and as soon as he did, before he could reach for the pot, Miyoko had already taken the teapot and started pouring Ainz's tea for him. 

Miyoko could feel Albedo's cold appraising gaze as she poured, but tried her utmost hardest to ignore it. 

"Will there be anything else sir?" Miyoko asked as Ainz sipped the tea.. 

"Hmmm... no." said Ainz. "You pass.." 

"Some lesson this was.." Miyoko muttered. "And what was it supposed to teach me?"

"Humility.." said Albedo coldly. "You have been chosen to Tend to Lord Ainz as one of his maids.. you should be grateful.. to be able to serve such a brilliant Lord hand and knee.. take your training and learn it well.. or.."

"Or what?" asked Miyoko. 

"Well.. Shalltear's been looking for some more fresh blood in any case.." said Albedo with a malicious grin, before she stroked Miyoko's cheek with a sharp nail.. 

Miyoko felt a bit of her blood trickle down her cheek from a thin cut as Ainz held up his cup of tea to her. 

"I expect great things from you.. Miyoko Misaka.. do not disappoint me.." Ainz said. "After all.. it would be such a disappointment to throw away damaged goods.."


The flight took several hours, and by the time they reached Beacon Academy, Miyoko immediately found herself looking at the window to the outside with renewed interest. 

She had always wanted to see Yang's school after all. 

And as she suspected, it largely enough, looked mostly like a cross between a manor and a castle... on the outskirts of the beautiful City of Vale (er.. right.. creative name.. for the capital.. of Vale.. ). 

The castle's very grounds were aesthetically pleasing. Lamp posts.. fancy benches, beautiful parks and gardens.. Miyoko could imagine going to school here was probably even cooler than going to a real life Hogwarts with all the amazing aestheticism. If she had to compare to anything she had seen in real life, it would either be the School Garden in New Guild City, or Fairy Tail Tokiwadai's new business offices in Tokyo. 

But now that Ainz had taken it over, there were some new chilling reminders that the school was under new management. 

In place of Vale's Flag, a massive banner had been erected to display the Sorcerer Kingdom's symbol. 

And Death Knights lumbered around the grounds, eyeing what appeared to be nervous students trying to avoid their gaze.. 

The tallest tower of Beacon Academy, apparently where the Headmaster's office was supposed to be, was being repainted red and gold to represent the colors of Nazarick. 

As soon as the ship landed and the doors opened.. Miyoko stepped out behind Ainz and Albedo, a suitcase in each hand, to find none other than Ainz's strategist, Demiurge, waiting for them. 

This was the first time Miyoko had ever met Demiurge in person, though her mother had made sure to make Mikoto familiar with all of Ainz's subordinates before she left.  Apparently Demiurge was the one to be most weary of, as he could be regarded as among the most intelligent people in Nazarick.. and the one who was at least 50 percent responsible for Ainz easily seizing the allegiance of his entire country in spite of his deeds.  One of which included masquerading as an enemy named Jaldaboath for Ainz to defeat and be seen as a hero to the public masses. 

"Lord Ainz.." said Demiurge, bowing elegantly to his master. "We have finished setting up the Headmaster's former office to properly suit your means! And.. oh.. it's the young mistress.."

Young Mistriss? Miyoko wrinkled her nose. Just how had Ainz ordered his subordinates to treat her. Was he trying to get her trust? Or her meek fearful loyalty?

"Yes." said Ainz. "I would like to show her to her quarters and give her the proper attire before she begins working.. but first, I would like to see your progress on the office.. as you seem quite eager to show me!"

"Of course my lord!" said Demiurge excitedly.  "Oh.. and I should tell you that the Prisoners from Fairy Tail have been interrogated thoroughly.. and for some reason they seem to have an abnormal resistance to Shalltear's torture techniques... particularly the paladin of their number.."

Miyoko felt her stomach drop at the sound of this. There were Fairy Tail guild members? Being tortured?!

"Hmmm yes.. I will drop by and see to them personally.." said Ainz. "And I might bring young Miyoko along with me.. after all.. "

Ainz's eyes flashed. "Having her see her suffering friends for herself, might inspire her not to cross her new boss hmm?"

"As you wish my Lord, I will arrange for it promptly!" said Demiurge as he guided Ainz up the main path to Beacon Academy's entrance.  "Oh.. and about the friends that Ms. Misaka has brought with her.. I have already shown them to their quarters.. I shall make sure they are aware of their.. positions.. under your service.."

"Glorious Demiurge.. as always you are quite perceptive." said Ainz. "And also.. are you aware of the arena that is usually used in the combat training in this school?"


"Prepare that, and tell all the Floor Guardians to be ready for battle and at that location in 3 hours." said Ainz. "There something I wish to test..  "

"Yes My lord." said Demiurge. 

Miyoko looked at the students as they parted way for Ainz and his followers. They all seemed to be whispering to each other and pointing at her.. How much did they know about the deal Ainz struck with Fairy Tail she wondered.. 

Finally after they went through the front doors, they went into a cylindrical shaped elevator and Demiurge pressed a few buttons. 

"Anything to report of the students?" Asked Ainz. 

"Cocytus has managed to completely subjugate the students without much effort." said Demiurge. "Granted our entrance and our display of killing Ozpin worked to our advantage, they are too fearful to attempt any sort of resistance. "

"Good, we must nurture the Hunters and Huntresses of this academy.. this country, whatever it's resources, still has the same problem as any other part of this world.. the Grim.. Unless we have a steady force to deal with the Grim, things might be difficult.. " Ainz said. 

"Ah yes.. but many of the students here came from out of country.. and I doubt those that are aspiring hunters and huntresses will want to come here again after our forceful takeover." said Demiurge. "For this I suggest that we hold contests in this country annually where we take the more promising Hunter candidates and send them here.. "

"Hmm I agree.. Albedo.. I trust you to organize the competitions and give them fair rules. Judge each Faunus and Human equally, no matter their race or circumstances.." said Ainz. "We will allow only the best.."

It felt weird to listen to this. Ainz and Demiurge's plans seemed, in spite of their cold calculating nature in reference to humans, rather sensible.  Try to rule not by fear, and continue to use Beacon in the way it was meant to be used.. already Miyoko could see why Mikoto said Ainz's rule was dangerous.. it was easy to mistaken him for a benevolent being if you looked over his well hidden atrocities.  In fact, while Miyoko hated to admit it, but from what she heard.. Ainz probably was a lot better ruler than most of the megalomaniacs in Earth's history. 

But just because something was better than what came before it, didn't make it right. And in terms of Remnant's history.. Vale hadn't seen much worse than Ainz at all. 

The elevator door opened with "Ding" and Miyoko found herself stepping out into what appeared to be a very spacious office. 

It was FILLED with gears.. from the transparent floor having gears turning underneath.. to the cieling and everything around it being filled with gears. 

And then there were the long windows granting a glorious view of the surrounding countryside. However, Miyoko had seen pictures of this office, ones that showed her mother and Ozpin signing the Annexation Treaty together for the Multiversal Alliance. 

She could tell there was something different. For where a nice fancy metal desk used to be.. there was a ginormous red, black and gold throne, and a similarly designed low desk on top of which was piled with various paperwork, magical scrolls and maps of Remnant designed like a battle plan. 

"It isn't as comfortable as your throne in E-Rantel, or Nazarick, but we figure it will do for now." said Demiurge with a bow. 

"It is fantastically done Demiurge. " said Ainz. "Now.. I understand Miyoko's quarters have been prepared."

"Of course my Lord." said Albedo. 

"Wait!" Miyoko said. "Tell me.. what you intend to do with the Fairy Tail members that were captured!" 

Ainz seemed to consider Miyoko for a moment. 

"You dare question Lord Ainz-.." Albedo began ferociously, but Ainz held up a hand for silence. 

"I imagine that once they are fully interrogated, I will have their bodies put to good use.. skin for scroll development of higher tier spells.. their bones can be used in some of Demiurge's tests.. and-.."

"Th-.. that's sick!!" Miyoko stammered, feeling the sudden desire to vomit with disgust. "no.. Let them go!"

"And what makes you think I would do that just because you told me to?" said Ainz simply. "What's to keep me from doing the same to you if you misbehave? Miyoko Misaka, Dragon Borns are quite valuable.. I imagine scrolls made from your skin would be quite valuable.. "

"And I imagine Frieza would throw a fit and obliterate you if you so much as killed me without a good reason." Miyoko said. 

Ainz's red glowing eyes narrowed, and Miyoko could tell he was starting to cautiously assess her. Because however you looked at it.. it was true that there were MULTIPLE reasons Ainz couldn't just outright kill her.. she knew now that the Proctors wanted their Ordained Captives Alive at the very least, and in good condition.. 

"Clever.. " said Ainz. "But that doesn't excuse you from punishment if need be.. Demiurge.. if you would.."

"Oh yes... THAT.." said Demiurge with a chuckle. "Right away Lord Ainz.."

Before Miyoko could react, Demiurge grabbed her by the shoulder and forced her on the ground, causing her to drop her suitcases abruptly. 

"HEY.. S.. STOP!" Miyoko roared. "G..GET OFF!"

Miyoko tried to activate her Dragon Born ability, but Demiurge was fast as used a claw to split the back of Miyoko's shirt in half.. exposing her bare back. 

"Tier 10 Spell.. Slave Bind." 

Miyoko screamed as she felt something like hot coals burn right into her skin.. and a black marking that looked like the symbol of the Sorcerer Kingdom burned itself into the middle of her back. 

Miyoko panted wildly, trying not to cry as she lay on the floor.. her limbs twitching from the stabbing pains that still remained. 

"Whenever you disobey me, you will receive pain comparable to driving screws into your very spine.. the pain is actually enough to drive anyone mad.. but a spell of Mind Recovery dwells in the mark to prevent the sweet release of insanity. " said Ainz. "Now do you understand? The price of disobeying your new master Ainz Ooal Gown..?"

"y.. yes sir.." Miyoko whimpered. "I.. I understand.."

Ainz nodded. "Good..  now... I believe you have a job to prepare for.."

Miyoko's body was still raked with pain to the point she felt absolutely stiff and unable to move.. so a few Undead ended up carrying her like a sack of potatoes and throwing her into a large fancy room.. 

"Lord Ainz demands that you be ready to work within 10 minutes.. please take this time to make yourself presentable." said a maid, bowing as she closed the door behind Miyoko. 

Miyoko groaned, getting up slowly.. taking off her now torn jacket and shirt and looking in the large mirror that was attached to the closet door. 

She looked at the curse markings on her back, gritting her teeth with disgust. This would make things more difficult. She hoped Rem and Sans didn't get anything similar. 

Miyoko groaned from the stabbing soreness as she noticed a set of maid's clothing neatly lying on her bed, and after a brief look around her room, she immediately saw that they had gone out of their way to make sure she was comfortable in spite of her situation.

A beautiful balcony overlooking the outside world, and on it, perched an easel stand with buckets of professional artist's paints and shelves filled with oil pastels and sketchbooks. 

The bed was covered in Gekota themed blankets and sheets, and even her stuffed bear, an old bear that had once belonged to her mother, sat on the covers, beckoning for a cuddle. 

There was a mahogany desk with a lam and a cushioned chair on the opposite end of the room, facing the wall, a shaded lamp lighting up neat sheets of magical parchment for sending written letters across dimensions..  Though Miyoko doubted any of her mail, to friends, family or otherwise would go unscreened by Ainz's intelligence forces. 

Again.. just WHAT was the motive here? Why force subservience? And then act so nice? Well she could get it if the Carrot and Stick policy was to get her to develop stockholm syndrome and just plain get her to be loyal..  but her quarters were as luxurious as probably any of Ainz's most devoted servants.. specially with them taking care to get her all the things she cherished most in the world..  her art, communication with her family and friends, and Gekota. 

"Just what are we Ordained to you Proctors?" Miyoko muttered as she slowly put on the maid's clothing.. "What am I to you? You old bag of bones?"

As Miyoko looked at her new maid's clothing in the mirror, assessing her new servant look with a frown.. a soft knock came on her door. 

Miyoko opened the door and was stunned to find what looked like a blindfolded zombie sheepdog in a maid's outfit. 

"Hello Miyoko.. I am Pestonya Shortcake Wanko, and I am the head homunculus maid of Nazarick." said the dog maid. "I am checking to see that your move has been made without difficulty.. "

Miyoko backed away a little awkwardly, not expecting such kind courteous behavior.. and also because she kept expecting her to say "woof" at some point.  "Uhh.. th.. thank you Pestonya.. m.. ma'am."

"Oh.. no need to be so respectful madam." said Pestonya. "Though you might be new, you rank above the ordinary Homunculus Maids of Nazarick.. "

"I do!? But.. you're head maid.. and this outfit.. aren't you my boss?" Miyoko asked. 

"There are two types of maids in Nazarick and the Sorcerer Kingdom. The Homunculus Maids are headed by me, and we aren't suited or built for battle.." said Pestonya. "In fact we even have an ordinary human among our number.. Tuare, I am sure you will meet her eventually. And then there are the Battle Maids.. maids built for both excellent service and fighting, as the name suggests.. they are known as the Pleiades."

"So.. Grinds Mower Blown-.."

"Ainz Ooal Gown miss." 

"Er right.. Smile Coal Grown.. or whatever, wants me to be one of his Battle Maids? What is he? An Otaku?" Miyoko grumbled. "I mean who heard of battle maids as an actual real life profession?"

"While he wishes you to be in service as a maid.. whether or not you are an official Pleiades.. or something higher up.. will depend on what happens in 3 hours Miss." said Pestonya. 

"What's happening in 3 hours?" Miyoko asked tentatively, remembering Ainz saying something about gathering Floor Guardians there. 

"That.. is where Ainz wishes you to be.. to test your Combat capabilities.." said Pestonya. 


"Do you think she suspects?" Ainz muttered as he followed Demiurge down the long stairwell to the lower levels of Beacon. 

"Miyoko Misaka? I doubt that a mere human.. even with dragon's blood.. would be able to see through your glorious plans." said Demiurge. 

"And yet she immediately knew that I could not afford to kill her due to the circumstances with Frieza and the Proctors.. " muttered Ainz. "Demiurge.. I'm sure I have spent many a time telling you that not to underestimate humans. While they may seem weak and inferior.. many of the members of Fairy Tail are but human, and yet have defeated gods..  She is a clever one, do not underestimate her.."

"And you perhaps are hoping that testing her in combat against us Floor Guardians will allow us to better to know how to combat these higher level of humans?" said Demiurge. "Glorious wisdom my master! I am humbled by this. However, while higher than other humans she may be.. I will be sure not to disappoint you and be beaten by a lowly human!"

"Actually, I want her to fight Shalltear.." said Ainz.

"A.. Are you sure my liege?" said Demiurge. "Shalltear is the strongest among us floor guardians..  is this some sort of punishment for her earlier cheek against you?"

"No.. not at all.." said Ainz. "Though Shalltear was not fully exerting herself at the time.. that woman, Freya, was able to overpower her immediately.. I am not expecting the same results from Miyoko.. but after Mjolnir.. I am willing to bet she can surprise me.."

"Speaking of which, I noticed she didn't have that hammer on her.." murmured Demiurge. 

"Her mother keeps it in the family home.. apparently Miyoko is still seen as not ready to wield a Divine Instrument or Noble Phantasm until she is ready..  or at least that's as much as the spies can say.. the security in Magnolia and New Guild City is beyond compare.. I cannot rely on any information I learn from there too much... as it might all just be illusion magic to fool my spies."

"Aye.. " said Demiurge. "In any case.. respect for Miyoko in spite of her human side might be desirable if we are to go for our 'Control of Fairy Tail plan'."

"That's right.." said Ainz. "Political marriage, even if it's political, requires trust on both ends."

"But gaining her trust is gonna be tough.. urgh." Thought Ainz. "If anything, that girl kind of scares me secretly..She's way too sharp on the uptake.. she might even find out I'm a salaryman re-incarnated as a video game character! If anything, her mother's smarts already outwit Demiurge.. if she's in any way similar.. I'll have to be careful around her.. what a pain."

At that moment Ainz and Demiurge finally ended up in what used to be Beacon's place for keeping captured Grim..  which had now been remodified into a torture dungeon.. 

Shalltear Bloodfallen was already waiting there..  along with Aura and Mare, the dark elf siblings. 

Aura and Mare both had the appearance of children, except the shy Mare, was in fact a male, and yet his hair and green skirt gave him the appearance of a girl, and Aura, the outgoing one wore a red and white vest suit that gave her the appearance of a male. 

"L.. Lord Ainz.. N.. Neuronist Painkill has been trying everything she could.. but.." said Mare, fiddling her magic staff awkwardly. "... W.. we... "

"SHE'S BUILT LIKE A ROCK!!" squealed Aura. "Even Shalltear tried a few things!! And STILL!"

"N.. never have I failed Lord Ainz like this.. " Shalltear muttered dejectedly, her face looking void of all life as she hugged herself and rocked in a corner. "I am nothing but a failure.. failure.. failure.. failurrrrreee... faaaaaaillluuuuurrrreee..."

Ainz's jaw dropped slightly. 

"just what kind of person could this woman be!? To resist even the torture experts of Nazarick!? That settles it.. I have to see this person for myself.. and interrogate her personally.. though.. honestly I know nothing about torture.."

Ainz opened the torture dungeon door.. and found himself looking at none other than Darkness, the Paladin of Fairy Tail's Class 775 that had been captured on their way back from Remnant on their first job..

Darkness's armor had been near torn to pieces.. the clothes underneath were bloodied.. and her head was bowed as she hung from the ceiling by her wrists, panting. 

"Hmmm.. so this is one of Erza's students.." said Ainz. "She looks like she is on her last legs.. good.. I shall break her-.."

"OH!!!!!!" Darkness suddenly looked up at Ainz, excitement brewing in her face. 


"A... Are you the master!? The leader of this demonic group!? W.. well.. I won't break before you.. Though.. I do understand you will have to do many things to me, and you continue to do them until I finally break!"

"Uh... yeah.." said Ainz.  "Prepare yourself for Pain Unimagina-.."

"And I know that eventually you will continue to break me.. and use me.. and break me again.. until you strip me naked.. bind me in chains... and humiliate me by dragging me across the floor!" said Darkness, her face turning red, as her breath became ragged in strange anticipation. 

"Huh?" Said Ainz, taken aback by how specific Darkness was being. 

"And then finally.. after doing all this.. you will take me into your bed chambers.. and have your way with me.. all of you.. one at a time.. ravaging my vulnerable bare body until I give in to screams of pleasure!!" said Darkness, a bit of drool coming down the corner of her mouth. 

A.. ahhhh!?" Ainz's jaw now dropped further. 

"IEEEEEEEEEEE!!?" squealed Shalltear, her eyes livid. 

"And then finally you will all beat me raw and have me sold off as a slave to a master who will beat me every day.. forcing himself upon me just as you all are about to all at once!!! Even forcing me to do it as the little elves watch!!" squealed Darkness.

"Watch.. what?" asked Mare.

"WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE DO YOU THINK WE ARE!?" Ainz roared before a green aura suddenly calmed him down.  "Don't tell me! IS SHE ACTUALLY ENJOYING THIS!?"


"Uh.. Demiurge.." muttered Ainz. 

"Yes My Lord?"

"Cancel Miyoko's tour of the Torture Chamber.." Ainz muttered. 

"Of course my Lord."

And so Miyoko was never brought down to the torture chamber that day. After all.. even when showing somebody an example of what happened for disobedience, there were some lines that even Evil Overlords didn't fancy crossing. 

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