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Carter slammed his powerful fist against the steering wheel, causing a quick honk to disturb the silence around him? He's here, finally. The only problem is, the road ends where he's sitting and there's no ducking cave!!! Either they threw her phone out here, or he has to find the cave. Getting out and slamming his door, he starts to look for a cave or Tori's phone.

Minutes later, after following faint tire tracks in the soft dirt he stumbles across a large mass of rocks. This is it, this is the cave. He just knows it. He continued looking for the entrance, it has to be here somewhere.

"Hold On Victoria, I'm coming for you." He grunts as he tears a giant rock off the small hole he saw. Bingo. What dumbass thought of just leaning a huge rock in front of the small opening. As he finally moves it enough to fit through it, his face hits something wooden. Of course there's a door, and of course it's going to be locked. He doesn't have time for this, Victoria is in danger damnit. Why the hell do they have to have a lock? It's not like you can just stumble across here and automatically know where the fucking cave is.

He shimmies his suite jacket off, and wraps it around his large fist. As much as he doesn't want to make a lot of noise, he needs to get down there and save her. God only knows what they've done already. Once he busted the small framed window out, he reaches his other arm through and unlocks the door. Thank god it didn't make a lot of noise, he'd be in deep shit if they heard this. Once he slowly made it in, he pulled out his phone to send a quick message to Jon.

"This is Carter, do you still have that tracked on your phone?" ~Carter.

With in seconds he gets a reply.

"Yeah, already on my way. I knew something was up." ~Jon.

That's all he needs, now he just needs to buy time until Jon and the rest of Carter's gang get here. He pulled his infamous silver gun from its holster, and held it at his side as he slowly made it down the dark tunnels. He's finally going to save her.


"You keep yelling like that, we're going to have to seal the mouth shut." The tall red haired man smiled. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Who the hell even are you?" Tori growled quietly, she doesn't want to call his bluff. They kidnapped her, she doesn't doubt they'll do anything to keep her quiet.

"It should be quiet obvious who I am Victoria." The devilish smirk he wore sent shivers down her spine. "Take a good hard look at me, no my hair isn't short anymore and my face is a little disfigured. But I thought you'd recognize me."

She did take a hard look at him, his hair. It was curly and red like hers, his lime green eyes resembled hers. She tired hard to place his face, it just wouldn't happen.

"Maybe this will help you out." He pulls down the tattered collar of his shirt to revel his tattoo. It was an angel, praying with a glowing light behind her. The beautiful white wings that were attached to her back were missing feathers.

Tori only knows of one person who has that tattoo, and he's dead.

"That's not possible, my father died."

"Yes, Yes. I know you were made to believe that, hell everyone was. You, Jon, you're mother and sister. How are they by the way?" He smiled a nasty toothy grin.

"It's none of your concern." Her response is short.

"It doesn't matter, I was just asking." He shakes his head. "I already know anyways. I know everything. Like for instance, your talent show when you were thirteen, fourteen and fifteen. I was there when the wreck happened on your home, such a nasty crash. On your sixteenth birthday you got a Buick, seventeen you went to your first concert. Eighteen-'

"You're a creep." Tori laughed loudly.

"I'm your father, I missed you all." He reaches out and touched her cheek gently.
Behind them the sound of gun fire burst through their ears.

"Get your nasty hands off of her." A familiar voice growled darkly.

Tori's father moved away from her frantically, but in an instant he gained his composure back. Carter's mouth nearly hit the floor when he saw the man. He looks identical to Tori, he must be her father. Jon was right, he's not dead.

"Mr.Walters, what a pleasure. I'm your new son." Carter smirked before aiming his gun quickly at Mike and shooting his knee caps.

"You fucking prick!!" Mike yelled as loud as possible. "I'll fucking kill you and your little bitch." He scream through his agony.

"No, I don't think so." Carter forward his eyebrows before pulling his trigger again. The bullet flew through Mikes skull and out the back.

Tori couldn't tear her fearful gaze off Mike's now lifeless body, he killed him. She thought she wouldn't care because Mike was a pig but seeing it, it's too much. She felt her stomach tie in knots before she became nauseous, vomit forced its way up her throat. Tori tilted her head up so she doesn't choke on her own fluids, but it was enough. It tired to force its way back down her throat.

"Let her go now." Carter demanded, not noticing she was choking. "I shoot you too, let her go."

Gargling noising brought Carter's attention to his wife, her face was almost blue. She's choking!

"Damnit! Fucking untie her, she's fucking choking." Carter stormed to her father and pressed the battle of his gun to the man's temple. "Now."

Quickly following his orders, Tori's dad unlocks her the metals rings around her arms, allowing her to sit up. As fast as possible Carter races over to her and lifts her upper body up.

"Are you okay?" He whispers in her ear after she's done.

"I'm fine." She mumbled, she keeps her head low as she sneaks a look at Mike's body.

"Now, undo the rest." Carter lifts his gun back into the air.

"Do as he says Winston." Another man yells from the doorway. "I don't want to have to shoot my old best friend."

"It's about fucking time you got here." Carter smirked at the man behind Winston.

"Yeah that's my bad, I got a flat."

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