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Kendra's POV

He looked at me and kissed me hard.

I return his kiss with every fibre in my body wishing that this moment would last forever. Oh how I've missed the feel of his body and the taste of his lips.

If Liam was a drug, I would be an addict.

He released my lips and he looked at me, taking in his scent I smile looking up at him.

"I love you Kennie. No mountain of obstacles could ever change the way I feel about you." he propped on his elbow as he looked at me. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about what was going on."

"I forgive you." I did honestly.

After so long, I've finally found peace.

He sat up and helped me up. He took his crumpled up bed sheet and wrapped me with it. He dropped his hands and looked at me for what felt like forever.

"It happened so suddenly," he began. "I was scared that if I'd told you what was going on then you might not want to stay and hang onto a man that might probably end up in jail. But now I realize that my fear wasn't that you will end up leaving me. It was that you will stay waiting for me." he ran a hand through his hair. "Even if I ended up in jail you'd wait and I didn't want to make you pass through that pain. I wanted you to move on with your life instead of holding onto me."

"The pain of waiting if you had told me would've been nothing compared to the pain I felt when you blew me off. Liam you broke my heart."

"I know and I'm sorry." he wrapped me in his arms and kissed my hair.

"Do you know how I felt? I felt like my life had been snatched away from me and I was dying slowly. Then I had an accident which I lost our baby."

I put my head down to hide the tears.

"Our... baby?" he place a finger to my chin and lifts my head slowly. He looked straight into my eyes with no hint of humour. I saw the sorrow that was buried deep in his grey eyes.

"Yes... our baby. I was three weeks pregnant when I had the accident."

He dropped his hand and walk to the wall. He combed through his hair in a state of frustration and began punching the wall so hard that his knuckles bled.

It was crazy watching him hurt himself. I toss the bed sheets aside and rush to pull him away from the wall before more damage could be done.

"I'm so sorry Kennie! I'm so sorry!" he broke down in my arms.

"Liam stop it please."

"I'm sorry Kennie. I didn't know."

"And neither did I until the accident. I guess it happened that one night I forgot to take my birth control pills. I should've been more careful."

"It's all my fault! I shouldn't have left you like that, I should've told you what was going on then maybe you wouldn't have been in that accident." I could see the battle in his eyes, beating himself up for my accident. "I want to make it up to you Kennie, tell me what you want me to do and I'll do anything."

"A few hours ago, I'd say stay the hell away from me. But right now, I just need you to hold me."

He smiled and hugged me tightly to his chest, his heart beating against my ear. There is no place I'd rather be than here in his arms, I hug him back touching the bandage on his left shoulder.

"How did you get injured?"

"Let's just say alcohol, plus anger, plus hangover, is a very bad combination."

I choked up a laugh.

"Tell me!"

"I broke a bottle in a fit of rage. Forgot I'd broken a bottle. Didn't see it. Slipped and fell on the bottle."

"That's what I call karma."

He laughed and held me tighter.

"Which hospital did you go to get it fixed?"

"Oh I went to St. Peter's hospital, you know the one on fourth street?"

My heart skipped. All traces of smile gone.

He couldn't have met Dexter. Or could he? I mean, what are the odds that he'd run into Dexter.

"It was a male doctor who had stitched it up for me."

"What you wanted a female doctor?" I raised a brow.

"Yeah!" he winked. "But not to burst your bubble or anything but this was not a female doctor. He was very much male and rather super friendly trying to take my mind off the pain as he stitched up the wound. He had a weird smile and a freakishly white teeth, said he was getting married soon and he'd like to see me there if I had the time. I think I made a friend out of him."

Oh God! Oh God!

"Kennie? What is it?"

I was hyperventilating, I needed air. My palms had gone sweaty and my throat dry. I wanted to speak by my tongue felt like it'd been rubbed with cement and plastered in my mouth.

"Kennie?! Talk to me!"

"Did the doctor tell you his name?" I finally said.

"Yes, Dexter King. But why does that matter?"

My knees grew weak and my body felt limp. Of all the doctors at St. Peters, it so happened to be Dexter who had to attend to him. Was the universe trying to punish me for what I'd just done with Liam?

My thoughts were cut short when I heard my phone ringing rather loudly from the living room. I rush out of the bedroom to go grab it and Liam followed behind me.


My hands trembled as I watched the caller ID on the screen. I could feel Liam's eyes on me, giving me a keen stare as he studyed my every move.

I swiped on the "answer" button and cleared my throat as I spoke into the receiver. "Hey Dex."

"Hi baby. Where are you? I'm at your flat now and you aren't here. Mia said you went out with a friend."

"Yes, I did... I went out with a friend." God forgive me for lying.

"Do you have any other friends that I don't know about? Because your one and only friend I know is Mia."

"I have other friends... tons of friends that you don't know about." I could feel the nervousness in my voice and only hoped that Dexter didn't notice it.

"Okay then. Aren't you coming back? It's almost midnight."

I look at the clock in the living room, indeed it was almost midnight. How did the time move so quickly?

"I got... carried away. I don't think I'll be able to make it back." I look to Liam who just watched me with a smirk on his face.

"Just tell me where you are I'll come pick you up." Dexter was sweet, but he didn't have to know where I was.

"No! I mean no, there's no need for that. I'll be fine, I can take care of myself. Besides, my friend will refuse to let me go out by this time of the night so I'll just stay here till morning."

"If you insist." he sighed. "Hey, why don't you invite your friend to our wedding, I'd really like to meet her." I bet he didn't believe me, else he wouldn't have wanted to meet my "friend".


"All right, I'll be heading home now. FYI, Mia has consumed all your food." he laughed. "Good night Kendra... I love you."

"Good night Dex." I hang up the phone.

I've never responded to Dexter's love proclamation and he's learned to live with that. He said one day, he believes I'll say it on my own time and he doesn't want it to be rushed or forced.

Now I know why I never returned it, because I was still in love with Liam and I only accepted his proposal because I wanted to escape from my past.

Liam just stood there, looking at me with his arms crossed on his chest. He said no words.

"Liam." I called him when he didn't say anything.

"So the doctor Dexter King is your fiancé?"


He's always been smart, always knows how to put two and two together.

"I see why you agreed to marry him, because he's nothing like me. Right? He's funny, and friendly, and kind, and not a heart breaker." his voice sounded bitter with a hint of pain.

"Liam you are all of those things and more, well except the heart breaker. You didn't do that intentionally."

"I'm too late aren't I?"


"Did you agree to fuck me one last time as closure? One last hoorah? Before your big day?"

I couldn't believe I'd just opened myself up to him and he's reading a completely different sign.

"I can't believe you are saying this!" I was becoming peeved at him. I walk back to the bedroom to grab my clothes.

He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me.

"I'm sorry Kennie. I'm just jealous and I've never been jealous before because I had you all to myself. Now I'm sharing you with someone else! I can't lose you again Kennie, I can't!"

"It's too late Liam. I'm already engaged." I was angry at him for thinking that about me.

"An engagement can be broken." he turn me to face him.

"I can't do that to Dexter, he's the sweetest person I know."

"He might be the sweetest person but you're not his, you're mine!"

"But I've agreed to marry him!"

"Then break it! I can't leave you again. I won't leave you again, not this time!"  he took my hand in his. "I love you Kennie don't you understand? But if you want to marry him then I won't stop you, because I see that you certainly want to marry him."

"Liam. I love you too as much as I've ever loved you, I can't lose you again and I can't break Dexter's heart. I'm not that person."

"Then you have got to make a choice. As long as I know now that you have forgiven me for the wrong that I did to you, I'll survive. Maybe this is my punishment for leaving you in the first place." his head bowed as he looked defeated.

"What would you have me do?"

"Call off the wedding or I leave you in peace and won't bother you ever again."

"Don't put me at a crossroad Liam."

"I'm not. You don't love Dexter, you're just holding onto him because you don't want to hurt his feelings. What kind of a marriage will that be?"

"I won't call it off." his face fell. "If you want me then you've got to fight for me."

"Fight for you? How?" he grimaced.

"You've got to prove to me that you deserve to have me back."

"I thought I already have."

"That didn't count."

"So how will I do it?"

"Be creative... let everyone know that I'm yours."


Hi dear reader, first of all thank you so much for reading and I hope you really are enjoying this story.

I'm sorry for what Kendra did to Dexter (by sleeping with someone else while engaged) but she was never his to begin with. How do you think Liam will make his statement? If you have any ideas let me know. Thanks again. 💞

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