abandoned castle

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•Aria pov•

I woke up to someone snoring really loud. I got out of bed and walked over to Alice. She was on the wrong side of the bed. 'What time is it?' I looked over at the clock, 7:50am. 'Oh it's only 7:50am............7:50!!!!?!?!?'

"Alice Wake Up!!" I yelled. I was getting dressed into the uniform. "What!?!?!" Alice mumbled. "Alice get dressed or else we'll be late for class!" I said brushing my hair. She dashed into the closet, and then came out ready. We got our school bag and dashed out.


"Damit why didn't the alarm clock go off, did you turn it off?" I asked running to class. "Yes, I'm sorry" she replied.


Only 30 seconds left.


We jumped in class, and toppled over on to the floor.

*ding dong ding song ding dong ding dong*

"W-we made it" I said panting. "Aria..... Alice.....please go to your seats" Mr. Onigara said.

*blah blah skip classes*

*ding dong ding dong ding dong ding dong *

Classes finally ended. And, today we planned to have a study session. "Hey Tomoe, you're coming to study with us, right?" I asked. "Ya sure" he said. "Hey Tomoe-kun" lily said hugging Tomoe's back. I was taken aback. "Get off me" Tomoe said annoyed. "What's wrong Tomoe-kun, you seem annoyed?" Lily asked.

I had that weird feeling again, what is this feeling. Why am I feeling this way, like I want to kill her. Maybe I'll just ignore it.

"Tomoe I'll see you later" I said calmly and was about to walk away. "I will be going with you" Tomoe stood up, which made lily get angry. "Tomoe-kun come with me!!" She whined. Like a brat.

Lily then was then sent flying out the window. Neither of us touched her, well I sort of did.

Damn she's so annoying


What she deserved it.


Stop denying it.

'Okay maybe she did deserve it'

Tomoe was standing there very confused. I looked through the broken window to find lily laying on the ground. Her gang ran to her and helped her up. She couldn't stand right, so her friends assisted her. "You will pay you Stupid Girl!!!!" She waved her fist at me. "What just happened?" Tomoe asked. "Oh I haven't told you have I" and so I explained who Crystal was.

"Alice told me that we were going to study at an abandoned library, in the human world" he said. "Okay" I replied.

As we were headed to the bus so it can drive us to the abandoned Library. We had to walk through a forest since the bus stop is on the other side.

It was silent between us. Then something rustled on the trees above. I ignored it, but it felt like we were being followed. I tried to ignore the feeling, but I couldn't.

"Fox Fire!!"

Tomoe yelled and threw a ball of fire at something or should I say 'someone'.

The person was hit, and fell to the ground. A big thud was heard, and I had to see if the person was okay. His face was facing the ground and he was wearing black pants, and a white hoodie. "Wait...Jeff?" I said. "H-hey Sunshine" he murmured.

He slowly got up "damn Tomoe calm down its just me. How's my sunshine doing" he said picking me and spinning me around.

Tomoe kicked Jeff, and so I was thrown into the air, then landed in Tomoe's arms. "You may not touch her so familiarly" Tomoe scowled. "T-Tomoe it's alright, it doesn't bother me" I said. "But it does for me" he said.

Oooooooo......Tomoe is so jelly.

"Hey Tomoe what's your deal, it's not like I am hurting her, and why are you always protecting her like a servant?" Jeff said getting prepared to fight. "That is none of your buisness" Tomoe said.

"Well it kinda is, Aria is my best friend, she's my sunshine!!" Jeff yelled.

'Oh no don't tell me they're going to fight!?'

Let me handle this.

Crystal then punched both boys, that sent flying to thick trees. "Guys cut it out!!" I yelled angrily. I was shaking. I hardly yell at anyone. "Come on Tomoe let's go" I said. He obeyed immediately and ran over to walk by my side. "Jeff you may come if you want to" I added. "S-sure I'm coming" he groaned.

Both of them walked by my side, and yet again, it was silent. I could then see the others in the distance. "Come on" I grabbed both of their hands and ran.

°The abandoned library°

All of exited the bus, and stared at the abandoned library. I have to say...the library is huge. But the sun shining down it makes it beutiful.

"I heard this place is haunted" Kitty stated. "Oh well" I remarked. We all then entered the library that was like the size of a castle. Anyone can obviously get lost in here.

"Hello!!!" Erika's voice echoed through the walls. Alice then went to the side and found four lanterns. "Okay where do you want to study?" I asked.

"Well I think most of the books are down the hall" Kitty stated. "Okay then let's go!" Alice cheered.

We reached the biggest room in the castle. There were at least 8 floors filled with books. Erika pointed at a big table, she said that we could study here since there is so much room to put as many books as we want.

"Wow this could be a good place to take a nice long nap" Scarlet said as she sets the books that were on the ground in a comfortable position to lay down on. She let out a relaxed sigh "Goodnight--"

Melody kicked her out of the book bed. Scarlet fell face first on to the floor. "Ow" she muttered, rubbing her head. "What the hell was that for?!?!?" She scowled. "We came here to study not to sleep" Melody replied. "Ugh but you don't need to kick me!" "Where's the fun in that?" Melody smirked.

We set our stuff down. We looked for books. The fun part when looking for books is we played around with that ladder thing that can slide across floor. It was so much fun.

Tomoe showed me a few things I didn't know, and I did the same. We were then interupted with a "Hey guys check this book out". Kitty was running towards with a history book in her hands.

"Okay check this out, this book shows a story onto why this place is haunted, and who the original owners were. This may look boring but if you read it its actually really interesting and sad" Kitty said.

"Well then read it" Rina commanded.

"Okay it says........This castle once belonged to a loving family over hundreds of years ago. They were the Demorgogon's.....wow what an unusual last name, I wonder what it stands for...any ways. The married couple had only one daughter, their names are still unknown. Some people attacked this family for a reason...still unknown. The names, age, relatives, friends and many other things are still unknown .Then the parents disappeared after a sudden tragedy that is yet again still unknown. The child was left all alone, abandoned. A couple entered this castle, and took interest in it. The couple were unknown.

They encountered the child, reading a book, with sign of death upon her. Of course they were scared, so they ran off. At the same time they felt concerned for the girl. They stopped and turned around to face her once again. But this time she was standing there and said the most random introduction ever said in this moment "tea is ready."

She served them tea, and they talked. They came to visit everyday to keep her company in the lonely castle, and soon they began to trust eachother. One day she asked if they could care for the castle while she was away, and accepted. When she came back, she found them liking the big place. The little girl offered them to buy this castle for free. They were shocked and accepted the offer.

The little girl looked like she wasn't growing at all, and soon she took off and disappeared. The couple found the note that she left and it read

'I thank thou for caring for me and this castle. It means alot. I must go, and see more, I apologize for disappearing without telling you. I can't tell thou what I am, or where I am going. I leave this castle in your hands. I plead for you to take care of it for me when I am gone. Thank you


The couple were sad that the girl left, and yet they wanted to know more about her. They then decided to live there. One night, a bunch of thugs killed the couple in this castle, and there bodies were not yet to be found, and may be unknown forever. Since the bodies were not put to rest they haunt this castle until this day."

Kitty finished the story, and most of us were circled around her with wide eyes, like little kids for when it's story time. We'll my shadow dragged me away during the story. We were now on the roof of the castle.

"Hey what are you doing crystal?!?" I asked.

No response from her.

"Hey what's up?!" I asked, again.

No response.

I couldn't take it anymore, so I stomped on my shadows head, which made her stop dragging me, and rubbed her shadow head(the shadow doesn't control Aria's movement but can push her her around), with a growl that can only be heard in my mind.

"Now then, why did you not want me to hear this story?"

It's something that you shouldn't hear.

"And why not?"

Umm....bad influence?

"Crystal...." I said in an angry tone.

Answer me this, why is it that you don't remember most of anything that happened in your past.

"Umm...." she was right, I don't remember anything.

"Why don't I remember anything?" I demanded.

Crystal didn't respond.

"Answer me!!"

Because I had to erase it!

It was silent between us and the only thing that can be heard was the wind blowing. My hair was covering half of my face.

"Y-you what?"

I had to erase it.

"Why did you do that?"

I had to because you have been going through so much pain, in the past. That one day I offered to erase some of your memory, and you said 'yes'. I ended up erasing most of you past since they were all bad memories. I tried to keep the good ones, but it was difficult since you are a demon, So this means you have a longer life-span, and that means more memories. I could bring them back, I mean if you want me to.

I didn't say anything. I guess this explains a lot.

"Can I have it back?"

Of course, but this will take time, I need to regenerate all of the memories that were erased. There were alot so give me about a month. This means I won't be able to talk to you at all, maybe once in a while but not alot.

"Okay, but how do you get it back?"

That's a secret.

I sat on edge of the castle, thinking about the reason I still where this rosary. What happens if I take it off? Why do I have to where it? Why do I feel like somethings missing?

So many questions popped up in my head, which made me dizzy. I literally was about to fall off the edge, when a pair of hands caught me, and pulled me back.

I looked behind me and "Tomoe?!? What are you doing up here?"

"I could ask you the same."

"Oh....I was.....umm....thinking." "About what?" "My past life." "And why were you thinking about that?" "Its just.....I don't remember a lot of it." "I see...."

After an hour of talking, Tomoe and I went back downstairs. Everybody were grinning at us. Alice started "So...where have you two been?"

"Oh we were on the roof top talking" I said. "Oh really...did you guys do more than just talking--" Alice was then interupted by Erika who kicked her across the face. However I was blushing madly knowing what she was getting into. "You have such a dirty mind" Rina said.

Jeff and Tomoe were glaring at eachother. "Okay okay, take it easy, Jeff don't worry nothing is going on between me and Tomoe...we were just talking" I said. "You better not have touched Aria in any kind of way!" Jeff scowled. "I'd never do that to Aria!" Tomoe replied.

Lightning striked outside, then another striked the electricity. The power went out. The doors shut tight. It began to rain heavily, and the thunder kept striking.

Kitty screamed and hugged her knees. Alice and everybody had scared faces. Soon they calmed down. However I was terrified that I ran off.

"Wait Aria!!" Melody called out. But I just kept on running.


I was hiding in a room in a closet, hugging my knees. Tears flowing out of my eyes, me trembling in fear. 'Damit why did it have to thunder storm now, it was beutiful out side just a few minutes ago.'

[Fun fact #6]

Aria is terrified of Lightning.


"Aria?" A voice called out in the distant. "Aria? Where are you?" It called out again. Wait....I know that voice....it's Tomoe.

Then I heard everybodys voice calling out for me. I was going to yell back, but when I opened my mouth.....nothing came out. I was to scared to say anything. "Aria!" The doors of the room I was in slammed open. "Aria!" I jumped scared from the loud sound. But still shaking in the closet.

*loud thunder happens*

I need to reach tomoe, before I can't move at all. I slowly opened the closet door "T-Tomoe" I whispered. His ears perked up and turned towards me. He walked over to the closet doors and opened them. I was shaking in fear looking at him. "Aria I was so worried about you--"

*another loud thunder*

I couldn't hold it back. I jumped towards hims. I hugged him tightly, and he hugged me back. "Why are you trembling? Are you scared of Lightning?" I nodded. He wiped the tears off of my face.

My legs gave up, and then Tomoe carried me bridal style. His chest was warm. I never felt so safe in my entire life.

When we reached the gang. They surrounded us, asking us many questions. "Okay! What is she doing in your arms?!?" Jeff yelled. "It seems that the lightning scared her so much that she doesn't have the strength to even walk" Tomoe explained.

Alice secretly took a picture.

It was raining even heavier than before.

"I am guessing we aren't going back to the school" Cameron stated.

"Well good thing this is a castle, there might be rooms that we can stay in tonight" Kitty added.

"Oh c'mon, do we really have to stay in this old worthless castle" Scarlet said.

"........what do you mean by worthless..." a voice said.

We all turned to where the sound of the voice came from, but no one was there. "Maybe that came from out side" Erika hesitantly said. "There's no way that we could've heard something here that was all the way out there" Jeff stated.

".....why are you here?......" the voice echoed through the castle.

We stayed silent to here anything else.

".....you should leave...." the voice said again.

Where is the voice coming from?

"Get Out!" The voice was more clear, and it seemed it was near us. We turned to the voice, and there was a middle age woman, in old clothing.

She was a ghost.

She flew towards us, but was then stopped by another ghost. It was also a middle aged ghost, but a man this time.

He calmed her down. The male ghost slowly floated towards us.

"Forgive my wife, she is just sad" the male voice said.

"Are you two the previous owners of this castle?" Melody asked. "Yes we are, I see you guys need a place to rest, I will be happy to show your rooms-"

All of our stomachs growled.

"But let's have some dinner before we rest" the male said.


We were walking towards the dining table. "Umm we haven't introduced our selves, forgive me, I am Benjamin Lucifer and my wife Elizabeth Lucifer, you are?"

"I'm Alice, and this is Aria, Tomoe" we both said 'hi'. "Melody, Rina, Kitty, Cameron, Jeff, and those two" Alice said smiling not even bothering to say scarlet or Erika's name. "Screw you" Erika said to Alice. "Go fuck yourself" Scarlet told Alice.

"Anyways I am Scarlet this Erika" Scarlet said.

The man snapped his finger and soon there were different kinds food set out on the table.

"Enjoy the food" he said.

The food was especially made for us, so they know what we are. The female ghost ignored us and floated off into another room. I wondered what happened.

The thunder soon stopped and it was now only raining.

Benjamin then showed us to our rooms. All the girls owned one room and the boys owned another.

They also gave us night gowns.

We decided to still study. "Rina is the trench war bad?" Alice asked. "W-well for the humans yes" Rina said.

I was just laying down on the bed, thinking.

It was midnight, I couldn't sleep. Scarlet was just on the balcony out side. I guess she couldn't sleep either. Maybe walking around wouldn't hurt.

It was very quiet. I then noticed the ghost Elizabeth. I followed her. She noticed and so she disappeared, and reappeared behind me "what are you doing?" I jumped back and was on the ground "geez you don't have to scare me like that."

She glared at me, like she was inspecting me. She started "You look......familiar." "I-I do?" "Yes but I can't quite remeber." "Wait.....what's your name?" "Umm, it's Aria.....Aria Rose" I said. "Oh then I must've mistaken you for someone else" Elizabeth said in disappointment. "It's just...the story that your friend was reading aloud, the Little girl, she was very special to me, like a daughter. She was the most kindest girl I have ever met. Soon she left, with out even telling us or even saying goodbye, but she did leave a note. We went on about on a regular day, when a group of men killed us. Are bodies can't be found so we still lurk around in this castle. The little girl was so kind, I want to see her again. Her name was Aria. In the begining she was very quiet, but later on she began to open up to us more. And--"

She looked towards me and saw that I was already asleep. She carried me and laid me on my bed. And said nothing other than "Goodnight."

*the next day*

We ate breakfast that was very delicous. I looked down at my rosary, and still kinda wonder why I still wear it, or what happens if I take it off.

We had to return to the highschool, and all of us were really sad to leave the couple in the castle. But we knew our paths would cross again, I mean if we go to the castle.

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