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"This is so not fair! Unfair!" Nanna yelled angrily as she paced the kitchen. "Why do we have to wait here while our mother and our sibling is in danger?"

"Technically the baby is more of our half sibling." Ursa pointed out. "Since daddy didn't help her make it."

"It's still our brother or sister!" Nanna snapped angrily before taking a deep breath and smoothing her hair back. "Look, mom needs us. Remember what aunt Heather told us about the Bewilderbeast dwelling under her old island before it was destroyed by that same dragon?"

"Yeah, it had an egg." Kris replied. "Dragon hunters tried to steal it for someone so they could have control over a Bewilderbeast."

"I want to suspect mom's ex dad." Elia commented and shuddered. "I can't believe we're related to that man. But he already had mom under his control at the time, so why would he need another dragon as powerful as her?"

"Maybe to manipulate it from it's childhood years?" Kris suggested. "Also if you have two of the most powerful dragons, who's going to stop you?"

"Toothless." The younger girls replied.

There was a loud knock on the door. Nanna stopped her pacing to open it and found Stoick and River standing in the entrance, a worried look in their eyes.

"Oh thank Odin, we worried you left to do something drastic." Stoick said with a sigh of relief as he and his sister entered the house.

"Which isn't fair because it's our mother we're talking about." Nanna said with a roll of her eyes. "Seriously, who knows how long will it take for the adults to finally go after her to see where her nest is at?"

"Grandma says it takes days for a Bewilderbeast to find the perfect place to build a nest." River commented. "Perhaps by nightfall she will reach the north to start building her ice nest to hide the egg in."

"But we don't have time to do that!" Elia protested. "Dad says there are numerous tribes who still hunt and trap dragons up north, who knows if anyone spots her when she resurfaces they'll try and follow her to see if she has a nest of her own!"

"I say we go after her!" Valka exclaimed, hopping down from her chair. "We follow mum and keep any hunters away from her and our baby brother or sister!"

"Yeah!" Erette added enthusiastically. "Butt kicking!"

"My gods you're crazy." Stoick muttered. "Look no one is going after Skyla and-"

"Who says we can't?" The cousins turned to see Bashnut, Magnus, Smashlout, Greta, Bailey and Harry in the doorway, the older children's dragons peeking over their heads.

"Smashlout don't you dare-"

"Don't I dare what, cousin?" Smashlout challenged, her pale blue eyes narrowed. "Go after our poor aunt just because a bunch of adults said not to? Since when have any of us stuck to the rules? The Ingerman kids are the ones who's dad always sticks to them and yet they break them when necessary!"

"Oh my Thor you're being stupid again." River spat sarcastically and pointed to a stool. "Go sit in a corner until your stupidity goes away."

"Hey I want to go after our aunt just as much as you guys do, but we can't risk getting ourselves hurt." Stoick interrupted before Smashlout could attack River and got between them. "You all heard what my father and grandmother said about Bewilderbeasts, especially ones protective of their own eggs."

"Stoick is right, we have to be careful about this." Elia commented and looked to the other teens and children. "We all have to be smart about this, I know my mother would never hurt any of us but she's in the state of mind of a wild dragon who's going to be protecting her nest from intruders."

"Then we need a plan of attack." The kids all turned to see Dagra and her two younger brothers enter the house.

"Oh my Thor, can't we all just listen to adults for once?!" Stoick groaned and Dagra grinned mischievously.

"Sorry Stoick, but it's in my nature to do crazy things." The young Berserker replied and turned to the other children. "So what do you say, we go chase after a Bewilderbeast and protect an egg?"

"Yeah!" The kids yelled loudly.

"We're gonna get in trouble!" Stoick protested.

"Eh, I'm sure mum will excuse us." Nanna replied with a shrug.

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