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A sick feeling erupted in the bottom of Tori's stomach, Mike has just been sitting in that small ass chair for hours. Just staring at her. He hasn't touched her again, thank god. Matter of fact, he hasn't even spoken a word. At all. She wishes Carter would show up.

"How many people are in this house?" She moves her head to look at him.

"We're not in a house." Mike grunts with a frown. "We're underground."

Underground? How the hell is Carter suppose to find her now? What if he doesn't? What if he already showed up and they killed him?

"Your husband should be here soon."

"Mike you don't have to do this." She spoke slowly, carefully tiptoeing around the words she truly wants to use.

"Yes I do." His eyes dug into hers. "He's a murder."

"How many people has he killed?" She asked with caution.

"Too many to count." He sighed heavily. "My wife included, he'll probably kill you to."

Carter killed Mike's wife?... he wouldn't do that, Carter isn't a killer. If he did killed his own friend's wife, would he actually kill Tori? What would stop him?

"You could of killed me anytime, why did you wait until now?"

Mike lifted his head high as he allowed a sinister smirk to take over his face. "I had to wait for an old friend."


As Carter speed down the busy highway, weaving in and out between cars. He hoped and prayed that Jon was still guarding his house, he needs his help more than ever. Even as fast as Carter is going, he's probably too late. Jon is his last hope, David wasn't home or at their parents. If Jon's gone... he has no way of finding her. He can't lose hope, not yet. He'll find her. No matter what, he will find her.

Once he saw his house in the distance, he picked up more speed. Just Incase Jon might be there, he wasn't to catch him before he leaves. He quickly turns the steering wheel once he drive way comes to view, nearly flipping his car. The moment he gains control again, he slams on his breaks and shifts into park. In a rush he throws his door open, falling on his his knees. His eyes scan his giant round about drive way, nobody's here. There's no cars, all the men are gone. Where the fuck are they?

"Son of a bitch." Carter yells as loud as he possibly can while pulling himself up. "Son of a fucking bitch." He kicks his driver side door in rage. He repeatedly kicked in different parts of his car, cussing and swearing each time. He stopped for a minute, this isn't enough. The thought of taking a club and bashing his windows out crossed his mind, but what would that solve? There's nothing left he can do. He can't drive around and look for her, they could be anywhere by now. A stab at his heart made him crash against the hood of his car, his arms at his side while his head rested against the hard metal. Poor Victoria, he brought her into all of this. Her death will be his fault.

Normally he doesn't care about other people's lives, he's killed before. He will again, he lost the humanity that made him feel guilt a long time ago. So why does his heart hurt? Why does he feel like such a failure? The thought of her lying dead somewhere made him vomit all over his hood, he needs to find her. Once he finds her, he's ripping some mother fuckers apart. The only problem is how is he going to find her?

In a quick motion, he opens his dented in door and slides in his seat. Flipping on his radio for a distraction, a cell phone commercial comes on. That's it!! He'll just get a new phone, get it activated and track her phone. Maybe they didn't find her phone and maybe they didn't destroy it. He can only hope for the best.

As Carter pulled into the parking lot of a phone company's building, he threw his door open and made his way inside. Immediately grabbing the first phone he sees, he tosses the box on the check out table.

"I don't have much time, so let's hurry this shit up." He grunts pulling his wallet out of his pocket and flashes a gold card. "I want it activated. Now."

It takes nearly fifteen minutes for his new phone to get turned on, right when it's fully on he downloads the tracking app he had. Once it pops up, he types in Tori's number.

Thank the gods and heavens above, her phone hasn't been discovered. A red blinking light flashed on Carter's new phone, telling him where she is. She's under an old cave, on the other side of the town they live in.

Why the hell would they take her down there? Maybe the more important questions are, how long have they been there? And how many people are down there with her? Alone?... the chilling thought sends Carter out the door after he shoves his belongings in his pocket.

"I'm coming Victoria." He whispers to himself as he climbs in his seat and starts the car.


"You're the man from the news." Tori gazed upon the man that was al over tv. His hair was an even darker red than hers, it was all matted and dirty. Dirt covered his face, indicating he was burying something. Or, someone.

As he stepped into the dim light, she got a better look at him. The left side of his looked torn and burnt. His eyes were the same shade of green as hers, the red hair was curly and long, almost past his back. His clothes were ripped in some places, evidence of a struggle. This man is definitely not the man from the news. She had mistaken, but why does he seem familiar. She feels as if she should know him.

"I'm afraid not, I haven't been caught yet. You've mistaken me for my henchman, Rosh will you come in here please?" The familiar man looks over his shoulder.

A much, much larger man appears from the shadowy hall way. His appearance alone made Tori shiver in fear. The skin around his right eye looked pulled apart, or stretched out. His bald head reflected the light. His lips ended under the outer corners of his eyes, somebody extended his smile. Permanently.

"You see, I don't get my own hands dirty. Not when I don't have too, that's what this big fella is for." The red haired man smiled widely. "It took a long time to create him into my master piece, but I did." His eyes followed Tori's. "I see you're noticing his old wounds, I needed a scary looking partner. I picked some druggie off the street." He began to laugh. "He was a scrawny twig and he looked disgusting. I got him off the drugs he was doing, I tortured him until he'd obey my ever command. Just like every other dog." He sits beside her.

"You're all fucking pigs." Tori turns her head, spitting in his face.

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