The World At War.

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"NO I WON'T!!" 

Mikoto Misaka slammed her hands on the dining table of the Kamijou-Misaka Family Residence..electric crackling in her bangs making apparent her ire..  "YOU ARE NOT SENDING MY DAUGHTER INTO THAT MESS!!"

General Ironwood gritted his teeth as the guards who accompanied him shifted uneasily. "You don't get it do you!? She's the only chance we've got!"

As the general and the guild master continued to argue.. Yang watched solemnly, trying to hide her fear and general nerves, while she sat on the steps leading up to the bedrooms of the kids who were being slowly woken up by the noise.

"Y.. Yang.."

Yang looked up to see Miyoko standing atop the the stairs with her twin sister Mir and her adopted sister Caulifla, the three of them in their pajamas, looking groggy. 

"Wh.. what's going on..?" Mir moaned. "is it morning yet? It's still so dark out. 

"Go back to bed girls.." Yang said hurriedly as quietly as possible. "Trust me you don't want to be a part of this."

"Well why don't we let her decide for herself!?" Ironwood suddenly said. "Wake her.. tell her what has happened and then we shall see!"

"Is.. General Ironwood here?" Mir said, craning her neck over to see, as Miyoko did too.

"Ehhhh.. General what's his face? Let me see.." Caulifla said, also peeking over. 

"No.. NO.. NO! Get back in your rooms!" Yang whispered frantically. 

But it was too late, Ironwood had already noticed the three sisters looking in and nodded. "Perfect.. there they are.. see? Surely she has a right to decide on whether or not she does this.."

"That is neither here nor there.. fact remains I am her MOTHER" Mikoto growled. "END of story! I'll send somebody else older and more suited to the job! That is my final decision! Frieza was here just LAST night Ironwood..  LAST NIGHT... HOLDING MY SON... IN HIS WRETCHED HANDS.. I am NOT putting any more of my family in harm's way!"

"Mama.." said Miyoko quietly. "Look.. d.. don't we have a right to hear Mr. Ironwood out..? I mean.. what's so bad that happened?"

Mikoto paused. 

Winter Schnee.. the sister of Yang's friend Weiss, and one of Ironwood's trusted specialists in the Atlas Military, stepped forward. "Mrs. Misaka, if I may, they will have to find out eventually, and better from practiced mouths than the news of overblown media.. "

Mikoto's lip quivered a little, but Touma, who had been sitting silently at the table till then, nodded at her. "Biribiri.. come on.. Winter has a point.."

"P.. papa..?" Miyoko said, feeling more confused than ever.

Soon, the girls were gathered at the table as well.. Mir, bouncing the baby Lax on her knee to calm him down as he too had been woken up. 

Mikoto took a deep breath. "At 4:00 AM this morning.. Ainz Ooal Gown and his subordinates from Nazarick.. took an army of undead into Remnant.. somehow completely bypassing Twilight Prankster's interdimensional safeguards and proceeded to conquer Vale.. the home country of your teacher Qrow."

The girls stared.

"V.. Vale is.." Mir said. 

"Taken over!?" finished Miyoko. 

"Y.. Yang!?" said Caulifla, looking at the person in question. "You're sister and friends are okay right..? RIGHT!?"

"Blake is fine.. she's at the guild.." said Yang quietly. "But Ruby and Weiss.. I haven't heard from them.. so I can only assume they're still in Vale. "

"Wait wait wait! Hold on! WHY did he do this firstly!?" said Caulifla. "That stupid bag of bones! And.. why don't all just run over RIGHT now and KICK his boney ass!?"

"Ainz has put up magical safeguards against foes he'd deem too powerful." said Ironwood. "He may not be as strong as Fairy Tail's greatest..  but he's overcautious to the point of exercising absolute overkill on his enemies. He went as far as to use Time Magic and True Death Magic on Ozpin even though he could have easily defeated him without resorting to that much overkill.. Ainz not only set an enchantment over the Dimension Port.... he also set boundaries on the Dimensional Pathways that Prankster himself uses.. which blocks us from sneaking in outright."

"Normal Mages still have a chance of getting in.. espers, hollows too and the like.. Hollows can with Gargantuas as they always have in every world.. but he can detect gargantuas pretty well." said Winter. "However for mages.. the only reason is that Ainz still wishes to establish diplomatic relations with surrounding worlds. His regulation over Remnant's Dimension Port is so that Remnant can continue trading with other worlds..  we suspect that the mysterious organization he is part of.. the Proctors of Order and Chaos.. are the reason that Prankster's near fool proof Dimensional Gateways are blocked."

"So.. that's it? He's just taking over another world cause he's expanding his kingdom?" said Miyoko. "And I'm guessing that his safeguard on the dimension port blocks anybody with God Level Magic somehow.."

"Yes.. Numensapien Legendary Items have augmented the entrance to the port.. " said Ironwood. "Things that should've only been myths described only in the Grand Library of Nebulosos.."

"Well.. somebody's been visiting Nebulosos I see." said Yang. 

"It's only natural I'd read up on Numensapiens." said Ironwood. "They are perhaps the greatest potential threats in the entire Omegaverse given their power.. and Ainz has apparently read up on them too.. and this is the result... they can't help us, and neither can your mother's most powerful friends..  Even Saitama, whose power solely stems from an overabundance of Haki instead of magic, couldn't enter without being immediately blocked and thrown back to Guild City. "

"So then.. how does this involve us?" Caulifla asked. "You said one of us had the potential to help right? But.. it seems Mrs. Mi.. I mean.. Mom.. wasn't really so hot about it."

"Right.. Expansion.. isn't the only thing they want." said Ironwood. "At least, it isn't the only thing Ainz wants. He sent me a message, after I barely escaped to Atlas with my life.. and allowed me to go through Vale's Dimension Port with that message.. "

Ironwood put a hand on Mir's shoulder. "Miyoko.. this involves you spe-.."

"Uh.. wrong twin.." said Mir with a smile and a sweatdrop on her forehead. 

"Oh.. er.. sorry... Miyoko." Ironwood put a hand on Miyoko's shoulder this time. "Ainz demanded that  we hand you over willingly to work for him..  He promised that if we did so, he would hand over a few of his own servants to Fairy Tail.. to work in tandem with us... part of his 'wish for diplomacy' we assume."

"As if we'd want to work with any of his crappy a-holes." growled Caulifla. "Have you SEEN that vampire lady!? I heard she's got some sorta crazy sex dungeon!"

"We view that trade the same way." said Winter. "However, we suspect that he will slowly escalate things until we hand Miyoko over.  If our research on Ainz is correct.. he is the sort who prefers to settle things through impression and fear so he doesn't have to do bloodshed. He may be an evil bastard.. but he's one with his own twisted version of honor it would seem.. he's a bit similar to historical records of Diablo Etwatia in that way.."

"But it's only a matter of time before he starts making threats.. threats we can't afford take as bluffs.. Ainz feels nothing towards human lives. He could kill the entire human race as well as the Faunus, and he wouldn't so much as feel a thing." said Ironwood. 

"So.. unless you hand me over.. " Miyoko whispered. "It might get worse.."

"Actually.. that's.. where our plan comes in.." said Ironwood.

"Ironwood.." Yang said quietly, putting a protective hand over Miyoko's shoulder.

"For God's sake.." said Ironwood. "Yang.. isn't your sister-..?"

"Yeah she is.. but I think of this one as my sister too.. and she's seen enough these past weeks alone.. I don't suppose you already heard what happened in All Might's world.. she's only just come fresh out of that.." said Yang.  

"Yang, it's okay.. " said Miyoko. "What's this plan Mr. Ironwood?"

"We let Ainz take you into his service." said Ironwood. "He plans on granting you plenty of liberties.. and with those liberties.. you have a chance to figure out how to undo the Legendary Numensapien Seals on the Dimension Ports  and Prankster's passageways.. so that some real help from the other worlds can come in to take down Ainz.."

Miyoko contemplated this quietly. "It's... a good plan actually.. probably the only plan that'll work."

"Miyoko! Listen.. we already have a team set up to infiltrate Remnant themselves!" Mikoto said quickly. "It's NOT the only option.. Qrow.. Gunha.. even some guys from Sabertooth and Mermaid Heel..  they can-.."

"They'll only get themselves killed Mama.." said Miyoko. "Listen... we both know how smart Ainz is.. he'll figure them out in an instant.. But.. he'll let his guard down around me.."

"You don't know that!" Mikoto said. "He's not Frieza Miyoko.. he's not so power hungry around you that he'll neglect to put his guard up! Heck he'll probably expect us to use this plan!"

"No.. it's not power hunger that makes Ainz lower his guard around me.." Miyoko. "It's.. something else.. c.. call it a gut feeling.. in any case.. there's no other way to do this without sacrificing a TON of lives.. nobody whose not at Numensapien level in any of the guilds are even fit to fight Ainz when he's NOT using his Diablo power.. he's at least at Thanos's level, you know that.. so for now.. fighting isn't the answer."

"Damn it.. why did you have to inherit your mom's brains..?" Yang groaned. 

Mikoto clenched and unclenched her fist, sweating as she seemed to be coming to such an immensely difficult decision, that it was wrenching her heart out of her chest. 

Touma put a hand on her shoulder. "We can't protect them forever.. I'm as angry over this as you.. but.."

"Yeah.." said Mikoto. "Okay... Ironwood, we'll go with your plan.."

Ironwood nodded and looked at Miyoko. "Fairy Tail and Atlas are working in tandem to run the operation..  we'll give you anything you need.."

"Before we do this.." Miyoko said. "How are we coming in.. and how are you going to hand me over..?"

"Atlas has it's own Dimension Port.. the item Ainz used to restrict travel is based somewhere in Remnant and operates by a dimensional Wave signal.. so it doesn't have to be present at every dimension port to block them off." said Ironwood.  "In other words.. even though it's technically just Vale he rules right now.. he is effectively ruling all of Remnant just by controlling our Dimensional Travel and our place in the Omegaverse Alliance.   In any case, we'll use Atlas's Dimension Port and provide as much security as we can... Ainz will be waiting for you with a delegation from his Sorcerer Kingdom. He said that if you want, you can bring friends with you so you don't feel lonely during your.. 'immigration'.. at least that's what he calls it.."

"So you're going to use that as an opportunity to bring in allies to help me?" Miyoko asked. 

"Ainz doesn't know much about your classmates.. he's tried to find out of course.." said Winter. "But despite his Strategist Demiurge's best efforts, they've only managed to get false information thanks to New Guild City Administrator Mikaris's anti-surveillance devices.  As far as he knows, your classmates are like most of the kids in the Academy.. still absolute Greenhorns.. "

"How do we know he doesn't suspect though?" asked Yang.

"Ainz Ooal Gown is cautious, stingy, and overestimates everyone.." said Mikoto. "But he also overestimates his own subordinates at times.. he's spent so many years as the absolute ruler of his kingdom, unchallenged, his subordinates being much stronger than even the beings that are considered gods in that world.. that he now has an unconscious opinion that his denizens of Nazarick can do anything.. a false confidence that he himself doesn't realize he has..  when Demiurge tells him something.. given Demiurge's track record in the Sorcerer Kingdom, Ainz won't question it.. not now at least..  he's grown lax in his years of power.. "

"Okay then.. so we're confident his info on my friends are minimal.. in that case.. I'll take Sans first.." said Miyoko. 

"That makes sense.. Sans is the strongest in your class if I am correct.." said Ironwood. 

Yang snorted.

"What?" said Ironwood. 

"Trust me.. you have NO idea.." said Yang. "Some of us are still wondering why Sans hasn't graduated early... his idea of strong is in a different league than ours.. yeah Miyo.. I don't think you could've made a better decision.. "

"Next.. I'd like to bring Rem.. if Ainz's subordinates are as Xenophobic towards humans as they sound.. Rem is a demon, so they're likely to treat her better.. and she's a maid whose experienced with serving royalty.." said Miyoko. "So.. she might be able to help me keep my cover.."

"Records show that Nazarick possesses a group of Combat Maids called the Pleiades.. " said Ironwood. "That might actually work out for the best if Rem can join them somehow.. but are you sure? As far as we see.. Rem's powers are on the low scale compared to the rest of your class.. "

"I'm sure.. I have faith in her.." said Miyoko. "When do I go..?"

"2 hours.. as soon as we manage to wake up and alert the friends who will be traveling with you.."  said Ironwood. "Mrs. Misaka.. thank you for having us.. we'll be waiting at the Dimension Port."

Mikoto nodded as Ironwood left with his guards and Winter. 

Mikoto now looked at Miyoko. She got up and immediately knelt next to her daughter's chair.. putting a hand on her cheek. "Listen closely. You won't be alone.. Qrow's coming with you using a concealment spell.. I'll also be sending Mordred along the same way.. the two of them won't be detected if they ride the shuttle with you invisible.. your own magic should mask them.. they'll be there just in case you need to be evacuated, and in case you need to contact me.. "

Miyoko nodded.. she could feel her chest pounding with nerves. 

"Now.. when you get there.." Mikoto said. "You're going to need to be prepared to face the fact that Ainz is in fact a good ruler... his kingdom when I visited it, nearly had me completely fooled.. there is almost no crime.. demihumans and humans live together in harmony... his subjects worship him like a god and regard him as a kind benevolent ruler.. and his preference for putting negotiations before fighting helps reinforce that.. but.. don't let that fool you.. Ainz's subordinates all regard humans as nothing more than playthings.. he could care less if a thousand of them died in front of them.. he doesn't hate them... but he doesn't empathize with them..  and his number one priority.. is to please his subordinates of Nazarick before the people of his country..  which means as his subordinate.. he'll definitely try to treat you with kindness.. "

"So.. I just... need to not get taken in.. easy enough.." said Miyoko

"No.. not easy.. Ainz is charismatic, a master manipulator.. you'll need the fortitude of your friends to get through this.. trust in Sans and Rem.." said Mikoto. "Plus as much as I hate to admit it.. he's actually quite like-able, which makes him more dangerous.  Just remember.. while it looks like everyone's enjoying a bountiful economy with Undead doing nothing more than help rebuild destroyed villages.. at the same time, Demiurge is probably abducting innocent civilians under Ainz's orders and using their skin to make magical scrolls.."

Miyoko gulped. "Er.. pleasant thought.."

"It's gruesome to think about.. I know.. but it's the gruesome thought that will help you not get taken in by the false pleasant ones." said Mikoto.  "Now.. I guess I better help you pack.."

 Mikoto seemed shaky, as if struggling not to cry, while Touma came over and hugged both his wife and daughter..  "You'll be fine.. we'll be praying right here.."

The rest of the early, early morning was spent silently gathering Miyoko's clothes, favorite stuffed animals, and her sketchbooks and art supplies, and stuffing them in two suitcases. 

Afterwords, Miyoko walked out the door with her family and Yang walking with her, prepared to come with her.. Miyoko now adorned in her favorite paint splattered denim jacket, and her white t-shirt and denim shorts, which were also paint splattered. 

"Y.. yo.. Miyo-chan.." said Caulifla as Miyoko walked out the door of the cottage towards waiting Atlas soldiers accompanied by Winter. "B.. before you go.. I.. I wanna teach it to ya.. the ultimate Technique that Mr. Naruto taught me that'll definitely work on-.."

"Caulifla, I already know the Ninja Centerfold." said Miyoko with a small smile. "Mama whooped Mr. Naruto's ass when she found out he taught it to me when I was 10.."

"Oh... g.. god damnit I can't be useful anymore.. " Caulifla growled.

"I wish you could come.. really.. but Ainz already nearly got beaten by Ultra Instinct once.. he'll be too weary around you.." said Miyoko

"S.. Sis" Mir said, tears welling up in her eyes. "B.. be sure to send lots of post cards.. and.. and.. I'll t.. try to come visit sometimes.."

"Don't think he'll let you.. but.. yeah.. I'll keep in touch." said Miyoko. 

"Miyoko.. be sure to keep drawing okay.. art can be a great escape in situations like these.." said Touma. "You're strong.. strong as your mom.. you'll be fine.. I know you will.."

"Thanks Papa.." Miyoko said. "I.. I'll be okay.. yeah.. long as I have my art.." 

Mikoto remained silent, but Miyoko smiled, she knew her mother had already provided as much as she could, and if she tried to say any more.. she might burst out crying.. and the last thing Mikoto wanted was to burden her daughter with tears before leaving for such a dangerous mission..

"This.. this will be classified as a 100 year Quest.. when you get back.. and you will get back.. you'll be the only S class Mage in your entire year with that accomplishment under your belt.. next to Rem and Sans of course... g.. good luck.." said Mikoto. "And... and I love you.."

Miyoko ran over and hugged her mother tightly, before finally walking off with Yang to join Winter and her guards.. 

Ready to face a near impossible seeming mission.

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