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"Where are you taking me?" Tori whimpers as he opens the passenger side door.

"Is she okay?" Erica jumped out of the car. "Oh my god, what happened."

"Just get back in the car." Carter demands as he buckles Tori in. "We're going to the hospital okay?" He rubs her face gently.

She slowly nods her head in agreement before Carter gets in the drivers seat and peels out of the long gravel drive way.

The car ride was long and silent. Carter's anxiety was raised through the roof as he pulled into the hospital's parking lot.

"Go get a doctor. Now." Carter ordered Erica as he gently lifted Tori out of his car.

Erica and a tall male doctor ran to Carter as a few more rushed out with one of table bed things they have.

"Oh my gosh Tori?" The male doctor's mouth dropped as his former partner was placed on the the thing. "Get her in stat and runs test immediately."


"Man, you really fucked up." David laughed sarcastically as he took the small blade in his hand. "Is this what you used to cut open that poor girls skin?"

James smirked.

"I used many different things, I told her if she would shut her smart ass mouth it wouldn't be as bad."

"I would fuck you up myself, but I know that Carter has something planned. You're a sick twisted bastard and you'll get what you deserve." David picked up the thick whip from the silver table. "How ever, a little pain wouldn't hurt." David laughed. "Mike, beat him with this whip until his skin is torn open, I need to make a call."

David pulled out his phone to dial his brothers number. When he found his brothers contact, Carter's name flashed a crossed his phone.

"How is she?" David felt a lump growing in his throat as he asked his brother.

"She's in the room now, they did x-rays and said that the cuts he made in her skin will scar. Some of them need stitches, and she has scars on her face now."

David couldn't help but feel sorry for the beautiful girl. Surely waking up and seeing such ugly scars on her face will break her heart.

"What are you going to do now?" The man with deep blue eyes asked his older brother.

"I'm going to kill him." Carter stated simply. "I'm going to do it very slowly."

"Are you going to be here any time soon?"

There was a long pause at the other end of the line before Carter's voice broke the silence.

"Not yet, I'm going to take her home first and make sure she's okay."

"You said you don't love this girl, but yet you are worried to death and you want to kill the bastard."

"I'm worried about the contract." The CEO snapped. "She needs to be healthy so I can keep my company."

David shook his head with a small sarcastic laugh.

"Who are you trying to convince? Me or yourself?"

"She's waking up I have to go." Carter hung up.


"Carter?" Tori mumbled as she sat up in her hospital bed. "Where am I?"

Carter looked up from the magazine he was reading, and grabbed her hand gently. To his surprise she didn't even flinch or pull away.

"You're in the hospital, we went to the cabin and got you."

Her dumbfounded expression quickly changed to what Carter assumed was sadness.

"Where is James?"

Vile forced its way up to Carter's throat as she spoke the douchebags name.

"He's gone."

Tori's eyes narrowed.

"Like gone gone?"

Carter nodded his head yes.

"Good, piece of shit deserves it. Especially since I'm not the only he's done this to, and I wouldn't of been the last."

He was taken back by her reaction, he thought she'd be mad that James was gone. Carter hadn't killed him yet, but now he won't feel any guilt doing it. He realized he was still holding her hand, and pulled away quickly.

"Well he's gone, he won't hurt anyone again."

Carter studied the small woman. A long scar ran down her face, from her forehead to the end of her chin. Another one made its home across her nose. Her hair was matted and tangled, she had stitches on both arms and legs.

"I must look awful." She laughed.

She doesn't even know she has scars all over her entire body. Carter started to worry about what her reaction might be.

"Anyways, I need to use the restroom. Could you turn around since the robe is open in the back?"

Carter does as he is asked and faces the other way. He hears her grunt as she climbs off the oddly tall bed. Once he hears the door click, he knows he can turn around.

"Oh my god." Tori screams from the small bathroom connected to the hospital room she has been staying in.

Carter rushed to his feet and ran to the small bathroom.

"Victoria." He knocked on the door.

Slowly opening the door, Tori poked her head out.

Her expression wasn't sad at all. Her eyes held excitement, and what seemed like anger.

"What's wrong?" He pushed the door open completely with his foot.

"Other than the fact my face has scars covering, my arms look disgusting as do my legs, and yet I'm not upset about it. It makes me feel powerful." She gave Carter a half smile.

He didn't believer her, he saw the doubt that hid behind the excitement. He watched as her body shifted under his hard gaze.

"You look powerful." He muttered.

Red crept upon Tori's cheeks.

"Thank you Carter."


Carter slowly made his way down to the basement of the cabin. A devilishly smirk spread across his face as he stalked his way to James, who is chained to thick metal bars against the wall.

"What'd I tell you James?" Carter's large hands gripped the wheel lodged into the wall and cranked it, causing James to be lifted in the air more than he already was. "I told you. You come near my fiancé one more time, I'd kill you. Only I'm going to take my time."

James head rolled back as he laughed a sinister laugh.

"Hit me with your best shot Mr. Johnson."

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