Chapter 24 - Marsh Trekking and Failed Calls

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"Why the Hell did you think using your sonic was a good idea?" Katsumi glared at the Doctor as they trudged through the marsh, having evaded the nameless monster by trekking through miles of mud.

"I dunno. Better than WALKING maybe? We need to get back to the TARDIS, I told you!" The Doctor stomped his foot, intending it to be intimidating. Instead, the mud caught onto the sole of his shoe, and he had to draw it out with a nasty squelch.

"Did you even remember to take the coordinates, at least? So we can find our way back?"

"That's not my style" he muttered.

"Well, idiot. I'll tell you the ones of my wedding, we get back there, and then we find your ship."

"That – that's actually a good idea. Why didn't you mention it before?"

"Because I didn't want to get caught by Floriente, did I?" Katsumi conveniently ignored the fact that she hadn't thought of it.

"Erm... Quite right. What are the coordinates, then?"

She told him, and he inputted it into his sonic. Holding it aloft, he began tracking the wedding through the marsh. As they walked, he wondered where Rebecca was, and what she was doing. He hoped that she was alright, and was waiting in the TARDIS for her. If only he had a phone, then he could call her.

"Hey Katsumi, you wouldn't happen to have a telephone, would you? So that I could call my friend?"

"Yeah, hang on, I do." She pulled it out of one of her pockets, and handed it to him. Tapping the screen rapidly, he held the ringing phone to his ear, and prayed that Rebecca would pick up. Little did he know that her phone was destroyed by the water of the sea and the heat of the mines.

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