Chapter 23 - The Interrogation

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"You are property of the Royal Embassy of Majestic Overlord Sea Dwellers. Please state your name and purpose!" A self important mer-cow stood before Rebecca, in what appeared to be an interrogation room.

"YOU WERE FAKING BEING BEACHED!" She hollered, and stomped her foot. "And why did you kidnap me?"

"We needed human slaves. They have average intelligence. Please state the purpose with which you arrived upon this planet." It brandished a spear.

"I was... Exploring." Her tone was doubtful.

"You don't sound very sure."

"Well, I am. And what is this place?" She looked around. The giant mer-cow was blocking the entrance, dressed in what appeared to be a red cloak, and seated in a rolling tank of water, which came up to its torso. The room itself was hideous, the walls were painted a hideous vomit green, and the sole table and chair was directly in front of Rebecca.

"Our kingdom" He raised his flippers in triumph and did a pirouette.


"Yes, we are building it" It jiggled in happiness.

"On slavery. You make me sick. What do you even need slaves for?" Her tone was one of utter disgust.

"Mining. We require large quantities of salt and vanadium. And we need humans to mine them. Or iguanas."

"That's utterly repulsive! They'll rebel against you, I promise. I'll start a rebellion!" She stomped her foot in anger, and attempted to storm past the mer-cow and through the door.

"Hush, child. Sit and allow yourself to be bound."

Rebecca pondered for a moment. She'd need information, that was for sure. She'd also need to figure out what was really going on here, and figure out a way to contact the Doctor, if it was possible. It wasn't going to be easy, and her cheek turned raw from her chewing on the inside of it. Bound... that meant that they were probably going to take her somewhere - most likely the salt or vanadium mines. And taking her somewhere meant more information.

"Okay." She exhaled, plopping onto the desk and swinging her legs over the edge of the desk.

"What?" The mer-cow jiggled in indignation.

"Take me to your leader." Rebecca smirked, remembering her very first, life changing adventure with the Doctor. One thing was for sure, she'd never be able to give it up.

"Very well then" He said, and whistled. Two more mer-cows came towards her, and slapped shackles onto her wrist. Taking a deep breath, she followed them out of the door, hands twisted behind her back awkwardly.

As she exited the room, her eyes roved over everything, taking it all in. The hallways were white, and it smelt strange. Like something bad, covered with bleach. Mixed in with the tang of salty water. She stumbled as one of the guards shoved on her shoulder. With a glare, she righted herself. The hallway stretched straight ahead, with no curves. It looked like it led straight into the mines. The floor began to slant, and it led downward. Heat crept up the corridor, settling around Rebecca like a blanket. Except instead of pleasant warmth, it choked her.

The door loomed, dark and scary. It opened, and Rebecca was flung into the mine, landing on the scalding stone.

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