Chapter 9- Wet suits and Laboratories

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A/N: So, I hope you enjoy this chapter. It's about something that's very close to my heart :) Thank you for reading, and as always, I'd love to hear any ideas for their next adventures.

"An ocean" Rebecca breathed with wonder.

Rebecca wasn't on Earth. She wasn't on the moon. She wasn't drifting aimlessly through space. But she was definitely on an alien planet. And what a planet that was. Rebecca was at the bottom of an ocean, or a sea. It was so similar to the Earth's but so different. A bubble extended outwards from the door, and she stepped into it.

Swirling currents swept across her sight. Blue, green, turquoise, cyan, tarragon, and every imaginably shade combined in the most magical way. Flashes of colours darted through, impossibly quickly. Slick silvery fish swam across her vision swiftly. Corals bloomed upwards, arcing and straining to reach the sky above. Seaweed structures and brain-like structures and fan structures.

It smelt fresh and clean and pure. Salty tangs tinged the air, even within her bubble. Stepping forward, Rebecca reached out her hand and touched the bubble. It flexed under her fingers, pushing her hand back gently. She stuck it out further and gasped as she felt the cool water between her hand. It was slightly more viscous than she had expected, running between her fingers slowly. It was surprisingly cold, and she felt the chill in her bones. Rebecca had wanted magnificent, and magnificent was what she had gotten.

She jumped upwards, using the floor of the bubble as a trampoline, and looked down. The TARDIS had landed just shy of the coral reef, and clouds of sand were settling all around them. They were about twenty feet deep, but the pressure had no real effect, though the water seemed denser. All around them, the coral reef had spread out in a giant "O" and they were smack dab in the middle. She turned and looked forward, staring at the myriad of hues that made up the intricate ecosystem.

"Rebecca..." The Doctor's voice sounded behind her, and Rebecca smiled.

"Doctor?" she asked, not turning around.


"Did I ever tell you what my doctorate degree is going to be?" Rebecca's voice teased him playfully.

"Nope" he came and stood beside her in the door frame of the TARDIS, rocking back and forth on his heels.

"Marine biology. I'm going to major in marine biology. Could you have brought me to a better place?" she sounded breathless.

"Well, why don't we find out what this place is, exactly?" he darted over to the console and dragged a screen around to face him.

"Apparently, we're in a planet called Blagula, in the 32nd century." The Doctor adjusted his bowtie and lifted a finger. "Now, if my history is correct - and it usually is - it is uninhabited."

"Uninhabited, huh?" Rebecca looked at something in the distance.

"Yes!" he flung his arms into the air "You know what that means? NO RULES!"

"Doctor, do uninhabited planets usually have pairs of what look like scuba divers?"

"What? No!" he faced forward again, and peered at the place where Rebecca was looking, making a face.

"Looks like your history is wrong."

"QUICK. Judging by the distance and the speed at what they're coming to us with, we have approximately thirty seconds. Out of the TARDIS."

"Please Sexy, help me out here!" he raced up the stairs, went into a room, and came back with two masks ten seconds later. Rebecca gasped sharply as she was shoved out of the TARDIS and into the air bubble. The Doctor slammed the door shut, then took a deep breath.

"Sorry. We don't know who those people are and I'm very protective of my ship" he apologized.

"I'll say. You just called your ship Sexy" a giggle came out of Rebecca's mouth.

In reply, he just said "Are you my mummy?", pulling the mask over his face.

Before Rebecca could ask what he meant, though, the two divers had come up to them and entered the air bubble.

"You are not authorised to be on this section of Blaglua. Please place your mask on and we shall escort you to the proper authorities." The voice came from the figure clad in black. She looked human enough, her pale face shone through the plexiglass on her visor, and her body had the regular. Arms, legs, and that middle bit to hold everything together. Both of the divers wore a black wet suit, with a panel of white pores across the chest and arms, which, strangely enough, led up to the mask.

"Please, allow me" the Doctor reached into his pocket and pulled out a leather wallet. Rebecca gaped in shock. In it was an official looking licence which bore his picture, and said Head of Marine Environments, Shadow Proclamation.

"I'm the Doctor, and this is my research assistant, Ms. Rebecca Smith. Oh, and do you mind keeping this in a pocket? Don't want it to get wet, and I'm afraid my tweed, glorious as it is, isn't waterproof."

The male next to him snatched the wallet up, and glanced through it, eyes widening slightly.

"Y-yes. Sir yes sir." He saluted, then unzipped a pocket on his leg and slipped the wallet with the licence in.

"Oh, no need for that." The Doctor cast a sidelong look at Rebecca and smirked, and she rolled her eyes.

The female diver looked more wary, though and she looked them up and down curiously. "That your ship then?" she gestured vaguely. "Bit cramped, isn't it? And what is a police public call box?"

"You'd be surprised, quite comfy. And it's the 32nd century, you know how humans feel about quirky designs" Rebecca responded, slipping her mask on.

They all stood in the bubble and looked at each other through plastic visors. Two of them in wet suits, one of them in jeans and a tee, and the last in a purple tweed and ironed slacks.

"Well then," the Doctor clapped his hands "Back to your base, then?"

They swam slowly through the viscous water. The Doctor and Rebecca had no flippers, so they scissored their legs awkwardly. They looked down as they swam, admiring the coral reef below them. None of them had radios in their masks, so the eerie silence reminded Rebecca of the moon. The underwater landscapes changed slowly. It transitioned from coral reef to sea grass to sand. They seemed to be stuck in a fjord of sorts; the stone walls seemed to press in closer and closer as they neared their destination. There, right inside the 'V' formed by the two stone walls, was a scientific base.

It was a short, squat building, which looked like it was made out of cement. Structured in one central blocks, the four walls were made out of glass. It was quite large, about three hundred feet across. The roof was black, with a blue circle. As they watched, the circle split into two, and a gentle vacuum started, swirling and pulling things inside. Following the lead of the two divers, the Doctor and Rebecca entered the slipstream, and they rushed into the building.

The water drained slowly, and they gasped, taking the masks off of their faces and breathing in the slightly plasticky air. A warm wind buffeted them, and their clothes and hair dried quickly.

"Welcome, to the Bianca-Draqueesha base in the North Quadrant of Blagula."

The two divers had led them into the coolest, most sterile laboratory Rebecca had ever seen.

"Well," the female diver leaned on a workbench "I suppose introductions are in order. TEAM" she hollered, and a door swung open, two people entered the lab. One was wearing a pair of greasy coveralls, and the other cargo pants and a tee.

"Alright! Everybody, introduce yourselves!"

There was a boy who looked not a day over eighteen, with extremely curly hair and black wires attached to his forehead "I'm Leo, and I make sure all the equipment is running fine."

"Nooria" this woman was older, elegant wrinkles crinkled around her mouth as she gave a smile "Senior engineer."

"Syria." The female diver stuck out her and "Head oceanographer, diver, and team leader."

"Khan" the male one smiled, green eyes sparkling "Underling of Syria and diver"

The Doctor chuckled and shook Syria's outstretched hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm The Doctor."

"I'm Rebecca." Rebecca grinned, excited to be in the laboratory and enthralled by the variety of people packed into the base. They came from all races, and yet came together in the name of science.

"Nice to meet you, Rebecca" Khan shook her hand.

The eight of them stood quietly for a moment. They were standing in a group near the left wall of the lab, benches stretched out behind them, and the stretch along the wall formed a kind of impromptu hallway. It was a narrow hallway, though, so they were quite packed.

The Doctor placed his hands on a workbench and hopped up, legs dangling. "So, tell me. What're you upto here?"

"You mean you don't know? This is a major project! And if you're head of department at the Shadow Proclamation..." Nooria sounded suspicious.

"Of course he knows!" Rebecca fibbed "That was for my benefit. Erm... As a research assistant, I don't always exactly have the time to keep up with current affairs" that part was true.

The four laughed in agreement, evidently, they knew the feeling.

"Vetro corp is planning to covert Blagula into a tourist planet. We're making sure it is A-OK" Leo explained, running a hand through his curls.

"A tourist planet?" Rebecca sounded horrified "They can do that?"

"Vetro corp can do anything" Khan sounded bitter.

"but, but tourism will trash the ecosystems! All those coral reefs we saw will wither and die!" Rebecca's tone turned pleading, and she turned to the divers "You guys understand, right? I mean, you're oceanographers. Khan, Syria, you're going to tell them that it is not OK, right"

There was only silence.

"Khan." Syria's tone was severe. "Why don't you show our.... Guest what needs to be done, hmm?"

"Of course. This way, Ms. Smith." He held open a door, and Rebecca looked around furtively. She caught the Doctor's gaze and raised her eyebrows, but he just shrugged.

Khan laid a hand on Rebecca's back as they exited the room. He felt her stiffen, though, and he quickly removed it.

"Don't touch me" her voice was filled with venom.

"Sorry. Just... just follow me." Khan put his head down, and walked quickly.

Rebecca surveyed him with a cold eye. He certainly didn't look like somebody who could cold heartedly condone a whole planet to environmental death. Shaggy black hair fell everywhere - perhaps just a little longer than it should have been. His body was thin and wiry, Rebecca could tell because the suit was skin tight. Rebecca pondered the fact that he may have had plastic surgery - his eyes were just a bit too green. But overall he seemed too young and gangly to do something like that. The other members on his team, though. They seemed perfectly capable of condemning Blagula to such a fate.

They took a few twists and turns through neat white corridors, then, Khan stopped next to a door.

"This is my favorite room in the entire facility" his voice quickened in excitement, but Rebecca just raised one eyebrow and looked at him haughtily.

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