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Liam's POV

The sun's ray penetrates through the blinds in rough lines spilling over the bed, I squint against the light as I open my eyes. Kendra lays on my arm wrapped in a blanket while sleeping peacefully, she looks so beautiful when she's asleep.

I move her closer to me as I kiss her forehead. I can't imagine life without her in it, God gave me the most precious gift ever and I almost lost it I'm even surprised that she forgave me after It all but I promise you Kennie, this time no matter the circumstance I'm not letting you go.

"Good morning love"

She opens her eyes slowly as she touch my cheek

"Good morning...I thought yesterday was a dream"

"If yesterday was a dream, then I will live in that dream like it was reality as long as you are with me in it because I won't want to wake up"

She laughs

"You're using pick up lines on me now"

"I'm trying to woo you all over again"

"I'm liking it"

I kiss her lips so soft and pleasing as she welcomes my kiss with matching hunger

"If you kiss me like that then I'm afraid I won't let you go to work today"

Her eyes widen

"Oh no! What time is it?"

"It's 7 am"

"Liam why didn't you wake me earlier!" She jumps out of the bed as she grabs her clothes from the floor which had remained like that since our love making

"At least shower"

"No time! I need to get to my apartment to get dressed I'll shower there"

"Why don't you call Mia to bring your clothes over while you shower here"

"Remember we work for the same company? She'll be at work"

"You need to leave a few of your work clothes here just in case something like this happens again you know like the way it was"

"I know but it can't be there's Dexter in the picture now"

"I don't want you to go"

"I have to, remember I'm still an engaged woman I don't want to give people the wrong idea when they see me going to the office from your place"

"I'll make sure I take you back"

She smiles

"Bye Liam" she kisses me lightly and walks out

I lay on the bed for like ten minutes staring at the spot Kendra was lying on before she got up, what can I do for her to be right here beside me permanently?

With so little effort, I swing my legs out of the bed as I force the rest of my body to get up. I head to the bathroom for a shower, after which I put on a red T-shirt and blue jeans and I start working on my laptop, I have accounts to process for Michael Jeffers, Liz's husband. He had been so kind to offer me the job since I needed to do something and my license had just been reinstated so I became his financial advisor and his accountant.

After few hours of work, I look at the time, almost lunch and kennie will be out soon so I close my laptop, grab my keys and jacket as I head out.

The moment I step into the building there were stares coming from different angle. I ignored them as I walk into the elevator, pressing the button to Kennie's floor the elevator doors shut.

"Oh my God is that Liam?"

One lady asks another as soon as the elevator opens and I walk out

"It's Liam! what is he doing here after so long?"

The other reply

I ignore their comment as I head straight for Kendra's office. Just as I reach the door Mia comes out with a smiley face but as soon as she saw me, the face which was turned upwards fell down instantly like the walls on her face had trembled due to a facequake

"What are you doing here?"

She cross her arms to me as she stands in front of the door blocking my way in

"I'm happy to see you too Mia but would you mind? I'm kinda here to see Kennie"

"After all this time you are here to see Kendra, well she doesn't want to see you"

At that moment Kendra's door opens

"Thank you Mia I'll take it from here"

"But Kendra it's Liam! You know Liam!"

"I'll be fine"

She shrugs and looks at me straight in the eyes giving me the I've got my eye on you with her index finger and her middle finger as she points to her eyes and back at mine before she left us

Kendra quickly drags me in and closes the door so fast that even flash would be surprised at the speed

"I've missed you" I say to her as I kiss her passionately and she returns the kiss

"We were together this morning"

"I know but just a few hours isnt enough for me"

"So what do you want, a whole day?" She backs up as she leads me to the chair and she sits on her desk


She stares at me and something sparkles in eyes


"I know you are engaged now but it wouldn't be for long"

"What are you planning? My wedding is in two weeks"

"Nothing...let me take you out to lunch"

"Please don't tell me its the coffee shop cos I'll literally faint if you drag me there"

"I have somewhere better in mind"

"OK let's go"

She grabs her blazer

"Kendra where're you off to?" Mia stops us half way to the elevator

"I'm off to lunch"

"With Liam?

She whispers

"Yeah, I'll be back Mia its not like he's gonna kidnap me"

"OK I'll be here"

Mia stares at us until the elevator doors shut

Kendra's POV

I was surprised when we drove up to the krispy kreme, I looked at Liam and he only smiled at me

"Hold on" he said coming out to open the passenger door for me

"Thank you" I step out

The moment we walk in, he led me to the table and left to get our food

"I want to take you out on a date"

"Isn't this a date?"

I said with my mouth full as I bit into the apple fritter

"No it doesn't count as a date. How 'bout tonight?"


"Yea let me take you out tonight to somewhere fancy"

"I'd like that"

"I'll pick you up at 7"


We talked a little, ate, and Liam drove me back to the office. I told him it wasn't necessary to walk me all the way up to my door but he insisted. The elevator swing open and Mia rush up to me

"Kendra Dexter's here"


"Liam you have to go"

"Go? I'm not going anywhere I'd like for him to meet me officially now"

"No Liam..."

He ignores me as he walks straight to my office and opens the door. I follow right behind him as Dexter looks at him and back at me

"Hi Dex"

I walk up to him for a hug and Liam clenched his fist

"I thought I'd drop by to pay you a visit and maybe take you out to lunch but Mia said you were already out so I decided to wait for you till you got back"

"Yeah I did, aren't you going back to the hospital?"

"Oh I am if I'm late for just a few minutes it won't hurt anyone"

He kiss my cheek

"Hi I'm Li..."

"Lincoln! Dexter this is my friend Lincoln"

Liam stretches out his hand towards Dexter

"Nice to meet you Lincoln I seem to remember that we've met before"

"Yes we have, you stictched my shoulder"

"Oh yes that's right! How's your shoulder?"

"Healing up nicely"

"OK...I have to go back now it was nice meeting you again Lincoln"


He kiss my cheek and head out

"Lincoln? Friend?"

"Liam I'm sorry...I panicked, I don't want him finding out like this"

"So you decide to call me what...Lincoln?"

"If you had said Liam he would've known"

"I can't take this anymore I'm gonna let him know and stop this charade once and for all"

"Liam please, not now"

"You said I should let everyone know that I'm back and let Dexter know that I've come to take what's mine and from here on out that's what I'll do"

"OK do what you want I need to work now"

"I'll pick you up at 7"

He moves closer and kiss me passionately Dexter's kisses are nothing compared to Liam's. Dexter's feel so casual but Liam's is like a tsunami explosion on my insides

"Bye Liam"

"Bye Kennie...I love you"

"And I love you back"

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