Chapter 6: Master Nyx kidnaps Y/n

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Y/n's POV
After I ran away from the monastery, I stopped at this cliff due to being out of breath. I just didn't want to be anywhere near the Ninja and my team after what happened.

"Since I'm alone, I can finally sing in peace," I said to myself. So I pulled out my phone and played Home by Daughtry.

I'm staring out into the night, trying to hide the pain
I'm going to the place where love
And feeling good don't ever cost a thing
And the pain you feel's a different kind of pain

Well, I'm going home, back to the place where I belong
And where your love has always been enough for me
I'm not running from, no, I think you got me all wrong
I don't regret this life I chose for me
But these places and these faces are getting old
So I'm going home, well I'm going home

The miles are getting longer, it seems, the closer I get to you
I've not always been the best girl or friend for you
But your love it makes true and I don't know why
I always seem to give you another try

So I'm going home, back to the place where I belong
And where your love has always been enough for me
I'm not running from, no, I think you got me all wrong
I don't regret this life I chose for me
But these places and these faces are getting old

Be careful what you wish for 'cause you might just get it all
You might just get all and then some you don't want
Be careful what you wish for 'cause you might just get it all
You might just get it all, yeah

Oh, well I'm going home, back to the place where I belong
And where your love has always been enough for me
I'm not running, no, I think you got me all wrong
I don't regret this life I chose for me
But these places and these faces are getting old
I said these places and these faces are getting old
So I'm going home, I'm going home

"WHY DAD?!" I screamed, tears streaming down my cheeks. "WHY DO YOU HATE ME?! I...I d-didn't do a-anything to deserve t-this. B-but through all o-of this shit, I s-still love y-you."

Master Nyx's POV
I was with Portal Master at the center of the city, an army of rinshi hopping up and down scaring the people senseless, when all of a sudden the Rangers and their new friends showed up to stop my latest plan.

"Well well well," I stated. "Where's my daughter? I thought that she would jump for joy at the thought of battling me."

"She ran away," the one in green replied. "Far away to where you can't find her!"

"So, you have either one of two choices," the one in black continued.

"Either surrender peacefully and send us back home," the yellow ranger added.

"Or get a Ninja/Ranger beat down!" the one in grey finished.

"From my analysis, you do not have much of a choice in the matter," the one in white stated.

"I will never stop until my daughter is dead!" I exclaimed. "She never should've been born! She doesn't know how to fight or control her animal spirit! She deserves to die!"

"YOU'RE THE REASON WHY SHE CAME TO US IN THE FIRST PLACE!" the blue ranger cried. "You never bothered to teach her how to control her Panther Spirit! You're the reason why she has a scar on her left eye! You took her mother away from her, and from Pai Zhaq! She's been through so much to escape your torture and punishments! All she ever wanted was for you to love her for who she was!"

"Well then," I hissed. "I guess I'll just have more of a reason to kill her. She's weak. She lets her emotions get the best of her. N/n lets her friends weaken her. Pai Zhaq made her weak."

"You take that back!" the red ranger growled, running towards me while using his nunchucks to attack. "Pai Zhaq made Y/n into who she is today! If she hadn't run away from home, then you would've kept on abusing her!"

"I've had enough of this," I scoffed, transforming into my animal form and knocking the red ranger away from me.

"CASEY!" the yellow and blue rangers cried. While they were tending to their leader, I turned back to normal and started to walk away.

"Portal Master, deal with these pests," I ordered the rinshi beast. "I have some 'family matters' to attend to."

"Yes, Master Nyx," Portal Master replied.

With Y/n

Once I had left Portal Master to deal with those pesky Rangers and Ninja, I could hear someone singing.

The miles are getting longer, it seems, the closer I get to you
I've not always been the best girl or friend for you
But your love it makes true and I don't know why
I always seem to give you another try

"I recognize that voice," I stated, following the sound of my daughter's voice. "Finally, I found you, dear Y/N."

As I got closer, the music got louder and louder.

So I'm going home, back to the place where I belong
And where your love has always been enough for me
I'm not running from, no, I think you got me all wrong
I don't regret this life I chose for me
But these places and these faces are getting old

Time skip brought to you by Casey as a tiger cub playing basketball

After I found my daughter, she started to sing another song.

Y/n's POV
After I was done with the first song, I decided to sing another one. This time, I chose to sing Silent Scream by Anna Blue.

I'm caught up in your expectations
You're trying to make me live your dream
But I'm causing you so much frustration
And you only want the best from me

You wanted me to show more interest
To always keep a big bright smile
Be the pinky little perfect princess
But I'm not that type of child

And the storm is rising inside of me
Don't you feel that our worlds collide?
It's getting harder to breathe
It hurts deep inside

Just let me be
Who I am
It's what you really need to understand
And I hope so hard for the pain to go away

And it's torturing me
But I can't break free
So I cry and cry, but just won't get it out
The silent scream

Tell me why you're putting pressure on me
And everyday you 'cause me harm
That's the reason why I feel so lonely
Even though you hold me in your arms

Wanna put me in a box of glitter
But I'm just trying to get right out
And now you're feeling so, so bitter
Because I've let down

And the storm is rising inside of me
Don't you feel that our worlds collide?
It's getting harder to breathe
It hurts deep inside

Just let me be
Who I am
It's what you really need to understand
And I hope so hard for the pain to go away

And it's torturing me
But I can't break free
So I cry and cry, but just won't get it out
The silent scream

Can't you see how I cry for help
'Cause you should love me just for being myself
I'll drown in an ocean
Of pain and emotion
If you don't save me right away

Just let me be
Who I am
It's what you really need to understand
And I hope so hard for the pain to go away
And it's torturing me
But I can't break free
So I cry and cry, but just won't get it out
The silent scream

My silent scream

Once I was done, I got the feeling that someone was watching me and listening to me singing. So I did the most logical thing I could do right now. I sang the song Never Surrender to get the person covered in scratches.

Do you know what it's like when you're scared to see yourself?
Do you know what it's like when you wish you were someone else?
Who didn't need your help to get by?
Do you know what it's like to wanna surrender?

I don't wanna feel like this tomorrow
I don't wanna live like this today
Make me feel better, I wanna feel better
Stay with me here now and never surrender
(Never surrender)

Do you know what it's like when you're not who you wanna be?
Do you know what it's like to be your own worst enemy?
Who sees the things in me I can't hide?
Do you know what it's like to wanna surrender?

About halfway through the song, I started to notice that the grass and everything was already starting to get flattened. But I continued to sing.

I don't wanna feel like this tomorrow
I don't wanna live like this today
Make me feel better, I wanna feel better
Stay with me here now and never surrender

Make me feel better, you make me feel better
You make me feel better, put me back together

I don't wanna feel like this tomorrow
I don't wanna live like this today
Make me feel better, I wanna feel better
Stay with me here now and never surrender
Put me back together, never surrender
Make me feel better, you make me feel better
Stay with me here now and never surrender

"What the hell?!" someone yelled from the bushes.

"I recognize that voice," I thought to myself. "DAD!"

"About time you noticed me," Dad started. "I was getting tired of hearing you singing. Now, I have a question for you, young lady."

"What the hell could you possibly want to ask me?" I asked, getting into my fighting stance with my morpher at the ready. "I don't know anything that you could possibly use against me and my friends!"

"I want to know how long you've had control over your animal spirit," my father stated. "Only your mother was able to control her animal spirit. How long have you been able to use her power?"

"It happened earlier today," I answered, starting to get ready to morph. "But why do you wanna know? You never took the time to teach me about my powers. Now, let's just cut the chat and get to fighting."

"Took the words right out of my mouth, n/n," Dad replied.

"DON'T EVER CALL ME THAT!" I shouted, tears of anger welling up in the corner of my eyes. "You lost the privilege to call me that when you killed my mother, and YOUR wife!"

"Now now," Dad said, stepping closer to me. "That's no way to talk to your father."

"Jungle Beast: Spirit Unleashed!" I called out, a (f/c) light surrounding me while I morphed. Once the light was gone, I was standing there while holding my Panther Blade, my tears rolling down my face like a waterfall. "Tell me, Dad, why did you do it? Why did you kill her? Why did you take Mom away from me? From us?"

"I killed her for Dai Shi to take her animal spirit," Dad replied. "It was of no longer of any use to her after you were born. I just needed to wait for the right time to kill her."

"Well, BECAUSE OF YOU MOM'S IN THE SPIRIT WORLD!" I cried, fists balled up in anger. "Did you marry her because you loved her?! Or did you marry her just to take her animal spirit to Dai Shi?! Did...DID YOU EVER LOVE ME?!"

"You...why are you asking such questions?" Dad asked, hesitating a bit. "You do not want to know the answers to those questions."

"Guys!" I called into my communicator. "My dad's attacking me at the cliff near the monastery! Come back as soon as you can! I'm doing my best to hold him off. And tell Dominic not to worry about me."

"Enough stalling!" Dad ordered. "Now, let's fight. I would like to see you try and control your animal spirit."

"Call to the beast inside! UNCHAIN THE WEASEL!" Dad called out, releasing his weasel animal spirit.

"Call to the beast inside. RELEASE THE PANTHER!" I shouted, my panther spirit attacking my dad's weasel spirit. It's obvious who's animal spirit was gonna win.

Soon after our animal spirits attacked each other, mine gave out and Dad's attacked me (knocking me out as a result).

Master Nyx's POV
"Now then, Dai Shi will be pleased with you," I stated, walking back in the direction of the original battle with the Rangers and their new friends.

Time skip to with Portal Master

"Portal Master!" I shouted, repositioning my daughter's unconscious body on my shoulders. "We have what we came for! Let's retreat and regroup!"

"Yes, Master Nyx," Portal Master replied, and he created a portal which took us back to our base of operations.

"No," the white ranger whimpered. "Y/N! MASTER NYX! COME BACK AND FIGHT ME!"

Dominic's POV
"Y/N!" I shouted, afraid of what Master Nyxx was going to do to Y/n. "MASTER NYX! COME BACK AND FIGHT ME!"

But before I could chase after them and save Y/n, the portal closed and left me and the rest badly wounded. Not even a few seconds later, me and the other Rangers demorphed and I started to punch a nearby wall.

"Dominic, calm down!" Lily exclaimed.

"HOW CAN I CALM DOWN WHEN DAI SHI'S PLANNING ON STEALING HER PANTHER SPIRIT?!" I cried. "I promised Master Glide that I would protect Y/n with my life, and I failed. How can I call myself a Power Ranger if I can't even protect my friends and family?! DAI SHI COULD KILL HER AND YOU DON'T EVEN CARE ABOUT THAT!"

Then I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. When I looked up to see who it was, I saw that it was Lloyd. Just then, everyone came over to and the Rangers gave me a big hug.

"We'll get her back, Dom," Kai stated. "We promise. When I first became a ninja, I thought that all hope was lost when Nya was kidnapped by Lord Garmadon. But I turned to the guys and they helped me save her. We'll help you save Y/n even if it kills us. I promise. We won't give up until n/n's safe and sound."

"Yeah," Jay cheered. "And you wanna know why we won't give up?"

"Because Ninja never quit," the Ninja said in unison.

Time skip to the monastery

Once we made it back to the monastery, Master Wu walked in with RJ. It was clear that when they didn't see Y/n with us, something was wrong. RJ even had a worried look on his face.

"Where's n/n?" RJ asked.

"She...Master Nyx and Portal Master kidnapped her," I answered.


"I DON'T KNOW!" I yelled back, tears starting to form in the corners of my eyes. "She's gone and it's all my fault! I couldn't stop him! I couldn't save her. He...HE COULD BE TORTURING HER RIGHT NOW AND WE CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!"

Then I activated my Rhino morpher and smashed a morpher sized hole in the nearest wall and ran out.

Lloyd's POV
"I know what it's like to have an evil dad," I stated, turning towards the Rangers left in the room. "But even if you all try to help her, Y/n has to save Master Nyx on her own. This is her battle. I should know, I had to fight my dad after the Sons of Garmadon brought him back from the Departed Realm."

"I realize that, Lloyd. But you have no idea of what hell Y/n went through as a child," RJ countered.

"Have you ever wondered how she got that big scar on her left eye?" Casey asked.

"I mean, I was kinda wondering how that happened," Cole stated.

"Me too," Kai agreed.

"Ditto," Jay and Nya added.

"I am also very curious," Zane finished. "How did that scar appear on her left eye?"

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