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Copyright ©️ 2019 R. A. Michael (Kintenara)

Liam's POV

I felt like I'd been run over by a truck which left me limp. My body seemed as if it was attached to my head and had a mind of it's own. The more I try to move the more the atmosphere seemed to change, like I was floating.

My throat was parched from the lack of water and I felt a sudden ache in my head when I tried to get up.

"Shhhhh don't move."

Kendra's voice was only a whisper but it sounded like megaphones in my ears. I felt her arms around me and the body heat emanating from her and onto me

"You hungry?" She asked still holding onto me.

"Yes." my stomach rumbled.

"Okay just hold tight I'll be right back. Would you like a sandwich?"


I couldn't comprehend how i was feeling, I didn't know what had happened to me or how I got to my flat. I can't remember anything from the office.

Kendra stood up and headed to the kitchen and I felt cold again. I opened my eyes to see her walking graciously to the kitchen butt naked and for a second there I thought that maybe Kendra brought me home and maybe we'd made love, but the funny thing is that I can't remember any of it.

I tried to sit up and the blanket fell from my body and I saw myself without clothes either.


I look around the living room to check if anything had been out of place, but it was still tidy. If I'd done anything with her and we ended up here, then this place would've been a mess by now. 


"What happened? Did we...?" I asked her when she returned with two plates of sandwiches.

"Trust me babe WE didn't do anything, if we did you'd surely remember it. Or have we ever done anything you couldn't remember the next day?" She asked.

"No." she is right.

"WE didn't but YOU and Matilda did last night." she placed one plate in front of me and sat beside me to munch on the sandwich on the other plate.

"What?!!" I was confused. I didn't understand how me and Matilda could be in the same sentence, let alone to do anything with her.

The strain in my voice increased the throbbing pain at the back of my neck.

"Relax honey, it was all Matilda. Tell me, what do you remember from yesterday?"

She looked like a detective from one of those investigative films where she's trying to solve a mystery.

"Well... um... I went back to the office after we had lunch, Matilda spoke to me surprisingly and she... she told me I had a call and offered to bring me coffee. After that I... I remember I had a sudden migraine and couldn't stand properly so I asked her to call you and that's it that's all I remember."

"That bitch!" she said under her breath, "Take a look at these photos." She handed her phone to me.

"Oh my God!!" I couldn't believe my eyes. I saw myself on the floor with Matilda doing all sorts of things to me.

"I can't remember doing any of this." I said in my defence.

"She drugged you Liam, that two-faced wretch drugged you. She must've put it in the coffee somehow." she took another bite of the sandwich.

"But how did you get these pictures?" I handed the phone back.

"She sent them, probably to make me hate you. But I know you and I know that you would never do anything to hurt me intentionally."

"Kennie I'm sooo sorry." I took her hands in mine and looked in her depths with the greatest heartfelt apology I could muster.

"Why are you apologising you didn't do anything wrong. Or did you?" she raised an eyebrow.

"I shouldn't have let it happen."

I felt sad, I should've known Matilda was up to no good. I should've known and now look at where it left me, if Kendra wasn't trusting then it would've crumbled my relationship.

"You didn't let it happen, how could you have known that you had a psychopath for a secretary huh? I mean Matilda sounds like an evil name right? Didn't it send any red flags?" She looked at me and laughed, trying to lighten the mood. I laughed too.

"She's got to go."

I made that decision firmly from my mind.

"Of course she has got to go, but don't worry I put her in her place for now."

"What did you do this time?" I smiled.

"Don't worry about it, eat your sandwiches, take a shower and I'll give you a massage. I'm sure you need it after what your body went through in the hands of that wicked witch of the west."

"Wait, I have to call the office, let them know I won't be able to make it today."

"Oh you stress too much, I've taken care of that already." she smirked.

"Really? What can I do without you kennie?" I held her face.

"Probably nothing."

We laughed as I bit into the sandwich.

"Well Matilda will have to take care of all the work done for today." I said with my mouth full.

"Serves her right for trying to frame my man."

She nudged closer to me, I couldn't have asked for a better person.

Matilda's POV

Who does she think she is? Kendra Wellington, you think you can just waltz in and threaten me? You are mistaken. I'm going to make you pay for everything you have done and if you don't pay for it then your faithful and beloved Liam will.

I knew Liam was going to be a no show and I hope he dies. Sasha told me earlier that Kendra had called to inform her that he wouldn't be able to make it. I'm so sure she's with him and they're together now cuddled up in each other's arms.

"Arrrrgh!!" I threw the stapler that was in my hands.

"Let's see how you wiggle your way out of this one Liam."

I unlocked his door and entered into his office. It smelt like him, the smell of masculinity and dominance.

Why have you got to be so stubborn hmm?

He could've chosen me, we could've had the sweetest most romantic life but he pushed me away. I've worked with him for four years and he was aware of how I felt towards him.

I'm sure he knew that I've been in love with him since the first day I met him but instead he started dating that slut from hell.

Oh Liam! My poor poor Liam! I know you won't let me work with you again after today so I'm just going to do something that'll help you remember me by one last time.

"Now let's see." I clicked on his laptop, there was a deadline that needed to be submitted today. 

"A&A company's accounts... let's do a little magic here."

He has always been the comapany's golden boy, not because it's his dad's, but because Liam Never makes any mistakes in balancing. But today will be an exceptional day.

"And send. Whoops-a-daisy, sorry Liam." I laughed hysterically.

I went to my desk, printed my resignation letter, I dropped one on Liam's desk and on my way out I dropped the second one with Sasha.

So sorry Liam, but the journey to YOUR thousand miles starts today.

A/N: what the hell just happened? What do you think is going to happen? I think everything's hit the fan.

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