Chapter 8 - Moon Landings and Fishy Custard

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A/N : Another long chapter for you guys, simply because it didn't make sense to split it into two. :) Hope you enjoy! I'd love to hear any ideas you guys have for their next adventure.

The Doctor stood in that magnificent console room and Rebecca paced back and forth.

"Do you know, how much I have dreamed of this?" she exclaimed.

"Sorry, what?" he sounded bemused.

"I've always just felt so... incredibly bored. So thoroughly done with my life. Always wanted to be somewhere else. To travel. To live. I'd rather die on an alien planet all alone! I'd rather be anywhere but HERE!" her voice rose and she shouted the last sentence.

"Well, Rebecca Smith." The Doctor grinned rakishly "I can make that happen."

He bounded over to the console and started flicking switches.

"WAIT, Doctor."


"I need my bag. I left it in the forest. And my cake carrier. And I also want to change my clothes."

"All of time and space....."


"And you want to do something as humany as pick up your books?!?!"

"Well excuuuse me alien boy, do you know how expensive textbooks are?"

He just sighed in response, and they landed in the forest, and then the abandoned house.

"Happy?" he asked her as she stood with her bag in a fresh pair of jeans and a clean t-shirt, courtesy of the TARDIS.

"Very much so." She grinned.

Smiling back, he began flicking switches with both hands, pushing levers and dancing.

"YOU'RE A MADMAN!" Rebecca screeched over the rattling of the TARDIS.

"MADMAN WITH A BOX! THAT'S ME!" he hollered back.

The whooshing stopped, and the ship stabilised.

"Where are we?" she asked, making her way to the door.

"Well, Ms. Smith. I heard that you wished to be, and I quote 'Anywhere but here', and I believed I have fulfilled that requirement." He flourished his sonic screwdriver and gestured to the door in a grandiose manner. "We are.... Someplace else."

She stood with her hand on the door, took a deep breath and swung it open.

Her heart rose as she looked out of the door. She heard the Doctor shifting something around but..... Nothing else. It was as silent as it could be. Sound doesn't travel in a vacuum, she reminded herself as she looked up.

There, hanging precariously in the sky like a blue, green and white marble. Her Earth, floating in the sky, as she stood on the moon. Oh, how the tables had turned. With a tremulous breath, she lifted up a finger, and she blocked the Earth, her world from view. But it didn't make her feel big.

No, it made her feel very, very small.

Tiny pinpricks of light floated around her planet, shining brighter than she had ever seen them before.

"Here" a spacesuit flew at her head and Rebecca caught it.

"Rather unfortunate colour" she remarked, as she held it up for inspection. It was bright orange. She slipped into it, it was a little big for her, but it wasn't that difficult to put on, all the same.

"I know. But, hey! You're in space!" he chucked her a helmet, and she slotted it into place, it slid in with a hydraulic hiss.

With a hop and a skip, Rebecca Smith was out of the TARDIS and on the moon. Both literally and figuratively.

"Cool huh?" his voice crackled in her ear, and she jumped. The radio had kicked in, and it sounded like the Doctor was right beside her. But it wasn't uncomfortable. It was more... reassuring.

"Yeah!" Rebecca exclaimed, and she just drank in the sights all around her. All around her – the silence. It felt so empty, yet so loud, all at once. On Earth, there was always something; horns honking, people yelling. It echoed and resounded, threatening to consume her. How come astronauts didn't go mad within hours? Moon dust swirled under her feet. The Doctor bobbed out beside her, and he took her hand. And she grasped onto it tightly, held on for dear life because she was terrified that she might drift away. Poor little Rebecca, lost in space, never to be found because of the sheer vastness of it all. Tearing her gaze away from the space, she looked below her feet. Craters and holes pockmarked the surface and it all felt so, so empty. Rebecca recalled the most crowded place she'd ever been, a marketplace in Beijing.

The aroma of spices and curries had tantalised her, leading Rebecca to the multitude of stalls. The marketplace was a riot of colour, smells and shouts. Beautifully embroidered cloths hung around her, blues, pinks, reds, more hues than one could imagine. Peddlers stood on both sides of the narrow roads, fiercely guarding their wares. People bustled around Rebecca, eager to get to their next errand, whereas she was content to just watch all that was going on. Rebecca had stayed in the marketplace until it was empty, but even that hadn't even made her feel an ounce as lost as she did now.

Humans had managed to do all of that. Her race had grown out of primordial ooze and created a world in which people could communicate, interact and learn. All of that happened on that one tiny planet, and their little moon had watched over it all. All alone until.... Well, the moon landing.

Suspicious, she turned around "Doctor, what year is this?"

"Well, I'm glad you asked. Its 1969"

"No" she grinned

"Oh, yes!" he beamed back, flapping his arms "We're watching the moon landing. Back to the TARDIS, I'll put it in cloaked mode, and you can see it unfurl before your very eyes. In about... 15 minutes."

"What are we waiting for" she smiled again, and her entire face lit up.

"Back to the TARDIS! ONWARDS TO GLORY!" he beamed and tried to run back awkwardly. The problem was, he wasn't used to no gravity so he tumbled, floating on his back.

Rebecca chuckled and sauntered past him. Or at least, she tried to. The Doctor had grabbed onto her ankle to pull himself up, and they both went stumbling. Eventually though, they both made it back to the TARDIS by walking slowly.

"10 minutes!" he flicked switches on the TARDIS "Wait here, I'll be right back"

Popping her head out of the door, she looked back. But the TARDIS wasn't there. It was the strangest thing, she was currently invisible. Cross-legged, she plopped down onto the floor, content to watch the Earth, and anticipate the silence that would be broken by the landing spacecraft. But as she leaned her head on the door a wave of crushing sadness hit her. Because that blue and green and white marble had brown in it too. Ugly hues of brown and black and grey; permanent scars courtesy of humans.

As a student of the ecological sciences, she knew just how hopeless the situation was. Countless species were driven to extinction every second and it just hurt her so, so much. She lifted her helmet to wipe the tears from her face. (She seemed to be crying an awful lot lately) And she stopped dead. Something was frying and it smelt delicious. But her head snapped forward again as she heard the whooshing of an engine, ridiculously loud.

"DID I MISS IT?" the Doctor hollered as he bounded back into the room, out of his spacesuit. In his hands, he held a big glass bowl filled with a yellow liquid. And there was something floating in it.

"N-no Doctor" she tore herself away from the peculiar sight and turned back to the moon landing. She was watching history being made, for God's sakes. She didn't need to wonder about the peculiar diets of Time Lords.

The spaceship descended, and so did the Doctor, landing beside her with a thud. The roar filled the air, surrounding her, consuming the silence. It was a bulky, ungainly thing. All white cubes, stuck together haphazardly, like a child's art project. As it got closer, moon dust flew everywhere, but the bubble the TARDIS had extended protected them. The ship wavered from side to side, buffeted by the force of its very engines. Then, it landed with a bone jarring thud.

"Fish fingers and custard?" the Doctor waved a bowl under her face.

"Shhh..." she waved her hand dismissively, and he stuck his chin in, rebuffed.

"Don't worry, there's a pause now." He thrust the bowl before her again, munching on a fish stick.

Rebecca looked down, and lifted her lip in disgust. Lightly fried fish fillets swam in the bowl of custard. "No thanks. I'm vegetarian."

"No matter. I bet there's a planet somewhere which sells vegetarian fishsticks... Although, I doubt they're the same as meat. I presume there'd be vegan ones too. But who would want vegan food? Instead of wakey wakey eggs and bakey it'd be wakey wakey vegetables and sadness." His voice was muffled because of his stuffed mouth, and Rebecca looked at him, amused.

"Shhhhhh!" he flailed his arms, nearly tipping the bowl onto her jeans "It's starting!"

The door of Apollo 11 slid open with a hydraulic hiss, and Rebecca caught her breath. The astronaut floated out, bobbing up and down gently.

"Hang on" he pulled the sonic screwdriver out of his pocket, pointed at the figure in white, and then at the TARDIS console. The speakers came to life with a crackle, and they could hear the legendary line as it was spoken

"That's one small step for man, one large leap for mankind."

"OHMYGOD!" Rebecca squealed, and she wrung her hands in happiness.

They watched as the American flag was plunged into the moondust, until they saw all the astronauts, and until the spaceship took off again.

"Wow" she exhaled slowly. "That was... That was... Insane."

"That's the great thing about time travel!" the bowl was empty now, and he lifted the rim to his lips, and chugged all the fishy custard.

"But since you can time travel, couldn't you just come back here as many times as you want?"

The bowl was set down with a clink.

"The paradox could have unforeseen consequences."

"Hmm... But then how do you time travel at all? Trip over a shoelace and then accidentally topple the Roman Empire a few centuries early. That's how it works, yeah?" she furrowed her brow.

"The paradoxes resolve themselves, by and large" he waved a hand dismissively.

"But you just said... these rules seem like nonsense! And you said you're twelve hundred years old! How do you make sure that you don't end up in the same place twice?"

"Aha!" he straightened his bow tie. "That's where my old girl helps me out."

"You are fantastic!" A hum came from the console as Rebecca patted the doorframe.

"Oh, she likes you!" he smiled.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that. Who would've thought I'd be seeking the approval of a spaceship?" she chuckled, and The Doctor smiled back.

"How long has it been?"

"How long has it been since what?" he looked confused.

"Since I met you in that abandoned house?" she leaned back, resting her head on the floor and laying her hands on her stomach.

"Time is relative," he responded, joining her on the floor. The glass bowl stood between their faces, distorting their appearance.

"Really, chin boy. If I started a stopwatch then, and stopped it now, how long would it have been?"

"Hmm... Well, your stopwatch probably wouldn't work" he suppressed a chuckle when he looked at her face. Her tattoo was warped by the glass, and it covered most of her face.

"Exposure to the time vortex" his hand waved vaguely, gesturing somewhere behind him. "Throws it all out of whack. But, I'd say about, hmm... eleven hours? We spent quite some time in the Volvian base."

"Eleven hours" her tone turned wistful. "Doctor, you turned my life upside down in eleven hours."

"A lot can happen in eleven hours. A lot can happen in thirty minutes. If I've learnt something, you should always waste time when you don't have any."

"I think that's our motto during final's week..." she smiled at him through the glass. "Wait a minute.... Can I go a few months in the future and see the question paper?"

""Why do you have such humany concerns?" he glared at her "And no, I wouldn't let you do that. That's cheating. Rule number two of travelling with the Doctor. No cheating."

"Oh yeah?" she sat up, smiling. "What's rule number one, then?"

He snapped up and looked her straight in the eyes "The Doctor always lies."

Rebecca looked startled. In those eleven hours, he had done floor licking, space ship flying, screwdriver pointing, and plenty of other things. But lying?

"Moving on!" he hopped up, and clapped his hands "Where to next, Ms. Smith?"

"The future!" she exclaimed, bounding over to the console and resting her hands on a lever. "Sometime close enough that I'll actually understanding what's going on! Maybe a few decades?"

"Understanding is boring!" he hopped up onto a seat beside the console "Confusion is cool. Thinking ruins the experience!" his voice echoed loudly around the room and he smiled with satisfaction.

Looking down at Rebecca, he spread his hands.

"Why a few decades? Why not a few centuries? Why not a few millennia?" he raised his voice "WHY NOT A BILLION TRILLION YEARS?"

Infected with his excitement, she jumped up beside him and brought his hands down, clasping them in hers.

"Why mars? Why our solar system? Why this galaxy? Why not THE END OF THE UNIVERSE?"

"Because that would be dangerous!" he bopped her nose, and then began to flip levers, dancing around on the transparent floor.

The ship gave a nasty lurch, and Rebecca nearly fell off her seat. She ducked, and gripped onto the yellow foam for dear life. Then, the whooshing stopped, and they stabilised.

"What is it?" she asked, getting off of the seat and standing next to the Doctor.

"I dunno, I normally just press random buttons and hope for the best."

Rebecca glared.

"I'll do the honours, then." He sidled up to the door, and swung it open. 

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