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"Ugh can we do something today it's Friday!" Jeff whined. "We got back from the mansion 2 days ago, and we missed class" Kitty said to him. "Sunshine can we go somewhere today, Friday is a day where we have about we go to LJ'S carnival" Jeff suggested. "I don't think--" Tomoe was cut off from my big out burst. "Yea, we should totally go there!" I said excitedly. "Alright I guess it's settled, I'll go tell LJ about it, see ya!" And so Jeff left. "I am going to go tell the others, I'll be right back" Kitty said heading for the door. "I'll come with" Alice said going to kitty, and before she closed the door she smirked at me it's like she said 'good luck' to me. I grabbed the nearest book and threw it at Alice ,but it was to late since she already shut the door, so instead it hit the wall. "So Tomoe what rides do you want to go on" I asked him. "It doesn't really matter to me, how about you, what ride do you wanna go on?" Tomoe asked sitting across from me. "Hmm...I haven't thought about that..." then I had a sudden flash back.

"Mamma I wanna ride that big Circle thing" I said. "Sure we can ride the Ferris wheel!" Mamma said. I smiled with joy.

"Uh Hell to Aria" Tomoe said waving us hand in front of me. I snapped out of my daze, and blinked a few times. Tomoe was right in front of me with a blank face expression. "Ferris wheel!" I yelled. Tomoe jumped back in surprise. "S-Sorry about that" I said. "It's fine, but why did you yell?" "I don't know. =w="


We were all heading for the circus, carnival, Fair, Amusement Park, I don't know what it really is but I am so excited to go. The people or should I say monsters that came were Erika, Scarlet, Alice, Kitty, Jeff, Toby, Taokaka, Cameron, Rina, Melody, Hoodie, Masky, EJ, Me and Tomoe. As we were all walking we saw a portal. "What's this?" Erika asked. "LJ set this up, so we don't have to take the bus all the way to the human world" Jeff answered. "Wait are you saying this Carnival we're going to is in the human world?" Scarlet said. "Of course how else will he be able to kill human" Hoodie said. "Okay so we just walk through, right?" I questioned. "That is correct my sunshine but there is one thing you must do to get through, and that is to kiss my cheek" Jeff said smirking at me. "" I was hesitating a lot. Tomoe then punched him so hard that he flew through the portal. "I hope he liked that rough kiss" Tomoe said. 'Thanks tomoe.' We all walked through the portal, and on the other side, the first thing we saw was Jeff's head smashed through the tree. When he finally got pulled out with the help of EJ and Toby, we all walked to the entrance of the carnival.

LJ was hanging from above, upside-down. "Da Fuq?" was the first thing Scarlet said. "Hello Friends and welcome to my carnival. My name is Laughing Jack an I will--" he then realized that all of us walked past him and ignored his introduction. "I am gonna show you the best places to be in this place" Jeff said. "Oh really I can't wait!" I said. "Hey wait for me!" LJ tried to cat up with us since we were pretty far from him now.


As we were walking I saw something that I loved doing. The fortune teller. I stayed behind the crowd and went to it. I slipped in a quarter and waited. The fortune teller looked like machine that's in a box, well a bear animatronic. The bear moved and looked at me. "Oh hello little girl!" The bear said. "Hello!" I responded. "What's your name little girl?" "Aria Rose." "My name is Kraler bear, now let's read your future." Kraler than moved his hand around, then closed them together, and then seperated it, and there appeared a small piece of paper floating between his hands. "It's says....that you are a kind, helpful, and a brave person. Between and someone very that you already know love is in the air..But un fortunately Danger will come your way. The Danger is as strong as you, some around you may die or be injured. The rosary you wear will come off, and everyone will see the monster you truly are. Once that rosary comes off the power that you will receive won't be easy to control and there's a possible chance that you'll lose your memories. Some of your friends may die or be seriously injured. Be careful. I suggest that you should be somewhere isolated so no one gets hurt. The date of the attack doesn't show, but you should prepare yourself for the worst that comes" Kraler explained. I was so shocked that I couldn't move. Small bits of tears began to fall out of my eyelids. I was just standing so scared.

"Don't worry about it."

"What do you mean don't worry about it?" I said confused. "In this piece of paper, it doesn't show any deaths, and usually it would, so that's good thing right?" Kraler said, unsure. "I guess, but when you said my rosary would comes off, I won't be able to control it?" "Well how long have you kept it on?" "More than hundreds of years" I responded. "Well that's why, your true self has been trapped for quite a while and so it would take time to adjust to the new world it hasn't yet experienced" Kraler said. "I guess this sort of makes sense. I mean demons are supposed to be vicious and cruel, but right now I am so nice and kind. Sometimes I would wonder where my anger was. And now......

"Sweetie..please promise mommy that you'll where this rosary--.........."

I blinked a few times, and realized the sudden flashback, but when did that happen. "I sometimes I felt that I wasn't me most of my life" I said. "You better get going. Your friends are looking for you" Kraler said. I heard everyone screaming my names from a distant. "Well I gotta go, by Kraler!" "Bye Aria, I know we will meet again" and Kraler went back into his box, and I ran to my friends.


"Where THE Hell were you?!?" Tomoe was with scolding me for disappearing. "I was talking to Kraler bear" I said. "Who's that?" Rina asked. "Of him, Ya he's the best to talk to when your feeling down, or to ask for your furture" LJ said. "Well at least tell one of us next time if you're going to wander off somewhere" Melody said in a concern way. LJ started "what did he tell you?" I thought about everything Kraler said to me. I held the tears back, and stayed calm. "He says I have a bright future ahead of me" I said, lying to them. "Oh well that's good to hear, now let's go on some roller-coaster rides!" Alice cheered. "Ya and I know a good one to ride" Scarlet said with mischievous


"Out of all the rides...why this one?" Cameron said. "Because...this the Deadly Unicorn!!!" Scarlet cheeered. "This better not be a waste of my time" Jeff said. "Don't worry Jeff, in fact this possibly can be your last ride, if you survive. Hahahaha" LJ laughed.

The cart partners are~:

1. Cameron and Scarlet

"I cant wait to ride this thing" Scarlet said. "😊" that was Cameron expression.

2. Erika and Toby

"Looks like we're partners" Erika said. "Y-ya" Toby replied.

3. LJ and Rina

"My love this is gonna be the best ride you have ridden in your life" LJ exclaimed. "My love?" Rina said with a confused face.

4. Melody and Alice

"Lallalallalalalalalal" they both said.

5. Hoodie and Masky

"................." they didn't say anything, Masky was just smoking, and Hoodie was just minding his own business.

6. Taokaka and Jeff.

"Wait! Why am I with this stupid girl" Jeff complained. "I am not stupid Meow!" Taokaka said.

7. Kitty and EJ

Kitty: 😃
EJ: 😶

8. Tomoe and Aria

"I am so excited to ride this ride!!" I said. "Mmhm" Tomoe mumbled.

When EJ pulled the lever, the ride then just went maximum speed, but stopped at the edge of the really tall hill of the coaster. "Is the ride broken?" Erika asked LJ. All of a sudden 8 different tracks appeared out of nowhere but all of them driving down. All of our carts seperated.

"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" we all screamed.

The ride was amazing. Except for the part when all of us crashed into eachother. But for me, I thought I was going to get some cuts but instead Tomoe carried me bridal style, and jumped out of the cart. When we landed on the ground a big "BOOM!!" was heard.

"Wow that waaaassss the best riiiideeee eveeeerrr" Scarlet said in a drunk way for some reason. When they all got out of the carts wich took 10 minutes. But then they all collapsed on the ground, except for LJ, Tomoe and I. "Why can't we move, meow~" Taokaka mumbled. "Oh I forgot to tell you that after riding this you'll be paralyzed for about a half hour. "Why didn't you say anything before you pulled the lever" Rina said. "I did say something my love~, I said if you survive, and you all did. This proves you aren't weak!" LJ explained. "No kidding dumbass, were monsters" Scarlet said. 

I realized that Tomoe is still carrying me. My blush was growing, and his chest was really warm. "Aria are you all right?" Tomoe asked me. "Y-ya I'm fine." "Why is you face red?" "S-shut up, no its not" I hesitantly said. Why am I feeling this way? Damn. "Oohhhh I see what's going on between you two" LJ said. "You two are lovers right?"

Tomoe set me down lightly, and walked over to LJ. He gave him a nice, strong Falcon punch. "O-or not, maybe just really close friends" those  were LJ'S last words before passing out.

*1 hour later*

Me, Tomoe and LJ were sitting around a fire waiting for everyone to get up and move around again. "How come you three didn't get paralyzed?" Erika asked. "I'm a demon, Tomoe is a fox demon, and LJ just rides this everyday in his life so he's probably used to it" I explained.

"Now off to the torture chamber!" LJ said. "Why?" I asked. "To torture humans of course!" "Ok!!" I said.


Sorry that I posted this really Late, but I hope you enjoy this chapter, stay tuned for the next one *cough*cough* bloody* cough* cough*. And maybe next week I might post a new book called "We will survive" or IDK.

Bye bye~

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