Toby falls inlove

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"Now if you open your work books to page 1,200 and read up to 3,000, and then answer questions #1-91. Once the bell Rings you will be given this review packet to help you study for the up coming midterm exam that's in a month" Mr. Onigara said.

Damn he gives you a lot of work.

'Well this is what I get for being too smart.'

There will be a big midterm exam in a month and it includes all subjects. Someone then tapped my shoulder. It was Hoodie! "Aria, do you have a pencil I can borrow?" "Mmhm" I replied.

While reading on page 2,500 in less then 15 minutes, the bell rings.

Alice, and Erika come along and sit on top of the desk that's next to me. "Hey Aria do you want to study with us for the big midterm exam!" They asked me. "Sure" I replied back, drinking my bottle of water. "Oh and Melody, Erika, Kitty, Scarlet, Rina, Cameron, and Tomoe will be there too" she added.

I chocked on the water when I heard Tomoe's name. Why did I do that? "*cough*cough* when are we going to have the study session" I asked trying to recover. "We will be studying tomorrow and then after 2 days another meeting" she explained.


"Heymaskyheymaskyheymaskyheymaskyheymaskyheymaskyheymaskyheymaskyheymaskyhayemasky!!!" Toby said poking Masky multiple times.

Masky asked me if I could quickly tutor him for social studies, but toby and Hoodie also needed help on math. So right now I am multi-tasking. And we are at table by a pink tree, and a few other girls watching us.

Damn why are girls always watching you.

"Aria is George Washington still alive?" Masky asked.

How stupid is he?

"N-no he's dead" I told him. "Hey Masky got waffles!?!?" Toby asked so excitedly. "Toby for the 50th time Let me study, and no I Don't HAVE WAFFLES!" Toby was really silent. "I want waffles..." He whined.

Erika came skipping in. "Hey Aria what you doing?" "Oh I am just tutoring them, and we still have a long way to go" I explained. "Oh...can I stay with you, Cameron is flirting with Scarlet and I don't want to ruin there moment, Alice is at track practice, Rina told me to shoo since she is studying, I don't know where melody is, Taokaka and Kitty are fishing for fish, and Tomoe is sleeping" she explained. "Wow, aren't most of them supposed to be studying for the big exam?" I asked. "Ya...I don't know....can I stay here with you?" "Of course, the more the merrier, oh and do you think you can use a witch spell that can make waffles in less then 10 sec's, it looks like toby is about to explode" I asked. "Sure" and so Erika took her wand out and whipped it around.


A plate of 20 waffles appeared. "Okay so who's Toby?" She asked. I turned to look at toby who was staring deeply at Erika. I couldn't tell what his expression was since his big goggles were covering his eyes, and some sort of zipper mask was covering his mouth.

[Fun fact #5]

If you want to know what Jeff the killer, Eyeless jack, Ticci toby, Masky, Hoodie, Slenderman, Splenderman, and the other names that I mentioned in chapter "hanging out with friends Part 1" Look it up on the Internet, they all belong to creepypasta.


"Is the boy staring at me Toby?" Erika asked feeling unsured. "I.......i.........." toby mumbled. "So you're Toby, it's nice to meet you, I'm Erika!" "I........i......." toby hesitantly said, like he can't talk anymore. "Oh and you wanted these waffles right? Well here you go!" She said handing him the waffles. "I........i......." toby continued. "Oh don't worry I don't bite!" Erika said. "I.....I love you~" Toby said in low tone. "W-what?" Erika said taken aback. Toby ran to Erika.

"I LOVE YOU!!" Toby yelled cheerfully, and hugging Erika tightly. "C-can't b-breath...." Erika said loosing her breath. He finally released Erika. Erika was catching her breath, and handing the waffles to him "H-here are the waffles."

"Thank you! Here you can have one!" Toby said having one waffle already in his mouth, and handing another to her. "This is rare, Toby never shares his waffles with anyone" Hoodie said.

Masky and Hoodie were asking me many math and social studies questions. On the other hand Toby and Erika were enjoying their waffles.

"Hey Erika I wanna show you something", Toby grabbed Erika's hand and ran. "W-w-wait where are we going?!?!??!" Erika yelled in the distant. Toby ran dragging Erika, leaving us in the dust. "I think I know where he's headed" Masky said. 'I wonder.......'

□Erika POV□

Toby was pulling me somewhere, and across to the human world. "Hold on were almost there!" Toby yelled. He then picked me up and gave me a piggy back ride. He ran faster than before. This was actually really fun.

We were about to cross the train tracks, when the signal for when the train comes was ringing. And toby was still running. "Were not gonna make it!!" I yelled. "Don't worry we will!" He yelled back. The train was coming at full speed. The train was next to us, and toby jumped on to the tracks. "Were gonna Die!!"

I closed my eyes for a brief second, preparing for the pain. But.......nothing happened. I slowly opened them and realized that Toby is still running. I sighed in relief. We then stopped at
"I hop".

"What are we doing here?" I asked. "Let's go in" he said. "Wait you can't walk in like that, the mask is covering your face, people will get suspicious" I warned him. "Oh right well....." " You haven't thought this through, have you?" I said bluntly.

"No...." He mumbled. "Okay then why don't you take off your mask" I suggested. He stayed silent. 'Oh no, I hope I didn't insult him.'

"I-I d-don't like taking this m-mask off" he said, twiching. "Sorry" I said. I didn't know what to say. "Can you do a magic spell to change my face, only for now" he asked. "Sure." We went into the back alley way.

I used my magic, so any monster can see him, but the humans will just see him as one of them. We walked in and order a lot of waffles. And I mean A LOT. We ate a few. Then some girls passed by and some of them thought that he was weird or just a hotty. I couldn't really tell.

"Hey handsome what's your name?" one of the girls asked. He stayed silent. I was getting nervous. "What's wrong pretty boy, cat caught your tongue?~" He is still silent, not even bothering to touch his waffles. "Man I knew he was weird, and his stupid girlfriend is even weirder" one girl said. "Ha more like trash" I felt trapped. It's like I can't move, I can't speak, I can't do anything. I can kill them, but why do I feel scared. I then heard a high pitched scream.

"What the hell was that for Freak?!?!" A girl yelled. Their were syrup, waffles, and coffee on all of them."D-don't you ever say that she is trash, she is more caring then any of you ,you are the ones that are trash now!!" Toby yelled. "You will pay for ruining my dress!" Another girl yelled."Hey what's going on here?!?" A person that works at I hop yelled. "Erika grab as many waffles as you can, and run!!" Toby commanded. We started collecting many waffles and ran out.

The police were now chasing us. We made a sharp turn and climbed an apartment building. The woods were nearby so we ran in it to hide. The police are now gone and it's silent between us. "Sorry...." toby said. "For what?" I asked. "Bringing you somewhere, when we ended being treated like trash..." "Are you kidding that was as fun as the time when I destroyed a mall" I said cheerfully. To be honest going there was really fun. "We should go out more, what do say Toby?" "Ya we should." We were both walking back to where Aria, and the other boys were.

They weren't there. I already know why because it's 9:00pm. 'Ooooooooooohhhhh nooooooo!! Damit I was supposed to be studying!! Eehh...Oh well.' "Well it's getting late, I should be heading back to my room, Scarlet 'maybe' wonder where I am" I said. "Ya, well I hope to see you tomorrow Erika" toby said. "Okay bye-" I was suddenly cut off by Toby giving me a kiss on my cheek. "Bye Erika! I love you! See you tomorrow!" Toby said running off.

I was left dumbfounded, and blushing madly. I felt my cheek on where he kissed it. His lips felt cold when he touched my cheek. "Wow what an interesting day....time to take a shower" I said calmly. And I walked back to my room.

A/N: the pic above is Erika, and I might be late updating next week.

Bye bye~

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