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As Tori awoke, a throbbing pain struck her in the back of her head. She tried to reach around but couldn't, she looked at what holding her back.

"Chains?" Her voice was so small.

"I'm glad you're awake." A cold voice came from the shadows.

Tori's head snapped in the direction of the darkness, taking in every inch of the room she was in. It's dark and cold, the floor was damp.

"Where am I?" She asked trying to tug her wrist free, every time she moved her wrist the chains would pull and pinch her skin.

"You're in my dungeon my love." James erupted from the shadows and stalked slowly to Tori. "I've shown you so much of my love, and you haven't given me anything in return. I'm going to take what's mine." He grabbed what looked like a whip off a silver table. "I've already done you the favor of removing your pants." He chuckled.

To confirm Tori's fears, she looked down to her bare legs.

"James you don't have to do this." She yelled. "James please let me go."

In response to her pleas he shook his head.

"I can't do that my little fox, If you would of given me what I deserve then we wouldn't be in this mess." He plants a small kiss on Tori's cheek. "I want you to know this hurts me just as bad as it hurts you." He pulled away.

"Wha.." before Tori couldn't finish, James threw his wrist back and in a second the whip came right down, hitting Tori's thigh. "What are you doing, you fucking psycho." She yells, wincing at the pain.

Without answering James whipped Tori in the same spot. She tried her best not to make a sound as he repeatedly whipped her in the same spot until it broke skin.

"I'm bored with this." James rolls his eyes and walks to the silver table. "Let's try something else." His smile is wide as he lifts a small blade.


Carter pulled at his hair as scary thoughts raced through his mind. What if he hurts her, or violates her? What if he kills her? His chest tightened at the thought. This is his fault, he should of given her the job at his company.

"Mike followed the James guy, he went to the bathroom so he didn't see everything that went on besides James putting a red head in the back seat." David explained as he hung up the phone. "We should go now, he gave me the location."

Carter rushed to his car and waited for his brother and the tall blonde. As soon as his younger brother and the tall blonde get in, Carter peels out of the parking lot.

"It's not that far away, but it is a hidden entrance." David says as he re-reads the directions Mike had sent. "Turn here." David yells as his older brother speeds down the highway.

Carter grips his steering and shifts into a different gear causing the matte black Mercedes to drift through the turn. The tall blonde woman sitting the back was holding on to the 'oh shit' bar as if he life depended on it.

"Where to now?" Carter hissed as he straightens his car.

"You remember that old log cabin deep in the woods, near that spring?" David ask, without waiting for brothers response. "He has her somewhere in that cabin."

Carter pressed his foot even harder on the gas pedal, causing the Mercedes to shoot forward even faster.

"Are we almost there?" Carter ask.

"Yeah just make a left up there." David point to the fork in the road.


"If you put that thing near my face, so help me god I will bite it the fuck off." Tori growled in a hushed voice. She is extremely exhausted from the pain James has inflicted upon her.

"You know Miss. Tori, it would be wise to stop being such a sarcastic fuck." James clenched his jaw and spoke through his teeth. He truly believes she would it off if he put it in front of her. Eying her carefully, he pulls up his boxes and pants from around his ankles.

"Can't you just let me go?" She whimpers.

James steps in front of Tori and and rubs her cheek before squeezing them.

"No, not until you're completely mine, we can have a wonder life together." His eyes are wide and he wears a sinister smile as he speaks of the future he sees with the beautiful creature before him. "I'll love you forev-." A loud thud that came from upstairs stops James in his tracks.

The sound of the floor boards creaking echo in the damp basement.

"Don't. Say. A. Fucking."

"Help me." Tori yells as loud as she can, she fears that her voice was to raspy, and nobody could hear her.

James aggressively slaps his hand against Tori's full lips to keep her quiet.

"Shut your fucking mouth." He hissed quietly.

He slowly crept away from her, and stalked his way to the stair case. As soon as Tori heard the door click shut, she let a few tears fall from her light green eyes. She twisted her wrist to see if she could get free, well knowing she had no chance. A gun shot caused Tori to jump in surprise and fear, the chains pinch Tori's skin so tight, causing her skin to break open.

"Find him and bring his ass down stairs." A familiar voice booms from the top of the stair case.

"Carter?" She yelled. "Carter is that you?"

The tall man with chestnut hair ran down the stairs as fast as he could, he stopped dead in his tracks at the horrible scene in front of him. This poor tiny woman looks as if she has been beaten half to death, one eye is completely swollen shut with a dark purple circle surrounding her eye. Her lips are busted, and her bare thighs have enormous whelps covering them.

"Oh my god." The words left his lips before he could stop them. "What all did he do to you?" He rushed to her.

"She didn't violate me if that's what you're wondering. Not sexually anyways." Her voice seems faded and broken.

For once in Carters life, his heart actually started to hurt, he's never felt so bad for someone before.

"Where's the key?" Carter asks pointing to the chains around Tori's wrist.

"I don't know." She mumbled.

"We got him." David yells as he and Mike enter the damp wet basement.

Mike throws the much smaller man to the ground.

Carter slowly turns to the blonde guy with an evil smirk.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" Carter laughs devilishly and he squats down to be face to face with the scum bag.

"We found these in his pockets." David whispers as he hands his older brother the keys to Tori's chains.

"I'm going to get her out of here." Carter walks back over to Tori, unlocking her bounds and taking her in his arms. "You lock him up in this thing. I've got plans for him."

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